APRIL 1960 DEFlND­ ING HIS TITLE AGAIN I 60 CENTS Subscrlptio. Ra.~ ONE YEAR $6.00 1 Whi te to move and will 2 B lack to move and w in To be a Queen behind jll.~t If it's a eomfon 10 you, it CHESS iC PRESTIDIGITATION has to be ;;omewhat Ullcom­ i~ true her e tllln ,.-on are There are other ways or winning chess games of COlll"Se, but fortable -- b ,11, here you are a materia lly a hearl in Illi~ po­ the appe~lling way i~ by some surprise maneuver. U~\\ally . the Que .. n and an Exc hflnge bp, sition. Still. if your men- !:'acrifice of a Queen, as ;;\lch a gift s urpasses eX[le<::tatiolls. llind, in t'xl'iHlIl;;e, if yon in' aee(\ B ishop Have~ i!.~elf. But surprise comes nol only by such forceful, if not brutal, sist, 1'01' one miserable Pawn, you then lose time for pro~ - means. The subtle lllove call be as effective 11 ~l1 rpri, se whether It's a !'in"'l you cannot wi n eClll ing the winning alla<'k_ at the beginning or the end, or midway' ill a com bination, with a "brutal" Queen saCI'i­ Is there mOl'," than ~ h ecl' op­ You al'e to find the winning ways in these positions. l'uting fice, And YOlll' [look is not in timism ill this >li twltion to excellent for 10 correct solutiollH ; g ood for S ; f,lil" for 6. position 10 be slLcl'ificed. justify your beliedng you Solutions on page 127. ' How do you win'; ('an win slleedily '? 3 Whi t e to move and w i n 4 Black to move and win 5 White to move and w in 6 Wh ite to move and win As White ill this position. Spe.llilng of dire plights - Here, ,t~ White, YOli can ob­ You can say hel'e that YOUi' you hftl'e presumably let the you can't al-oid the subject ~el'l e the l>oHilion with all oppouenl. Ulack i~ f'1l{leal-­ opponent ravage destructive· here for yOIl are threatened confident'e_ :llatet'jalb', YOll orillg to enforce H draw, Iy through your Queen-side by mate, twice over, and, if J; t:\lHl all en'n, Posilionally, l'os~ibly eyen, he alms just with all ulterior motive of t hat were not enough, by ~'OL' obl"iou~ly have Illu{'h lh.' at liquida t ion. intending to your own firmly in mind. In . Ioss of a Bishop, to boot. You beu!'r 01' it. You save your 1I'0rk o n your i~olm e d Queen fact. your King-side is not. might be able to afford boot­ Queen, and all is well. nut P"lI'n a fter lhat. The posi­ too healthy either. So what ing t he Bishop: but any male hold Oil a minute: Such a lioll ~eem~ ~tel'i l e - lJUt no! is youI' prescription to rem­ is another nl!ltlcl', So what ripe po~itiollal superiority thf'l'e are at 1f', I ~1 three edy tile matter? It'd better b; your eUllning ~ur!' 1'01' lhi~ da~~i,'ally I'all~ 1'01 ' a pay­ trie~ of SOr1~ . Whkh one 0[' be good! case? o fr'. \\- Il<LC is it'! t lle m WOL'ks~ 7 W hite to move and mate 8 Black to move and w i n 9 Wh ite to move and w i" 10 Black to move and win Here as in position 2. YOIl A cluttere(\ position (every Expe"iellce is a lltl€tul a~ ,"'et You can not 'lhrays "X)led to have con[erreu heavy superi­ lllall is still on the board) - you lllUHt use it Ot' e!~e rOr<'e a matc= -- though YOll ority in Queen-side Pawns presents peculiaI' problems squander thollgilt a ll(: energy will us ually do 11'1'11 to t ry! on Black. There seems to be if one looks fOl' lL win 011 in re-~oll'ing p roblem ~ too As Blatk here you ha\'e Hom e >;ome question as to YOlll' the spot. But then, if you difl'icult fOi ' working out jlroblems; above alL a POOL' policy in that YOllr King think to look for such, it ol-er-lhe-twan l. YOll hal'e a ending is in Pl'oH I, ect. So Hook is immured, But then may be half the secret! Do fine ol'Poi'tlinity here to it bebooves you to do ,lOm e­ Black's development, temiJOI" not let the locl,~d position re-ns,. ,-xperien" e nlready what more lhan ju~1. eXl.l'i, arily at least. leaves mueh 01' the eOll!',"estion of COll' ­ -"a,' I1 .. ,., -d (II, t hi~ ]Ja)!:I<_ '1'11(' "ate yon l' lli~h"I' , 1·'ll l' yon to be desiJ'ed, So aim for I' Olle nt~ barfle YOIl, 'rlw ...: \\'i" i~ )ll'<,ny, ;11\11 !lot (';,~y , "'Ll I w in , jJl'llvid"d YO Il C"U a mate, iJ; a Will, Wbat h; iU ~e \! jl'! I'IJJ'eeil'e how, CHESS REVIEW 'HI ""'''AI CHESS AlAOAZIHf Volume 28 Number 4 April, 1960 EDITED &. PUBLISH E D B Y I, A. Horowlt:l A REMIN ISCENCE they add interest to Olher magazines and I wonder if the Review wo uld be in· would hel p yours greatly. Third, for fillers, TABLE OF CONTENTS terested in Ihe fo J] ()w ing Pillsbury anec· there could be some new chess facts by dote, not prey iuus!)" published so far a ~ In'ing Chernev. Fourth, articles, games Book of the Mo nt h ... ... .. ... .... 104 I know. and studies reprinted from fo reign ches~ Ch essboa rd Magic! . .... .. ... .. 109 Between 50 and 60 years ago, Pillsbury Chess Cav iar ....... .... ... ... 115 journals, Europe, South America, Asia, C h ess C ity, USA .. .......•. .. ... 101 gal'c a simuit.aneolls blindfold exhibition etc. Fifth a regular Headers' Leiters col· Chess Club Di rectory ... .... .... 103 at Minneapolis playi ng about the maxI · umn, instead of one every two months or Event of the Month .. .. ... ....... 102 mum number for those exhibitions. so. There must be at leasl fOllr people who Finishing Touc h ... .......... .. 105 At one hoard quil l' early in the game. read CHJ::SS REV IEW every month who llave Games f rom Recent Event s ...... 116 my friend Lewis accidentally caught a something interesling to say. How to Win in the Ending ...... 108 Pawn wilh his slceve, moving it from QRi Perhaps, I should contrad ict my fi rst On the Cover ......... .. ....... 99 10 QR3. By the lime they reached t h~ sentence and say that this is meant as con· Past Masterpieces .. .... .. .... .. 107 middle game. he was so accustomed to structive criticism. Anyway, I feel that, Postal Chess . ... ... .......... ... 124 seeing it at QR3 that it never occurred to if some of my suggestions are put into R eaders' Games .. ... ... ....... .. 113 Solitair e Chess ....... ". " .. ....... 112 him to wonder how it got there. So when. operation, the magazine could be made Spot light on Openi ngs ............ 110 at about the 18th mOI'e, P illsbury played 1000/0 more interesting:. Tournament Calendar ... ... .... .. 102 j\'.QN5, Lewis cheerfully replied . .. Pxl'\ WAYNE O. KOIrl En Wo rld of Chess ....... ... ...... 99 and protested vigorollsly when it wa~ St. Catharines, Ollt. called an impossible move. • Mr. Komer's points are all constructive. EDI TOR Pillshury, who was in a far corner of We feel he implies we have not had some I . A. Horowitz the room, playing whist and a couple of of the items when we did have thenl; but it EXECUT IVE EDITOR Jack Straley Battell games of checkers, impatiently called : is tme there could be more. Good stories, CONTR IBU TINQ ED ITORS "Set up the board again." He then ran enthralling reminiscences and el'en keen A. B. Bisguler. I. Chernev, J . \V. Collins. off the 35 (White and Black) moves as cartoons just don't come for the wishing. T. A. Dunst, Dr. M. Ruwe. Hans Kmoch. W. Korn, lqed Reinfeld. quickly as Lewis could move the pieces. We are looking out for them - and yet CORRESPONDENTS trying to provide solid chess fare for the Alabama E. M. Cockrell. That even Pillsbury felt the strain of part of our readers who primarily want Ala ska S. H. O·Nell l. California Dr. fl. Ralston. )or. J. Royer. these exhihil ions was shown at a subse· that. As for readers' letters, we save them Co lorado J. J. Reid. quent appearance in Minneapolis when, till we have enough to make a sizable Con necticut Edmund E . Hand. after abollt 20 moves, he announced that showing and ones of suitable reader·inte r­ Delaware 111. R . Paul. Florida R. C. Eastwood. he was losing t.he thread of some of the est. One exception, though, we do not in· Georgia Braswell Deen. games but would finish them with sight of tend to "reprint" (copy) what has ap· illinois J. G. \Varren. Ind ian a O. C. Hills. D . E . Rhead. the board, if desi red . This was agreed: peared in other publications, save for such Iowa 'V. G. Vanderburg:. and he had not lost his gri p on them, for collected bits as go to make up "Spotlight Kentucky J. W. ~Inyer . Kansas K. R. i\lacDonald. he won all the games. on the Openings" and the like. - Eo. Louisiana A. L. McAule~'. WILfRED Bul'!) Maine L .
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