ANN ARBOR REGISTER. VOL XIX. NO. 3. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1893. WHOLE NO. 943 THE REGENTS MEMORIAL corps of instructors of various grades. rooms are so crowded and so contin order to furnish facilities so essential Our salary bill has thus become so uously occupied that it is impossibl to the health of the students, or at TUB UiHIVKRSITY NEEDS »vi0«,500 much enlarged that wo are con- to have suitable ventilation. By th< any rate half as much more in order FOH THE aiEXf TWO YEARS. strained to ask you to appropriate construction of a new building the to complete the main building. $15,000 a year towards paying for hardship, now imposed on women A Week of Pantaloons A Big Univrrnity Coals ««n<y. But is instruction. students of an excessive amount o We leave these statements and sug- Worth All It «o<tt».—A SPH Admlula VI. Freight on the "Rogers Collec- climbing stairs can be to some exten gestions in your hands. We speak AT tratlou Bullrtlnar Asked I »r.-»s tion. We have now received the last relieved. A building large enoug] only as the agents of the State, who Request for tIt<• fiynasiiun, But <li> shipment of the Rogers Collection of to meet our needs, whether it be at are charged with the duty of explain- Case Strouii'ly Stated nnd Kstliuutrs Made. Statuary, presented some years ago tached to the Main Building or con ing what in our opinion is essential Extremely Weak Prices by the renowned Michigan sculptor, structed separately will we estimate to the efficiency of the University, To the Honorable, the Senate, and the 1/btis Randolph Rogers. This shipment cost $75,000. which belongs to the State. We leave of Representatives:— JANUARY SALE AT THE comprises the famous Columbus Doors IX. Electric Light plant for Hos it to you to judge how far the condi- The undersigned, Regents of the of the Capitol at Washington. The pitals. We are now lighting the Hos tion of the State will enable you to go University of Michigan, in asking statues and adornments of the Doors pitals with electric light, since for in supplying its present needs. your aid in the maintenance of the all illustrate the story of. the life of hospitals it is far preferable to gas HERMANN KIEFER, Institution committed to their care Columbus and of the Discovery of light, which vitiates the air. We can CnARLES R. WHITMAN, Star Clothing House! beg leave briefly, but frankly, to make America. They are of course stud- make our electric light by the use o itOGER W. BUTTERFIELD, known to you some of its most pres ied with special interest just now, the exhaust steam of the boilers em CHARLES HEBARD, sing needs. and are perhaps the most meritorious ployed for heating the buildings a WILLIAM J. COCKER, work of the sculptor. The packing PETER E. COOK, LAST WEEK It is now twenty-five years since trifling cost, after the plant is pro HENRY HOWARD, its remarkable growth carried its nee and transportation have cost $1,400. cured. This would be so great a sav LEVI L. BARBOUR. OF OUR SPLENDID VALUES AT ONLY essary expenditures beyond the sum As previous Legislatures have so ing that we deem it our duty to ask University of Michigan, Jan. 16,1893. accruing from the national endow- cheerfully paid the freight on the for $5,000 for purchasing the plant ment and the fees of students. Every The University Exhibit. legislature since 1867, acting in ac The requests we therefore present to you are as follows: Prof. M. E. Cooley, chairman *of the $2.00, $2.48, $2.78 and $3.28. cordance with the recommendation o: committee in charge of the University GREAT STOCK RE- committees which have carefully 1893. 1894. exhibit at the World's Fair, lias the PANTALOONS AT $2.78 ARE SPECIAL BARGAINS! scrutinized its work, has seen fit to arrangements well undtr way. 3,000 General Repairs $ 5,000 S 5,000 square feet of space has been secured make appropriations to assist it. We Dental College 12.000 12,000 DUCING SALE. are sure that no similar institution in Homoeopathic College and Hospital 10,000 10,000 in the liberal arts building, and S5.000 the country is more economically ad- University Hospital.-. 12,000 12,000 will be expended. ministered. The Universities, which Contingent Expenses 12,500 12,500 The exhibit, if carried out as planned Books for Libraries 15,000 15,000 will undoubtedly be a fine success and are to be compared with ours in Salaries of Tearhers 15,000 15,000 size, expend annually from fifty per Freight on Rogers Collection 1,400 very creditable to the University and Half wool Carpet ivorth cent, to three hundred per cent Equipment for Astronomical Observatory 1,900 to the gentlemen who have desigi el it. A. L NOBLE, more than we. Equipment in Electrical Engineering 1,000 1/00 Laigt* photographs of the buildings, 50c, this week for 35c. Equipment for Botanical Laboratory 500 500 grounds and professors will he l>ung Our embarrassments arise in large Reimbursement on Engineering Building.. 10,000 JJest all wool, extra heavy LEADING CLOTHIER AND HATTER. part from our prosperity, and our Addition to Anatomical Laboratory 2,500 2,500 upon the walls. .Large charts will 2-ply Ingrain, worth 75c,for prosperity, we may fairly claim, is Administration nnd Recitation Building... 37,500 37,500 be displayed giving the history SIGN OF THE RED STAR. due to the merits of the University. Electric Light Plant at Hospitals 5,000 of the institution, and showing 57c. its growth and development, and other The number of our students has §142,300 $124,000 Velvet Carpet worth $1.00 steadily increased from 1,285 in matters of general interest. A case will 1884-5 to between 2,700 and 2,800 seventy or more statues and groups X. We beg you, also, to consider contain copies of all the books that for 75c. present year. This increase has made previously received, we trustthat you whether you may not wisely increase have been published by members of Smithes Mouquette Carpet the faculty from the very beginning of the heavy demands on us for an in- will reimburse us for the sum we have the tax of one-twentieth of a mill this week $1.00. "FOOT FORM" crease in the force of teachers, for expended in securing this splendid which was appropriated to the snp the institution. the enlargement of old buildings, and addition to our Art Collection. port of the University by the Act o. E ch depaitm >nt will mike a show- for the construction of new buildings. VI. Scientific work. Small sums 1873, to one-tenth of a mill. Wiscon ing of its own. Cases will be assigned With this preliminary statement are needed for carrying on certain sin now appropriates one-fifth of a them, one to the dental department, SHOES. two to the medical, two for biological we will name the following as in our kinds of scientific work. mill, Colorado one-eighth of a mill ALL WIDTHS, AA TO EE. opinion the most urgent wants at thi The Astronomical Observatory and California one miH, to their Uni- work, and three to the chemical labora- time, although it would be easy to which was presented by citizens of versities. To enable us to plan wisely tory. Nearly one-quarter of tbe space -HALF OFF name others which are scarcely less Detroit in 1853, and which by the for administration, it is in the highesi will be occupied by the mechanical en- ON CLOAKS. urgent than these. discoveries of Watson made the name degree desirable that we should know gineering department. Here will be COODSPEEDKSONS I. General repairs of buildings. of Michigan famous throughout the in advance that a certain amount es- shown drawing?, patterns, machinery, Our completed buildings number world, has never asked for any help sential to important work can be re- a foundry,and other objects.all the work 17 S. MAIN ST. seventeen. Several of them are of from the state. Several of the appli- lied on. It has sometimes happens of the students and instructor. The great size. Their appraised value is ances which have been so many years that under specific direction of the natural history department will display $720,410. We desire the same mod- in use, need renewal or improve- Legislature the Regents have estab- a groat many specimens, some of them ONE-THIRD OFF erate sum granted by the last Legis- ment. And we ask you to appropri- lished certain courses which have had gathered by Prof. Steere upon his last lature, $5,000 a year. ate $1,900 for the purpose. to be abandoned in consequence oi trip to the Phillipines. ON ALL WOOL UNDER- II. The Dental college, the Hom- No demand is so urgently increas- subsequent failure to provide for the In the Michigan building, the Uni- WEAR. oeopathic College and Hospital, and ing as that for training in Electrical continuation of them. This has result- versity will place the finest collection TAILORS ! the University Hospital a.11 depend Engineering. We need a small sum ed in waste and in disappointment to of Michigin animals ever brought to- entirely on biennial appropriations of for enlarging our facilities. We ask students. The University has reach- gether. ed a critical stage in its history, Tbe Common Council. the Legislature for their support, ex $1,000 for each of two years.
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