- . BANK SECTION PAGKES 1 TO 64 INCLUSIVE, INDEX TO THIS SECTION. PAGE. PAGE. INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS 21 COAL, rRON & STEEL STOCKS 46 44 REVIEW OF SEPTEMBER 21 DO DO BONDS ELECTRIC, GAS & POWER STOCKS. 46 NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE DO DO BONDS.... 44 Record of Bond Sales and Prices. 23 EXCHANGE SEATS 47 op Stock Sales and Prices.. 82 Record INSURANCE STOCKS 47 GENERAL RAILROAD QUOTATIONS— MARINE INSURANCE SCRD? 47 Railroad Bonds 85 MANUFACT'G, Northern & Southern. 47 Railroad Stocks 40 MINING STOCKS 48 STREET RAILWAY PRICES- REAL ESTATE TRUST & LAND ST'CKS 48 48 Street Railway Bonds. .... 41 TELEGRAPH & TELEPHONE ST'CKS Street Railway Stocks 43 DO DO BONDS 45 TITLE, GUAR. & SAFE DEP. STOCKS.. 48 STATE AND MUNICIPAL BONDS .... 50 WATER BONDS 45 FOREIGN GOVERNMENT BONDS 50 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. 48 BANKS AND TRUST COMPANIES. ... 55 DO BONDS 45 ^"We have no extra copies of this Section. OctolDen? 6, 1906. WILLIAM B. DANA COMPANY, PUBLISHERS, PINE STREET, corner PEARL STREET, NEW YORK. Ensered according to Act of Congress 1& toe j ear 1906,by William B. Dana Company, in Gffloe of Librarian of Congress, Washington, D. O AUGUST BELMONT & CO., BANKERS, No. 23 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. AGENTS and correspondents oe the Messrs. ROTHSCHILD, LONDON, PARIS AND VIENNA. Issue Letters of Credit for Travelers, available in all parts of the world. Draw Bills ot Exchange and make Telegraphic Transfers to EUROPE, Cuba the other West Indies, Mexico and California. Execute Orders for the Purchase and Sale of Investment Securities, LEE, HIGGINSON & CO., Boston, Mass* INVESTMENT SECURITIES. FOREIGN EXCHANGE DRAWN ON Messrs. N. M. ROTHSCHILD & SONS, AND Messrs. COUTTS & COMPANY, LONDON; Messrs. MORGAN, HARJES & COMPANY, PARIS; Messrs. M. M. WARBURG & COMPANY. HAMBURG. Travelers* Letters of Credit Members of New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Chi cago Stock Exchanges. available IN all parts OF the world. THE MUTUAL LIFE Insurance Company of New York Abstract of Statement December 31, 1905. Income for Year 1905 - - $85,064,992 88 Paid to Policy-holders during 1905 - - - 35,^ 43, 185 4.7 Legal Reserves, etc. - 39 2 >593>559 IO Guarantee and Dividend Funds - 7", 267, 606 80 Assets -------- 4.70,861,165 90 ^Insurance in Force ------ 1,589,549,4.68 00 'Increase of Insurance ----- 4.1,937,808 00 Annuities in Force ----- 2,888,660 4.5 Increase of Annuities 202,24.0 ______ 99 * Insurance written, but not yet paid for, excluded. CHARLES A. PEABODY, President, EMOEY McCLIXTOCK, Vice-President and Actuary JAMES TIMPSOX, GEAXVILLE M. WHITE, GEOEGE T. DEXTEE, WILLIAM J. EASTOX, ) Secretaries WILLIAM F. DIX, \ — CHARTER 18X9 Hew Both Cits. ORIGINAL Chemical National Bank. THE Statement at close of business 8ept. 4, 1906. GALLATIN AltlTI. BANK Lean* and discount* 933,181,397 75 NATIONAL United 8tates bonds 50,000 00 OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Other bonds and stocka 1,019,64306 Banking-house 635,88a 33 Statement at close of business Sept. 4, 1906. Dae from banks »,45*,594 85 RESOURCES. Exchanges for Clearing house, etc 3,854,3704' Loans and discounts.. 85,391.53878 Due from U. 8. Treasurer 41. 9*3 47 U. S. Bonds x.ooo.eoo 00 Other bonds and securities s, 198,160 66 vis.— Casn on hand, Banking house................................. 500,0*0 0* Specie 95,110,71 s 83 Duefrombanks 164,159 86 Legal tender notes 1,938,59600 Exchanges for Clearing House 86,685.311 7> 7,*39.»o8 8s Cash 1,848,064 09 8,533,375 80 838,375,020 69 ~8l7,777.433 JO LIABILITIES. LIABILITIES. Capital 6 1 ,000,000 ee Capital stock $300,00000 Surplus and profits (earned) 3,368,973 57 Surplus fund.. 7,300,000 00 Circulation outstanding 9*9. "97 5" Undivided profits 648,865 04 Deposits 13,418,763 03 notes outstanding... 00 8tate bank 10,847 817.777,433 10 Reserve for taxes 60,0*0 00 OFFICHRS: Deposits, vis : Prei. ALEXANDER H. BTBVHNB. Vloe-Pres. Indivld'als, firms incorporations 833,473,399 67 8AMOBL WOOLVHRTON. GEO. B. LEWIS, Cashier. H. T. MANSON. Asst. Cashier. Banks, bankers & trust compa's. 7,683,008 98 30,155,308 65 DIRECTORS: ADRIAN ISBXilN JR. CHARLES A. PBABODT, 838.375.020 69 OFFICERS: FREDERIC W. STBYBNK SAMUEL WOOLVHRTON. ALEX AND HIR U. STEVENS. CHARLES H. TWBBD. WM. H. PORTKK, President. JAS. L. PARSON Asst. Cashier. W. BMLBN ROQ8BVBL.1 THOMAS DBNNY JR., FRANflg HALPFN Cashier. JOH. 3, MARTINOALK, Asst. Cashier. The Hanover National Bank OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK Corner Nassau and Pine Streets. P. O. Box 2500 ESTABLISHED 1851. STATEMENT OF CONDITION SEPT. 4 1906. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES LOANS AND DISCOUNTS 645,326,137 »9 CAPITAL STOCK PAID IN 83.000,000 00 UNITED STATE8 BONDS 4,545,05011 SURPLUS 7.000,000 me UNDIVIDED PROFITS 7H.I54 48 8TOCK8, SECURITIES, ETC.. 3,4>5,"5 3» NAT'L BANK NOTES OUTSTANDING. 1, 800,397 50 80 BANKING HOUSE AND REAL ESTATE 5,371,724 DEPOSITS ic 1,636,195 75 CASH AND OTHER ITEMS 37,389,1*0 31 BONDS BORROWED 1,908,5000c 8116,047,147 73 $116,047,147 73 OFFICERS : JA8. T. WOODWARD, President. ELMER E. WHITTAKBR, Cashier. JAS. M. DONALD, Vice-Piesident. WM. I. LIGHTHIPE, Ass't Cashier. WM. HALL8 Jr., Vice-President. HENRY R. CARSE, Ass't Cashier. WM. WOODWARD, Vice-President ALEXANDER D. CAMBELL, Ant. Caahiei. CHARLES H. HAMPTON, Asst. Cashier. 1Rew ]£orfe cttp. Commenced Business April II, 1904. THE The Seaboard National Bank. Coal and Iron National Bank Statement at close of business Sept. 4, 1906. OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 614, 033, 331 38 Statement at Close Business Sept 4, Overdiafts 76 55 of 1906. United States bonds (at par)..... 380,00000 RESOURCES. Stocks and bonds 700,29936 Loans and discounts 63,363,473 89 Due from banks 1.0 35.752 74 United States bonds 300, ooe oe Reserve: Other bonds 606,49330 Cash, exchanges and due from U. 8. Treasurer is, 313,997 93 Due from banks and bankers 865,518 38 Due from U. S. Treasurer 5,°oo 00 828,292,367 26 LIABILITIES. Cash and cash items 1,099,03380 Capital stock 61,000,000 to 86,139,608 27 (earned) Surplus and profits 1,183,530 07 (.1 ABILITIES. Circulation 330,000 00 Capital stock 8300,000 es Reserved for taxes 15,094 30 Surplus and profits 532,148 56 Deposits 35,863,743 88 Circulation 100,000 os Deposits 5,003,336 88 828,292.367 26 Reserve for taxes 8 OFFICBE8 4i>8* 3 86,139,608 27 Q. BaYNB, President. S. G. NELSON, Vloe-President. UVFIOKKBi Q> THOMPSON, Cashier. W. K. CLBVBBLEY. Asst. Cashier JOHN T. 8PHOULL, President. JOHN H. DA Via. Asst. Cashier. \NTHvNY A. l.ISMA'N, Vloe- President. DAVID TAYLOR. 8d Vtoe-Prei. CORRESPONDENCE INVITKD WITH A VIEW TO BUSINEijb RELATION? ADDISON H/.DA Y. Cashier. H. J. DOUUBLOB, Asst. Cashier : : THE Boston, /Cass. FOURTH NATIONAL BANK AMERICAN LOAN * TRUST GOMPAItt OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. 53 STATE STREET. Statement at close of business Sept. 4, 1906. Capital, $1,000,000 RESOURCES. Surplus (Earned), 1,500,000 Loans and discounts 818,973,781 39 U. S. bonds and other securities 941,131 44 INTEREST Banking house 1,000,000 00 ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK Cash and cash items.... 14,810,134 53 SPECIAL RATES ON TIME DEPOSITS $35,025,058 36 LIABILITIES. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Capital stock $3,000,000 00 C. F. Adams 2d Gordon Dexter Lester Leland F. Lothrop Ames William R. Driver S. E. Pea body Surplus and undivided profits 2,991,133 13 Hobart Ames F. C. Dumaine Francis Peabody Jr. Reserve for taxes 37,50000 Edwin F. Atkins Eugene N. Foss Royal Robblns Circulation. 49,300 00 Frederick Ayer W m. A. Gaston Henry A. Rueter Charles S Bird Elmer P. Howe P. Deposits, banks and individuals. ao L. Saltonstall '3,643,059 George W Brown N. W. Jordan R. Paul SneUing Deposits for acceptances 5,304,066 03 A. 0. Bullock David P. Kimball Frank W. Stearns Samuel Can* John Lawrence Eugene V. R. Thayer $35,025,058 36 Gilmer Clapp Charles W. Whlttier OFFICERS~™T,™, a OFFICERS: N. W. JORDAN. President EDWIN A. COFFIN^ Treasurer. CHARLES L. BURRILL, Vlce-Pres, CHARLES H. BOWEN, Secretary. J. EDWARD SIMMONS, President. JAMES H PERKINS Vloe-Pres. GEORGE W. AURYANSEN Asst.See. JAMES G. CANNON, Vice-President. CHARLES H. PATTERSON, Cashier. Transacts General Trust and Banking Business. DANIEL O. UNDERHILL, Assistant Cashier 1 INCORPORATED 1851. National Bank of North America 41-4-3 WALL STREET, 43-45-47-49 EXCHANGE PLACE, NEW YORK. Capital, $2,000000. Surplus and Profits, $2,000,000. Deposits, $20,000,000. OFFICERS: ALFRED H. CURTIS, President, CHARLES W. MORSE, Vice-President. WALTER W. LEE, Vice-President. HENRY CHAPIN JR., Vice-President. EDWARD B. WIRE, Cashier. J. FREDERICK SWEASY, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: JOHN H. FLAGLER, CHARLES W. MORSE, CHARLES M. SCHWAB, MAHLON D. THATCHER, ROBERT M. THOMPSON, JOHN W. GATES, WILLIAM F. HAVE MEYER, CHARLES T BARNEY, ALFRED H. CURTIS. Foreign Exchange Bought and Sold. Travelers' Letters of Credit Issued Safe Deposit Vaults Under Banking Rooms. Iftew IPorfe Cttp. FOUNDED, 1S03. THE MERCHANTS' Consolidated National Bank NATIONAL OF NEW YORK BANK Broadway and Exchange Place, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK, Designated Depository ot the United States, Rotate of New York, City of New York. 4« ^VslII Street. Capital and Surplus, $S,40C,0J0, Capital, $1,000,000 OFFICERS Surplus and Profits, - • ,080,764 Robert M. Oilliwiy, President. Elbert A. Brinckerbofi, Vice-President Zoheth S. Freeman, Cashier. COMPARATIVE DEPOSITS,.
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