See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/267209715 Elephant survey in the Bia Conservation Area, western Ghana Article in Pachyderm · October 2014 CITATIONS READS 0 111 4 authors, including: Emmanuel Danquah Daryl Bosu Kwame Nkrumah University Of Sc… A Rocha Ghana 37 PUBLICATIONS 81 CITATIONS 3 PUBLICATIONS 9 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Monitoring Eidolon helvum, Straw colored fruit bats population on University of Energy and Natural Resources View project All content following this page was uploaded by Emmanuel Danquah on 22 October 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. January – June 2006 Number 40 ISSN 1026 2881 IUCN journal of the African Elephant, African Rhino The World Conservation Union and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups January – June 2006 No. 40 1 Chair reports / Rapports des Présidents 1 African Elephant Specialist Group report / S P E C I E S Rapport du Groupe Spécialiste des Eléphants S U R V I V A L d’Afrique C O M M I S S I O N Holly T. Dublin Editor 11 African Rhino Specialist Group report / Rapport Helen van Houten du Groupe Spécialiste des Rhinos d’Afrique Assistant Editor Martin Brooks Dali Mwagore Editorial Board 15 Asian Rhino Specialist Group report / Rapport du Holly Dublin Groupe Spécialiste des Rhinos d’Asie Esmond Martin Nico van Strien, Tirtha Maskey Leo Niskanen Robert Olivier 24 Research Nico van Strien Lucy Vigne 24 Effect of artificial water points on the movement and behaviour of desert-dwelling elephants of Design and layout north-western Namibia Damary Odanga Keith Leggett Graphics Phillip Miyare 35 Distribution des éléphants autour d’une mare sahélienne en relation avec le cheptel Address all correspondence, domestique et la végétation ligneuse including enquiries about subscription, to Richard F.W. Barnes, Emmanuel M. Héma, The Editor, Pachyderm Elmehdi Doumbia PO Box 68200 – 00200 Nairobi, Kenya 42 Elephant survey in the Bia Conservation Area, tel: +254 20 3876461 western Ghana fax: +254 20 3870385 Moses Kofi Sam, Emmanuel Danquah, Samuel K. email: [email protected] Web site: www.iucn.org/afesg Oppong, Ebenezer Daryl Bosu 52 Food plants of forest elephants and their Reproduction of this publicaton for availability in the Kakum Conservation Area, educational or other non-commercial Ghana purposes is authorized without written permission from the copyright holder Emmanuel Danquah, Samuel K. Oppong provided the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without written permission of Cover: Elephants from the Noghatsaa area of Chobe cross a the copyright holder. road on a plateau to go down to the Chobe River. This photograph was taken on Ngoma Rd, Kasane, Botswana. Photo by Kelly Landen. journal of the African Elephant, African Rhino and January – June 2006 No. 40 Asian Rhino Specialist Groups 61 Elephant numbers and distribution in the Tsavo–Amboseli ecosystem, south-western Kenya John Kioko, Moses Okello, Philip Muruthi 69 Caught in the crossfire: the forest elephant and law enforcement in a region of political instability, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo Leonard Mubalama and Eulalie Bashige 80 The peaks and troughs of Macau’s ivory trade Esmond Martin 89 Are we winning the case for ivory substitutes in China? Esmond Martin 102 History 102 Distribution and extinction of the rhinoceros in China: review of recent Chinese publications Kees Rookmaaker 107 Field note 107 Past population dynamics and individual information on possible surviving northern white rhinos in Garamba National Park and surrounding reserves Kes Hillman Smith 116 Tribute 116 Thomas John Foose (1945–2006) Nico van Strien 118 Book review Ivory markets of Europe, Esmond Martin and Daniel Stiles, drawings by Andrew Kamiti, review by Kees Rookmaaker 120 IUCN/SSC African Elephant Specialist Group members 123 Guidelines to contributors Views expressed in Pachyderm are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect those of IUCN, the Species Survival Commission or any of the three Specialist Groups responsible for producing Pachyderm (the African Elephant Specialist Group, the African Rhino Specialist Group and the Asian Rhino Specialist Group). Acknowledgements The production of this issue of Pachyderm was only possible through contributions from a number of organizations and individuals. In particular, we would like to thank the following: Ann Bissel Curtice Griffin Christopher Powles Francesco Nardelli Elephant Care International Esmond Martin International Rhino Foundation Jean-Pierre d’Huart Justin Ockenden & Keri Christ (in memory of Michael Curtis) Kes Hillman Smith Lucy Vigne Maria Finnigan Messerli Foundation Nico van Strien Paolo Solari-Bozzi Peter Hall Rettet die Elefanten Afrikas e.V Richard Block Save the Elephants Simon Hedges The Eric and Virginia Pearson Foundation The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums Thomas de Maar Yarrow Robertson WWF-Malaysia (SOREL Project) Borneo programme The views expressed herein are those of the authors and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the individual donors, donor agencies, the World Conservation Union (IUCN) or any of the three IUCN/SSC Specialist Groups. African Elephant Specialist Group report CHAIR REPORTS RAPPORTS DES PRESIDENTS African Elephant Specialist Group report Rapport du Groupe Spécialiste des Eléphants d’Afrique Holly T. Dublin, Chair/Président IUCN/SSC African Elephant Specialist Group, PO Box 68200 – 00200 Nairobi, Kenya email: [email protected] This issue of Pachyderm was funded primarily from Ce numéro de Pachyderm est principalement financé individual donations made through a new online par les donations de particuliers, grâce à un nouveau fundraising system on the AfESG website. We ex- système de récolte de fonds en ligne, sur le site du tend many, many thanks to all those who contributed. GSEAf. Nous remercions beaucoup, beaucoup, tous I am also deeply grateful to the UK Department ceux qui y ont contribué. for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Je veux aussi exprimer toute ma reconnaissance who have just announced a £75,000 funding package au département britannique de l’Environnement, de to support our core activities! We are now hoping that l’Alimentation et des Affaires rurales (DEFRA), qui other supporters will follow suit with similar contri- vient d’annoncer un subside de 75.000 £ pour financer butions. nos activités de base ! Nous espérons aujourd’hui que d’autres supporters suivront cet exemple avec des contributions similaires. Re-appointment of the AfESG membership Appointement des nouveaux The process for re-appointing the AfESG member- membres du GSEAf ship for the 2005-2008 quadrennium has now been completed. The 38 members (31 re-appointees and 7 Le processus de nomination des membres du GSEAf new members) come from 20 different elephant range pour les années 2005–2008 est maintenant terminé. states. Each member brings a unique set of skills and Les 38 membres (31 anciens et 7 nouveaux) provien- experience which will undoubtedly help to maintain nent de 20 états différents de l’aire de répartition des the AfESG on the cutting edge of elephant conser- éléphants. Chacun d’eux amène un set unique de vation. I would like to give an especially warm wel- compétences et d’expériences qui serviront à coup sûr come to our new members: Mr. Emmanuel Danquah à maintenir le GSEAf à la pointe de la conservation (Ghana), Dr Keith Leggett (Namibia), Dr. Esmond des éléphants. Je voudrais accueillir très chaleureusement Martin (Kenya), Mr John Mason (Ghana), Dr Barbara nos nouveaux membres : M. Emmanuel Danquah McKnight (Kenya), Mr Awo Nandjui (Côte d’Ivoire) (Ghana), Dr. Keith Leggett (Namibie), Dr. Esmond and Mr Joseph Tiebou (Cameroon). I look forward to Martin (Kenya), M. John Mason (Ghana), Dr. Barbara working with all of you in the coming months. The McKnight (Kenya), M. Awo Nandjui (Côte d’Ivoire) full list of AfESG members can be found at the back et M. Joseph Tiebou (Cameroun). Je me réjouis de of this issue. pouvoir travailler avec vous tous dans les prochains Pachyderm No. 40 January–June 2006 1 Dublin All AfESG members will for the first time be re- mois. La liste complète de tous les membres du GSEAf quested to input further information about themselves se trouve au dos de ce numéro. directly onto the new IUCN Commission Online Reg- Tous les membres du Groupe seront priés, pour la istration System. This system will enable members première fois, de donner de plus amples informations to manage their personal membership profile and to sur eux-mêmes sur le nouveau système d’enregistre- search for other members of the six IUCN Commis- ment en ligne de la Commission de l’UICN. Ce sions and their contact details. IUCN Headquarters système permettra aux membres de gérer leur profil will shortly be sending all members an electronic “in- personnel en tant que membres, et de trouver ce qui vitation to join”, together with login and password concerne les autres membres des six commissions de information to access the system. l’UICN et leurs contacts. Le QG de l’UICN va bientÙt envoyer à tous les membres une invitation The African Elephant Database électronique à rejoindre le système, avec un login et un mot de passe permettant d’y accéder. With the entry of all new data into the African Elephant Database (AED) now completed, Julian Base de données de l’Eléphant Blanc, the AED Manager, has shifted his focus to the africain preparation of the African Elephant Status Report 2006 (AESR 2006), which is expected to be com- Comme toutes les nouvelles données ont été intégrées pleted and released later this year. However, a number dans la Base de données de l’Eléphant africain of logistical and financial challenges still lie ahead.
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