EllrasianPrehistory, 5 (I): 13/-136. GETTING BACK TO BASICS: A RESPONSETO OTTE "COMMENTS ON MEZMAISKAYA" Lubov Golovanova, Vladimir Doronichev and Naomi Cleghorn MarcelOtte recently argued (In "Comments lar to the Ahrnarian tradition, and particularly the f onMezmaiskaya,North Caucasus", Eurasian lithic assemblages from Abu Noshra and the La- Prehistory, thisissue)that the Early Upper Paleo- gaman, dating between 30 and 35 ky BP (Gilead, Iilhic(EDP)atMezmaiskayaCave can be defined 1991). This preliminary conclusion is based on asAurignacian(versus Golovanova et al., 2006). the prevalence of micro-laminar (bladelet) debi- Ihisraisesan old methodological problem con- tage, a high percentage of tools made on bladelets cerningthecorrectuse of scientific terms and the (compared with 45.7 percent at Lagama), and a definitionof the Aurignacian. Lithic definitions rather low representation (about 20 percent) of suchasAurignacianand Gravettian which were endscrapers and burins. It is important to note that originallybasedon specific materials, have been only the later Ahmarian assemblages provided a rathermoreloosely applied to assemblages dis- basis for this comparison. Moreover, despite tantintimeand space. We believe that the wider many similarities, the EUP industry from Layer ap.plicationof these original terms not only sim- l C at Mezmaiskaya is not identical to the Ahmar- plifiesthemby a subjective reduction of their pri- tan. mary determiningattributes, but also confuses our Ongoing excavations of EUP levels in Mez- understandingof cultural processes within and maiskaya Cave now permit a more accurate com- betweenvariousregions. parison with the Ahmarian. Typical el-Wad To get hack to the basic definition of the points with fine lateral retouch, which are very ~urignacian,it is necessary to return to Sonne- characteristic of the Ahmarian assemblages from Ville-Bordes'(1950) classic publication on this Lagama (Bar-Yosefand Belfer 1977: fig. 23) and subject.Basedon the original materials (Sonne- Qafzeh Cave, layer E (Bar- Yosef and Belfer- ville-Bordes,1950: 146-150) the Aurignacian is Cohen 2004: figs. 11-12) are absent from Mez- definedasa blade industry _ ruost tools are made maiskaya. By contrast, typical Gravette points onblades.Further,the Aurignacian toolkit is de- with straight backs made by blunted retouch are ~;ed by the following characteristics: 20.5 to the most common point type in the EUP levels at .7 percentendscrapers, between 7.1 and 35.0 Mezmaiskaya (Fig. I). Various bone tools, which per~entAurignacian scrapers (including typical are poorly represented in the Ahmarian (possibly carmatedand nosed endscrapers), 28.9 to 43.0 due to poor bone preservation), are characteristic percentburins, 4.0 to 34.4 percent retouched of the EUP of Mezmaiskaya. These tools include blades,and two types of bone points - split and points, awls, needles (including eyed needles), beveled-basepoints. Bladelets with Dufour re- and pendants made from ungulate teeth. Moreo- tQuc.harelesscommon and do not occur not in all ver, in layers IB and IA (dating from about 32 to Aungnacianassemblages. 28 ky BP), bone tools with geometric ornamenta- Incomparingthe new EUP assemblages from tion, plaque beads made from mammoth tusk, and ~ezmaiskayaCave with coeval or slightly earlier pendants made from Black Sea seashells appear. industries (e.g., Chatelperronian, Uluzzian, Auri- A comparison of flaking techniques also dis- gnacian,and Ahmarian), Golovanova (2000: 175) tinguishes the EUP of Mezmaiskaya from the findstheMezmaiskaya materials to be most simi- Aurignacian. At Mezmaiskaya, bladelet and even 132 L. Golovanova et at. A response to Otte "Comments on Mezrnaiskaya" 133 , ! " MEZMAISKAYA CAVE .. , o. 2 em MEZ,MAISKAVA CAVE I I" DUFOUR GROTTO o L..' -"'----'----', 3em o 2 em ! ! LAGAMA VII 0- YAFTEH CAVE , o 2 ..,3cm o * 1 2 YAFTEH CAVE Fig,2. Backedbladelets from Mezmaiskaya Cave (Golovanova et al., 2006: fig. 22), and Dufour bladelets from Dufour Grotto (Brezillon, 1971: fig. 115) and Yafteh Cave (Orte et aI., 2007: fig. 6) Fig.1. Various types of points on bl d I . f L a e ets from Me . & pomts rom agama VII (Bar- Yasef and B I~ zmalskaya Cave (GoI I 2006'fig.22). 2007: fig. 6) e rer, 1977: fig, 23) . ov~nova et a., . (ort" , and Arjeneh POints from Yafteh Cave (see Brazillon 197I: 266-267) first defined with Dufour retouch are completely absent in Dufouras a type of bladelet "finement retouchees, Layer I C at Mezmaiskaya, as are any bladelets micro-blade let production is more comm parretouchesalternes". We think that Otte refer- with ventral retouch (fig. 2). t~e large blade production typical of the on. than blanks) in the EUP ofMezmaiskaya (GoIO\~ ence to Dufour bladelets at Mezmaiskaya comes Otte identification (Eurasian Prehistory, this clan. Contrary to assertions by Orte th~u~lgna- etal., 2006: 65: fig. 21). fr~~ an inappropriate redefinition of these pieces issue) of Arjeneh points at Mezmaiskaya (GoIo- and unlike the true Aurignacian in F ( IS ISSue) OUec h'f"~ ortgmally defined as backed bIade!ets (see Golo- vanova et al., 2006: fig. 22: 1-11) is also not quite are relatively infrequent (.......17 pe rance, blades omment (Eurasian Pre /S 0'1' iii' rcenr of laminar Sue) also requires that we get back to Ib' . vanova et al., 2006: fig. 22: 12-18). Following correct. Although, both Arjeneh points from ofthed fi " BU~ the originaldefinition of 1. Bouyssonie, bladelets e lnltlon of Dufour retouch. 1. OJ Yafteh Cave (Otte et al., 2007: fig. 6: 1-3) and 134 L. Golovanova et a/. A response to Otte "Comments on Mezmaiskaya" 135 Tahiti definition of the Aurignacian - or rather, the of modern excavation techniques and comprehen- Comparison of EUP lithic indices at Mezmaiskaya Cave, layer 1 C and Yafteh Cave Aurignacoid - to many Upper Paleolithic indus- sive publication will improve our understanding (calculations by Golovanova based on published data ofOtte el al., 2007) tries that are quite different from the typical of inter-assemblage variability within this area. Aurignacian of France. This broad definition BJadesIbJadele!s: Bladelets: Tools 011 bladelets: masks important differences between localities Percent of total flakes Percent of all Endscrapersbems Acknowledgments blades/bladelen Percent of total tools PercentofIota]lools and regions. We thank Marcel Otte for his discussion of Mezmaiskaya, Layer J C 73.2 As in the Northwestern Caucasus, researchers 82.8 57.6 25.9 Mezmaiskaya and for giving us the opportunity to clar- Yafteh Cave 79.7 I studying the EUP of Georgia (particularly at 69.4 66.7 t9t ify the nature of the EUP at this site. We also thank Dzudzuana Cave and Ortvale Klde Rockshelter) Ofer Bar-Yoseffor his comments on this manuscript. also note the similarity of these assemblages to the Levantine Ahmarian, and reject their affilia- points from Mezmaiskaya are made on bJadelets, authors (Amirkhanov, 1986; Cohen and Stepan· tion with the Aurignacian (Meshveliani et al., their retouching is essentially different. While re- chuk, 1999) REFERENCES touch III tbe that claim to have identified the 2004; Bar-Yosef et al., 2006). Further, these au- Yafteh assemblage IS fine and Aurignacian within the EUP of the Northern Cau· AMIRKHANOV H. A. 1986. Verhkniy palealit semi-abrupt, it is more modifying and abrupt at thors point out the differences between the Geor- casus. It is important to note, however, thatboili gian EUP and that at Mezmaiskaya by noting the Prikubanya (The Upper Paleolithic of the Kuban Mezmaiskaya. Moreover, Arjeneh points are not a River Valley). Moscow. articles reach this conclusion based on materials higher percent of blunted backed bladelets at the key component of the typical Aurignacian. On the Bar-YosefO., A. Belfer-Cohen, D. S. Adter. 2006. The contrary, some from the old excavations in Kamennomostskaya latter site. of these tools are similar to implications of the Middle-Upper Paleolithic chro- Cave. The Aurignacian characteristics of thisas· Thus, we can conclude that the EUP assem- el-Wad points made on bladelets (Fig. I), which nological boundary in the Caucasus to Eurasian pre- are semblage are the following indices: nearly 360 blages from Mezmaiskaya Cave belong to a cul- characteristic for the Levantine Ahmarian history. Anthropologie XLIV/l: 49-60. percent blades, 18.8 percent tools on large hlades, tural area of widespread bladelet industries found BAR-YOSEF 0., BELFER-COHEN A. 2004. The (e.g., Bar-Yosef and Belfer-Cohen 2004: figs. 11-12). 22.3 percent endscrapers and burins, and 2.3 per· from the Levant to the Caucasus between 40 or 38 Qafzeh Upper Paleolithic assemblages: 70 years cent blunted backed bladelets and points on ble Of the Aurignacian components described by and 30 ky. As a group, these industries are distin- later. Eurasian Prehistory 2( 1-2): l45-180. Otte, only endscrapers remain. Indeed, there are delets (see Golovanova, 2000: 172). Excavation guished by a very high level of bladelet produc- BAR-YOSEF 0., BELFER A. 1977. The Lagaman In- in Kamennornostskaya Cave was carried out more dustry. Prehistoric investigations in Gebel Mag- few Aurignacian-type endscrapers tion in the flaking technique and by the fact that made on hara, Northern Sinai. Jerusalem: 42-84. blades at Mezmaiskaya (Golovanova et at., 2006: than 40 years ago, and the material is undated and one of the largest and most variable groups of BLAJKO A. V. 2007. Raskopki verkhnepaleolitiches- fiig. 23: 11). However, the majority of endscrapers seems to be non-homogeneous. Unfortunately, tools is made on bladelets. In the Levant, this in- the cave and its deposits have been completely de- dustry type is called Ahmarian. koi stoyanki v Korotkoi peshere na Severo-Zapad- in Layer 1C are made by semr -abrupt retouch on nom Kavkaze (Excavations of the Upper Paleolithic stroyed by a limestone quarry, and it IS ImpossIble In our opinion, materials from Yafteh Cave in massive or technical flakes. No typical Aurigna- occupation at Korotkaya cave in the North-Western to test the reliability of the published results.
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