LAWS of MINNESOTA for 1994 CHAPTER 448—H.F.No. 2665 An act relating to parks and recreatz'on; adding lands to certain state parks; converting certain recreation areas to state parks; deleting land from"a recreation area; combining a trail and certain waysides into a recreation area; abolishing astate park; allowing sale of tax-forfeited land within Tettegouche.State Park; amending Minnesota Statutes 1992, section 85.054, by adding a subdivision; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1992, section 85.013, subdivi- ‘ sions 16, 18a, 24, 26, and 28. BE IT ENACTED BY THELEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section I. ADDITIONS TO, DELETIONSV FROM, AN_D DESIGNA- TION OF NEW STATE PARKS. _ Subdivision l_. [85.0l2] [Subd. 22.] GEORGE H. CROSBY MANITOU STATE PARK, LAKE COUNTY. following George _Th_§ agg i_s_ addedytg _l;I_, Crosby Manitou state park; Northeast quarter The gf _th_e_: Northeast guarter 9_t_‘ Section Northwest quarter Q9; _’l_11_e_ 9_f Q Northwest guarter, 1 Southwest Quarter 9;‘ the Northwest guarter, lh_e Southeast Quarter gf Q Northwest Quarter, Northeast Quarter 93‘ Southwest jg tl_1_e_, Quarter, TIE Southeast Quar- Southwest Quarter Section jgg 9f the gf 2_l_',,All_ i_n Township -§§ North, Range Q West, Lake county, Minnesota. ' Subd. [85.012] [Subd. 32a.] LAC _2_, QUI PARLE STATE PARK. L_a_g gu_i Parle state park, Parle Lag gui county, which is hereby renamed from Lag gui Parle state recreation area. Subd. 1 [85.012] [Subd. 44a.] MOOSE LAKE STATE PARK. Moose Lake state park, Carlton county, which hereby renamed i_s from Moose Lake state Leg reation area. - Subd. _§_. [85.012] [Subd. 47.] OLD MILL STATE PARK, MARSHALL COUNTY. following added The arg _i_§ to _o_1g Mill §1at_e_ 33111;, Government _Lgt_§ '_1‘_h§ 53‘ Government _3_ §,nc_l 31; flgg gay lo_t g, Ih_e Northwest guarter gf gig Southwest quarter 91‘ Northeast the quarterfigl L133; p_a_r_t 9_f g1_e_ Southwest guar- Southwest jt_e__r_ o_f fig Quarter 9_f Northeast ‘quarter lying Northwest 91' tfi a_ l_in_e drawn from Northeast corner Southwest corner the 19 ;h_e _qfs_21i_<1 te_n a__c;1_'g 1r_;a£t_, Section Townshig 51, _A1_l in l_5_6_ North, Range gg West, Marshall county, Minne- sota. - . , Subd. _; [85.0l2] [Subd. 52a.] SCHOOLCRAFT STATE PARK. School- craft state park, Cass a_rg Itasca counties, which i_s hereby renamed from School- craft state recreation area. ' ‘ Subd. __6_. [85.0l2] [Subd. S3h.] SPLIT ROCK CREEK STATE PARK. Split Rock Creek state park, Pipestone county, which i_s hereby renamed from Split Rock Creek state recreation area. » Subd. _]_._ [85.012] [Subd. 55.] TEMPERANCE RIVER STATE PARK, New language is indicated by underline, deletions by Copyright © 1994 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. Ch. 448 LAWS of MINNESOTA for 1994 284 COOK COUNTY. following added Temperance River _'I;hp gee; _i_s Q sfi gglg, 13 Northeast Quarter; flip Southeast Quarter o_f tl'1_e Northwest Quarter,‘ [lye North Southwest Quarter, gig Southwest Quarter th_e Q3 h_2_1_1_1_“ pf the gn_d_ pf Southwest Section townshin North. Range West Quarter o_f _2_Q afl Q _§_9_ A Q 7 A county, Minnesota. subdivision ‘tQt addition other activities authorized section 86A.O5, Q _t_o_ Q Temperance River state park may allow public hunting. Subd. [85.0l2] [Subd. 55a.] TETTEGOUCHE STATE PARK, LAKE COUNTY. following added Tettegouche state park; Government 33 agga _i_s t_o Northwest Quarter, lo_t Q, Government l_o_t 5, The Southwest Quarter 9531;; Qp West Southwest Northeast Quarter _o_f @ Southwest Quarter, 1 half o_f t_l'Q Section Quarter, Section,_l_l_, a_Q1<_i flip El g hi1f‘91't_l_1_c:_ Southeastgzuarter, l_0. South Southwest Quarter Section lying _T_lLat pa_rt pf Qe png hilf o_f Q; o_f §_ number gig Westerly o_f Minnesota trunk highway _1_ an_d_ fig} gpg @ o_f Qe township Range West, Northwest _<Qe Quarter _o_f Section E, A_1l Q Q North, 1 fie, county, Minnesota. ’ addition state park provided The commissioner shall manage E _2§_ 9, Q Q section 86A.05, subdivision ;, Q11 Q addition Q other activities authorized Q Tettegouche state park may allow public hunting. ~ Notwithstanding section 85.012, subdivision L, tax-forfeited land located from gag transferred within Tettegouche state park i_s gg withdrawn s_al_e Qpgt board. from Qg custody, control, _aQ1gl_ supervision o_ftl1_e county Subd. [85.012] [Subd. 60.] WILLIAM O’BRIEN STATE PARK, WASH- INGTON COUNTY. =_"l;lQ following added t_o William O’Brien a_r_e t_h_g gape paplg, Q) lh_e entire Northwest quarter (NW 1/4),’ ’th_e Northeast quarter o_f @"o_f‘tl1_e Q9, Southwest guarter (E _l/_4 9_f§V_V_ yfi); @ Q ;&'_tpfth_e_ North Southeast guarter Southwest guarter which _c_>_f Q; (lj lg o_f S_E E pf Sfl E) Qg North o_f‘tl1_e village street running easterly _a_rQ westerly across §aigl_ tract, a_ll Section Townshin North, Range ‘West, Washington county, Minne- Q _1_. Q1 Q £012; M Q) I122 _.__S011th _5_(E f£e_t 9&3 fsit M éi _S_€_C: Township Range West, Washington county, Minnesota. QCQ ;3_(_), 3 North, Q Subd. [85.012] [Subd. 61.] ZIPPEL BAY STATE PARK. Zippel Qty renamed from Zippel state park, Lake pf Q; Woods county, which is hereby _];a_1y state recreation area. Sec. 2. DESIGNATION OF RECREATION AREA; DELETION FROM EXISTING AREA. VALLEY STATE REC- Subdivision l_. [85.0l3] [Subd. 17a.] MINNESOTA REATION AREA. Minnesota Valley state recreation area, Hennepin, Dakota, Scott, Carver, Sibley, an_d Q Sueur counties. New language is indicated by ~underline, deletions by st!‘-i-leeeat. Copyright © 1994 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. 285 LAWS of MINNESOTA for 1994 Ch. 449‘ ~ consists 9;“ ‘th_e Min- Subd. _g, (a) _’[_h_e Minnesota Valley state recreation area ~ Carver Lawrence, nesota Valley t_rai_l gig tfi Belle Plaine, Blakeley, Rapids, Rice Lake, and Rush River state waysides. ~~~ manage recreation (Q) The commissioner gllall the u_n_i_t Q Q gat_e area §_s_ subdivision. addition provided i_n_ Minnesota Statutes, section 86A.05, _3_. in to _gt_l§e_1; activities authorized within state parks, the fol1owing_activities _n_1_ay be ~~ permitted i_n certain areas «o_f th_e Minnesota Valley state. recreation E a_s, gr}: scribed th_e commissioner: public hunting, trapping, Q31 fishing Q) exist- ~~ by Q) i_ng ’g_ai_l Estes; IE acguisition of lgrg Q th_e Minnesota Valley state recreation s_h_a_ll continue t_o 13 provided i_n Minnesota Statutes, section 85.021, §1_1b; ~~ _a_r_e_a_ gg d_i!i_S&L L A and 2».- Subd. ST. CROIX ISLANDS RECREATION __11._ [85.013] [Subd. 22.] ~~~ WASHINGTON COUNTY. following deleted AREA, @ £65; i_s flit 315 _S_:¢, Croix Islands recreation Government Section Government area; L_ot _7_, L45 _a_n_d E>i§2§L1QlQ§zQtLQ2LLafliQ£QWL1§iIi21QN_<3_ml;B1I1g§@W£§LW£flLugL<m ~~~ county, Minnesota. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1992, section 8.5.054, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: ~~~ Subd. i JAY COOKE STATE PARK. A state park permit. is gqtreguired must kg charged motor vehicle parking Veterans ~~ 1111 €_3._ fee ;g Q entry 9; a_t go Memorial portion Cooke state park. scenic overlook _c_>_f ;_F_a_y 5 ~~~ sec. 4. REPEALER. Minnesota Statutes 1992, section 85.013, subdivisions 1_6_, 14:1, 2_6_, g;i_ ~~ gs, are repealed. Sec. 5. INSTRUCTIONS TO REVISOR. ~~ I_h_e revisor of statutes shall insert _a_n appropriate notation after those repealed subdivisions i_n_ section 85.013, agi gllgll transfer ’_th_c_ legislative histo- gig repealed ri_e§ o_f subdivisions t_o follow ;h_e appropriate subdivisions i_n s_e_<_:_-_ A ' ~~~ fig §§£1_L ~~ Presented to the governor April 12, 1994 Signed by the governor April 15, 1994, 1:35 p.m. ~~ ~ CHAPTER 449——S.F.N0. 819 An act relating to telephone services; prohibiting collection of charges for information ~~ services as if they were charges for telephone services; providing for notice of certain call blocking options; amending Minnesota Statutes 1992, section 237.66, by adding a subdivi- proposing coding Minnesota ~~ sion; for new law in Statutes, chapter 325F. ~ New language is indicated by underline, deletions by Copyright © 1994 by the Office of the Revisor of Statutes, State of Minnesota. All Rights Reserved. .
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