EAGLES DEFEAT SAINTS 77-41 SPORTING WORLD ir Page Six THE CAROLINA TIMES Saturday, February 13th, 1943 Pirates JNosed Out By A&T Aggies PRO AND CON IN SPORTS St. Augustine College By Frank T. Ward Drops Second Game XEW YORK — Willie !Vp, jrobiiblx be j»OStpOJu'd one wet Hartford, <'(inn. Iflij, who loiH' A.MATKl’KS: The News Wel- apo has i)rov(Mj him sdl imister To N.C. College Five I'.ue Association of the New of th»- featherweiffht division, \'ork, l>»ily News, sjionsor of slopped out of his class last C harlie I D ftfw w as By B. Linwood Holloway the Golden Ulovcs, announced lieek to make his '>!(th straijrht OMLY A.yOONGSTtR IM The North Carolina College last week that a servicemen’s GUARDSMEN victory a historv-makiii<r ( aRAMMA^Afe (CHOOL .WHCI Eagles easily defeated the faints invitation to the Golden (5loves, THOUiANDS OF AMEMCAH •iMC hy defeatiii" Allie Stolz, o:j& «J of St. Augustine College'‘77 to which will bring together teams DOUGHBOYt'DlfO IN THE ^ o a N rm t liphtweijrht's top-not<-hers. Allie LAST >WAR BKAUSC OF 41 in a game played before a hails from Nowark, X. J. l;-om the r. S. Coast Guard, the LACK 0F'^ADEQUATE»ftU>0»X ^1 capacity icrowd at the local gym­ OVER THE Army Air Force, the U. S. TRAHiFUMOK nasium on. Thursday, February We must ailmit now that we Army, and the British Hoyal 4. From the opening whistle un­ TR^wled Stok to walk in and Xavj’, will be hHd (luring the til ,the closing gun th e Eagl<^ take over, sorta in rommando % (inldcn Gloves Tournament this outplayed, outmaneuvened anl ■fetyle, as hare nioBt jiftst T^ar. The serviccmon teams of literally ran away with the weights in bouts with top honor­ eight men each will meet at the Sflihts. High scorer for the Eag­ ed feathers. Hut now it can be Harden March Kith and 17th les was Robeson who scored a that I*ep cannot only rule and will l attle it out among them RANKED AMOH& oints. in 11 cdnsecu- liis own olass, but mar cause THE FIWT FtVE _ selves. Tliev wiil not meet civi- tive games Robeson has scored tft t' TTmftm for innii>"T^(f"pit4n coniesfanfST" W iiim s T H . D .^ a total of 228 points. High scor­ the aspirant of Bean Jack’s PIU>Pe)iOA OF HOWAM^'mHVUVTY, The tournament began in New OMEF tlM eO lli FttEM ttN) er for the Saints w'as Pullen .erown. York lilist Monday. Similar ‘ M iS iE O AIL EAfTEM who scored a toltal of 15 points tournament of the eastern divis­ % THf^pimwiArioii Whether or not the feather­ HALFBACK PRKE««IIOII Of BIOOP flAS«A, » for the Saints. The Saints were ion are l*eing held in Philadel­ weight ehanr|)ion has the stufi A I L ^ .piMCTOfc O F*TH C^n>$M A hindered by the absence of their th a l will enable him to stand up phia, Washington, Trenton,' N. AMCAICA ' 'FOR ..MITAIN HKW£CT. A M 01«E£TOA OF leading s<-ore, Bradford Marshall MCKTIOK THE 'FllST . Rfft cm, « T UF against New York’s Liyhtwei<tht I., Newark, N. J., and Charlotte, uWA THf COlWtTlOH‘'of U 0 0 » 'A N » who was out of the line-up be­ xhamp. Beau Jack, is a matter N. C. A Puerto Kican team has - PLASMA FOR/THE «U4ERiCAM ARMED cause of some undisclosed ail­ only to be seen. News has already entered this year’s tournamt'nt. OUT$TMiOINe OOCrOR-^FKUOOS ment. Marshall has been the reaebed this scril>e verifying he marking the first team from out leading Scorer in all previous <ide continental U. S. A IONS WITH PAUL RDBtWH,HE> fact that a Pep-Jaek match is in 60UROIK, RALPH METCALFE , jESSE OWEHS, games for the Saints. 'the making. It is reported that Odds and Ends: Lee Savold and CHARLIE DREW W M A GREAT COLUfet On the Boardwalk at Man­ both Jack and Pep have agreed [>en. Franklin, heavyw’eights, will ATHLETE— FOUH LETTEK MAK m commanded by Coxswain Paul L. meet in a 10 round non-title TRACK, aP TA m AT BOTH AMHEMT hattan Beach, Company 24, all Perkins, former football i^tar at meet in a 10 rounder at Chicago O J U t i n Mullet Line Gets b^mt at the garden in March; that AND M te ilL , m PlTE Hl^ ACHIEVE- Negro unit of-the Coast Guard AYashington and Jeffersoji, Uni­ 3»tadjum, Febrilary 15. Dan­ MENTS IM MEDICIHE, HE RECAaS H«S lya.ining^Statl^ goes on a hike their managers, Chick WergClff bury*, Coni^^^ight fans can boast versity.—OffiicaJ pW I Photo bft- PMT kS COACH A t M 0 R 6 M , COLLE&E AS in z^ro'weather. The Company ii" Roger Sirfithr^ ■ ■ i Load .EiC. Goal and Lonis A';>'usi have talked of a double continbution to the matter over wIOi Promoter Cncle Sam’s armed force, they A car or coal taken from the Mike Jacobs and that Jacobs has in Kansas City...the date is not are sepians Bobby and Henry Caorlina mine in Chatham coutl* jgiren the OK providing certain set yet, but look for this event Holt, twin lightweights. If the ty last week was consigned to terms are met. soon. Pep-Jack bout pulls through, HAMPTON QUINTET SPORTS 1— the Atlantic and East Carolbta j Before Willi Pep can talk Ja c k ’s manager. Chick AYergles, railway — the “ Mullet Line'* — 4*rms, though, he will have tjo may bid for an early Jack-Agnott OUTLOOK and will be tested in fireboxes of <?et out Q,f hot water he got him­ championship match, which in Automobile Check DROPS HARD GAME By B. LIHWWOD HOLLOWAY the railway’s locomotives, the self in by breaking the New the opinion of this scribe would state new% bureau has announc­ York State Commission’s- rule draw a much larger gate tha.i the Ujf Soon To Be Made ed. w' when he failed to apfpear before projwsed Pep-Jack scrap. Ray The local outlook in basl<etball H. B. Chatfieid, ooultiern i^ln- the Commission five days before ON HOME FLOOR is still bright even though we Announcement has been made Robinson, Beau Jack and Sgt. es capitalist, said the reopenin,; by county Tax Collector, Hubert his figfat with Allie Stolz at the Jackie Wilson were lodging und­ BY RICHARD HURT still miss Coach Riddicks’ Hill­ of the beep River coal field ia a Warren, that a check up will be ^Garden JanBary 29. Gen. John er one roof. They wore guests at HAMPTON, Va. — In a game side Hornets ... too bad basket­ serious eifort to put the state made soon to determine whether J. Phelan, chairman of the .com­ Harlem ’s Theresa Hotel. that was nip and tuck all the ball was shelved at the Hornet’s back on the coal producing list. mission, is hot on the feather­ way, the Hampton Pirates mar­ nest this season Coach' Mclven-'l^”y local, persons have failed to He said mine passages would be Things I Never. Mentioned list their automobiles. Aecordin? weight's he«ls and may put the gined the A and T basketeers don at NCCN is still tops in bricked up and old timber sup­ Before Department; There al­ to the announcement the local thumbs on the over-weight non­ 53-50 here Tuesday night. producing good basketball teams ports discarded. ways w'as, but not so famous office is getting a list from the title bont by suspending The “ Ace” Phillips sparked the and from where I stand, it looks Work of cleaning out th e coal HOW. New York Ranger.s Hoekey Pep liecause of his misbehart iour. Pirates with 24 points, waging as though the Eagles are going State of all persons who ptirehas- mine shafts has been under wmv team, is having a time of it this To get to the term s: Viscusi, a scoring duel with “ Tommy” to fly to higher heights this .ed 1943 ftutomobile license and for several months. season. New York hockey fans Pep's manager, wants The Beau Armour, ivho netted 19 ;y>oints season than they ever have be­ these names will be checked Attention has been focused on ire hoping they’ll win at least = ^ 0 make 133 pounds. AVergles for the visitors from G'-ecns- fore. “ OlamoT-boy” Leo Fines against those already listed on the Carolina mine, since it was One of the games of their re­ Lwants iiis tiitleholder. Beau Jack boro. •eally sunk some nice baskets in the county tax hooka- revealed that a band of iron ore maining schedule. Just in case * to make 35 per, cent of the gate. the State-Union tilt and it W arren stated th at oRicials lies beneath the coal vein. Wit^ ou may have a baseball, glove, From the openihg whistle, the § And Mike Jacobs doesn’t want seems as though the lad is really the agitation in Congress for pro­ 'lat or such, laving around that two teams matched each other now are checking new lists fto give out nion* than 60 per Cent going placS‘*^this year. It appears duction of sponge iron, interest vou may not J»e using any more, point for point, jind the lead ngiiinst old lists to find out ?<trhieh means that the hoys OS though Robeson of NCCN is has been rcnew'ed in the simu’- 'ou can send it to one of the seesawed throughout, with the those who have failed to list I might have to settle fo r a ’ 30-30 going to be one of the contend­ tiixes, and that al] unlisted real taneous occurrence of the tv/0 many local army service orgnni- score 27 for Hampton and 24t for ^ ip lit.
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