MALI LIVESTOCK FOR GROWTH (L4G) MONTHLY REPORT NO. 52 MALI LIVESTOCK FOR GROWTH (L4G) MONTHLY REPORT NO. 52 Date: February 2019 Contract Number: AID-688-C-14-00004 Submitted to: USAID | Mali Prepared by: AECOM International Development DISCLAIMER: The authors’ views expressed in this document do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Monthly Report No. 52 | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) i TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................................. 2 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................................ 3 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 COMPONENT 1: INCREASED livestock PRODUCTIVITY.................................................................................. 4 SUB IR 1.1. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, DISSEMINATION, AND MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................ 4 SUB-IR 1.2 INCREASE ACCESS TO QUALITY INPUTS AND SERVICES ......................................... 6 SUB-IR 1.3 IMPROVED PASTURELAND AND WATER RESOURCES MANAGEMENT.............. 7 SUB-IR 1.4 IMPROVED COMMUNITY LITERACY, NUMERACY AND NUTRITION AND HYGIENE PRACTICES..................................................................................................................................... 7 COMPONENT II: INCREASED DOMESTIC AND EXPORT TRADE................................................................ 8 SUB IR 2.1 STRENGTHENED MARKET ACCESS AND LINKAGES................................................... 8 CROSS CUTTING ............................................................................................................................................................ 8 GENDER AND YOUTH.................................................................................................................................. 8 MONITORING AND EVALUATION (M&E) ............................................................................................. 9 ADMINISTRATION .......................................................................................................................................................10 SECURITY .........................................................................................................................................................................10 Monthly Report No. 52 | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) 2 LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AMRAD Association Malienne de Recherche-Action pour le Développement AE Auxiliaires d’Élevage APESS Association pour la Promotion de l’Élevage au Sahel et en Savane CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CILSS Comite Inter-Etats de Lutte contre la Sécheresse au Sahel COP Chief of Party CSA Climate Smart Agriculture DCOP Deputy Chief of Party DNPIA Direction Nationale des Productions et d’Industries Animales DRSV Regional Directorate of Veterinary Services FEBEVIM Fédération des groupements interprofessionnels de la Filière Bétail et Viande FFS Farmer Field School FOFBEV Fédération des Operateurs de la Filière du Bétail et de la Viande ICRAF World Agroforestry Center ICD Initiatives Conseils Développement ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics ICT4Ag Information Communication Technology for Agriculture IESC International Executive Service Corps ILRI International Livestock Research Institute IR Intermediate Result L4G Livestock for Growth FtF Feed the Future LMIS Livestock Market Information System M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MFI Microfinance Institution MNLB Multi-Nutritional Licking Blocks MoLF Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries MSME Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises NGO Non-Government Organization OMA Observatoire des Marches Agricoles PO Producer Organisation PPCB Peri-Pneumonie Contagieuse des Bovins PPR Peste des Petits Ruminants RBM Réseau Billital Maroobé SOW Scope of Work SOGEBA Société Générale de Business Agricoles STTA Short-Term Technical Assistance SWOT Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats SVPP Service Vétérinaire Privé de Proximité ToT Training of Trainers UN United Nations USAID United States Agency for International Development VA Village Animator WATIH West Africa Trade and Investment Hub WLBP Women’s Livestock as a Business Platform WorldVeg World Vegetable Center YLBP Youth Livestock as a Business Platform Monthly Report No. 52 | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) 3 INTRODUCTION This report covers the period extending from January 15th to February 15th, 2019. During this period, L4G, thanks to the efforts contributed by the POs and our implementing partners, continued to make progress in key areas including animal vaccination, fodder production, basic nutrition/hygiene, and purchase/sale of livestock as a business. For further details, please, refer to the corresponding sections below. COMPONENT 1: INCREASED LIVESTOCK PRODUCTIVITY SUB IR 1.1. ENHANCED TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT, DISSEMINATION, AND MANAGEMENT TASK 1.1.1 MODERNIZE ANIMAL HEALTH DELIVERY SYSTEMS The Proximate Private Veterinarian Services (SVPP) is an L4G initiative to bring veterinarian services closer to the program beneficiaries or small holder livestock producers. Accordingly, during the period under review, the SVPP Mr. Laya Togo treated a total of 5,334 animals including vaccinations for PPCB (Peri-Pneumonie Contagieuse Bovine or Contagious Cattle Pneumonia) and deworming. Mr. Togo made 493,150 CFA this period. Please refer to Figure 1 below for the detailed breakdown as well as Tables 1 for the yearly goals of each SVPP. Sales for the month were historically low, even compared with November/December 2018. Vets attribute the low vaccination rates to ongoing Dogon-Fulani inter- ethnic conflict in both Bankass and Koro Cercles. Nevertheless, L4G continued to sensitize communities on the importance of vaccination in Sibonné and Batouma Villages, Niafunkè Cerlce. Figure 1: Animals Treated by SVPP 6000 5000 Sum of Vaccinated Cattle 4000 3050 3000 Sum of De-wormed Cattle 2000 808 Sum of De-wormed Small 1000 1476 Ruminants 0 Total Table 1: SVPP Vaccination Campaign Goals per Zone/Locality for This Year Zones SVPP Name Cattle Sheep Goats Koro Birama Diakité 127 214 216 551 383 354 Bankass 1 Laya Togo 99 341 60 578 109 990 Bankass 2 Hamidou SOKANDA 658 481 571 344 558 152 Total 885 036 848 473 1 051 496 Monthly Report No. 52 | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) 4 TASK 1.1.2 DEVELOP AND DISSEMINATE MESSAGES ABOUT GOOD LIVESTOCK MANAGEMENT PRACTICES AND ISSUES FARMER FIELD SCHOOLS (FFS) FOR ANIMAL FATTENING AND PRODUCTION During the period under review, L4G worked with communities to establish 20 FFS sites: 6 in Bankass, 5 in Koro, 1 in Bandiagara, 3 in Djenné, 2 in Mopti, and 3 in Timbuktu Region (1 in Niafunké; 1 in Goundam; and 1 in Diré). For further details, please, refer to Table 2 below. Table 2: List of FFS Sites for planned cattle and sheep fattening during FY 2019 per Cercle and per commune Type of Cycle N° Cercle Commune Village PO Animal Duration 1 Koro (Mopti Region) Youdiou Ogodengou Moniyama Cattle 3 months 2 Koro (Mopti Region) Pel Maoudé Baragnogolé Sindjèrè Cattle 3 months 3 Koro (Mopti Region) Dougouténé 1 Guillassagué Najouga Sheep 4 Koro (Mopti Region) Koro Pomorododiou Guireyame Cattle 3 months 5 Koro (Mopti Region) Koporo-pen Samani Dogon Bouronko Sheep 4months 6 Bankass (Mopti Region) Tori Tori Benkadi Sheep 4months 7 Bankass (Mopti Region) Bankass Bankass Amagouan Sheep 4months 8 Bankass (Mopti Region) Kani-Bonzon Kani-Bonzon AFKKK Cattle 3 months 9 Bankass (Mopti Region) Dimbal Sokanda Boguina-Ton Cattle 3 months 10 Bankass (Mopti Region) Soubala Soubala Sodjouga Sheep 4months 11 Bankass (Mopti Region) Soubala Anamoila Bodjina Anaton Cattle 3 months Sté Coop des 12 Bandiagara (Mopti Region) Dandoli Sincarma producteurs Sheep 4months 13 Djenné (Mopti Region) Fakala Goungaka Parrissi Cattle 3 months 14 Djenné (Mopti Region) Madiama Madiama Fassokanou Cattle 3 months 15 Mopti (Mopti Region) Sio Somadougou Coopérative des Cattle 3 months Emboucheurs 16 Mopti (Mopti Region) Socoura Socoura Nana Agri Cattle 3 months Plateforme des 17 Mopti (Mopti Region) Socoura Mopti Cattle 3 months Jeunes de Mopti Association des 18 Niafunké (Timbuktu Region) Soboundou Andiam Ouro Éleveurs Cattle 3 months d’Andiam 19 Goundam (Timbuktu Region) Tonka Tonka Mandiara Cattle 3 months Bourem sidi 20 Dire (Timbuktu Region) Bourem Sidi Amar Ounkouma Cattle 3 months Amar TASK 1.1.3 IMPROVE LIVESTOCK FORAGE AND ANIMAL FEED PRODUCTION AND SUPPLY To improve animal productivity, L4G sensitized POs on nutritional and economic value of the multi-nutritional licking blocks (MNLBs). During this period, 834 MNLBs were produced by 27 POs from the Cercles of Bandiagara, Koro, Djenné and Bankass. Of these, 698 MNLBs, or 83 percent, were sold for 617,500 CFA. For details see Table 3 below. Monthly Report No. 52 | Mali Livestock for Growth (L4G) 5 Table 3: Production and sale of MNLBs Number of Cercles & Number of Quantity Sold Communes MNLBs Value in FCFA Regions POs (KG) produced (KG) Bankass 2 47 23 28,000 Tori 04 95 95 95,000 Sokoura 09 234 234 234,000 Bankass Ouenkoro 04 124 124 124,000 Koulogo 01 26 19 19,000 Baye
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