4oz*: ' arfta:4' "" Ph. D. SYLLABUS ! (F OR ENTRANCE EXAMINATION) FORPh. D. PROGRAMME IN ANTHROPOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ANTHROPOLOGY DOCTOR HARISINGH GOUR VISHWAVIDYALA SAGAR, M.P. 2018-2020 G<,r.-- r,-.riti.E f:r,?rl.\--fi *F,,ttv' \ oZ - APnrRoPoLo4'f SECTION- A (RESEARCH METHODOLOGY) EmPiricism Scientific Research : Characteristics, types and methods : Approach' (P'& ositivism) v/s Phiiosophical : Importince, PurPose Social Research : Nature of Social Research Meaning, and Scope. ' of Fietd Work : Tradition in Anthropology : Covering all branches Anthropology to gain holistic perspectives' schedules and 4. Techniques of Data collection: observation, Interview, Case study, Genealogy' Questionnaires, Focus Group Discussion, Types of Social Research : Fundamental or Pure Research, Applied Research, Action Research, Evaluation Research, Exploratory Research' in social 6. Social Research and Social Survey : Research Design. Major Steps resealch and HYPothesis. 1 Bio-statisties : Importance of statistics in Anthropology. Measures of central tendencies: Arithmetic Mean, Median, Mode, Measures of DiSpersion: Standard Deviation;-Coefficient of variation. 'T' test and 'Chi-squire' test' V ffitr t loz-. and Lower Jaw; Blood Groups; Dermatoglyphics. Distribution and Characteristics - Caucasoid; Negroid; Mongoloid' Racial Classifications - Deniker's; Hooton's; Coon, Garn and Birdsel Ts. Racial Classifica?ion of Indian Populations - Risley's; Guha's; Sarkar's' Chroriology : Relative, Absolute and Cultural. Geological framework :Tertiary, during pleistocene. Quatemary-Pleistocene, Holocene. Major Climatic changes Glacial and lnterglacial periods. Causes of lce Ages. Pluvial and lnterpluvial periods. Moraines, River Terraces, Loess, sealevel changes-caves, Marine, terraces, Beach, ridges. Relative dating : Terrace, Stratigraphy, Palaenology, Palaeoutology. Absolute dating : Radio-carbon, Potassium-argon, Thermol uminescence, Dendrochronology. Cultural Chronology-Three-age system : Stone Age, Copper / Bronze A-ge, Iron Age. Palaeolithic Period : Lower Paleolithic, Middle Paleolithic, Upper Paleolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic, Chalcolithic-Emergence of Metal Technology, Urban revolution. 6. Typo - Technology and Palaeolithic Cultural Features : Percussion technique : Primary and Secondary making. Block - on-block i anvil technique; Stone hammer technique; Cylinder hammer technique; Clactonian tdchnique; Levallois tephnique; Pressure technique; Flake technique; Peckffrg; Grinding and Polishing; Splinter and groove techniques. Artifact Typology : Simple flake; Siden flake; End flake; Levallois flake; Clactonian flake; Blade; Microlithic blade; Tortoise core / Levalloisian; Discoid core; Mousterian flake; Prismatic core. Tool Typology - Pebble tools; Chopper; Chopping tool, Bifaces-Handaxe; Cleaver, Scrapers-side, end, round, concave, convex, Blade knife;.Slunted back blade; Borer / Awl; Burin, Points leaf shape-Laurel Leaf; Willow Leai, Points- Shouidered Points-Denticulate; Notch, Microliths - Geometric Types, Non- Geometric Types, Celt-Axe; Adze Shouldered Celt. Shoe-lace Celt Grinding Stone Ring stone, Lower Paleolithic Cultures-Type-technology,_ Habitat, Environment Economy, People and Distribution. Lower Palaeolithic Cultures, People and Distribution. Lower Paleolithic Cultures, Pebble iool Cuhure. Old.owan; Sohan; Choukoutien, Acheulian Cultures, Acheulian Cultures ol Africa; Acheulian Cultures of Europe; Acheulian Cultures of India. Middle Palaeolithic cultures. Mousterian culture / Middle Palaeolithic Europe-Habitat. (k"q '/-<l!r.f p cfsil6ra s;a?aQT _ 0 l ../ q0L SECTION- B (CONCERN SUBJECT) l. Introduction : Aim, Scope, Historicai Developrnent, Relationship with other Recent sciences, Dift-erent brauches of anthlopology and their interrelatedness' and Emerging trends and majol developments in all branches of Anthropology (physical, Archaeological ancl social - culturai). Fieldwork, Ethnography. comparative rnethod:, observation, Interview,, case study, Genealogical method, Schedrles and questionnaires, Statisticai tools of Archaeological sites and Data collection. 2, Evolution : 'Iheories of Evolution : Lamarckism, Neo-Lamarckism, Darwinism, Neo-Darwinism, Synthetic theory, Primates and F'ossils : Fossil records, Earliest Primates (Aegyptopithecus, Propliopithecus, Dryopithecus, Pro-consul)' and iiving primates ( Distribution, classifrcation, characteristics, Phylogeny and 1., Taxonomy ). Comparison of morphological and anatomical features of Man and Ape Erect Posture and Bipedalism. 3. Fossils : Characteristics and phyiogenetic position of early Hominoids Ramapithecus; Australopithecus Africanus; Austlalopithdcus boisei (zinjEnthropus); Australopithecus robustus; Meganthropus; Homo habilis; Character:iitics and phyiogenetic position of Hotno erectuS; Homo ereclus javanensisr Florno erectus pekinensis; Homo sapiens neanderthalenis Phyiogenetic position, salient features and distribution. La Chapelle auxsaints; Rhodesian Man, Classic / Conservative : Progressive-Steinheim;^Ehringsdorf; Moqrt Carmel. Evidence, distribution and eharacleristics of Homo sapien$ Cro- Magnon; Grimaldil Predrnost; Combe cappelle; Brunn; Chancelade;Offnet. 4. fluman Genetics : History and Development; Scope and Branche.s; Call : structure and Division; Mendel's Laws; Pattems of Inheritance-Autosomal Dominant; Autosomal Recessive; Codominance; Sex linked; sex limited and sex controlled; Multiple alleles. Linkage anci Crossing-over'. Lethal g&es. Methods of Studying Inheritance-Twins; Sib-pair; Pedigree. Role ol Hereclity and Environment-Stature; Skin Colour; lntelligence. Genetics of Blood Gloups. AB0 System-'fwo-iactor Hypothesis; Multiple Alleles; Rh Systerh, Living Hnman Populations and Human Diversity, Concept of Race. Criteria ftlr Racial Classifications : Skin, Hair and Eye colour; Stature; Eyes, Lips and Ears; Face ("{. riy <$"*paz 2-"-' I "^.._ t -O-t -2 - 7/l qoL /i/ Environtnent bconomy, Social Organisation' Religion' Typo-technology' Paiaeolithic Middl8 Stone Age in Africa, Micldle Palaeolithic in india. upper Institution. culture-Habitat. Environmeni Economy. Typo-technology, Social / religion.Europe-PerigordianCulture'Chattelpenonean;'Gravettian; Aurignacian culture; solutrean culture; Magdalenian Culture. Upper Palaeolithic in lndia, Upper Palaeolithic Art' Typo technology, 7. Holoeene culture : Mesolithic cultures, climate changes, Habitat, Economic activity, Socio - religious featul€s. Europe-Azilian Culturel Tardenoisian Culture; Maglemosian Culture; Kitchen Midden Culture; Natufian culture. Indian Mesolithic, Langhnaj; Teri Sites; Birbhanpur; Bagoi; Bhimbetka Adamgarh, Sarainahar Rai, Lekhahlia, Mahadeva. Mesolithic Art in India, Neolithic ( Ea|ly Farming Cultures ), Neolithic of the Near-east, Jerichol Jarmo; t Catal Huyuk, Neolithic Cultures of Indian Subcontinent, Norlhern Neolithic : Burzahom, Southem Neolithic : Brahmagiri; Sangankallu; Utnur; Telkalakota; Nagarjun Konda. Eastern Neolithic : Daojali Hading; Sarutaru. central Zone (Neo-Chalcolithic) : Navdatoli; Nevasa; Inamgaon, Indus Civilization, Extant; Characteristics; Chronology; Origin and decline, Continuity with post- Harappan, Indus people and society. Iron Age, Megalithic Types .' Menhir : Dolmen/Topikal; Cist; Cairn Circle; Carcophagi. 8. Evolution, Social Structure and Organisation : Evolution : Unilinear, Universal, Multilinear. Diffusion : Neo-evolution; Innovation; Acculturation; Transculturation.Culture: Def,rnitions and Attributes.: Functionalism : Malinowski, Radclift'e-Brorvn, Structuralism : Levi-Strauss, Leach. Culture and Personality : Basic personaiity configuration-Kardiner and Linton Enculturation; Status and Role; Patterns of Culture; Culture Change; Themes Cultural Relativism; Values; Great and Little Tradition; Civiliztition; Gender Theories. Indian Contribution - Theory and Concepts : G. S. Ghutye; N. K. Bose; D. N. Majumdar; M.N. Srinivas; S. C. Dube L. P. Vidyarthi. Aspects of Cultl,rre, Organisation of Culture, Institutions, Sociai Organisatiori. Farniiy : Family of Orientation and Plocreation, Structure : Nuclear, Extended,, Joint. Residence : Patrilocal, Matrilocal, Neolocal, Vir:ilocal, lJxorilocal, Malriage. Rules : Endogamy, Exogamy, Monogamy, Polygamy : Polygyrry, Polyandry. Mate selection : Cross-cousirr mariage, Levilate, Sororate, Sororal" Dowry, (kr" ;;nH,h ? / + ,,1(,1- a Bricle price / Brlde wealth. Kinship : Kinship Terms : Classificatory and .,/ Descriptive systens. Consanguineal and Affinal. Prirnary, Secondary, Tertialy Terms o{' Reference and Address, Descent, Inheritance and Succession : Patriarchal and matriarchal, Unilineal : Patrilineal' Double. Groups : Tribe, Clan,-Phratry, Lineage. Kinship behaviour and relationship; Avoidance and Joking relationship, Incest. 9. Economic and Political Organisation : Religion and Magic, Edonoruic Olganisation, Concept of Properly, Primitive Communism. States of Economy :Collection, I{unting, Fishing, Pastoralism, Cultivation, Shifting and Settled. Subsistence Economy and Market Econotny, Barler, Means of Production, Division of Labour. Poiitical Organisation : Panchayat - traditional and statutory. l-eadership-clan and h'ibe. Kingship and Chiefdom in tribal cornmunities. Customary Law, Judicial System, Crime and Punishment in Primitive Society. Religion and Magic : Prinitive Religion : Animistn, Toteryism, Ancestor Propitiation, Shaman, Priest, Medicine Man. Tribal Mythology : Origin of universe, Tribe and Clan, 'Iribal deities. Magic : Black, White, Preventive, Defensive, Destructive, Iuritative,
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