klurer ~ On the Inside • • The Weather. ~on , cll" . all() o(~ iIII4 Pcutly cloudy and warm r lod:zy our ' l~~'- thundarsho Iomorro'w o the 'ba"~ l1li today &0 IDw 68. Y \alday' a hi .. ;"", .... owan 85. r > • at ... PCJge 4 Eat, 11188 - AP LeaMd Wire, AP Wirephoto, UP LeaJIed Wire - Five Cents Iowa City. Iowa, Wednesday. June 22, 1949 - Vol 83, No. 17 ~ • Medical Dean Mayo .H. Soley Kills Himself willi .22 Pislol Truman Attacks Soviet Refu Dean Mayo H, Soley, 42, of the 8ill medical college, com· mitted suicide About 9 :45 a.m. yesterday in the'gIWagl! of bis home at 1036 Woodta1Vn avenue. \'- ' To .See West German Progr " Jobnson County Coroner (kotge D. Callabat\ said Soley sbot hilllSetf in the Mort with a .22 caliber pistol. Soley hod gone to his office about 8 :30 in tbe morning 88 Even Oldlimers Can Get Lost * * usual but left about 9 :30 for bis Claims Pari y IIome. He apparently went into pe"rsortal loss lind ill an unmeas­ WASHINGTON (lP)-Like the thousnnds or tourists who visit the house, got the gun and went ured lbss to the university, the the capitol, Senator Pepper (D-Fla.) gets lost, too. state and his profeSSion. It seems out to tbe garage where his wife Pepper, who has b en on the "Hill" 13 Yfar~, got out of a Shows Fore-gn incredible that so much ability fOllnd him dying a few moments H and c~arm and buoyancy should seldom-used el v tor on the house sidl'. stuti!d to walk away later. sUddertly be lit an end," and fo und him elf fa cing a bla nk w II. lilllahan said there wu "no PoHcy Corr~( t "Say, how do you gel to the nat "" he a~k.ed. Som on told Soley came to SUI all dean of a,.lrent reason lor the act ex­ him. r • • B In etJK &hat he h&ll been under a the' colle,e of medicine' July 1, WASHINGTON yen heavy burden of work and 1948. PreviOUSlY, He . had been ~ d ClaTed Y t r R­ lal been somewhat depreaed serving as protes9<lt of medicine ala's refusal "to r 0 nll Ih im­ and assistant ~a)1 ar the Univer­ ia I result." portant progr 5" lif the WestE'l1l sity of CalifOl"nia medical school Johnson Lists Carrier ,Dean Soley had been working powers 10 build Ill' a d r ocrall; at San Francisoo. ', w rn G rmany had block J _ reportedly 16 hours a day - He' succeeded the latl! Ewen M. agr ement on Germ 1\ u iflt' t n for several weeks on the expan­ M'"cEwen, who died Sep. 3, 1947. Revamp at $80-Million at the Pan fot ian lIlinlsters siOn at , the sm coUege of medi­ 111 addiilOll &0 hll du&iel u , meeUn . cine requested by 1he 1949 state , 'A BIN T N (AP)-.' cr tary of D ft>n Loui ,John On ifgisiature. He had made a pre­ dean 01 lie medical celle.. e, Sol­ caliI'd Russia all oppon nt oi P Bce y . tl'rda~' and at t' 88 mI' ey was director ot meldJcal ller. liminary report to the legislative time BlllIOUDaf' d plaus f or modernizing two 1.! .S. aircraft l'srri rs VIces 01 the UIlIveI'Ii&)f" botIpltaJs interim committee only last Mon­ at H <, ost oj' $ and relrearcit pl'llfelllOr In Ule • Dean Mayo H. Soley 0,000,000. d.y on the proposed expansion. depCtment 011nte..... JM4jclDe, ------~-------- This will give tb nit d 'tat sight c rril'TS capabl of The body was taken to the Mc­ His research activities centered la unching tht' heavie r ty p , of po twal' aircraft, ineludin" light Aid E Govern funeral home. Funeral around diseases of the thryold, bomber" def n official said. * * * services will be held at 2 p.m. Coplon Denies, Then ermen xpected resj)i ratNry Ii h y s i 0 I 0 i y anll Orders Army (The na vy al ready lIa s launched • tomorrow at the Trinity Episco­ anxiety states. He was nationally planes capab'. or carrying .at om Senate to QuestIon To D"lscuss Cof C pal church. The fal"fllly requested known tor his research in the use Admits Staying With bow bII from Its large carrier'S,) J h M .,. nO flowers be sent. Funeral home at radio-active lodlne in the treat­ Johnson minced no words In I officials retlorted the body would 0 nson, ,tary R t P k' ment of thyroid conditions. His 'Brl be' Probe Slyln&' tbat Rus la', non-coop- WASlilNGTON 111'1 _ 0 fens eq~es remain at the Cuneral home until Man in Hotel Room eraUve attitude II 'he reason on ar 109 writings in these fields have been WASHINGTON (JPJ-A three­ the time ot the service. widely published. this naUon m\lS~ keep a .tro"- cr tary Loui John!ron and the Pall bearers will be George L. WASmNGTON (JPJ - Judith prone d inv stigation was ordered military orranlzaUon In readl- military high ('omm nd havp been Iowa elly aid rm n probably ' These include articles ,In tne Coplon screamed, "That's a damn Ii will discuss ~hllmb r or cam­ Homer, university arcl1itect; Dr. ytllterday aft r r port th at lIesl. called to t II a . nat .. committe American Journal 01 M.edi~~1 Sci­ Ue!" but finally acknowledged at merI' requ t that th y work Na th an A. Womack, head of the wartime lieutenant colonel got n He said Russle is "despotic" and today how cl th\.y b li ve thi- ence, the J-ournal pf the Am,erican her espionage trial yesterday she Ii with thl' community parkitl& com­ department of surgery; Dr. $1,000 fee ab down payment on conspirational and oppos d to nation is to war. Medical association, American spent two nights with a man In work he said he would do helping Th y w re summon d by a ~en­ mitte on parkin" problptns at William B. Bean, head of the de­ p aceful relationships In free Journal of Physiology," JoUrnal of PhHadelphia and Baltimore hotel a cllent land Il governmenl con­ a te appropriations subcommlth Monday night's council m tin1{, partment of internal medicine, Nervous and Mental Disorders and world. He added that this nation which wants to cut up to $1.5- city trielals aid y st('rday. rooms. tract. cannot placl' too much [alth In and Paul R. Olson, professor in the American iournal of Nursing. The In vestintion was order­ billion from Pr sid nt Truman'! Th r eQ u t rollowed a r solu­ the college of commerce. Blutn.. with anrer, Miss CoP­ the atom bomb. Dean Sole)' wu a rr.... te of' I~'n flrlt shouted a. denial of ed by Secretary 01 Defense $15-bllholt military budg.!. tion adopt d by th board of di­ Also Carlyle Jacobsen , execu­ BowdOin colle,e , at 'BrunswJek, Johnson, Admiral Paul Mather, "Wi thin a, tew ~ h or t y ars w Th commW. h nd d J ohn­ rectors of th <,hamber ot com­ Kelley'l accuaatlons and erred may witness the end of this era of live dean of the diviSion of health ~e.. In 1929, a~ · h~ ,radDated _ war assets admlnlstralor, anel son Ii lengthy m mo Monday m re Monday and wos handed bltter):r: atomic secrecy-an era whose end stiences and services, and Dr. Ij'om th!! llarvud medical col­ ChIIlrman Roey (D. NC) or the nighl asking him to square his 1<> City CI rk G org J. Dohr t Wilbur R. Miller, medica) direct­ "Why are YOU doln&" ibis In will be signalled by the ex,plosion oppo.silion to the cuts with t tI­ y sterday. le,e In }933; ' lie compleie' his Il'on\ of my DlAIther?" senate Inve. tigaUol\ committee. or 01 the Psychopathic hospital internship in 'MUIachuaeUs Jack St ele, in a copyrighted. of orne other nation's bomb ," many he reportedly gave th Memb rs 01 the community and head of the department of GenerliJ hospItal In 1835,-' after Then, as Kelley bore down re­ New York Herald Tribune story, JohniOu said. commltt e In clos( d sion last parking cornmltt.ee include four "From tJiat day on, our ad ­ w k to the ere ct that ther is psychiatry. whleb he went· to &he Univenli,. lentlessly with the details as to said that J ames V. Hunt, a 50 - ci ty ('ouDcilm n, lour chamb r of vantlle In Ittaterto bombln, htlll' Immediatl' dang~r oC W1lr. Dean Soley is survived by his of c..utornla \fbere he reaaiu4 room numbers, hotels and cities, ca lled man~gem('nt counselor here, comm ree r pre ntatlVetI and M:iss Ooplon lowered her eyes and will res.. not 111 monopoly poll­ wife, Karolina, and three chil­ ' 1I;D-til ~, b~l'e~ had accepted a $1,000 fee from lhr e SUI repr entativ Attor­ said, yes, it was true, selllon or the atom bomb but In dren, Mayo Robert who will be 7 Pau l G ri~l d J e"presldent Of a Fram­ ney Dan Outchpr I eh Irm n. He was 'bqrn .tD ,Ma}dl'n. Mass:. olD" ul)eftor .tock]llle, our pro­ tomorrow, Charles Hamilton, 4, 1fj'l-801,- the IOn ·of:Mr. oet ,But 'the Ipstlftetl at'· al though Ington, Mass, furniture factory. No Uranium Lost 'l1lP cham~ r 01 COtmT\t'r d ~ AfIrll el_~on OQlcll:r and In the ef­ and Jane Elizabeth, I 'h.
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