4 ■ -• »•.;»**■« ■ % 'i b**fvfet ferrien ^Ufftd‘\ $ecar£ TERMS OF ADVERTISING k REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER. 'S '' -SS ss; a: ^ f o5* oS’ •ap oS3 tr sr er p* 5 § £ ;S, •USLISHED 'EVERY THURSDAY, IweeK| 1 uu, I6Ui i 0 0 ,2 5 0 (3 00|S7S1 626| 6 00 It*' X 60g 2 25| 3 00g 3 76(A 26j 6 26j 7 00| 9 OOj 14 0 3 w*ft8| I 7 6 f2 75t S 76| 4251 4 75| 6 603 0 00EX2 005 17 f JOHN C. HOLMES. 4 w*ks{ 2001-3501 4 50| 5 259 6 OOf S 60U 0 flOF14 00T2 CC 6 w'tci*! 250| 475) 6009 7 00* 825ril ml U OOf 2F 0 3 mofl.t 4 000 6 00E 7 60t 8 50R0 OOpS 00J17 00123 00TS5~ T e r iiu s :—S*S p e r “STear-. 6 m<w.|l 6 00110 001113 00,'15 00 17 0Pf20 00126 OO^j: nof 60 J »-?lftj0 .n t5 deducted If paid Teivrly In AdTanc*.-ff» 0 moa.J 8 60fl3 00M7 00|20 0012300127 00;36 AO AO 00{ 35 0 Ifopeper continued after the expiration of one je*r 1 yearfiO 0035 00"2000(t24 00 28 PC 33 0(^45 00|j60 OOElOO 0 ualws paid for. 'yOLVME X L BUCHANAN, MIOH., . TBUBSD&Y, F E B m m T 7, FUMEEK 52. BoainwsCards of flvelinei orleas, (5 perannotai Degal adverdeeineiits a* statute r&tefot O lflC S .—In Post Office Building, Oak Street. Transient advertising payable in advance* Yearly advertising pajableon demand. Matter in local colnmne, ten cents por lin** for each sealed and addressed twenty-five or ret, and you are all alike. You make insertion; but no local taken for leaetban $1.00. thirty dainty letter notes. up your minds to anything, and there Obituary Notices—more than tbe annoanct* beAdvertlaementB charged for at notthe accompanied rate of five centr vitb direction*lor eacb lice. >o to “ Now,” said Ceci, moistening the is no getting the notion out of your tlme« trill b« inserted until forbidden, end charged fcr last stamp, and affixing it with bust- heads.” accordinicly* Short oorice< _________________ i ness-like celerity, “ all wo have to do “ Now, mother dear, if we are self- is to get Oliver to post them. You willed,” exclaimed Midge, roguishly, go. She knew that her sisters in­ .nun dm 3H6'MT"3B?*- go and call him, Es.” “ how did we possibly become so ? We tended making a united appeal to “ Where is he ?” couldn’t inherit it from you, of course. their mother to forego her angry re­ “ Oh, out in the back yard sawing Why can't you have Mrs. Nesbett sistance, and to assist them in pleas­ Wood, I guess,” said Cecil, ensconc­ here some other day V ing their guests ; and she thought, “ I U', ing herself comfortably in a chair with “ Why can't Ainanda have her com­ am sure ma will be melted at once, if U:-. a book.- pany some other evening ?” I can whisper two or three words is Grreat readers of romance they all “ Well,” replied Midge, slanting her her ear.” t V were. head with an air of being very critical Unfortunately, when Amie got to When there was no immediate di­ over her work as she bore hard across the hall door she heard loud voices in version offered in the way of prome­ a rough place, “ because she has al­ iV HATS AND CAPS, angry discussion. i- - nade or ball, one or the other of the ready sent out the invitations.” From parlor to kitchen is always a sisters had been known to pass a whole Mrs. Mayne’s temper was instantly sharp transaction, but was there ever day at a time, oblivious of everything all ablaze. so marked a contrast between: the two m except’the deeds or misdeeds of some “ Get away from there, Margaret,” rooms as in Mrs. Mayne’s house that hero of the Strathmore type, she cried, “ you are pulling that bias night. seam the wrong way; give me the “ Look hero, Oily,” said Amie, “ There’s no doing anything with s* r sweetly, when her brother had come iron.” ma,” said Ceci; “ she’s just as obsti­ up into her room; “ I want you to do But Midge was determined not to nate as the Sphnix.” . something for me, like a dear good let the main Question drop. “ Yes ; everybody has been asking WE ARE OFFERING SPECIAL - A . 1 P - fellow.” “ You needn’t worry about baking,” for her,” said Midge, pouting, “ and . “ What's up now?” asked Oliver, said she, mildly, “ because it would be wondering why she didn’ t come into JV- the more gruffly, because he knew his so easy to order a few things from the the parlor.” sister had a motive for pleasing him. confectioner.” “ To be sure—and I would havo “ I want you to post these letters “ Don’t let me hear another Word told them she was sick, but like as not- for me without letting ma know.” about it, I tell you,” retorted her if I did, she would come popping in “ Why don’t you post em’ yourself?” mother, in high dudgeon. “ And you the next minute, saying she never felt drawled he, ungraciously, turning one may tell Amanda for me that whoever better in her life,” added Essie. envelope after another to study the sets his foot inside the front door on Then Mrs. Mayne broke in angerly, addresses. Wednesday evening, if he Was the “ Don’t want another word from you, “ 0 , you know well enough, Oily ; Pope of Rome, would be insulted.” Esther. I've caught you at your Men’s Suits, from $4.00 to $30.00. it does not do for young ladies to run Notwithstanding this edict, and the tricks, miss. Didn’ t you think I had out on the street without fixing u p - fact that Mrs. Mayne’s displeasure 358.. a t T O M ! , Business Directory. P o e t r y . any eyes in my head when you were Men’s Boots, from - $2.25 to $7.00. now, it don't matter about boys a bit.” had not been softer ed meanwhile by giving Oliver money in the hall to­ Analyii-cuZ JPhysi&mn, entreaties, tears or tempers, at pre Writ$« for tk«S « 0Bl “ That’s what you always say,” re­ night ?’’ LATE OF NEW TOJIK CTTY, B X* M O R I iBT i star foundry# A ll turned her brother, remembering the cisely seven o ’clock on Wednesday Women’s Shoes, from 90c. to $6.00. WUl exptala the causo of everj existing allaeat, and wUheut o kiudsofcasting'fiuchagplowpointS'BngMrkettleft, SBCBRT.S. “ Well, suppose I did,” retorted mlng zsdaeral or polioDoes drugs will oure dieeeH and ruvaoro Its catuie, HU Specialty Is leigh ahoea, Ac. Iron turning and job worV’ doseto many times he had been left out at evening the girls had all gone up stairs dar. OldmetaUah4ninnxohH.nc6for work, ?oria«* Essie, indignantly ; “ I can’ t see peo­ Chronic Diseases of the Brenthlngf, Some have thoughts of looking back, '‘o fl.n e s r th c d epot, ' SStt elbow because in Mrs. Mayne’s sys­ to dress. ple coming to the house and go away S>igestin«?t SniK Iing. BlooA 1’ n r l f y - , Saying all that comes to mind, AND OTHER HOODS IN PROPORTION. Telling friends of all they lack, tem of household economy the girls They occupied two small rooms without a crumb to eat.” fug and Beprodnctlro Organs. IpjXKrlS’S ’J5U8.—George B ird w ill run Showing all the faults they find. had always to be supplied first. opening into each other, and were “ That’s just what they will do,” 5f*‘ Ths harmoniout action of those producoe perfoot health; and hw M2us to ami from the Kailroad trains and ITotsli, Would it be a pleasant, task ths educated eye of the‘ klUful phvclclas should at oaoe detect no f> any part ot the* village. Yareonly 26 ceuU, iu« But Amie knew well how to avert obliged to share many things in com­ * andAoCfita th e ca u ecof soy dapahera from thU perfect stand* y.iU ng baggage. Thus a oreature to unmask, said the mother, rapping her knuckles *rd, whlU hi* ksowlsdga of. and experience with rtmcdl*?, any unpleasant argument when it was mon. Just imagine four girls forced should e&Abla him to apply nature's eorroctlre. E’en the secrets of the heart; furiously on the table at which she . la tbe botanleal world there i* an antidote for every UL** sad Exposing all, but not in part, politic to do so. to take turns at one mirror ! Then0 by tha A5ALYTICAI; SYSTEa of diagnosing disease.^>r.TJnK*» B. CHtTRGKIXiXi, dealeriu Clocks, had been sitting with her sewing. l a able to traoe. every malady or symptom which' presents tWelf O To the world, to the world ? “ Never mind—see here,” said she, add to this the unaccountable way I. b o c k to Its cause, and fcr Ye^t&blc remedies to thbrooghly * Watches, Jewolry, Spectacles, Ac. Also, repairing “ Didn’t I tell you there shouldn’t be done to order. A ll work, warranted. Store, fonrtk door which ruffles, skirts and ribbons have north o f the Bank. Main srrer*t. BachanaD, Mich. How ’twould sound to our best friends, slipping a small piece of money into any supper here to-night ? And as i! a.iu _ _ Throwing open to the light, i % **Dulli year homsa upon tha roek.'1 ir.B hand.
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