LIST OF CONTENTS Editorial 1 New Year Message to the Namibian People 2 Tribute to Olof Palme a Friend in Need and in Deed 7 Cde. Enerst Kadungure calls for Solidarity in fight against Apartheid 9 Liberation Struggle will continue in Namibia 11 The Lutherans Re-affirm commitment to the Namibians 12 International Women's Day 14 SWAPO denounces S .A. Killer Squad in Namibia 15 SWAPO studies white Namibians' proposals to break Impasse 16 Workers must demand May Day to be a Public Holiday 17 Isolate Pretoria Finnish People's Assembly 18 Book donation to SWAPO 19 Home N ews: Racist South Africa Koevoet Police harass SWAPO President's Mother 20 Escalation of Detentions in Namibia 21 News from the Battlefield 23 POEM 27 SWAPO National Anthem 28 Published by SWAPO Foreign Mission in Zimbabwe P .O . Box CR 2 Telephone 795342 Cranborne Telex 2625 ZW Typeset and printed by Jongwe Printing and Publishing Company (Pvt .) Ltd SWAPO News and Views, January-March 1987 1 EDITORIAL UDI FOR NAMIBIA IS A DEAD-END STREET The South African appointed "interim Thus, the only thing that the puppets will government" in Namibia announced on succeed to achieve by this absurd preten- February 13, 1987 that it intends to move tion is to assume even more the burden of towards a greater degree of formal sharing with Pretoria the unenviable autonomy from South Africa by creating responsibility for the countless atrocities two additional "ministries," one for inter- which the South African army of occupa- nal security and the other for international tion is daily committing in its desperate ef- co-operation, and by adopting a range of fort to cow the Namibian people into sovereign state paraphernalia . The an- submission . nouncement is part of the musical chairs which have been going on in Namibia for The bogus constitution being drafted by years . Since 1978 Pretoria has been ex- Botha's appointees in Windhoek will also perimenting with a host of weird schemes never be worth the paper on which it is be- to cobble together some kind of "internal" ing written because its authors have ab- political alternative to SWAPO . The an- solutely no support from the Namibian nouncement, which comes more close to people . Besides, it is a sheer illusion of UDI than anything we have heard of hope for the "interim government" to before, is the latest variation in this recur- think that there are countries that are ing theme . By it, Pretoria has, once again, prepared to enter into development co- shown that it remains bent on trying to buy operation with it at a time when the world itself enough time to exhaust the liberation is moving inexorably towards the isolation struggle, led by SWAPO, into a com- of South Africa because of its apartheid promise settlement outside UN Security repression at home and its illegal occupa- Council Resolution 435 . tion of Namibia . Except for the lunatic fringe of the far It is, of course, an absurd pretention that right in places like Bonn, FRG, there are the puppet "interim government" can take actually no countries or organizations that charge of "internal security" in Namibia are ready to extend development co- which the South African military power is operation to Namibia under racist South finding difficult to keep with more than Africa's illegal occupation . 100 000 troops and expenditure of millions of Rands every day . The musical chairs concerning the February 13 announcement are primarily The local conscripts, called the South intended to attenuate the abject failure of West Africa Territory Force, can never be the "interim government" to achieve anything else other than an operational anything of consenquence over the last 19 wing of the South African army . It is im- months of its existence . The puppets could possible that Pretoria will actually abandon not even succeed to desegregate a single the prosecution of its colonial war, which white school or hospital in the country, it has failed to win for two decades, to a something on which puppets Andreas clique of opportunists who neither have a Shipanga and . Moses Katjioungua have political power base, nor knowledge of staked all their hopes to gain at least a thin military matters . veneer of credibility before the Namibian 2 SWAPO News and Views, January-March 1987 people . They could not achieve this because the puppets will most certainly find their white racist allies in the Windhoek themselves in the same position as did Abel puppet show have refused to give up even Muzorewa in Rhodesia - unable to stop an iota of their entrenched socio-economic the war and to gain international support . privileges . In the meantime, the strains of the war will continue to exacerbate the economic and . It is The fundamental point which Pretoria social problems the country is facing and its puppets in Namibia must grasp is thus an indispensable responsibility of that the path of "interim solution" is ac- every Namibian to demand and work for an immediate and unconditional im- tually a dead-end street . No amount of plementation of Security Council Resolu- musical chairs and prevarications on the tion 435 as the only peaceful option for an implementation of Resolution 435 will stop the war of liberation being waged by the acceptable solution . People's Liberation Army of Namibia 1987: Year of rededication to Liberation : (PLAN) . Whatever they may say and do, The Struggle Continues!! New Year Message to the Namibian People Swapo President, Cde. Sam Nujoma's New Year message to the Namibian people THE YEAR 1986 has drawn to a close . Like many other years before it, 1986 is en- ding without the attainment of Namibia's long overdue independence . Instead, South Africa's colonial repression has reached tragic proportions. There is a veritable reign of terror going on in Namibia . The South African army of occupation is daily brutalising the Namibian people and hun- dreds of workers and peasants are being de- tained, tortured, raped and their houses, crops and livestock destroyed by the racist troops . The campaign of terror has also found its sordid expression in the political assassination of Comrade Emmanuel Shifidi at a SWAPO mass rally in Wind- The President of SWAPO Cde Sam Nujoma hoek on 30th November last year . Com- rade Shifidi was a veteran SWAPO Shifidi, once again, became politically ac- freedom fighter who spent 18 years behind tive. His continued active role in SWAPO the bars of fascist South Africa's notorious made him a target for political assassina- political prison on Robben Island . After his tion by the South African colonialists and release from Robben Island in 1985, their local agents . SWAPO News and Views, January-March 1987 3 as, uranium, diamonds, copper, lead, zinc, Comrade Shifidi was thus murdered tin and many others. Today, South African because he was a symbol of our people's companies hold controlling shares in our undying faith and confidence in the in- diamond industry at Oranjemund and cop- evitable victory of our just cause for self- per mining at Tsumeb . They also dominate determination and national independence . our fishing industry at Walvis and Luderitz In honouring the Namibian victims of col- Bays . They, moreover, have important onial brutality, like Comrade Emmanuel shares in every other sector of our Shifidi, we must resolve for the new year economy, including the uranium industry . to rededicate ourselves ever more to the This is, therefore, one of the reasons why . struggle for liberation Pretoria is trying so desperately to hold on to its unpopular and expensive colonial oc- Apartheid's Bogus Schemes cupation of Namibia . Dear Comrades and Compatriots, we are entering the new year of 1987 at a time The geo-political interest of South Africa when the South African racists are conti- in Namibia lies in Pretoria's wish to keep nuing with their colonial schemes to deny our country as a buffer zone against exter- the Namibian people their inalienable right nal pressures . More specifically, the apar- to determine their own future and to free- theid regime wants to keep our country ly and democratically elect their own under its colonial domination so that leaders . Namibia can become a base of South Africa's sanction busting operations . In the Throughout the closing year, Pretoria face of the intensifying international and its Multi Party Conference (MPC) pressure for sanctions against the white puppets have been busy working on a minority state, Pretoria thinks that a neo- bogus constitution with a view to proclaim- colonial Namibia would serve as a vital ing a unilateral declaration of in- relay station for South Africa's troubled dependence during the coming year . The racists and their puppets have been work- foreign trade. ing on this bogus constitution without Ideologically, South Africa wants to im- mandate from the Namibian people . They pose on the Namibian people the regime's are planning to confront the Namibian local stooges who would be prepared to people in 1987 with a fait accompli, which safeguard the exploitative interests of their they will then try to legitimize through an masters in Pretoria . These stooges will cer- equally bogus referendum . The farce of a tainly not be interested or able to improve so-called referendum will most certainly be the living standards of the masses of our conducted under the shadows of the oppressed people . They are prepared to menacing bayonets of the South African allow the perpetuation of class privileges occupation army . for the whites, and to maintain unemploy- ment and poverty among the black majori- Through the imposition of a bogus con- ty of the Namibian people.
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