This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. Index Abich, H.W., Academician, 237, 250 Alapovsky, Ye., 337 detailed list of generations, 411–414 Abramov, M.P., 395 Albinism, 116 ethnicity and possible inborn traits, Abrikosov, A.I., 469, 470 Albrecht, W., 561 410 Academy of Sciences Album of Confessions (L.F. Dostoev- father’s traits and life story, 407–409 attacks on members’ defense of sci- skaya), 441–442 Friedrich Witte’s descendents, 406– ence, 680–682 Alchevskaya, Kh.D., 450 407 campaign to keep Koltsov out, 684 Alcoholism and natural selection, 143 German heritage, 405–406, 410 membership study (See Academy of Aleksandr Nevsky, Prince, 358 mother’s traits and life story, 409 Sciences membership study) Aleksandrov, A.D., 697 talents of S.Yu. Witte, 334 Academy of Sciences membership study Aleksandrova, F.I., 301 Anderson, 607 age at election and life span, 234–237 Alekseev, Academician, 233 Andreev, A.A., 469 birthplace and place of origin, 240– Alekseev, K.S. See Stanislavsky, K.S. Andreev, F.A., 531 243 Alexander I (Romanov), 321, 328, 335, Andreev, L.N., 462 children and grandchildren, 265–270 368, 386, 394, 408 Andres, A.G., 544, 545, 582, 593, 624, conclusions and observations from Alexander II (Romanov), 325, 327, 409 654 the survey, 276–278 Alexander III (Romanov), 409 Andreski, Stanislav L., 723 data collection method, 230 Alexander the Great, 441, 646 Andreyevich, Ya.M., 343 date of birth and grouping of the data, All-Union Academy of Agricultural Scien- Andrusov, N.I., Academician, 244, 260, 230–233 ces (VASKhNIL), 530, 535, 536, 537, 263, 267 departments and specialties, 233t 646, 656, 678–680, 686, 687, 691 Anesthetics, 428 ethnic and social origin, 243–246 All-Union Agricultural Exhibition Anfimov, V.Ya., 308, 415 family status, 255–257 (VSKhV), 650, 677 Anna Ioannovna, 21 family trees illustrating outstanding All-Union Communist Party (VKPb), 647 Anna Yaroslavna, 313 lineages, 270–276 All-Union Institute of Plant Breeding Annals of Eugenics, The (Fisher), 11, features of the intelligentsia, 279–280 (VIR), 207, 677 586 higher education and activities prior ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Annenkov, I.A., Decembrist, 388, 400 to election, 237–240 543–544 Annenkov, N.N., 388 limits and content of, 229–230 Altenburg, Edgar, 604, 605 Annenkova, V.N., 388 number of children of fathers and Altruism. See “Origin of Altruism, The” Anosov, P.P., mining engineer, 251 brothers and birth order, 257–260 Altukhov, Yu.P., Preface Anthropogenetics occupations of fathers and brothers, Amenitsky, D.A., 306 medicine and (See “Anthropogenetics 247–250 American Breeders Association, 13 and Medicine”) outstanding relatives, 250–255 American eugenics. See Eugenics in place in a socialist state (See Russian and foreign composition over America “Anthropogenetics and Eugenics 200 years, 227–229 American Genetic Association, 13 in a Socialist Society”) spouses and their lineage, 261–265 American Jewish Joint Agricultural trait inheritance and, 728–730 Acosta, Uriel, 684, 686, 687 Corporation (Agro-Joint), 292 twin studies (See Twin studies) Adadurov, V.Ye., Academician, 228 Ammon, Otto, 519 “Anthropogenetics and Eugenics in a Agol, I.I., 534, 536, 649, 654, 678, photo Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Socialist Society” (Serebrovsky) insert 543–544 argument that relationships and Agranov, Ya.S., 57 Analytic abilities and heredity, 119–121 emotions should not be a factor in Agro-Joint (American Jewish Joint Anaximander of Miletus, 703 reproduction, 514–515 Agricultural Corporation), 292 “Ancestors and Descendents of the conclusions from a blood type Akaky Akakievich (literary character), Academician Karl Ernst von Baer” genofond analysis, 509–510 437 (Nelidov and Essen) content of anthropogenetics, 505 Aksakov family, 63, 196 ancestors of K.E., 374–376 eugenics’ inability to succeed in a Aksakov, I.S., 263 descendents of Maria Julianne, 384– capitalist society, 512–513 Aksakov, K.S., 263 386 formula for possible gene Aksakov, S.T., 263 detailed list of generations, 377–384 combinations, 505 Aksyonov, V.V., 201, 203 genealogy table narrative, 371–374 geographical genetics’ relevance to Alapovsky, I. “Muravey”, 337 “Ancestors of Count S.Yu. Witte” population analysis, 507–509 Alapovsky, V., 337 (Lyubimov) mutational process and, 510–511 749 © 2005 by V.V. Babkov © 2013 by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. 750 / Index “Anthropogenetics and Eugenics in a Ardrey, Robert, 732 Bakunin, M.M., 352 Socialist Society” (Serebrovsky) Aristotle, 27, 148, 646, 667 Bakunin, M.P., 352 (Continued) Aristhophanes, 343 Bakunin, N.A., 346, 353–354 promise of eugenics, 511, 515–516 Arsenyev, V.S., 334 Bakunin, P.A., 346, 354 response to comments about the Arsenyev, Yu.V., 334 Bakunin, P.P., 352 article, 517–518 Arsenyeva, M.A. (Geptner), 689, photo Bakunin, P.V., 352 scope of task involved in studying the insert Bakunin, V.M., 352 human gene, 505–506 Arteriosclerosis as a racial characteristic, Bakunina, A.A. See Wulf, A.A. socialism’s potential for changing 487–488 Bakunina, L.A., 346 attitudes towards selective Art of Inmates (Karpov), 307 Bakunina, P.M., 352 reproduction, 515 Art of the Mentally Diseased, The (Kar- Bakunina, T.A., 346, 353 topographical genetics importance, pov), 307 Bakunina, V.A., 345, 346, 353 506–507 Asch, 560 Bakunina, V.A., ne´e Muravyova, 345 Western eugenics’ misguided focus Aschner, B., 553, 565 Bakunina, V.M., 352 on selective breeding, 513 Aschoff, 480 Bakunina, Yekaterina M., 352, 354 “Anthropogenetics and Medicine” Aseev, N.N., 415 Bakunina, Yevdokia M., 352 (Levit) Association of Science and Technology Balabanov, N.I., 431 birthrate and differential mortality of Workers for Contribution to Balkashina (Balkaschina), Ye.I., 64, 211, males and females study, 593 Socialist Construction (VAR- 626, 627, 628, photo insert bourgeois science being conducted in NITSO), 475, 477 Bandre-du-Plessis, A.F., 408 Germany, 588 Astaurov, B.L., Preface, 59, 64, 208, 475, Bandre-du-Plessis, H.A., 408 call to advance anthropogenetics 625, 627–628, 633–634, 695–698, Bantysh-Kamensky, D.N., 403 studies, 598–599 725 Baratynsky, Ye.A, 325 correlation of humans study, 593– eulogy at Timofeev-Ressovsky’s Barbot de Marni, Ye.Ye. See Tolstaya, 594 funeral, 696 Ye.Ye. deep divide regarding study of genetics research, 64, 627 Barchenko, A.V., 2 heredity and environment, 595– Koltsov institute organization, 208 Barclay family, 316 596 paper on evolution, 695 Barclay, Robert, 315 deficiencies and advantages to man as photograph of, photo insert Barinshteyn, L.A., 302 an object of genetic study, 589, 590 political vulnerability of, 475 Barsukov, I.P., 348, 350 etiology of disease helped by genetics, posthumous accusations against, 697 Bartenev, P.I., 339 591 response to Efroimson’s altruism Bartold, V.V, Academician, 256, 264 gender and its relation to pathology paper (See “Evolutionary Genetics Baryatinskaya, M.F., Princess, ne´e study, 592–593 of Humaneness”) Countess Keller, 365 genetics and the nature of mutations, work with Davidenkov, 633 Baryatinsky family, 363 597–598 Asthenic physiques, 429 Baryatinsky, A.I., Prince, Field Marshal, incompletely expressed disease study, Athletic physique, 430 365 592 Auerbach, Charlotte, 691 Baryatinsky, I.I., Prince, 365 mathematical genetics, 598 Auger, Hippolyte, 342 Barykova, A.P., ne´e Kamenskaya, poet- need to raise the scientific level of Augustus, Emperor, 149 ess, 318, 321 anthropogenetic studies, 596–597 Australopithecus, 703, 704 Bashkirtseva, M.K., writer, 264 nosology study, 592 Avdeeva, M., 74 Bashkova, Ye.M., 430 purpose of the genetics conference, Averbakh, M.I., 469 Basina, I.L., 623, 624 588–589 Avramov, A.I., 531 Bates, Henry, 494 questions that emerge only in the Azbukin, D.I., 443 Bateson, William, 2, 79, 601, 602, 604 study of humans, 590 Batkis, G.A., 469, 476, 477, 519, 524, 534 role of genetics in studying Batyushkov, K.N., poet, 341, 351, 392 intersexuality and Babinsky phenomenon, 110 Bauer, Julius, 102, 110, 113 gynandromorphism, 593 Babkov,V.V.,57,64,208,474,477,527,534, Bauer, K., 563, 564 role of genetics in studying 625–628, 643, 645–646, 689–690 Bauman, K.Ya., 651, 653, 679 prophylaxis and therapy, 594–595 Bach, Johann Sebastian, 72 Baur, E., 487, 524 “Anthropotechnical Projects of Peter I” Baer, Heinrich Johann, 371 Bazhenov, N.N., 307 (Volotskoy), 20–22 Baer, Heinrich Sr., 371 Beck, Ye., 489 Anthropotechnics, 20–22, 70 Baer, Karl Ernst von. See von Baer, Karl Beck’s disease as a racial Antonov-Ovseenko, A.V., 654 Ernst characteristic, 489 Antsiferov, N.P., 686 Bagg, 44 Bedny, D., 476 Anuchin, D.N., 21 Bakh, A.N., 75, 684–687 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 462 Apert syndrome, 635 Bakunin family, 63, 200, 252, 308, 340, Begichev, S.N., 396 Apostol, D., Hetman, 343 345, 350–352, 392 Bekayryukov, D.D., hygienist, 264 Appendicitis as a racial characteristic, common psychological features, 354 Beketov family, 271, 275 485–486 connection to Muravyovs, 345–346 Beketov, A.N., 271, 275 Applied Genetics ( journal), 15 genealogy table narrative, 352–354 Beketov, Nikita A., writer, 271 Apraksin, Count, 407 suicides, 354 Beketov, Nikolay A., 271, 275 Apraksina, S.P., 329 Bakunin, A.I., physician, 346 Beketov, N.N., Academician, 237, 244, Apukhtina, N.D. See Fonvizina, N.D. Bakunin, Aleksandr A., 346, 354 251, 267, 275 Arabazhin, K.I., writer, 254 Bakunin, Aleksey A., 346, 349, 354 Beketov, P.P., iconographer, 251, 275 Arab culture, 132 Bakunin, A.M., 345, 352 Beketova, ne´e Yakushkina, 271, 275 Arakcheev, A.A., 343 Bakunin, I.A., 346 Bekhterev, V.M., 6, 463, 527 Archiv fu¨r Kriminal-Antrhopologie,20 Bakunin, M.A., Anarchist, 335, 337, Bekker, D.E., photo insert Ardashnikov, S.N., 540, 578, 623, 672 345–346, 348, 351–354, 370 Beklemishev family, 363 © 2005 by V.V.
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