Vol. X January 16, 1911 jfor minnesota: ~o t1llnite tbe Blumni ~o $er\?e tbe 1rt"tl'tvers rt " -1 ":'\ .- ) Eighth eeting r February 1. th, 1911 , Six O'clock Donal on's Tea Rooms Facts concerning the eighth annual meet- Reservations-Alumni living outside Min­ ing of the General Alumni Association. neapolis hould write at once and make Date-February 16th, 6 o'clock p. m. re ervation . l\' 0 special notice will be sent Place-Donaldson's tea rooms. to them. Price-$I.50 per pate. Alumni living in Minneapolis will be sent Mu ic-Faculty Glee Club. a special po t card notice of the meeting, Program-Business meeting-short, dur- with return cards for re ervations. If such ing dinner hour. notice i not received by February 7th, call Speeches-Pre ident Northrop. up the ecretary and make re ervation. President-elect Vincent. Reservations will be made in the order helsea J. Rockwood, '79. received and a there will doubtle s be Gratia A. Countryman, '89. more than five hundred who will desire to Senator O . A. Lende, '01, Law attend the meeting-reservations should be '03. made early to make ure of securing a plate. L imit- Only FIVE HUNDRED can be lumni, former tudents. members of the provided for at the tables-the attendance faculty with their wive or hu band' are in­ last year reached this number. ited. Published every Mo nday during the University wm Year. by lhe Ceneral Alumni Association of the mm Universily of Minne.ola. Office. 219 Folwell Hall. Minneapolis, Minn. wm Entered a t the post office al Minneapolis, Minn., mw WW as second class rna Her. WW For any time of the year or any style of skating. With the approach of Spring our Extension Roller Skates claIm the attention of the youngsters. Make some of your young friends habpy by giving them a pair of Ball Bearing. The cost is very moderate. BARNEY & BERRY 307 Broad St. SPRINGFIELD, MASS. A CHECKING ACCOUNT With This Bank 40 YEARS OLD will guard you against unnec­ essary extravagance - establish RICH AND POOR your credit and assisCyou in doing business in a business way besides alike find tbat it is a great advantage to guarding your cash against loss by HAVE A SAVINGS ACCOUNT to draw from when occasion demands. Wby not fire or theft. start an account with us NOW ? Later you may be like many otbors-Thankful wben some e""er­ gency arises tbat you have the money. depoSlte,d Your account invited. where you can get it wben wanted. This Bank IS also well prepared to handle c~eckiDg ac~ounta. and believing you should bave eltber a saVln~s or SECURITY NATIONAL BANK checking account, we offer you our best servIces. such a hi t. The new operetta has been r ead to the Board of Governors and has been pronounced by them fully as good if not better, than tJle operetta of a year ago. Tryouts will be held at once and Miss Mal­ colm will begin immediate drilling of the part PLAN YALE SCHOLARSHIP. Subscri pti on p rice, $2 per y ea r tor all who have been graduated more than three years. Some of the Yale alumni Ii ing in Min­ To those who have been graduated less than neapolis have subscribed five hundred dol­ three years, $1. 25 per year. lars and have appointed a committee to A discount of 25 cents Is allowed for pay­ meo l betore October 15 of each year. name orne graduate of the University of Minnesota to receive this amount as a Loose money sent io pa):ment of subscriptions cholar hip for a year s graduate work at Is at the sender's risk. Yale niversity. The proposition is to loan thi money to the student, the same Address all communications to the to be repaid some time within ten years. M innesota Alumni Weekly The University of lIIinnesota, 1Illnneapolis. WASHINGTON ALUMNI PLANS. E . B. JO HNSON . 'SS, Editor . The Wa hington alumni have planned for FRAN K C . TODD, MD., ' 92. a eries of Dutch treat luncheons to be Ed i t or of the Special Medical Issu es. held during the remainder of the present HARRY WILK, '12, Advertising M a nager. college year and invite to these luncheons any Minne ota alumni who may chance to COMING EVENTS. be in \ "'ashington on the date set. They Jan. 21 t-Faculty Club meeting at Don­ will be held at the VVallis Cafe, 617 12th ald on . Pre ident-Elect Vincent will be St. N. 'vV .. a popular re taurant in the center present. of the down town district, half way be­ Feb. ;;th-Regent meeting. tween the Patent office and the Treasury Feb. 16th-Annual meeting at Donald­ department. Lunch will be served at 12 :30 ons. p . m. on the fir t and third Saturdays of Feb. 18th-\Vomen' inter-c1as ba ketball each month. The management of the cafe tournament. ha agreed to re-erYe tables in the alcove in the northeast corner. The Washington alumni have planned for CARIBOU GROUP READY, their annual meeting for the 14th of Feb­ The aribou group presented to the Zo­ ruary. The full announcement of the plans ology mu eurn of the University by James of the meeting ha not yet been made but Ford Bell, '01, has been completed and is w111 be given a little later. It i t'..xpected open for in pection by the public. It is that Dr. Folwell who e 'pects to be in the fine t group in the northwest and by 'vVa hington at that time, will be the guest all odds the fine t thing the Univer ity has of honor on the occasion a he was two ever attempted in the line. 'vVe shall gi\'e years ago. a fuller de criplioll of thi in a later i ue of the 'vV e e k I y and how a half tone re­ ALUMNI AT CHENEY, WASHINGTON production of the finished group. Tr.ere are four alumni in lleney, Wash., incluomg 1" rances Johnston, '01, wno is aean LIND REMAINS PRESIDENT. of women III the state normal scnool lo­ At the meeting of the Board of Regents cated at Cheney. nder 111e leadersuip of held Friday, January 6th, Governor Lind, Miss Johnston a permanent orgamzatioll president of the board, ubmitted his re ig­ of parents and teachers was tormed .at nation a president. The Board refused to Cheney la t spring. accept hi resignation and at the urgent Dr. ~lsle G. teward, Med '09, is located reque t of the members Mr. Lind consent­ at Cheney a medical mspector and phYSical ed to remain a president of the board. director and is makmg an excellent record. .-\da an or t who attended the Uni- \'er ity for a year is a senior in the normal THE GIRL IN THE MOON. school at that plac . The Minnesota Union has planned an­ .Mary . Lucas, >08, is living at Cheney ther operetta to be given thi spring by With her parents. fter graduating from the mel1 of the Univer ity entitled "The the l1lversity she attended Radcliffe col­ Girl in the Moon." lege for a year when her health gave out The operetta was written by Edgar Allen and he wa obliged to take a rest. She who produced the operetta of last year is reco\'ering and expects to be able to take "The Prof and the Princess" which m ade up tea hing soon. 4 THE MINNESOTA EMERGENCY BILL APPROVED. LETTER FROM MR. UZZELL, ·og. The lirst bill affecting the University was Dec. 21, 1910, N. S. introduced la t Tuesday. St. Petersburg. The bill carries the following items. Dear Mr. Johnson: For deficiency in the university main­ The \V e e k I y ha come regularly so far tenance fund for the biennial period ending afld I expect it will continue to do so until July 31, 1911, $130,000. there shall appear a review of a book on For increased cost of engineering build­ sociali m or somebody at a safe distance ing, $75,000. through your columns tries to make a few For equipment of engineering building, ugge tions to the Rus ian government! $40,000. Then my precious news from Alma Mater For equipment of engineering library, will either di appear in the unpitying man $35,000. of the cen or's office or will come to me "caviared," a they call it, or plastered up For increased cost of Millard hall, $66,- with black ink. The modest appearance of 400. the little paper has helped it on it way For increased cost of anatomy building, already; and it is furthermore something to $43,342. my advantage that I am the only person in For equipment of anatomy building, the Russian Empire receiving the Wee k­ $84,000. I y. (Am I not right in my surmise?) The For equipment of Millard hall, $75,000. Russian univer itie , you know, with their For equipment of Elliott Memorial hos­ seven or eight thou and student -':and no football teams l-are the very hot-beds of pital, $54,000. revolutionary revolts, and I can imagine For maintenance of Elliott Memorial hos­ the sympathy which the imperial censor pital during the year ending July 31, 19II, must have fel t for the American govern­ $33,700. ment when he saw the front cover photo­ This totals $636,442.00. The bill was pre­ graph of the champion 1910 team! A mis­ sented in the Hou e by Mr.
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