June 14, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1147 SUPPORTING RESPONSIBLE FA- PERSONAL EXPLANATION TRANSPORTATION, TREASURY, THERHOOD, PROMOTING MAR- HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOP- RIAGE, AND ENCOURAGING MENT, THE JUDICIARY, THE DIS- GREATER INVOLVEMENT OF FA- HON. PHIL ENGLISH TRICT OF COLUMBIA AND INDE- THERS IN THE LIVES OF THEIR PENDENT AGENCIES APPROPRIA- OF PENNSYLVANIA CHILDREN, ESPECIALLY ON FA- TIONS ACT, 2007 THER’S DAY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEECH OF Wednesday, June 14, 2006 SPEECH OF HON. DENNIS R. REHBERG Mr. ENGLISH of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker, OF MONTANA HON. TODD TIAHRT I was present and voting during the series of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rolled votes that included rollcall No. 261, on OF KANSAS Wednesday, June 14, 2006 ordering the previous question on the role for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Transportation, Treasury, Housing and Urban The House in Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union had under Tuesday, June 13, 2006 Development, the Judiciary, District of Colum- consideration the bill (H.R. 5576) making ap- bia and Independent Agencies FY 2007. While propriations for the Departments of Trans- Mr. TIAHRT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong I was recorded as ‘‘yea’’ on the vote, I in- portation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban support of House Resolution 318 which pro- tended to cast a ‘‘no’’ vote on rollcall No. 261. Development, the Judiciary, District of Co- motes responsible fatherhood. I am a proud lumbia, and independent agencies for the fis- cal year ending September 30, 2007, and for cosponsor of this resolution but an even f other purposes: prouder father of three. My children are the joy of my life and my wife Vicki and I have thor- PERSONAL EXPLANATION Mr. REHBERG. Mr. Chairman, I rise today oughly enjoyed each stage of their lives as in support of the LaTourette amendment. I they have grown up. I would like to encourage would like to enter into the RECORD the fol- all fathers to realize the impact we have on HON. KATHERINE HARRIS lowing article from the Wall Street Journal that depicts the changes that Amtrak has imple- our children. It is imperative that we not only OF FLORIDA love our wives as Jesus Christ loved His mented on Montana’s own Empire Builder church, but that we show that love to our chil- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Line, the most popular long distance train in the United States. dren. Our children must be our priorities, and Wednesday, June 14, 2006 that is exceedingly hard in this world. I chal- [From the Wall Street Journal, Mar. 17, 2006] lenge all of us fathers to work at maintaining Ms. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I am writing in AMTRAK ON AN UPGRADE a loving and active relationship with our chil- regards to yesterday’s vote ordering the pre- (By Daniel Machalaba) dren. vious question on the rule providing for con- SHELBY, MONT.—Karyn Hamilton, like sideration of the bill (H.R. 5576) making ap- many Amtrak riders, had a dim view of the Whether it is attending sporting events, nation’s passenger railroad as low-class, un- going hunting and fishing, or playing guitar propriations for the Departments of Transpor- comfortable and not much better than a bus. with your children, Almighty God has placed in tation, Treasury, and Housing and Urban De- But the marketing director of a financial- our lives the gift of children and we must velopment, the Judiciary, District of Columbia, management firm in Portland, Ore., changed honor Him by our example. My own father is and independent agencies for the fiscal year her mind during a trip last August on the a man of God and an example to me of a ending September 30, 2007. During the vote Empire Builder, an Amtrak long-distance train undergoing a dramatic makeover that godly leader and solid Christian. Thank you, on the previous question, roll no. 261, I inad- Dad, for the impact you have been in my life includes new carpeting and colors, pleasant vertently voted ‘‘yes,’’ but intended to vote staff, and upgraded food service. As the sil- and the lives of my children. Happy Father’s ‘‘no.’’ ver, diesel-powered train rolled across the Day. prairie, Ms. Hamilton and other first-class f passengers were treated to a wine-and-cheese f tasting party. They dined on meals made RECOGNIZING CLINT RICHARD SON with recipes drawn from the bygone heyday RECOGNIZING JEFFREY LLOYD of train travel. At bedtime, she found a FOR ACHIEVING THE RANK OF fresh-baked chocolate-chip cookie in her FOR ACHIEVING THE RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT EAGLE SCOUT spiffed-up sleeping cabin. ‘‘It’s getting more like a cruise ship,’’ Ms. Hamilton says. After years of financial and political crisis, Am- HON. SAM GRAVES trak is making a calculated gamble: To HON. SAM GRAVES boost revenue on its longer-haul trains, the OF MISSOURI railroad is altering its longstanding one-size- OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fits-all approach to passengers. Instead, it is IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES courting affluent leisure travelers willing to Wednesday, June 14, 2006 pay extra for first-class, sleeping-car service. Wednesday, June 14, 2006 (The differential is substantial. Fares vary Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause by season and day of the week, but if some- Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause to recognize Clint Richardson, a very special one were planning to travel, for example, on April 16, a one-way coach fare from Chicago to recognize Jeffrey Lloyd, a very special young man who has exemplified the finest young man who has exemplified the finest to Seattle would cost $134 for the two-night qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- trip. First-class passengers would pay the ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- basic coach fare plus another $270 for a room- ette or $466 for a bedroom.) ica, Troop 102, and in earning the most pres- ica, Troop 102, and in earning the most pres- tigious award of Eagle Scout. The changes began with a major makeover tigious award of Eagle Scout. of the Empire Builder last summer. Now, Jeffrey has been very active with his troop, Clint has been very active with his troop, Amtrak plans to extend the changes to some participating in many scout activities. Over the participating in many scout activities. Over the other long-haul trains, while also attacking union work rules and bloated food-service many years Jeffrey has been involved with many years Clint has been involved with scouting, he has not only earned numerous expenses. Amtrak’s board also is considering scouting, he has not only earned numerous cuts to its headquarters overhead by stream- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- lining repair shops, maintenance operations, ily, peers, and community. ily, peers, and community. reservation call centers and train stations. Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in The shakeup is an acknowledgment by Am- commending Clint Richardson for his accom- trak officials that they are running out of commending Jeffrey Lloyd for his accomplish- chances to stave off pressure from the Bush ments with the Boy Scouts of America and for plishments with the Boy Scouts of America administration to break up or even liquidate his efforts put forth in achieving the highest and for his efforts put forth in achieving the the federally subsidized—and unprofitable— distinction of Eagle Scout. highest distinction of Eagle Scout. railroad. ‘‘We’re living on borrowed time,’’ VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:08 Jun 15, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14JN8.026 E14JNPT1 jcorcoran on PROD1PC62 with REMARKS E1148 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 14, 2006 says David Laney, Amtrak’s chairman. ‘‘We 500,000 riders a year. During the daily 2,200- the death of Mr. Richardson, Mr. Bass created have to demonstrate what we can do on our mile trek between Chicago, Seattle and Bass Brothers Enterprises which he operated own before it is taken out of our hands.’’ Portland, Ore., the Empire Builder chugs on behalf of himself and his four sons until Last year, the Bush administration pro- past spectacular scenery. Its on-time record posed eliminating subsidies to Amtrak, is about 68%, and it posted an average loss of 1991 when his oldest son, Sid, took control of which has been kept afloat with $30 billion in $78.57 per passenger in the fiscal year ended the company. Bass Brothers Enterprises flour- federal aid since 1971, according to the De- Sept. 30. ished into one of American’s most successful partment of Transportation. While Congress While the Empire Builder is so far sticking companies with a wide array of business inter- approved $1.3 billion in funding for the cur- with the traditional dining-car format, staff- ests that at one time included a major stake rent fiscal year, the Bush administration lat- ing level and made-to-order food, its added in the Walt Disney Companies. Mr. Bass also est budget request includes $900 million—a amenities and upgraded service are notice- was chair of the Sid Richardson Foundation, 31% cut—for fiscal 2007. And the DOT would able. Amtrak put a small fleet of rebuilt pas- created by Mr. Richardson, which has been a hold back nearly half of the money until senger cars with hip blue-and-white interiors Amtrak demonstrated continued progress on on the line—a big improvement over the drab generous benefactor of District 12, Texas and reform.
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