95th Y E A R — NUM BER 32 HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 30, 1S43 PRICE—FIVE CENTS Runey D.Perrine Sleet, Rainstorm Plant Named Director of Local Collection County Board of Freeholders NEWS OF OUR Dies Sunday at Cause of Many Leonard A. Plant of Hightstown will Of Waste Paper to be the director of the Mercer County Board of Free­ MENwWOMEN Windsor Home Auto Accidents holders in 1944. Start Sat, Jan. 8 This disclosure was made at Retired From Farming 35 Traffic Disrupted (or the board’s last Boy and Cob Scouts Will IN UNIFORM regular meeting Years Ago; Washington Several Hours; Motorist for 1943 Tues­ CanYass Tounn; Collections d a y afternoon. ^ Start at 8:30 in Mmiing Weds Former Local Girl.. Cpl. and Mrs. George Cooke, Jr., of Twp. Collector-Treasurer Held in Auto Fatality Plant is head Hattiesburg, Miss., returned to their of the depart­ home after spending a pleasant 7-day Funeral services for Runey Dey Per- The sleet and rainstorm Sunday af­ ment of bridg­ A house-to-house canVaM to collect furlough visiting with friends in town. es and culverts. urgently needed waste parper will be rine were conducted at his home on ternoon and night resulted in numerous T h e formal Church street, Windsor Wednesday af­ accidents and paralyzed traffic for sev­ Pfc. and Mrs. Oliver Howard Smith, organiza t i o n made in Hightstown on two successive ternoon by the Rev. David J. Spratt, eral hours in various sections of the meeting will be Saturdays, according to Sanger Robing Jr., of Plainsboro are receiving congrat­ pastor of the First Presbyterian church ulations on the birth of a son on Sat­ State. held Monday, son. chairman of salvage. The drive of Cranbury. Interment was in Brain- William Ncilson, 26, of 71 Camp ave­ January 3, at will be launched Saturday, January ^ urday, December 25, at Mercer hospital, erd Cemetery, Cranbury, under the di­ nue, Trenton, is under treatment at St. and will be continued the following Sat­ Trenton, Mrs. Smith is the former noon, when rection of A. S. Cole, Son & Co. Francis hospital, Trenton, for a possible Leonard A. Plant Plant will be urday—January 15. On both days col­ Miss Ruth Carson, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Perrine died Sunday at his home fracture of the hip as a result of an ac­ lections will start at 8:30 in the morn­ Mrs. Louis Carson of rlaihsboro. elected and installed as director to in the 87th year of his age. He was cident on Route 33 near Hightstown, succeed Arthur Bray. Plant has been ing. Fred R. Tornquist, Jr., AMM2/c left born in Hightstown. Mr. Perrine was Sunday afternoon. a member of the board for more than To ensure the drive’s success, the Tuesday for Norfolk, Va., after spend­ the husband of the late Kate Conover Neilson’s car skidded on the icy high­ a decade. borough will be divided into two parts ing a four-day leave with his parents. Perrine and is survived ^ a grandson. way and overturned. His wife, Kathe­ with Stockton street as the dividing He has been in service for two years. Holmes C. Perrine of Edinburg; two rine, suffered no injuries but received line. The southern part will be can­ granddaughters, Mrs. David Mulligan of treatment for shock and was released Civilian E>efense vassed Saturday, January ^ and the David Flapan returned to his posi­ Hightstown and Miss Helen Perrine, from the hospital. The couple was tak­ northern portion of the town will be tion with Native Lace Works this week and four great-grandchildren. en to the hospital by State Police from covered Saturday, January 15. after receiving an honorable discharge Mr. Perrine was a farmer for 35 years the Hightstown barracks. Rally to Be Held Local Bby and Cub Scouts will as­ November 23 from the Army. He and following his retirement from farm­ Held for Grand Jury sist in the collection. The residents arc was inducted February 11. ing moved to Windsor 32 years ago. Clarence Springsteen, 42, of 25 Marcy urged to cooperate by carefully folding ERNEST W. PETERSON, ARM2/e He served as collector-treasurer and street, Freehold, is held under $1,000 In Trenton Jan. 6 all newspaper and tyin^ them into a Seaman Second Class Franklin L. custodian of school moneys for Wash­ bail for action by the Middlesex County separate bundle. Magazines should be Miss Margaret Hiland, daughter of Reid has been transferred from Nor­ Grand Jury after his automobile struck Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hiland of Tren­ ington Township for 25 years. He was kept together. Christmas wrappings, folk, Va., to duty aboard a destroyer treasurer of the Mercer County Proi and killed Thomas Long, 61, of the Old More than 3,000 invitations have tissue paper, bags and assorted papers ton, former residents of Hightstown, escort. tecting and Detecting Society and $ Bridge-Englishtown road Saturday been sent to mayors. Defense Council and Ernest W. Peterson, Jr., ARM2^, should be placed in cardboard boxes if member of Windsor Grange, No. 52. night. chairmerL police chiefs, chairmen of possible or shopping bags. son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest W. Peter­ Tech. Sergt. and Mrs. Charles Old- Hightstown State Police investigated C/i)q[pnuniW W ar Services and members son of First avenue, were married in borg. Jr., are spending a 15-day fur­ and reported Long was walking on the of ^tate Committees of the Civilian De- To speed up me cuUcCtion, Chairman Trenton Sunday afternoon at one lough in town visiting with the for­ Y Club Activities road with two companions shortly after, iens$ Organization, to attend the Ci- Robinson reminds the public to place o’clock. Immediately following the cer­ mer’s father. Sergeant Oldborg is sta­ 7 i>. m., when the accident occurred. 'vlli&ii Defense rally and conference in the bundles at the curb line. emony they left for a brief wedding tioned at Kelly Field, Tex., with the Air BY WILLIAM K. COOPER Springsteen posted bail with Recorder the War Memorial building, Trenton, trip to New York City. Service Command. Mercer County Y Secretory Peter Jasko of Monroe Township. January 6. Wreckers Start Raising The attendants were Mrs. Joan Lu- The YMCA club groups will resume Lon^s body was removed to the Hulse Both Governor Edison and Governor- kacs of Trenton and Fred R. Tornquist, Aviation Cadet Joseph Braun is at­ their regular meeting periods in the Funeral Home, Englishtown. elect Walter E. Edge will speak. Other Stockton Street Buildings Jr., AMM2/c. Mr. and Mrs. Hiland, tending the Navy pre-flight school at High School on Thursday, January 6. Mr. and Mrs. Peterson. Sr., and Mrs. speakers will be Lt. Gen. George Gru- Chapel Hill, N. C.____ Tuesday the following boys attended Services Conducted for nert, Commanding General of the East­ Wreckers have begun the demolish­ William Horne were present at the a reunion of campers at the Trenton ern Defense Command and First Army; ing of antiquated buildings on Stockton ceremony. The bridegroom will leave Pfc Stephen Schermer has been trans­ YMCA: William Thompson, Jr., Allen Mrs. Anna M. VanLieshout Maj. Gen. Thomas A. Terry, Command­ street. Alonzo Dey, owner, has award­ this week for Houston, Texas, where ferred to duty' overseas. His latest ad­ A aroi^^vJl^ard,, Hood and Rogej- ing General, Second Service Command; ed the job to ThomaSfR. Williams. he will report for duty. dress is: A.S.N. 32073631. A.P.O. 254, Howard. The feature of the -progtam Vice Admiral J. T. Leary, Commandant The buildings to be demolished are c /o ’Postmaster, New York City, N. Y. was a swim in the Y pool. Some sixty Mrs. Anna Marie Van Lieshout, widow of Christian VanLieshout, died of the Eastern Sea Frontier; Col. Ed­ the three and one-half story frame C&pt. William L. Bunting He previously was stationed at Camp boys who enjoyed camping at Wilson ward T. H. Thomas, New York State structure located at 115-119 Stockton last summer were on hand. George Saturday at her home 221 Grant Avenue Bowie, Tex, ______ in the 87th year of her age. The fune­ Civilian Defense Director; Commission­ street; the two story frame building at Advanced to Rank of Major Fain\'eather, camp director had charge er William J. Ellis, chairman of the 109-111-113. The last tenant of the Pvt. James Dibiose reports a change of the affair. ral was held from her residence Wed­ nesday morning at 8 o'clock with Community W ar Services and Leonard larger structure was the A. & P. food Mrs. William L. Bunting of Cranbury of address. It reads: A.S.N. 32756042, Wednesday was the occasion of the Dreyfuss. State Civilian Defense Di­ store, which occupied only the ground A.P.O. 512, c/o Postmaster, New York annual Mercer County Y Club open requiem high mass celebrated at 9 has received word of the promotion of - - - - - - ^ o’clock by the Rev. Louis F. Cogan at rector. floor. The upper floors have been va­ her husband, Ciapt. Bunting, to the rank City, N. Y. house program at the Trenton Y. A cant for years. number of boys from this section were St. Anthony’s Church. Interment was The military band from Fort Dix, un­ of major in the Army Air Forces. at St. Rose of Lima Cemetery, Free­ der the direction of Major James T. Car! Lutz conducted a meat market Major Bunting was formerly an en­ Pvt. Sumner N. Weene of _ R.
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