National Summit on Education Reform 2011 -RegOnline page l 0f 3 Excellence in Action Turning reform into reality National Summit on Education Reform 2011 October 13 -14, 2011 Presented by the Foundation for Excellence in Education (850) 391 - 4090 Registration $199 Not-for-Profit Registration $299 Early Registration (ends Friday, August 12 at 5 pm EDT) $399 Online Registration (ends Friday, October 7 at 5 pm EDT) $449 Onsite Registration Scholarships Available Tobe considered for a scholarship, individuals must be a state elected official, including Governor, state educationchief,lawmaker,or an appointed policymaker, including state education chiefand gubernatorial policy advisor. Scholarships include: • Registration, including five meals; • Upto three nights lodging beginning Wednesday, October 12, 2011; and • Unfortunately, allcontracted rooms at The Palace arecurrently booked. Please make your reservation at either: • The Westin San Francisco Market Street: reservations can be made via phone at 415-974- 6400 • The Galleria Park Hotel: reservations can be made online (use Attendee Code 1110FOUNDA) or via phone at 415-413-4718 • Reimbursement of transportation expenses includinground-trip coachairfare(purchased14days in advance) and up to $250 for incidentals. Visit www.ExcelinEd.org for more details. http://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=952319 9/13/2011 National Summit onEducation Reform 2011 - RegOnline Page 2of3 National Summit on Education Reform 2011 nn Thursday, October 13, 2011 8:00 AM - Friday, October 14, 2011 2:00 PM (Pacific Time) The Palace Hotel, San Francisco 2 New Montgomery Street San Francisco, California 94105 United States (415)512-1111 Phone: 850-391-4090, Email: [email protected] Email Us View or Change Your Existing Registration StartYour Registration * Email Address: * Please select registration type:0 General Attendee: $399.00 O Non-ProfitAttendee: $199.00 O Scholarship Applicant O Speaker You can also register a group. Learn More http://wwwj-egonline.com/Register/Checkiii.aspx?EventID=952319 9/13/2011 Valliere, Georgette From: Mary Laura Bragg ([email protected]) [[email protected]] Sent: Monday, September 19,2011 11:18AM To: Barresi asst Becky Woodie; Bennett asst Debbie Downing; Bennett Scheduler Jennifer Outlaw; Valliere, Georgette; Moreau, Sandra; Cerf asstHelene Leona; Gist asstAngela Teixeira; Gist, Deborah Scheduler Hayley Jamroz; Huffman asst Janice Mann; Pastorek asst Christine Rose; Robinson, Gerard Scheduler Nyla Benjamin; SkanderaScheduler Bernadette Tennyson; Smith, Eric Cc: Celeste Lewis ([email protected]); Brandi Brown ([email protected]) Subject: PhilanthropyRoundtablelunch, Oct 12, San Francisco Good morning, The Chiefs for Change have been invited toattend a luncheon at the Palace Hotel hosted by the Philanthropy Roundtable on October 12 as partofthe National Summit. We briefed the Chiefs on Friday's call. Please register your chief at the following link: http://survevs.timberlakepublishing.com/prt/TakeSurvev.asp?PageNumber=1&SurvevlD=l03mm61l8olKG. Please indicate that the Chief is a memberof Chiefs forChange with the Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE). You do not need to answer question 12. Thanks, and let me know ifyou have any questions. Mary Laura Mary Laura Bragg Director ofState Policy Implementation Foundation for Excellence in Education 850.391.3077 phone 786-664-1794 fax www.excelined.org San Francisco, CA* K-12 Technology Event Survey Pase 1 of2 San Francisco, CA* K-12 Technology Event Page 1 of 1 Technology & the Shift to Student-Centric Learning K-12 EDUCATION EVENT FOR DONORS INVESTORS Technology & the Shift to Student-Centric Learning October 12, 2011 San Francisco, CA Please Note: ifyouare a frequent meeting attendee, please consider sending a brief email to Dorothy Martinez at DMartineziaPhilamhropyRoundtable.orQ to register for this event as an alternative to completing this survey. Fields marked with ' are required to process registration. 1. Attendee Qualification * Attendance atthiseventisrestricted to qualified donors, venture capital funders, and private equity investors actively investing orconsidering investing in K-12 education. Grant- roceivmg organizations may not attend. Funders who contribute at least $50,000 annually to charitable causes are eligible to attend. Qualified donors include: * Individual philanthropists * Private foundations * Corporate foundations and corporate giving programs * Community foundations * Donor advised funds * Venture philanthropy partnerships * Public charitieswhichdevote at least 50 percent of their operating budgetto directgrants for external activities,and have a competitivegrant program fundingmultipleindividuals or organizations Ifyouhavequestions regarding yourqualification, pleasecontactDorothy Martinez at 202-822-8333. Do you meet the above requirements to register? - Please Select - @( 2. Prefix- - Please Select - 3. First Name* 4. Last Name- 5. Philanthropic Affiliation- Please Indicate the grant-making organization with which you are associated. If you qualify through your own personal giving, please indicate that you are an individual philanthropist. 6. Affiliation Position- 7. Mailing Address- Address City State Zip http://sun'eys.timberlakepublishing.com/prt/TakeSurvey.asp?PageNumber=l& 9/19/2011 San Francisco, CA* K-12 Technology Event Survey pa f2 8. E-mail* 9. Phone* (e.g. 202-822-8333) 10. Assistant Information Name E-mail Phone 11. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), do you require auxiliary aids or services?* O No O Yes (please specify additional assistance required) 12. Zf this Is your first time attending a Philanthropy Roundtable event, please briefly share something about your organization and position and/or provide a website. We appreciate this opportunity to get to know you and better serve you. Non-solidtation Policy Byregistering for this event, I agree to abide by The Philanthropy Roundtable'snon-solicitation policy.I willnot solicit any of my fellow participants before, during, or after the conference. Should I receive any type of solicitation, I will contact a Roundtable staff member so that immediate attention can be directed to the matter. Done Cancel http://siu^eys.timberlakepublishing.com/prt/TakeSurvey.asp?PageNim 9/19/2011 National Summit onEducation Reform 2011 - RegOnline pao-e i 0f5 Excellence in Action Turning reform into reality National Summit on Education Reform 2011 Thursday, October 13,2011 8:00 AM - Friday, October 14,2011 2:00 PM (Pacific Time) The Palace Hotel, San Francisco 2 New Montgomery Street San Francisco, California 94105 United States (415)512-1111 Phone: 850-391-4090, Email: [email protected] Email Us Personal Information Agenda Lodging &Travel Checkout Confirmation Personal Information Registration ID: 36760058 Registrant: Mr. James Rier, Jr. Deputy Commissioner Maine Department of Education 23 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333-0023 United States Registration Date: 9/26/2011 11:33 AM Type: Scholarship Applicant Status: Pending Work Phone: 207-624-6790 Cell Phone: 207-462-7965 Fax: 207-624-6791 Email: [email protected] Name as it would appearon a badge (first&last): Jim Rier Gender: Male Emergency Contact Name: Georgette Valliere Emergency Contact Phone: 207-624-6605 Assistant's Name: Georgette Valliere Assistant's Phone Number: 2076246605 Assistant's Email Address: [email protected] Assistant's Cell Phone: 207-215-9009 Onsite Contact Email Please select type.: Government Please select: State Department of Education Please select: Staff Please list leadership positions.: Other Grading schools A-F: >f Incentives: ^ htrns://www.regonlme.com/register/corifirmation.aspx?EventId=952319& 9/26/2011 National Summit on Education Reform 2011 -RegOnline paSe 2of5 Alternative certification: S High School requirements: ^ Adopting school choice: & Evals including data: '<f Student performance: *f Reformingtenure: «f Performance vs. seniority: *f Mutual Consent V Ending seattime: V Online assessments: *f Online course requirement: *f 10 Elements: v* How did you learn aboutthe Foundation for Excellence in Education and Excellence in Action?: Other Agenda Thursday Breakfast Thursday Lunch Thursday Dinner Friday Breakfast Lodging & Travel Lodging Information - Other Hotel Information Release: *f Fees Fee Quantity Unit Price Amount Fee Scholarship Applicant Summitt Attendee Event Fee 1 $0.00 $0.00 To!§l! $0.00 Payment Method Payment Method: Not Applicable Refund Information ht^s://www.regonlme.coni/register/confirmation.aspx?EventId==952319&AttendeeId=R6SKehwuioM6y8yGBC3dDg==... 9/26/2011 National Summit on Education Reform 2011 -RegOnline page 30f5 Confirmations: Online registrants will receive anemail confirmation upon completion ofregistration. RegistrationCancellation/Refund Information: Tocancel a registration, pleasecontactSarahPowellat [email protected]. The registrationfeeswill be refunded by check https://ww.regonlmexoni/re^ 19&AttendeeId=R6SKehwuioM6y8yGBC3dDg==... 9/26/2011 National Summit on Education Reform 2011 - RegOnline Page 4 of5 THE FOUNDATION FOR EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION THANKS OUR DONORS FOR THEIR GENEROUS SUPPORT: Vanguard WA LTO N'FAM I LY CHARLES AND HELEN Fo u n d a : i o n SCHWAB -foundation RpOBERTSON BILL^MELINDA FOUNDATION GATES foundation Strategist I the Tl*eBRADLEYLvmle «»<] HarryFOUNDATION |r^«j j ^°adI _l foundationf ._ | •* i _L~3 education Achiever • HOUGHTON1 QH-intar G^V MIFFLIN HMH OCI lUlCSS V IBFHARCOURT ! FOUNDATION ^C^- CORPORATION Microsoft * NEW
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