. PORTLAND ———r——„ DAILY PRESS. Establish* Ί Jut* 23,1802. Vol. ft 7>777»7τ7. Γ PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING. MARCH 11, 1870. Term# $S,00 ·_ per annum, in advance. xnc fortmnn i«my rrras MJSOEI.LANROUS. MISCELLANEOUS. JMISCELLAJÎKOÛS. l*Tom Αυ Is published every day (Sundays eicepted) bj THE DAILY PRESS Occasional Correspondent.) lb* DAILY PRESS. U«l»' Train Mew V«rk. Portland Publishing Co., Α.Γ IÎ01NDV Λ: CO. State ot Maine. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. PORTLAND. New York, March M, 1870. At 109 Ejchanok Stbeet, Portland. Mit. Editor was the fourth BETAIL. DEALERS IN HOLYOKE :—Yesterday Tebms:—Eight Dollars a Year in advance. BOOTS OF Sunday in Lent, but how It was observed by BURT'S We invite the March 1870. attention of both City and Thursday Moraine, 31, be AND Democratic politicians it would hard to Maine Stale Press TU. F. Insurance Co. The Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Country readers to the following list of Port- say. We are afraid, however, that this holy OTHER Aiucriran Commetce· was Thursday Mobni.no at CELEBRATED MANUFACTURE SALEM, MASS. day not kept in a strictly puritanical Is published every land BUSINESS HOUSES, which are among drawn to a Public attention is still strongly a year; if paid in advance, at 82.00 manner, and since the rain prevented out- $2.50 ST. Statement ot Ihe Con iitlon of said on Opposite JULIAN, Constantly on hand. Company tho moat reliable establishments in the the ot the decline of American com- year. City. subject door exercise, within, the excise law was the 1st day of not January, 5870. merce. contain no- Evciy day our exchanges observed as as it Bates or Advertising.—One inch of space, ftriuïently ought to hare " Amount of 43 Advertising Agency. of constitutes a ISTo. 93 Middle & Done Capitni, »73,046 tices of the report of the spécial committee been. the in leneth column, square." Street, Repairing Neally Promptly AT WELL & Co., 174 Middle Street. To-day gigantic preparations arc $1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents Nates which are almost uniformly favorable to the and Mtnlute Liabilities, ί»ϊ|99§ β» thj rival factions for the com- week after; three insertions, or less, 81.00; completely per Agricultural Implements Λ Seeds. measures by it lor the îestoration of continuing every other day after first week, 50 proposed ing fray, the Tammany programme Is at last PORTLAND, MAINE. 111 rl5eo>] Irais CASH ASSETS AS FOLLOWS! SAWlTEIt & So. t!9 Eichancc St, our merchant marine. J. S. Pike has discuss- cents. W00DF0R1», finished and the new charter to Mortgages 8S expected be Half square, three insertions or less, "Scents; $8,271 the columns of the New ed the subject in this week. one week. $1.00; 50 cents per week after. Bank Stock Auctioneer. presented 62,479 York Tribune in a manner that places him Special Notices, one tli.rd additional. Real C. W. TUB ALTERATION OF CHECKS ICeaotTe· in relntiou le lUc of Estate HOLMES, Na. 327 Oo^grepfSt. Auction Sales Under bead of S2.00 per H publication 55,500 in with "F. A. P.' The "Amusements," Ν every Evening. Private Siles during tbe honorable.contrast has caused ARRIMA K.R day. uneasiness the week three insertions or less $1.50. Ihc Reriapd Nintutr ·. Bonds and great amongst square per ; HOUSE, Stocka 28,3-7 5U same in favor of " paper speaks editorially the Advertisements inserted in tbe Maine Golliic and I banks. Several for very amounts Block, Haine lie. Resolved. 1 bat as soon as be after the close City other Bonds 12 TIB Agencies for lately large Pbess" (which has a large circulation St., Bangor, may Sewing Machines, scheme, formerly it did not favor any State of tlie se sion 01 the legislature, ihe gover- though have been cashed the for SI.00 present Notes Recelvab'e S. TV. EATON. 103 successively by forgers. in every part o< the State) per square OPENED BY nor ana council are lierebv aii'Tiorized and directed 29,000 Middle Street. (Wiel ) measure of reliel before the committee begun and 50 cents for to contract, with tlie or W. S. Their method of is for first insertion, per square 'responsible person peiSina, Sundries, Interest DYEB, tW, Middle St. orur U. H. Hay's. operation very simple. insertion. the lowest bid. lor tlie 01 the re- Its investigations. The following article from each subsequent making publication ROBS & BAKER, 145 Middle St. The gets a genuine to a J. vise·! statutes ot* this together with ill·* con- das etc 1 (over Sliaw's.) sharper signature Address all communications to E. HARRIMAN & state, 817 42 M.& the North American will be read CO.. stitution thereof, the constitution ot the United G. H. WALOEN, 54 Middle over Philadelphia check for. one thousand dollar.". Ca«h on hand Street, genuine say PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Stales, the act, and such other additions 12,772 01 Meserve A Co. with interest : (Late of the Nichols epealing Lock, (Improved Howe.) These words are In ink. lie removes that House.) as are necessary, in a sryle not inferior in ι rioting, Balance in Λ gents On several occasions we have said paper and to that of the last « diticn ot the that one verv liberal ubicli we bave received daring the past three binding, ink aud in the blank space puts what be will. patronage years, lias induced us to lease revised statures, and the or with hands Bilkers. ri asou American BUSINESS CARDS lor a term of years ibe abov* person persons 132 fiO—201,047 44 importaut why shipping in- THE House, which we bave thoroughly remodeled and lurnhhed, regardless ot to bo the with all the whom such contract is made, sha'l ba required W. C.COBB, No. 12 Pearl Street. terest exhibit a decline is because our Sometimes, however, simply obliterates expense, convenience of a VIKMT*ULAS« ΙΙΟΤϋΙ>. Amount at Kisk people supply the Mate with two thousatd copies. The 18,851,70» 03 Β Large and pleasant rooms ui ou the first floor, and accommodations for all cur JOHS MASTERTON,22 Anderson Street. have been absorbed in internal one, in its seven or nine, as ample frier.ds and the governor and council are authorized to make development, putting place five, GEO. C. who will be and hereby has belter. HOPKINS, travelling public, met by police attentive waiters happy to reccive them. as LIABILITIES. which paid Wo have made im- .kï said contract, upon such terms and conditions he thinks will best pass muster. Lately red they demit lor tho iuteiests of the eta'e. Reinsurance 128,999 83 (toots, Shoe*, and Rubbers. mense progress In railways, Meals Served ut all Honre, from S A. M. to ΙΟ P. M necessary teleuraphs, agri- ink instead of black bas at That the ol state is hereby J. W. been a deal Law, Resolved, secretary Dlvdeuds &c «82 14 BOUCHER & CO., No. 358 Congres» Slreet, culture, manufactures, banking, insurances he good Attorney Beet ot Stab'ing, with Livery Stable connected. Hacks anl Coaches in readiness. directed to s eure the dee, as always copyright ot said îevised building of citi s and ton ns, the populating of used, it lias b^en found much more difficult G£S^Sta«es leave this House daily lor all parts of the surrounding country. statutes tor tho uso of the s>ate. aud that no e'lition «ar~ We Cor. Exchange and Federal Sts., l*aa«e· unpaid. Boots und Shoes—Gents Custom and the of colonies all to blot out this color. J. ot the same shall be published bv any other person Work. wildernesses, founding E.UAKBI1TIA1I R. W. CARTER. immense Colossal POBTUND. thin the party or partie* with whom the sa d con- ÏHOS. H. WALTER over our empire. fortunes SPiUNO TuThSatf Feb 28.1870. JOHNSON, Secretary. BERRY, No. 101 Middle Street. TRADE. Bangor, mr231m tract is made, until ader the expirati η ot five years have been accumulated in these enterprises, trom the first or in A. President. All our hotels are day February, the year of our STORY, while the of commerce have crowded with merchant· J.ord one thousand e'glu hundred and Booksellers and Stationers. perilous pathways R. K. seventy-one. bad no to offer us at all trom all of the GATLEY, Resolved, That the said fifteen hundred profits adequate tD parts country, and yet trade is L. 8. copies HOYT, FOGG & 92 Middle Street. TWOMBLY'S ot the revised statutes, to the state, shall JOS. II. BREED, these. J ust at the present time, when our at- dull. TLe reason PLAIN AND OK Ν A MENTAL belonging WEBSTER, given for this state of things when printed, be deposited by tue person or persons tention is most seriously directed lo external the same in the ot is that our friends publishing office the secretary of Book-Binders. the whole south lies country evidently thlLk si and the is to dis- Agent, adventures, before us, PLASTERER, ate, secretary hereby directed there is to down tribute the same in the same manner as SMALL & No. 35 Plum Street. begging us to build railways/or her, and to nothing prevent gold coming provided by Cor. Biiddle and Plum Streets, SHACKFORD, FIRE resolve approved March thirty-first, in the year οι help her to steamers and factories and banking to par bat a few speculators In Wall wfco INSURANCE our one street, Stucco & Mastic AGENCY Lord thousand eicht hui.dred and Worker, fifty- Bonnet and Hat capital, and to build her vast strength in cot- will soon scven, and as now provided hy law.
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