No. 135' Poisons 435 EXPLANATORY NOTE (This note is not part of the Regulations, ,but is intended to indicate. their general purport.) These Regulations amend the Regulations regarding the provision of General Dental Services, as follows:- (1) by varying the. provisions concerning prior approval by the Dental Estimates Committ~e of estimates for dental treatment, where a variation or addition to an approved estimate becomes neces'sary d~ring treatme~t; " '" (2) by providing for the employment of, a,nd responsibility for, dental hygienists by dentists; (3) by withdrawing in respect of c~rtain items of treatment the requireme11t that the approval of the Dental 'Estimates Committee must be obtained before commencement of treatment; (4) by substituting a ,new list of prescribed drugs which a dentist may supply to or order for persons for whom he is providing general d~ntal services; , ' (5) by providing a fixed fee for gold fillings; (6) by making certain consequential and other minor alterations. 1960. No.135 [C] POISONS ORDER, DATED 31ST AUGUST, 1960; MADE BY THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS UNDER SUB-SECTION (6) OF SECTION TWENTY-SIX A OF THE MEDICINES, PHARMACY AND POISONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND), 1945. Whereas the Poisons Board, constituted in accordance with section twenty­ six of the Medicines, Pharmacy 'and Poisons Acf(Northern Ireland), 1945(a), has recommended to me that the list of the substances which are to be treated as poisons for the purposes of the Pharmacy and Poisons Acts (Northern Ireland), 1925 to 1955, and known as "the Poisons Schedule" for the purposes of those Acts, should be amended so that certain additional substances should be included in, and certain changes of nomenclature and arrangement made in Part I of the said schedule (which Part consists of those poisons which, subject to the provisions of the said Act, are not to be sold except by a person who is an authorised seller of poisons) and so that 'an additional substance should be included in Part II of the said schedule (which Part consists of those poisons which, subject to the provisions of the said Act, are not t9 be sold except by a person who is an authorised seller of poisons or who is authorised by the local authority) : Now, therefore, I, the Right Honourable Brian Faulkner, M.P., Minister of Home Affairs for Northern Ireland, in exercise of the powers conferred on me. by sub-section (6) of section twenty-six A of the Medicines, Pharmacy and POIsons Act (Northern Ireland), 1945, and of all other:pbwers enabling me in that behalf do hereby order as follows: - , ': " , , (a) 1945 c, 9, 436 Poisons NQ. 135 Citation and commencement 1. This Order may be cited as the Poison List (Amendment) Order (Northern Ireland), 1960,. a!ld shall come into operation on the 1st day of October, 1960. Amendments 2. The Poisons List Confirmation Order (Northern Ireland), 1956(a), (which constitutes "the Poisons Schedule" for the purposes of the Pharmacy and Poisons Acts (Northern Ireland), 1925 to 1955, shall be amended and varied as foHows, that is to say:- (a) Part I shall be amended and varied in the manner,spt;clfied in the First Schedule, (b) Part II shall be amended and varied in the manner speCified in the Second Schedule, and accordingly the list of substances in the Poisons Schedule which are to be treated as poisons for the purposes of the Phatmacy a,nd ;poisons Acts (Notthern Ireland), 1925 to 1955, shall be asset out in the Third Schedule. Dated this 31st day of August, 1960. Brian Faulkner, Minister of Home Affairs. FIRST SCHEDU:t:.,E Amendments and Variations in Part I of the Poisons Schedule In Part I of the Poisons Schedule- (a) there shall ,be inserted the foIlowi!lg items;- (i) "Acety1carbroma,I" "Azacvclonol; it!;) salts" "Benactyzine; its salts" ,. Benzethidine; its ,salts" ., 3-Benzylhydrazinocarbonyl-5-methylisooxazole; its salts" " BromvaletOlie " . .. Captodiame; its salts" " Carbromal" " 2-p-Chlorophenyl-3-methylbutane-2 : 3-diol " .. Chlorpropamide; its salts" , "Cyclophosphamide; its salts " "Dimenoxadole; its sal.ts" .. Furethidine; its salts" "4-Hydroxymethyl-2 : 2-diisop.J;'opyl-l : 3-dioxolan" "Hydroxyzine; its salts" " Imipramine;' its salts" " Mannomustine; its salts" "Mephenesin; its esters" " Meprobamate" , " Metformin; its salts" " Methocarbamol " "a-Methyl-phenethylhydrazine; its salts'" " Methyl phenidate; its salts " "Norcodeine' its salts" "Normorphi~e; its salts" (a) S.R. &; 9. (N:!.) '1956, No. 118. No. 135 Poisons 437 .. Phenazocine' its salts" ... Phenelzine; its salts " .. Phenformin; its salts·" .. Phenmetrazine; its salts" " Pipradrol; its salts " .. Thalidomide; its salts." ". Zoxazolamine; its salts" (ii) under the heading" Alkaloids "-. " Rauwolfia, alkaloids of" (iii) under the heading " Anti-histamine substances ,,~ " Buclizine " .. (p-Chlorophenylpyrid-2-ylmethyl) 2-dime~hyhiminoethyl ether" " 1-(4-p-Chlorophenyl-3-phenyl-but-2-enyl)-pyrrolidine " "'Chlorpheniramine " , . '.' Clemizole " " CycIizine " .. I-Dimethylamino-3-phenyl-3-(2-pyridyl)-propane'" .. Diphenylpyraline " " Doxylamine" " Isothipendyl " .. Mebhydrolin " " Mec1ozine'" " Thenalidine " "1r'iprolidine "; (b) for the item "3-(1O-Phenothiazinyl)propane substituted in the I-position; . its saIts; derivatives of 3-(10-Ph~nothiazinyl)propane substituted in the I-position; their salts" t4ere sh'a:ll be substituted the item "Phenothiazine, derivatives of; their salts; except promethazine, its salts and its molecular compounds"; (c) the items se.t out in sub-paragraph (i). of this paragraph shall be omitted and in substitution therefor' there shallbe inserted the items set out in sub-paragraph (ii)of this paragraph- . (i) "Beta-aminopropylbenzene; its salts; its N-alkyl derivatives; their salts; beta-aminoisdpropylbenzene; its salts; its N-alkyl derivatives; their salts" ' " Diacetyl-N-allylnormotphine; its salts" " Di-isopropyl fluorophosphonate'" " 1 : 4-Dimethanesulphonoxybutane; its salts " "Levorphan; its salts" "6-Mercaptopurine; its salt~"" ' " Metanitrophenol; orthonitrophenol; ,paranitrophenol " " Methadol; its salts" . " Methyldesomorphine; its salts '~ "Morpholinylethylmorphine; its salts" ." Oestrogenic substances,. natural and artificial .,' . "Para-aminobenzenesulphonamide; its salts; derivatives of para-ammo- benzenesulphonamide having any of the hydrogen atoms of the ,. '.' para-amino group or of' the sulphonamide group substituted by anpther radical; their salts '? " Para-amino-benzoic acid; esters of; their salts'" " 'Phenylacetylurea " " Tri-(2-chloroethyl)amine;' its salts'" " Triethanomelamine; its salts" "Tropine diphenylmethyl ether; its salts" (under the. heading" Anti-histamine substanceS") "Bromazine"; (ii) "B-Aminopropylbenzene;' its salts; its N-alkyl derivatives; their salts; . B-aminoisopropylbenzene; its salts; its N-alkyl derivatives; their salts" " Diacetylnalorphine;' its salts" " "' " Dyflos " ." -,;". '., 438 Poisons No. 135 " Busulphan; its salts" " Levorphanol; its salts" " Mercaptopurine; its salts" " m-Nitrophenol; o-nitrophenol; p-nitrophenol ,; "Dimepheptanol; its salts" . " Methyldesotphine; its salts" "Pho1codine; its salts" " . " Androgenic and oestrogenic· substances,' the' following; '-'-,- Benzoestrol '. Derivatives of stUbeIle, djbenzyl or naphthalene with oestrogenic activity; their esters . Steroid c~mpounds with andI;ogen~c or .oestrogenic activity; their esters. .. " p-Aminobenzenesulphonamide;' its salts; de~iv.a·ti~es· of p-amino­ benzenesulphonamide having any of the hydrogen atoms of the p-amino group or of the sulphonamidegroup"'substitutedby another· radical; their salts" " p-Amino-benzoic acid, esters of; their salts" " Phenacemide " " Trimustine; . its salts" "Tretamine; its salts" " Benztropine; its salts "; (under the heading" Anti-histamine substances") .i·Bromodiphenhydra­ mine "; (d) the following items under the heading" Alkaloids" shaJI Qe omitted, fiamely •• Acetyldihydrocodeine '~, " Acetyldihydrocodeinorie; .its estets ", " Apomorphine '~, "Benzoylmorphine ", "Benzylmorphine", •. Diacetyi. morphine '\ "Dihydrocodeine ",." Dihydrocodein<;>ne; its esters ", "Dipydro­ desoxymorphine ".. "Dihydrohydroxycodeinone; its. ester!? '-',' "Dihydro­ morphine; its esters", "Dihydromorphinone; its estets"· and" Ethylmor­ phine", and in substitution therefor there shall be inserted in the Schedule elsewhere than under that heading the following items- " Acetyldihydrocodeiile; its salts " " Apomorphine; its salts" "Benzoylmorphine; its salts" " Benzylmorphine; its salts" "Diacetylmorphine; its salts" "Dihydrocodeine; its salts" "Dihydrocodeinone; its salts; its esters; their salts ?' .~ Desomorphine; its salts" " Oxycodone; its salts; its esters; their salts" "Thebacon; its salts; its esters; their salts ". "Dihydromorphine; its salts; its estets; their 'saIts " "Hydromorphone; its salts; ·its esters; their salts" "Ethylmorphin~; its salts ". (e) in the item "Antimony,. Chlorides of; Oxides of Antimony; Sulphides of Antimony; Antimonates; Antimonites; Organic Compounds of Antimony", there shall be added -the words" except Antimony Trichlori<:ie ". (1) in the item conimencing Mercury, Oxides of; there shall be omitted the words" Mercuric Chloride; Metcuric Iodides ". SECOND SCHEDULE Variation in ParOl of the Poiso~s Schedule In Part II of the Poisons Schedule after the item " AmmQnia " there shall be inserted the item" Antimony Trichloride", ' No. /35 Poi$ons 439 THIRD SCI:JEDULE The Poisons ~chedule PART I Acetanilide; ·alkyl acetanilide's Acetylcarbromal Acetyldihydrocodeine; its salts Alkali fluorides
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