T TTTTJ .MOTtN'IXG OTIEGOXIAN. MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1915. i r N'lir Instructor Comes. Miss G. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF Lamont was added to the faculty of the Mrs. Ganz and I were preparing to go James Johns High School last week SOLID FUN AT BAKER to Paderewski's house to dinner. It as instructor in domestic science. She was to be a notable social occasion. OHEGOMAN TELEPHONES. takes place Miss Louise Twining. "Suddenly a young man I know came the of house, me order Editor Main 7070. A eons who resigned to accept the place of to our telling that the Eye New Offices t'ltjrrnnirEditor Main 7070. A eons in the Franklin High fechool had come to mobilize the Swiss army An Experienced Specialist in Main 7070. A instructor am, member. : tunday Editor 05 in Portland. The senior class has nar. of which I was. and still a Advertising department ...Main 7070. A OOWi That meant I was called to military rity circulation ...Main 7070. A eons rowed down the selection of a choice in romposlnv-roo- ..Main 7070, A eOllS of plays to three, and will decide on ''Bringing Up Father" Wins duty, along with others." I'rintinz-roor- a Main 7070. A 60M3 the play this week. It will be presented .Social Kngagement Renounced. EupcrloUiPdent Building . Mam 7070. A 00i3 about April 15. Material is now being Opening Appearance. "And did you first attend Paderew assembled for the annual publication ski's dinner party? AMVSEME.NTS. which will be issued at the close of Ganz looked indignant His tall pow- 20 years' study and practice of IlIJIl.ro (Broadway and Taylor) Rudolph the school year. Arline Shaw and erful form stiffened, and I wondered After liani. In piauo recluU. Tonight at o.jo. Pearl Evans have been added to the if he were to click his heels together Optometry, nearly eight years of which liAKER (Broadway and Sixth, between Al- editorial staff, Miss Shaw as advertising PLAY IS FULL OF MELODY and give a military salute to bis dis der and Morrison) Musical comedy, manager and Miss Evans as music and tant Switzerland. the city Portland (five "Bringlne Up Father." Tonight t 8:15. art editor. This completes the staff "No, sir," said Ganz, in decided tones. am has been in of HIPPODROME AMUSEMENT COMPANT which is as follows: John McGregor, "I- thought of my country first (Fourth and Stark) Moving picture and editor-in-chie- f; Harold Baybrook, busi- heard the war drums beating in the years in charge of the Optical Depart- vaudeville. Continuous till 11 o'clock. ness manager; Arline Shaw, advertising near-b- y village, and. they said 'Pre manager: William Teutsch, athletic Musical Comedy Based on Cartoons home night, & Co., Vaudeville. Dare.' I remained at that ment of the Meier Frank and teacher: Gladys Palmer, society: Marie Company Theater as required by Swiss law, and next ORPHEUM (Broadway, at Stark) Thla aft- Bredeson. wit and humor; . Pearl Played at Stock morning read the order for mobiliza years with a leading jeweler) ernoon at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15 o'clock. music. piano oar- - Jv three Evans, art and The for and Audience Finds Plenty tion. I hastened to the military PANTAGE9 (Broadway, at Alder) Per- the high school gymnasium has ar racks at my native town, Zurich, the estab- formances, 2:30. 7:30 and :30 o'clock. rived. of Laughs Throughout. donned m v uniform and became Cor Edw. W. Wheeler announces MARCUS LOEWS EMPRESS (Broadway Students Administer Justice. The Doral Ganz. The first officer I met EDWi W. WHKELEIl and TamhIU) Continuous pert ormaacas judicial machinery of the Milwaukie asked: 'Soldier, what is your name?' Optometrist. lishment' of the from 1:30 to 11 P. M. school was used Friday, Muriel Nichols 'Ganz,' I replied. 'Not Ganz. the pianist, MoTin -- Picture Theaters. and William Merriott being round surely?" he asked, peering into my KATIOXAI Park. Weat Park. nr. Wash. guiltv of creating a disturbance in face. 'Ganz, pianist and Swiss citizen, PEOPLES West Park and Alder. the school hall during school hours. CAST OF "BRINGING UP FATHER." sir." I replied, saluting. Other officers MAJESTIC Park and Washington. The witnesses against these defendants snoke to me and seemed to wonder at Principal Goetz, Miss A. Ohmert, JlBga Mahoney Tom Haverly m v srrvinir in the ranks as a non NEW STAR Park and Waantngton. were Sadie Duff bUNSET THEATER. Washington and teacher, and Boy-May- or corwin Mra. JlEBS Mahoney commissioned officer. I was glad of Harvey. Shindler and Ben Hop Eleanor Mahoney May Walsh the honor, however. I was and am Broadway. Louis Davenport COLUMBIA THEATER Sixth and Stark. wood were convicted on a similar Peggy Mahoney Daisy glad for the sake of democracy. Nell Winter Co. charge by a number of witnesses. Mrs. Holmes Optical Duty Done In Trenches. wheeler Miss .Nichols, a sophomore, was sen Billy McGee Clyde Kerr were ordered for target High School. Dedication Set. Th tenced to occunv the freshman's class Nat H. Webster "We In Commodious Quarters Mala T3S!. TTnlon School building, in Oswald and I found that my shooting was Phone Mala 73S0. rh.ae Hifth erected room for the next three weeks, and Alden McCloskie 1 our Union Higli School district Iso. 1, on were sen Tom Hamilton nil riirht. Mv sauad and found the three other defendants Count Castlllion Briggs French selves in trenches, on a bleak, windy Hears 9:30 to 6:30 Dally. Satlafartloa (ranteed. the Columbia Highway, near Corbetf tenced to be deprived of their recess Andy O'Nell how soon FIFTH FLOOR cast of the Sandy River, will be dedl come. Mr. Sullivan hill, and we did not know privileges for several weeks to Richard SImonds an attack was coming. Our rifles Reasonable In Price. V e do oar owa arladla cated March 10. with appropriate ex juries tried these cases, the first being Fritz our ercises. County Superintendent Arm composed Meaney, Ben Alex were at the 'ready' and machine Oregonian Bldg. strong: programme an of Alvle runs were loaded, ready to do business. is on the for ander. Esther Jones. Beatrice Fisch nights in address. J. W. Evans, chairman Koenlg and Frances Johnson, and LEONE CASS BAER. The mental strain of these Lillie Br the water-soake- d trenches was fear- the board of directors, and Principal the second of Alvle Meaney, 'Dorothy three hours of solid fun and up . It took ful. I stood, at vigilant attention, Toelefren will have chargre of the pro S. Wissinger, Thelma Wendel. Charlotte to "bring gramme. A domestic science contest Evelyn a round of melodic discusion tn mv knees in water. About two Merriott, Marianne Dunham and up the Baker Theater yes- davs of this sort of military duty used will be held in connection with th Walker. Corwin Harvey prosecutea father" at squads were BRIDE HURRIES TO STAGE dedication. A library of 200 volumes cases. Miss Clarissa Goold was terday, arid then father scouted the up our men and other new building. the up, sent to relieve them. will be installed In the judge. idea that he'd been brought and two or three The union high school building wi Meeting The proved that no matter how much cul- "I had served about $10,003. Is Parish to Be Held. in weeks, when orders were received to cost and the first structure Out-Do- or parish ture and highbrow ethics had been - to be completed in Multno Club in St Mark's demobilize certain corps, as it seemed HAROLD GRADY AD MISS mak- of the sort will hold a ip meeting at oculated into his makeup, that it . Switzerland was in no immediate MARRIED. man County. 8.30 P. M. tomorrow In the parish hadn't took." that RIETTli HARLOW ARB delightful old outlaw. daneer of attack. At my own re Revival Meetings Start. Revival house. 231 Twenty-fir- st street. The spe. Father is a auest I was passed on to serve with Meetings yesterday at Vie of occasion will be Like Peg o' My Heart, he makes iun started cial feature the on. the regular army. One eventful day. "Week ot rro- - Rodney-Avenu- e Christian Church, Rev. a talk by Mrs. Frank Stillman on of social climbers ana reruses to a my was quite warm, Weddtnir Follows First - " conventionalities. 'day' dawned. It O. P. Burris, the pastor,- preaching Hawthorne's "House of the Seven his hat to strict I had paraded, carrying my heavy rifle, feaslonal Appearance of Two "home force" sermon In the morning. Gables." will be illustrated with Mother has the social bee ana nas It one two with ammunition, and I had eaten lit Young Portland Artists. Mrs. Ira Kimmons is the muslca slides, and all friends are cordially passed it along to of her tle or nothing. Suddenly the drill hall director. Stereopticon views of the life Invited. daughters. A near Spanish count nas uncon be evening. into- - the activities, lured became Indistinct I became of Christ will shown each Rev. H. Jj. Cox Leaves. Rev. H. L. drawn scious, on being restored, again GO songs will be presented a onhn can sign his and, toionhnne or more friends, in Illustrated Cox. pastor of the Friends Church at by the fact that father fell over. Physicians got me on my to marriage, to have each service.- - The subject of the ser for a million. viting them their Sunnyside, will leave today tor wicnita, check feet and I could then have asked ex ceremony at 1 o'clock in the Uni inons for the ensuing week are: To Kan., where he will conduct special Honest American integrity and worth emption military duty, on ac that night, "The Serpent's Bite"; Tuesday, been placed in the discard from tarian Churcn wnere m mmco r evangelistic services in the Friends seem to have count of a weak heart or any other old ,nt hart heen wed and the bride her "The Resurrection Here and Now" University.
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