View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by University of Strathclyde Institutional Repository Strathprints Institutional Repository Salama, Ashraf M. and Wiedmann, Florian (2013) Evolving urbanism of cities on the Arabian Peninsula. Open House International, 38 (4). pp. 4- 5. ISSN 0168-2601 , This version is available at http://strathprints.strath.ac.uk/49928/ Strathprints is designed to allow users to access the research output of the University of Strathclyde. Unless otherwise explicitly stated on the manuscript, Copyright © and Moral Rights for the papers on this site are retained by the individual authors and/or other copyright owners. Please check the manuscript for details of any other licences that may have been applied. You may not engage in further distribution of the material for any profitmaking activities or any commercial gain. 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Salama THE SPATIA DEVE OPMENT POTENTIA S OF B)SINESS 16 DISTRICTS IN DOHA: THE CASE OF THE WEST BA- 47 Velina Mirincheva, Florian Wiedmann and Ashraf M. Salama )RBAN RECONFIG)RATION AND REVITA ISATION: 27 PUB IC MEGA PROJECTS IN DOHA'S HISTORIC CENTRE Florian Wiedmann, Velina Mirincheva and Ashraf M. Salama )NDERSTANDING INHABITANTS' SPATIA E,PERIENCE OF THE CIT- 37 OF DOHA THROUGH COGNITIVE MAPPING the Ara1ian Peninsula........ Ara1ian the 70 Ashraf M. Salama, Ahood Al-Maimani, and Fatma Khalfani E,PERIENTIA ASSESSMENT OF )RBAN OPEN SPACES IN DOHA 47 Ashraf M. Salama, Fatma Khalfani, and Ahood Al-Maimani 27 FROM SOUQS TO EMPORI)MS: 58 THE )RBAN TRANSFORMATION OF AB) DHABI -asser Elsheshtawy )RBAN TRANSFORMATION IN THE CIT- OF RI-ADH: 70 A ST)D- OF $ )RA )RBAN IDENTIT- Mashary A. Al Naim TRACING THE EV# )TION OF )RBANISM IN K)WAIT 80 37 -asser Mahgou1 13. )nveiling Contemporary )r1an Transformations in Transformations )r1an Contemporary )nveiling 13. THE VERTICA I.ATION OF MANAMA'S )RBAN PERIPHER- 90 Florian Wiedmann IMPORTING E,CEPTIONA B)I DINGS:TRANSFORMING )RBAN 101 90 ARABIAN PENINS) A INTO SK-SCRAPER CITIES Kheir Al-Kodmany and Mir M. Ali NE,T ISS)E: VO . 39.NO.1 2014: OPEN ISS)E Covering: Climate-Adaptive Behaviours, Colla1orative Design, Courtyard House, Feng Shui, Deconstruction, Housing Co-operatives, )r1an Planning, oE Car1on Cities FrameEor:s, oft Conversions, Sustaina1le )r1anism. Editor: Nicholas Wil:inson RIBA, Eastern Mediterranean )niversity, North Cyprus. DP) Associate, )niversity College ondon, )K. E-Mail: nicholaH.Eil:[email protected] Open House International has 1een selected for coverage 1y EBSCO Pu1lishing, the E SEVIER Bi1liographic Data1ase Scopus and all products of THOMSON ISI indeF 1ases, SSCI, A&HCI,CC/S&BS and CC/A&H The 9ournal is also list- ed on the folloEing Architectural indeF lists: RIBA, ARC IB, AVER- and EKISTICS. Open House International is online for su1scri1ers and gives limited access for non-su1scri1ers at EEE.openhouse-int.com 1 20 Decem1er No.4, Vol.38 international house open Editorial Evolvin1 (r,anism of Cities on the cities on the Ara,ian Peninsula, emphasis is place. A ra,i an P eni nsula on 5ey transformational aspects relevant to five important cities that inclu.e Doha, A,u-Dha,i, Coverin1 a,out three million square 5ilometres, the Riya.h, KuAait, an. anama. Ara,ian Peninsula is mainly a .iverse lan.scape of Buil.in1 on the efforts currently un.erta5en hot humi. san.y coasts, ari. .esert, sparse scru,- ,y the 1uest e.itors of this issue as part of a lan., stone-streAn plains, an. lush oases, as Aell research pro4ect fun.e. ,y $atar National as roc5y an. sometimes fertile mountain hi1hlan.s Research Fun. ($NRF) un.er the National Priorities an. valleys. In a..ition to the in.i1enous local Research Pro1ram (NPRP), five papers focus on the populace, the population is compose. of lar1e city of Doha as one of the important rapi.ly 1roA- 1roups of eBpatriate Ara,s an. Asians, in a..ition in1 cities on the Peninsula (Wie.mann, Salama, to smaller 1roups of Europeans an. North Thierstein, 2012). Each of the five papers .iscusses Ashraf . Salama an. Florian Wie.mann Florian an. Salama . Ashraf Americans; these eBpatriate 1roups represent a specific issues relate. to architecture an. ur,anism ma4or Aor5force community of s5ille. professionals of the city. In the first paper, Salama eBplores an. semi-s5ille. or uns5ille. la,ourers from over ima1e-ma5in1 efforts in the city an. intro.uces a siBty countries. The re1ionKs contemporary econo- multi-layere. critical .iscussion ,ase. on analyses my, .ominate. ,y the pro.uction of oil an. natur- of the visual attri,utes of architecture an. the Aay al 1as has create. unprece.ente. Aealth, Ahich in in Ahich the city is portraye. in the printe. me.ia to turn has le. to a momentous sur1e in intensive materialiDe a hu, vision. irincheva, Wie.mann, infrastructural .evelopment an. the construction of an. Salama eBplore, in the secon. paper, the spa- neA environments (Wie.mann, 2012). The ensuin1 tial .evelopment potentials of the West Bay as a impact of this fast trac5 .evelopment on the ,uilt vital risin1 ,usiness .istrict in the city of Doha. In the environment, in con4unction Aith the continuous thir. paper, Wie.mann, irincheva, an. Salama an. seemin1ly frantic quest for esta,lishin1 unique ela,orate on hoA pu,lic initiatives are alterin1 ur,an i.entities (Salama, 2012), is seen as a tri1- eBistin1 ur,an structures an. eBamine the eBtent to 1er for intro.ucin1 this special e.ition of Open Ahich the spatial reconfi1uration of the historic core ra,ian Peninsula. ra,ian House International. of the city contri,utes to ma4or revitalisation o,4ec- At the .aAn of the neA millennium, rulers, tives. In papers four an. five, Salama, Khalfani, .ecision-ma5ers, an. top 1overnment officials an. Al aimani investi1ate 5ey .ynamics of the starte. to .emonstrate a stron1er an. more atten- inha,itants in relation to the physical environment tive interest in architecture, ur,an .evelopment pro- of the city. (tiliDin1 social science research tech- 4ects an. real estate investment; this concerte. niques inclu.in1 co1nitive an. ,ehavioural map- interest an. attention have resulte. in a neA influ- pin1, they offer an assessment of 5ey ur,an no.es ential phase impactin1 on the .evelopment of relevant to the Aay in Ahich inha,itants eBperience architecture an. ur,anism in the Ara,ian Peninsula the city an. its ur,an spaces. (Salama an. Wie.mann, 2013). Cities on the In paper siB, ElsheshtaAy presents a con- Ara,ian Peninsula are continuously Aitnessin1 .ra- teBtualiDation of A,u Dha,iKs ur,an .evelopment matic tAists an. turns that represent a .iverse array Ahile i.entifyin1 an. eBaminin1 the factors that of intents an. attitu.es (Salama, 2011). This can ,e influence. its ur,an 1roAth. He offers a case stu.y eBplaine. ,y a series of vi,rant .iscussions, char- of the Central ar5etH also 5noAn as A,u acterise. ,y a neA un,iase. openness, of the con- Dha,iKs Worl. Tra.e Center, as an important ur,an 13. E.itorial: Evolvin1 (r,anism of Cities on the A the on Cities of (r,anism Evolvin1 E.itorial: 13. temporary con.ition of architecture an. ur,anism intervention pro4ect. Al Naim, in paper seven, offers in the Gulf re1ion Aith its variety an. plurality of a ,rief investi1ation of ur,an transformation of perspectives an. interests. Riya.h from the ,e1innin1 of the tAentieth century IWit t eir ,aried socio-p ysical, socio- until the present .ay Aith the aim of capturin1 the economic, socio-cultural, and socio-political pres- Aay in Ahich inha,itants have perceive. surroun.- ence, cities are always been ig ly differentiated in1 ur,an environments an., in turn, the resultin1 spaces e.pressi,e of eterogeneity, di,ersity of impact on ur,an plannin1 activities. In paper ei1ht, acti,ities, entertainment, e.citement, and pleasure. ah1ou, traces the evolution of ur,anism in the T ey a,e been (and still are) melting pots for t e city of KuAait an. the associate. forces that insti- formulation of and e.perimentation wit new 1ate. various ur,an shifts. Wie.mann, in paper p ilosop ies and religious and social practices. nine, eBplores the city of anama an. hoA its Cities produce, reproduce, represent, and con,ey ur,an periphery has Aitnesse. .ramatic transfor- muc of w at counts today as culture, knowledge, mation, namely verticaliDation. In essence, he and politicsJ (Salama an. Wie.mann, 2013). eBamines the evolution of ur,an plannin1 that Evi.ently this statement manifests the si1nificance of resulte. in the construction of hi1h-rise ,uil.in1s on stu.yin1 cities. While this e.ition a..resses several the cityKs ur,an periphery ,y analysin1 ur,an .evel- open house international )ol.38 No.4, Decem,er 20 Decem,er No.4, )ol.38 international house open 4 opment processes of 5ey .istricts.
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