Coliban STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS STATEMENT SEPTEMBER 2018 Integrated Water Management Forums Acknowledgement of Victoria’s Aboriginal communities The Victorian Government proudly acknowledges Victoria's Aboriginal communities and their rich culture and pays its respects to their Elders past and present. The government also recognises the intrinsic connection of Traditional Owners to Country and acknowledges their contribution to the management of land, water and resources. We acknowledge Aboriginal people as Australia’s fi rst peoples and as the Traditional Owners and custodians of the land and water on which we rely. We recognise and value the ongoing contribution of Aboriginal people and communities to Victorian life and how this enriches us. We embrace the spirit of reconciliation, working towards the equality of outcomes and ensuring an equal voice. © The State of Victoria Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning 2018 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. You are free to re-use the work under that licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria as author. The licence does not apply to any images, photographs or branding, including the Victorian Coat of Arms, the Victorian Government logo and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) logo. To view a copy of this licence, visit creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ Printed by Finsbury Green, Melbourne ISBN 978-1-76077-345-8 (Print) ISBN 978-1-76077-346-5 (pdf/online/MS word) Disclaimer This publication may be of assistance to you but the State of Victoria and its employees do not guarantee that the publication is without fl aw of any kind or is wholly appropriate for your particular purposes and therefore disclaims all liability for any error, loss or other consequence which may arise from you relying on any information in this publication. Accessibility If you would like to receive this publication in an alternative format, please telephone the DELWP Customer Service Centre on 136 186 or email [email protected] or via the National Relay Service on 133 677, www.relayservice.com.au. This document is also available on the internet at www.delwp.vic.gov.au Cover photograph Aerial view of Lauriston Reservoir (2009). Courtesy Coliban Water Integrated Water Management is a collaborative approach to water planning and management that brings together organisations with an interest in all aspects of the water cycle. It has the potential to provide greater value to our communities by identifying and leveraging opportunities to optimise outcomes. Contents Foreword 1 Acknowledgements 2 At a glance 4 IWM opportunities 5 Chapter 1 The way forward 6 Introduction 7 Enduring collaboration 8 Chapter 2 IWM in the region 10 Vision and outcome areas for the Coliban IWM Forum Region 12 Regional context 14 The case for IWM in the Region 16 Success stories 19 Chapter 3 IWM opportunities 20 State-wide and region specifi c initiatives 21 IWM opportunities: How were they selected? 22 Impact of IWM opportunities on the Forum's strategic outcomes 23 IWM project & strategy opportunities – overview 24 IWM project and strategy opportunities – in depth 26 References 38 Foreword Water is fundamental to the social fabric of our communities, who depend on water to grow and thrive. Ensuring that our large cities and small regional towns have the resilience needed to be healthy, active and engaged communities is a long term goal of the Coliban IWM Forum. Integrated Water Management The highly collaborative approach I wish to thank the Coliban IWM (IWM) was fi rst introduced into the of that project involved many of the Forum members for their commitment, Coliban region in 2016 for the four Coliban IWM Forum members, and energy and enthusiasm, and for largest urban water supply systems it affi rmed the enabling role of IWM sharing their considerable knowledge in the region – Bendigo, Echuca, in transforming cities and towns to and experience of the region in Castlemaine and Kyneton. Since then, being resilient and liveable under all developing this Statement. The future there has been a profound shift in predicted climate futures, so that vision and exceptional strategic the thinking, conversation and level they continue to prosper and be regional response that has been of engagement that has seen IWM great places to live and work. endorsed by the Forum delivers being recognised and becoming outcomes and benefi ts for both It is my pleasure to present the part of a new way for regional and current and future generations. Strategic Direction Statement for urban planning. the Coliban IWM forum, which is an I also wish to acknowledge and The Coliban region has also recently outstanding example of regional thank Mick Bourke, who served as benefi ted from the participation of collaboration by a diverse Forum the inaugural Chair of the Coliban Bendigo as the fi rst Victorian regional membership with interests in land, IWM Forum, for his encouragement, city, and Australia’s fi rst inland city, water, waterways, the urban built guidance and contribution when the in a project led by the Cooperative form, and community health and Forum was fi rst formed and undertook Research Centre for Water Sensitive wellbeing. The Statement identifi es the initial work that has culminated Cities. This project created a shared many important and innovative in this compelling Statement for vision and transition strategy for opportunities, backed by the Forum, our region. Bendigo to achieve an envisioned that can substantially transform and future state of becoming a water enhance the role that water plays sensitive city. as an essential part of our region’s way of life. Jeff Rigby Interim Chair of the Coliban IWM Forum Coliban Strategic Directions Statement 1 Acknowledgements The Coliban IWM Forum covers Dja Dja Wurrung, Yorta Yorta, Taungurung and Barapa Barapa country, whose ancestors and their descendants are the traditional owners of this country. The Coliban Strategic Directions The meetings of the Forum and Collaboration and cross-pollination Statement has been developed individual meetings with project have been a key outcomes of the in collaboration with: sponsors have developed initiatives Forum, with ideas being shared and into mature project themes. improved by input from project partners. 2 Coliban Strategic Directions Statement Early morning mist on Lauriston Reservoir (2011). Courtesy: Coliban Water At a glance The Coliban Vision Strategic outcomes: Integrated WaterW Resilient and liveable communities. • Safe, secure and aff ordable Managementn (IWM) supplies in a changing future. StrategicStra Directionse Purpose • Eff ective and aff ordable Statementtem highlightsgh Working together to create water wastewater systems. the keyy challengesc nges cycle outcomes that support the • Manage fl ood risks. in the regiongion and future health and resilience of our environment and communities. • Healthy and valued waterways identifi es collaborativeolla tive and waterbodies. opportunities thattha can • Healthy and valued landscapes. improve resiliencee aand liveability in the region’sion • Traditional owner and community values refl ected cities and towns. in place-based planning. • Jobs, economic opportunity Cohuna and innovation.on. Boort Echuca Mitiamo 13 Rochester Wedderburn Coliban Elmore 3 15 11 Inglewood 8 9 10 1 Bendigo Newbridge Dunolly 4 5 14 Heathcote Maldon 2 Castlemaine 7 Kyneton 12 6 Trentham 4 Coliban Strategicc Directions Statement IWM opportunities Forum partners will commit their best endeavours to ensure priority projects and strategies are progressed in line with the shared vision and strategic outcomes identifi ed by the Coliban IWM Forum. The key IWM opportunities include (in no priority order): for irrigation of the Hanging Rock Reserve 1 Growing Newbridge 12 Greening Trentham Sustainably to benefi t waterway health and enhance for Water Security and this important location. A feasibility study to consider supplying the Healthy Waterways township of Newbridge with a secure water 7 Macedon Ranges This project will undertake a water supply supply and associated water and sewerage Northern Region IWM Plan security assessment for the township of infrastructure. It will also look at alternative Trentham, where groundwater is declining This project involves the development of measures such as stormwater harvesting. and alternative water sources are needed an IWM Plan for Kyneton and revisiting to support key green assets. There are also and reconfi rming the outputs from the 2 Water for Now and into opportunities to improve stormwater quality Woodend IWM plan as priorities. The Plan the Future in Castlemaine through integrated water management. will consider priorities for water supply, Undertake an Integrated Water waterway health and amenity. Campaspe: Planning Management Plan for the township of 13 for Future Water Castlemaine, encompassing all relevant IWM 8 Implementation of the components. The key issues to be resolved Transition Strategy for a Management include ensuring adequate protection of Water Sensitive Bendigo This strategic framework will provide the the waterways from urban stormwater and local link between the state government’s The transition strategy sets out short recycled water releases as well as providing direction as set out in Water for Victoria, and and medium term strategic priorities for a climate resilient water supply to irrigate provides a voice for the community along Bendigo. The next step
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