— — t-it^. c WHOLESALE & EETAIL BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS, AKI) ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUEACTEEEES, ~D ESPECTFULLY intimate that the Facilities they possess for S\j Executing Orders with which they may be favoured, and the Practical Knowledge they have of the Various Departments of their Business, enable them to meet the demands of their Customers on terms which cannot be surpassed by any other house in the trade. As they receive Papers and General Stationery direct from the Principal Makers and Manufacturers, they are enabled to supply their Goods at the loioest possible rates ; and having Parcels from London and Edinburgh almost daily, they are in a position to ex- ecute orders for Books and Periodicals with the greatest promptitude. They subjoin a List of a few of the Leading Articles in the several branches of their Business, and beg to assure their Customers that no effort on their part will be wanting to enforce a continuance of the favours so liberally bestowed hitherto. STATIONERY. Writing Papers—Whatman's, Ansell's, Printing Papers, all sizes and qualities Joynson's, Pine's^ Cowan's, and other Brovfn Papers—all the ordinary sizes Makers—Cream, Blue, and Tinted, kept constantly in Stock ; any extra Laid or Wove. size made to order, and glazed if re- Bank Post for Foreign Correspondence, quired. in Octavo and Quarto, Waterlined or Grey, Tea, Cartridge, Blue and White Plain all colours. Casing Papers. Envelopes—Official, Letter, and Note Calenderers', Grocers', Drapers' and all qualities, sizes, and colours. Plain Confectioners' Papers. or Adhesive. De La Rue and Co.'s Leather Goods and Envelopes—Stamped with Private Dies, Fancy Stationery. Plain, Cameo, or Relief. Dohhs, Kidd, and Co.'s do. do. Every Article requiredfor the Counting-House Tcept in Stock. AGGOUI^T BGOICS. W. & J. M. dev6te special attention to this Department ; and as they possess great facilities for Manufacturing this Class of Work, they can assure their Customers that their Books will bear favour- able comparison, in regard to Style, Durability, and Price, with those manufactured in any other establishment. A full assortment of Ledgers, Journals, Cash-Books, Day- BooKS, Sederunt -Books, Private Ledgers, ivith or without Locks, Copying Letter-Books, &c., always on hand. Books required to particular paitei-n will be done within twenty-four hours if required. Bookbinding, Plain and Ornamental. Wholesale Agents for Milner's Fire Letterpress, Lithographic, and Copper- Resisting Safes and Boxes. Descrip- plate Printing, executed in the tive Pamphlets on application. Highest Style of Art. Bibles, Testaments, Prayer Books, Pattern Book Covers, Cards and Tickets Church Services, and Hymn Books, all for Calenderers, Manufacturers, &c. the Various Editions and Bindings. - Drawing Materials—Oil and Water Every Work of Interest may be had on Colours, Chalks, Canvas and every Publication. requisite for the School of Libi-aries Supplied Catalogues on ap- Design. plication. LICENSED TO SELL STAMPS AT 25 COWGATE. DuNDEK, 64 High Street & 25 Cowgate. mA^MA BOOKSELLER, STATIONER, & BOOKBINDER (BIBLE DEPOSITORY), 71 &,74 HIGH STREET, DUNDEE, HAS always on hand a very large and miscellaneous Stock of BOOKS, in the various departments of Literature, and affords a good choice being made for LIBRARIES, GIFTS, &c. Any Work not in Stock, can be procured in the course of two or three days. Works of any importance always received immediately on publication. Orders taken for all the important Magazines and Serials of the day— and Delivered to any Address. BIBLES- Has always on hand many hundreds of Pocket Bibles and Testa- .ments, in the various Bindings and Type— and thus gives a good opportunity for any taste to be supplied. FAMILY BIBLES, PULPIT BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, PSALM BOOKS, &c., &c. (Special attention is called to Collin's Family Bible with Com- mentary, Ready References—large type—to be had for 21s.) LEDGERS, DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, and all kinds of ACCOUNT BOOKS Manufactu.red to any pattern, and of the best material and workmanship. Particular attention is given to this department—and all done on the premises. Merchants, Manufac- turers, and others can depend on having their Business Books done up in the most accurate and economical manner. Attention is invited to the following list of Business Writing Papers :— Large Ex. Sa. Bl. Ld. Post, 4to,, per Em. of 40 dz., 9s 6d, or Stcli^Rm, of 80 dz., 18s- " ^ Large Super. Blue Laid Post, Do. 93, Do. 17s- Large Blue Wove Super. Post, rolled,3, Do. 9s 6d, Do. 18s- Large Do. Do Do. 7s 6d, Do. 14s 6d- Large Super. Cream Laid Post, Do. 9s, Do. 17s 6d- Large Do. Do. 7s 6cl, Do. 14s 6d- Lai-ge Yelljjw Wove Super. Post, Do. 9s, Do. 17s- Large :' Do. Do. 8s, Do. 15s- Large Blue Wove Note (Post 8vo.), Do. 8s 6d, Do. 16s 6d- Large Do. Do. Do. 8s, Do. 15s 6d- Large Ex. Super. Cream Ld. Do. Do. 12s 6d, Do. 24s- Large Super. or of 160 doz,., 20s- Crm. Ld. Note, per Rm.. ~of SO doz. IDs 6d, Em. Superfine Thick Small Note, Do. 8s 6d. Do. 16i4 ENVELOPES from 4s per 1000. MiscELANEODS STATIONERY of all sorts constantly on hand. PERRUQUIERS, PERFUMERS, HAIRCUTTERS, AND OENAMENTAL HAIR MANUFACTURERS, 11 & 13 CRICHTON STREET, AND 129 MUERAYGATE, OPPOSITE PANMURE STREET, again returning their sincere thanks to the ladies and IN gentlemen of Dundee ai;d surrounding country, for the veiy liberal patronage they have for many years enjoyed, beg to intimate that they have at present on hand a very large assortment of GENTLEMEN S' VENTILATING ZEPHYR AND OTHER WIGS AND SCALPS, LADIES ORNAMENTAL HAIR, m BRAIDS AND FRONTLETTS, Which for lightness, durability, and natural appearance, cannot be surpassed. HAIR PLAITS,'CURLS, TWISTS, CORONETS AND FRIZZETTS, With all the recent improvements. PERFUMERY, COMBS, BRUSHES, And every article requisite for the Toilette. LADIES' FANCY, &-.GENTLEMEN'S TRAVELLING BAGS, GLOVES, SPUNGES, HAND MIRRORS. POCKET BOOKS, PURSES, CONCERTINAS, FLUTINAS, ACCORDEONS, &c., &c. Also beg to intimate that they have jiwt got to hand a large assortment of TOYS AND GENEEAL FANCY GOODS, Selected from the first Houses in the Trade. ; ; ALEXANDER WI'WALTER'S B W M ® E K, Affords a large choice to Select from of French and British Fill'd, Long, and Square SHAWLS from 15s to 25 Guineas ; Clan and Fancy Wool Tartan SHAWLS from 7s 6d to 60s ; Cashmere, Tissue, Barege, and Grenadine SHAWLS from 5s 6d to 703 Silk, Cloth, and Silk Velvet MANTLES, newest shapes, received monthly ; Misses' and Boys' CAPES and JACKETS ; Silk MANTLES Trimmed with Crape for' Mourning ; Black and Coloured Silk VELVETS ; Eich Two and Three-Flounced Silk ROBES, 55s to 8 Guineas • Brocades, Damasks, and Brocatelles, 50s to 6^ Guineas • Checks, Stripes, Figures, and Cross-Overs, 30s to 80s • Black Glacies, Gro. de Naples, Ducapes, Gro. Royals • Radzmeres, Satinettes, Moire Antiques, and Poplins • Black and Coloured Silk VELVETS ; Black and Coloured French MERINOES, 2s to 5s 6d ; Fancy DRESSES; Gala and All- Wool TARTANS; Dress WINCEYS FURS, PARASOLS, SCARFS ; TARTAN and CASHMERE HANDKERCHIEFS; • CRAPES, MANTLE CLOTHS, TRIMMINGS, FRINGES, &c ; GENTS' and YOUTHS' PLAIDS. FOaEIG27 AND B3.ITioH SILK MiH SHAWL WABSHOUSE, ClDt|itr, Inlttt, lojttr, null ||irtraakir, 86 REFORM STREET, (Corner of Bank Steeet^, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FOS THE VABIOUS SEASONS OF THE TEAB. National Library of Scotland lillilillll B000019465* /^J V-f); r04^MAJU'^ Ui>^rr^''-i'^>- THE POST-OFFICE DUNDEE DIRECTOEY rNCLUDING- LOCHEE AND BEOUGHTY FEEEY, 18 5 8-5 9: CAEEFULLY COMPILED AND ARBANGED BY THE EMPLOYEES OF THE DUNDEE POST-OFEICE. DUNDEE: PRINTED BY HILL & ALEXANDER FOR THE EMPLOYEES OP TI] DUNDEE POST-OFFICE. Price Two Shillings and Sixftnce. MDCCCLVIII. NOTICE. In presenting to their Subscribers and tbe Public, the present Edition of the Post Office Dundee Directory, the Publishers beg very respectfully to return their grateful acknowledgments to those gentlemen who so courteously furnished them with much useful information on various local matters, and to the public generally for the liberal patronage bestowed upon them. As it has been suggested that a Street Directory is desirable, and should have formed a feature of the present Volume, the Publishers beg to state that they had that matter under their consideration when they commenced their labours, but, for several reasons, they have deemed it expedient to publish the Work in its present form this year ; but, should they be induced to resume their labours next year, or at a subsequent period, the desideratum of a Street Directory will then be supplied. Dundee Post Office, July, 1858. SkV^V « 0^ .?• Vs Sp »«/ .» , vo '' V'"- /A -^C J r% '.y-i' C ^ '"^ ' r. '*'-, ^' ,A " ;' V, /^ <Vti . v' —— CONTENTS. Page I,—Municipal Lists, 1 II.— Judicial Lists, ... ... 7 III.—Commercial and Maritime Lists, 10 IV. Joint-Stock Companies, ... 21 V. Public Conveyances, 23 VI. Educational and Literary Institutions, 28 VII.—Charitable and Benevolent Institutions, 31 VIII.—Ecclesiastical Lists, 41 IX.—Miscellaneous Lists, X. Postal Directory, 49 Eates of Postage, 49 Registration, ... 55 Delivery, 55 Money Orders, 56 Miscellaneous Regulations, 59 XI. -List of Shipping Registered at the Port of Dundee, 82 XII. Public Offices, Buildings, and Rooms, ... 88 XIII. List op Streets, Squares, Lanes, Entries, &c., 90 XIV.—Names, Professions, and Addresses of the Principal Inhabi- tants of Dundee, XV. Names and Professions of the Principal Inhabitants of Dundee, Classified Alphabetically, ... 206 XVI. Beoughty Ferry Lists, ... ... 248 XVII. Lochee Lists, 262 Advertising List—Miscellaneous, i Insurance Companies, xliv Index to Advertising List, Ixv Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in' 2010 witii funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/postofficedundee185859dun — INDEX. Page. Page . 3 Agents for Private Underwriters, 16 Guildry Incorporation Hackney Carriages . 2i Average Staters . 17 Harbour Trustees . 5 Baldovan Asylum . 32 Harbour Trustees (Committees of) 5 Band of Hope .
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