Gluckstadt Goodman Greenville Greenwood Grenada Gulfport

Gluckstadt Goodman Greenville Greenwood Grenada Gulfport

Forest Greenwood Mississippi Radio February 1950: 960 1 kw -D, WQST(AM )-September 1955: 850 khz; 10 kw -D, DA. WABG(AM)- khz: 500 Box 1539 (39074). (601) 469 -3701. Scott County w -N, DA-N. 2001 Garrard Ave. (38930). (601) 453- 7822. Inc. Broadcasting Co. Inc. Net: AP. Format: C &W Spec Greenwood Broadcasting Co. Group owner: Radio Inc. (acq 8 -56). Net: CNN. Format: C &W. Spec Bahakel Communications. Net: AP Progsv Farmer. prog: Gospel 6 hrs wkly. R. E. Hook, pres; Bill H. prog: Gospel 11 hrs wkly. Geraldine Lightsey, pres; Republic. Format: prog: Farm 15 Wilbourne, gen mgr. Rates: $8; 8; 8; -. Rep: C&W. Spec Bruce Dunn, gen mgr; Wayne Gray, prog dir; B.B. hrs, black 10 hrs wkly. Cy N. Bahakel, pres; Tony McLemore, chief engr. Rates: $7; 7; 7; -. WQSTFM- September 1962: 92.5 mhz; 27.5 kw. Ant Browning, gen & gen sls mgr; David Browning, prog 290 ft. (CP: 96.67 kw. Ant 992 ft.). Stereo. Net: AP. dir; Bob Askew, chief engr. Rates: $21.60; 21.60; WFOR(AM) -May 1928: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U. 2414 West Format: C &W. Spec prog: Farm 1 1/2 hrs, Gospel 15 21.60; 18. WOG-TV affil. Seventh (39401). (601) 544 -1400. Radio Hattiesburg hrs wkly. Tom Estes, gen sls mgr; Wayne Sheffield, Inc. (acq 1965). Group owner: Gulf Central Radio. WGRM(AM) -1937: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. Box 553 mus dir. Rates: $6.50; 3.75; 6.50; 3.75. Net: SMN. Format: C &W. J.W. Furr, pres; J.C. Furr, (38930). (601) 453 -1240. Twelve -forty Inc. Net: US2, gen mgr; Hal Smith, chief engr. Rates: $9; 9; 9; 9 Miss. News. Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: Farm 12 hrs wkly. Thomas Ewing, pres; Clay Ewing, gen WHER(FM)-Co-owned with WFOR(AM). July 1,1966: Fulton & gen sls mgr; Bill Hardy, chief engr. Rates: $6; 6; 103.7 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 1,056 ft. Stereo. Prog sep from 6; 5. AM. (601) 544 -3232. Format: Easy Istng. Spec prog: WFTO(AM) -August 15, 1967: 1330 khz; 5 kw -D. Box Sacred mus 8 hrs wkly. Rates: $21; 21; 21; 21. 549 (38843). (601) 862-3191. Air South Radio Inc. WKXG(AM) -Jan 1, 1987: 1540 khz. Box 1687 (group owner). Net: NBC. Rep: Keystone. Format: (38930). (601) 453 -2174. Edmonds Rigdon Broad- WHLV(AM)-September 1957: 1310 khz; 1 kw -D. 820 Modern country. Olvie E. Sisk, pres & gen mgr; (vous casting Co. of Mississippi Inc. S. 28th Ave. (39401). (601) 583 -2618. Horizon Broad- Sisk, gen sls & prom mgr; James McPherson, prog cast Communications Inc. (acq 12- 24 -86). Format: WMAO December 1983: 90.9 mhz; 100 kw. Ant dir; Randy Love, mus dir; Fred Blalock, news mgr; -FM- Retg. 880 ft. Stereo. Box 4343, Jackson (39216-0343). (601) Gene Sisk, chief engr. Rates: $ 4; 4; 4; -. 982 -0500. Mississippi Authority for Educational Tele- WHSY(AM)-Sep 24, 1948: 1230 khz; 1 kw -U. Box WFTA(FM )-Co-owned with WFTO(AM). Aug 19, vision. Net: Am Pub, NPR. Format: Class, talk. Spec 1978 (39403). (601) 545 -1230. Hub City Broadcasting 1976: 101.9 mhz: 100 kw. Ant 560 ft. Stereo. Box 422, prog: Jazz 10 hrs, new age 5 hrs, folk acoustic 5 hrs Co. Net: ABC/D. Format: Adult contemp. Ted Tibbett, Tupelo (38801). Format: Top -40. Tim Spencer, prog wkly. Forrest L. Morris, exec dir; Mike Morgan, dir of pres & gen mgr; Dale Taylor, prog dir; Jim Anthonie, dir; Johnny Duvall, mus dir. Rates: $8; 8; 8; 8. radio; T.J. McSparrin, dew dir; Dave Miller, prog dir; prom mgr; Russ Powell, news dir; Clarence Vogel. William Fulton, fine arts prod; Laura Lee Rochester, chief engr. Rates: $10; 8; 9; 8. prom mgr; Sandra Burke, pub affrs prod; Martin Mangold, chief engr. WHSY-FM -July 1, 1967: 104.5 mhz; 100 kw. Ant 984 Gluckstadt It. Stereo. Dups AM 15%. Net: ABC /C. Format: Top -40. WSWG -FM -June 15, 1965: 99.1 mhz; 100 kw. Ant Rates: $14; 10; 12; 10. WEQZ(FM )-Jan 7, 1976: 101.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 220 ft. Stereo. Box 1686 (38930). (601) 453 -2174. ft. Stereo. 102 Business Park Dr., Suite D, Jackson Edmonds Rigdon Broadcasting Inc. Net: ABC /C. WJMG(FM) -Listing follows WORV(AM). (39213). (601) 956 -0102. Exchequer Communications Format: NC day, Urban night. P. Donald Grantham, 'WMSU(FM) -May 10, 1973: 88.5 mhz; 3 kw. Ant Inc. Format: AOR. Milton Rodgers, gen mgr; Rick pres; Chuck Courtney, gen mgr; Marja Ramage, news 281.5 ft. Box 10045 Southern Stn. (39406 -0045). (601) Miller. gen sls mgr; Kevin Vandenbroek, prog dir; John dir; Charles E. White, chief engr. Rates: $7.25; 7; 7; 266 -4287. University of Southern Mississippi. Format: Bailey, chief engr. 6.50. Class, jazz, educ. Spec prog: Alternative 12 hrs wkly. Grenada Aubrey Lucas, pres; Torye Hurst, prog dir; Jeff Russier, mus dir; Lawrence Adams, prom mgr; Goodman WYKC(AM) -February 1949: 1400 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Clarence Vogel, chief engr. w -N. Box 946 (39801). (601) 226 -1400. Chatterbox 7, 1969: 1580 khz; 1 kw -D, DA. 'WVTH(FM )-Sep 10, 1980: 89.5 mhz; 20 kw. Ant Inc. (acq 1- 16 -81). Net: Progsv Farmer. Rep: Southern. WORV(AM) -June 1204 (601) -1941. Vernon 346.6 ft. Stereo. Holmes Jr. College (39079). (601) Format: C &W, Black. Bob Evans Jr., pres; Diane Graveline (39401). 544 C. Floyd D/B /A of Hattiesburg. Rep: 472 -2312 ext. 71. Holmes Jr College. Format: Div. Bell, gen mgr; Rick Robertson, prog dir; Sara Criss, Circuit Broadcasting Format: Black. Vernon Floyd, pres, Spec prog: Jazz 10 hrs wkly. M.R. Thorne, pres; news dir; J.P. Bowles. chief engr. Rates: $5.60; 3.85; Dora Clayton. C. gen & gen sls mgr & chief engr; Melessia Lewis, prog James P. Mahoney, gen mgr; James Williams, pub 5.30; 3.85. affairs dir & prom mgr; Robert Arnett, chief engr. dir; Cedric Thomas, mus dir; Cyreio Hughes, news dir. WQXB(FM)- Co-awned with WYKC(AM). Oct 16, Rates: $7.55; 7.55; 7.55; -. 1970: 100.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Box 357 (38901). (601) 226 -8600. (acq 2- 24 -78). Net: ABC /C. WJMG(FM)-Co -owned with WORV(AM). May 10, Greenville Rep: Southern. Format: Adult contemp. Rates: $6.15; 1982: 92.1 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. Stereo. Format: Adult 4.40; 5.90; 4.40. contemp. Rates: $10.41; 10.41; 10.41; 10.41. WBAD(FM)-See Leland. Gulfport WBAQ(FM )-May 1, 1970: 97.9 mhz; 26.5 kw. Ant 150 Hazelhurst ft. Stereo. Box 656 (38701). (601) 335 -3383. Paul C. WGCM(AM )-1928: 1240 khz; 1 kw -U. 2200 15th Artman (4-86). Net: ABC /I. Format: Btful mus. Spec Ave. (39501). (601) B63 -3522. FAX: 601 -863 -7516 WMDC(AM )-June 1, 1953: 1220 khz; 250 w -D. Box prog: Class 2 hrs, farm 2 hrs wkly. Paul Artman Sr., Holt Communications Corp. (acq 1- 1 -87). Group 680 (39083). (601) 894 -1441. Southwestern Broad- mgng partner; Paul Artman Jr., exec asst; Randy L. owner: Holt Corp. Net: ABC /D. Rep: Banner. Format: casting Co. of Miss. (group owner). Rep: Midsouth. Mays, prog dir; Chip Chipman, prom mgr; Jim Pender, C &W. Arthur Holt, pres; Dan Carney, gen mgr; Format: C &W Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs, Black 18 hrs news dir. Rates: $6.90; 6.90; 6.90; 6.90. Belinda Hertz, news dir; Howard Yund, chief engr. wkly. A. M. Smith, stn mgr & chief engr; Moore Rates: $38; 34; 38; 34. Tumbo, sls mgr. Rates: $3.75; 3.75; 3.75; -. WDDT(AM )-April 1956: 900 khz; 1 kw -D. 1535 WGCM- FM-Nov 14, 1969: 102.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 Highway 1 South (38701). (601) 332 -0526. Clearwater WMDC -FM- December 24, 1970: 100.9 mhz; 3 kw. Communications Co. (acq 2-84). Net: MBS. Format: ft. Stereo. Prog dups AM 100 %. Ant 295 ft. Dups AM 100 %. Contemp country. Spec prog: Farm 10 hrs wkly. Don WQFX(AM) -May 7, 1975: 1130 khz; 500 w -D. Manuel, pres & gen mgr; Hugh Boswell, stn mgr; Sue Penthouse Suite, Security Bldg., Box 789 (39502). Redden, prog & mus dir, prom mgr; Pam English, (601) 863-3626. Steere Broadcasting Corp. (acq Heidelberg news dir; Ed Mounger, farm dir; Bob Meador, chief 7-86). Net: MBS. Format: C &W. Spec prog: Relg 6 hrs WEEZ(FM) -May 1, 1980: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 300 ft. engr. Rates: $12: 9; 12: -. wkly. Robert L. gen mgr; Jim Snowdon, Lucas, opns Box 367, Laurel (39441). (601) 428 -1192. Vango dir; Crystal Graham, news dir; J.W. Newman, chief WESY(AM) -See Leland. Broadcasting Stations Inc. (acq 2- 1 -86). Rep: Mid- Rates: 12; 14; 12. engr. $14; south. Format: Adult contemp. Otto Goessl, pres; WGVM(AM) -1948: 1260 khz; 5 kw -D. Box 1438 WOFX -FM -July 13, 1977: 96.7 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 245 ft. Margaret Hosey, gen mgr; Mary Tucker, gen sls mgr; (38701). (601) 334 -4559. Mid -America Broadcasting Stereo. Steere Broadcasting Corp. Format: Urban Dennis Smith, prog dir; Michael Robinson, mus dir; Co. Rep: Hooper Jones, Midsouth. Format: C &W. Spec contemp. Personnel same as AM. Rates: $30; 20; Scatty Sumrall, chief engr. Rates: $6.75; 6.75; 6.75; prog: Black 5 hrs, farm 12 hrs wkly. David M. Segal, 30; 20. 6.25. pres; Joe Ray Sr., gen mgr; Joe Ray, gen sls mgr; Troy Walker, prog dir; Chuck Early, farm dir; Robert Meador, WROA(AM) -Feb 27, 1955: 1390 khz; 5 kw -U, DA-2.

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