Springer titles in the KB's e-Depot (updated: 16 July 2009) 4OR A journal of urban health AAPS PharmSciTech Abdominal imaging Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg Academic questions Accreditation and quality assurance Acoustical physics ACP Acta analytica Acta applicandae mathematicae Acta biotheoretica Acta diabetologica Acta endoscopica Acta ethologica Acta geophysica Acta geotechnica Acta informatica Acta juridica Hungarica = Hungarian journal of legal studies Acta linguistica Hungarica Acta mathematica Acta mathematica Hungarica Acta mathematica Sinica. New series Acta mathematicae applicatae Sinica Acta mechanica Acta mechanica Sinica Acta mechanica solida Sinica = Chinese journal of solid mechanics Acta neurochirurgica Acta neuropathologica Acta parasitologica Acta physiologiae plantarum Acta seismologica Sinica Administration and policy in mental health Adsorption Advanced performance materials Advances in applied Clifford algebras Advances in atmospheric sciences Advances in cardiac echo-contrast Advances in computational mathematics Advances in contraception Advances in data analysis and classification Advances in health sciences education Advances in MRI contrast Advances in x-ray contrast Aequationes mathematicae (AEM) Aerobiologia Aesthetic plastic surgery Age Ageing international Aggiornamenti CIO Agriculture and human values Agroforestry systems Agronomy journal AI & society AIDS and behavior Air & space law Air quality, atmosphere & health Algebra and logic Algebra colloquium Algebra universalis Algebras and representation theory Algorithmica Allgemeines statistisches Archiv Alliance European Community law news American journal of community psychology American journal of criminal justice American journal of dance therapy American journal of potato research American sociologist Amino acids An international journal of politics, culture and society Analog integrated circuits and signal processing Analysis in theory and applications Analysis mathematica Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry Anatomical science international Anatomy and embryology Andrologie Angiogenesis Animal cognition Annales geophysicae Annales Henri Poincaré Annali dell'Università di Ferrara. Sezione 7: Scienze matematiche Annali di matematica pura ed applicata Annals of behavioral medicine Annals of biomedical engineering Annals of clinical psychiatry Annals of combinatorics Annals of dyslexia Annals of finance Annals of global analysis and geometry Annals of hematology Annals of mathematics and artificial intelligence Annals of nuclear medicine Annals of oncology Annals of operations research Annals of ophthalmology Annals of software engineering Annals of surgical oncology Annals of telecommunications Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics Annals of vascular surgery Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Apoptosis Applicable algebra in engineering, communication and computing Applications of mathematics Applied biochemistry and biotechnology. Part A: Enzyme Engineering and Biotechnology Applied biochemistry and microbiology Applied categorical structures Applied composite materials Applied geophysics Applied intelligence Applied mathematics Applied mathematics & optimization Applied mathematics and mechanics Applied microbiology and biotechnology Applied physics. A: Materials science and processing Applied physics. B: Lasers and optics Applied psychophysiology and biofeedback Applied research in quality of life Applied scientific research Applied solar energy Applied spatial analysis and policy Approximation theory and its applications Aquaculture international Aquarium sciences and conservation Aquatic ecology Aquatic geochemistry Aquatic sciences Arabian journal of geosciences Arbitration international Archaeological and anthropological sciences Archaeologies Archaeology, ethnology and anthropology of Eurasia Archiv der Mathematik = Archives mathématiques = Archives of mathematics Archival science Archive for history of exact sciences Archive for mathematical logic Archive for rational mechanics and analysis Archive of applied mechanics Archives & museum informatics Archives of computational methods in engineering Archives of dermatological research Archives of environmental contamination and toxicology Archives of gynecology and obstetrics Archives of microbiology Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery Archives of osteoporosis Archives of sexual behavior Archives of suicide research Archives of toxicology Archives of virology Archives of women's mental health Archivio di ortopedia e reumatologia Archivum immunologiae et therapiae experimentalis ArgoSpine news & journal Argumentation Arkiv för matematik Art, antiquity and law Arthropod-plant interactions Arthroskopie Artificial intelligence and law Artificial intelligence review Artificial life and robotics ASA bulletin Asia Europe journal Asia Pacific education review Asia Pacific journal of environmental law Asia Pacific journal of management Asia pacific law review = Ya-tài falu pínglu Asian journal of criminology Asia-Pacific financial markets AStA advances in statistical analysis AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv Âsterreichische Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft Âsterreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie Astronomy letters Astronomy reports Astrophysical bulletin Astrophysics Astrophysics and space science Atlantic economic journal Atmospheric and oceanic optics Atomic energy Austrian review of international and European law Automated software engineering Automatic control and computer sciences Automatic documentation and mathematical linguistics Automation and remote control Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems Autonomous robots Axiomathes Basic research in cardiology Baurechtliche Blätter Behavior genetics Behavioral ecology and sociobiology Berliner Journal für Soziologie Best practice Onkologie BHM Biochemical genetics Biochemistry Biochemistry (Moscow) supplement. Series A: membrane and cell biology Biochemistry (Moscow) supplement. Series B: Biomedical chemistry BioControl Biodegradation Biodiversity and conservation BioEnergy research Biogeochemistry Biogerontology Biologia Biologia plantarum Biological cybernetics Biological invasions Biological procedures online Biological trace element research Biology & philosophy Biology and fertility of soils Biology bulletin Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology Biomedical engineering Biomedical microdevices BioMetals Biophysical reviews Biophysics Bioprocess and biosystems engineering Bioprocess engineering Bioscience reports Biosemiotics. Journal Bioseparation Biotechnology and bioprocess engineering Biotechnology letters Biotechnology techniques Biotherapy BioTribune magazine BIT numerical mathematics Botanica Helvetica Boundary-layer meteorology Brain and mind Brain cell biology Brain imaging and behavior Brain structure and function Brain topography Brain tumor pathology Breast cancer research and treatment Brittonia BT technology journal Building simulation Bulletin of earthquake engineering Bulletin of engineering geology and the environment Bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology Bulletin of experimental biology and medicine Bulletin of materials science Bulletin of mathematical biology Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society Bulletin of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics Bulletin of volcanology Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz Business & information systems engineering Business economics Business law review Calcified tissue international Calcolo Calculus of variations and partial differential equations Canadian journal of anaesthesia = Journal canadien d'anesthésie Cancer and metastasis reviews Cancer causes & control Cancer microenvironment Cancer, chemotherapy and pharmacology Cancer, immunology, immunotherapy Cãolon et rectum Cardiac electrophysiology review Cardiovascular and interventional radiology Cardiovascular drugs and therapy Cardiovascular engineering Cardiovascular toxicology Catalysis in industry Catalysis letters Catalysis surveys from Asia Catalysis surveys from Japan CATTECH Celestial mechanics and dynamical astronomy Cell and tissue banking Cell and tissue biology Cell and tissue research Cell biochemistry and biophysics Cell biology and toxicology Cell stress & Chaperones Cellular & molecular biology letters Cellular and molecular bioengineering Cellular and molecular life sciences Cellular and molecular neurobiology Cellulose CEMS business review Central European journal of biology Central European journal of chemistry Central European journal of mathematics Central European journal of medicine Central European journal of operations research Central European journal of physics Chance Chemical and petroleum engineering Chemical papers Chemistry and technology of fuels and oils Chemistry of heterocyclic compounds Chemistry of natural compounds Chemoecology Chemosensory perception Child & adolescent social work journal Child & youth care forum Child psychiatry and human development Children's hospital quarterly Children's literature in education Child's nervous system Chinese annals of mathematics. Series B Chinese geographical science Chinese journal of cancer research Chinese journal of geochemistry Chinese journal of integrative medicine Chinese journal of oceanology and limnology Chinese science bulletin Chromatographia Chromosoma Chromosome research Circuits, systems, and signal processing Clean technologies
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