c Connecticut Daily Campus I Sewing Storrs Since 1896 w VOL CXVI NO 44 STORRS, CONNECTICUT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 17, 1961 USA Sweeps Class Elections Sophomore Class Vote Challenged By 11:00 P.M. Thursday the un- official totals for the class offi- cers were available to the Con- necticut Daily Campus. SENIOR President of the Senior Class was Michael Shlafer, USA, with 417 votes. Vice-president of the senior class was Lou St. Amant, | THE RHODY RAM: University of Rhode Island mascot that USA, with 434 votes. Secretary of •ma kidapped by several I'oonn students early this week. the senior class, Sue Silver, ISO, They "napped" the Ram In order to create some spirit for the with 350 votes. Treasurer of the Rhode Island football game that will be played this Saturday. senior class, Britt Unman, USA. A pep rally is scheduled for tonight also JUNIOR President of the junior class Delta Pi To Celebrate was Kevin Dunne. USA, with 541 votes. Vice-president of the junior Tenth Annirersary Today class, Sheila Christie, USA, with 4% votes. Secretary of the junior Beta Chapter of Delta Pi Sor- College in New York City, joined class. Judy Tydor, USA, with 500 ority at the University of Con- together in national affiliation, votes. Treasurer of the junior necticut will celebrate its tenth becoming the Delta Pi sorority. •nnivcrsary this weekend with a On November 19, 1961, both to class. Joe Amaltisano, USA, with Founders' Day formal and ban- celebrate the national union and 453 votes. quet at the Shell Chateau in Wil- to commemorate the original limantic. founding, the twenty-two found- SOPHOMORE The sorority was conceived in ing sisters ate to be guests of President of the sophomore 1952 by twenty-two girls who honor at a banquet. Mrs. Esther class is Tom Osborne, ISO, with wanted to live together in true Cady, honorary sister and home sisterhood but who, because of mother of Delta Pi since its be- 418 votes. Vice-president of the their variedtion in color and ginning, will be the guest speak- sophomore class is Bob CaUler. creed, found this impossible un- er. USA, with 410 votes. Secretary of der the existing Greek system. Other speakers will be Mrs. the sophomore class, Jackie Alli- Thus, on April 13, Delta £p Leona Bock, Plymouth, Chancel- «ilon Phi was born. In the fol- lor of National Delta Pi; Miss son, ISO. with 466 votes. Treasur- lowing years the sorority con- Marcia Klein, Brooklyn, N.Y., er of the sophomore class is tinued to grow in prestige and first president of Delia Epsilon Diane Nichols, ISO, with 441 USA Finds Posters Gone membership. In 1954, Mrs. Elea- Phi; and Miss Agnes Violenus. votes, nor Roosevelt visited Uconn and New York City, president of Al- «vas made an honorary sister of pha Chapter. FRF.SHMEN Delta Epsilon Phi; and on Novem- Mistress of Ceremonies will be Wednesday Afternoon ' President of the freshman class ber 19, 1955, Delta Epsilon Phi Miss Mary Ann Lachat, president BY DIAXNF. RADKK that the posters be returned if and Alpha Omega Pi at Hunter of Beta Chapter. is Andy Barniak. I'SA. with 540 Posters numbering 1800, total- anyone knew where they were. votes. Vice-president of the fresh- ing $180. were found missing The posters, numbering 196, were man class is Sandy Smith. ISO, from the room of a member of returned piecemeal, according ro with 691 votes. Secretary of the thp I'SA executive committee on both Mark Marcus and Dennis Wednesday afternoon. The USA Lepack. Mark Marcus stated, freshman class is Sharon Ger- party issued a statement concern- "One Individual removed ami re- mane. ISO, with 786 votes. The ! ing the "theft." The ISO party in turned all that he had removed treasurer of the freshman class is turn issued a statement which of the campaign posters As for Skip Weeks. ISO. with 691 votes. called the USA's statement "a the remainder, they were obvious- visdous lie." 'According to ISO ly not taken by the same person The race w as a close one for president, Mark Marcus, "the lie This individual admitted thai -re the freshman class early in the was in -lie implication that the had taken them and said that he evening. As time wore on Dennis I USA statement gave." was sorry." Lepack, president of the USA According to Joel Hirschhorn A ISA candidate was then and Dennis Lepack. president of found to be passing out a "roar- party said, "I think the USA is the USA party, an opened box of back" to dorms on campus This doing exceptionally well in the posters were found missing from statement was a Stl NtlvCJ senior and junior classes." I Joel's room at approximate^ 4:00 for tradition dictating that Fresh- Mark Marcus, president of the Wednesday afternoon. Joel's men vote ISO. This statement in- ISO party said 'It would appear roommate stated that a person eluded the names ol the Fresh- had come into the room, told him mat candidates, although those, at this time that the USA party i that he was sent by Dennis Le- candidates knew nothing about it. will make a fairly clean sweep pack to pick up the posters, and At approximately 7:30 Wednes> of the class offices. However the took an opened box containing ap- day evening an unknown persosi ISO will maintain its majority in proximately 426 posters. When eailed the printing office in the the Student Senate." .Joel's roommate was out of the name of the Connecticut l»:iity I room, someone came in and took In explaining the representation Campos and dropped an ad to put the unopened box containing 1000 in a statement concerning the from tlie class offices to the Stu- posters. theft The Editor were there, he- (Campus Photo Devin) dent Senate Lepack said, •Two The person gave his name when came disturbed, returned to cans- The IKC will hold formal tapping ceremonies in the HUB. ball- freshman and three other class asked as' he took the first box pus and told Dennis Lepack thac room on Tuesday, December 5 at 7:30 p.m. Originally tapping presidents would become voting of posters. This person was a if he did not find out who had had been scheduled for Tuesday, November 28. The change was member oJ the executive commit- done it. the paper would run necessitated because administration could not process the senator*, The two freshmen would tee of the ISO party, who Mark "VOTE ISO" on the from page. names of rushees eligible for pledging in time for the original tie the president and the vice Marcus said had taken the post- Les Archamhault said "This was tapping date. Because of the extended rushing period, IFC has president of the class, the vice ers without his knowledge. an attempt to find the person re- president because of the lack of Members of the USA party sponsible." Lepack stated that h« specified Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, Novemln-r 28, spoke to Mark Marcus and told 29 and 30 as dates for fraternity open houses. During these freshmen senators prior to the felt the Editor was completely him te "find the posters or tne serious, whereas Archambautt dates Freshmen may visit any fraternity house, but no organ- Student Senate election in the Culprit.'' Marcus phoned memltrrs said that he would not have cav- ized rush oat-ties will be held. ■Bring." of his j'j.1 ij and Issued a directive iled out Uie "three*." PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER, 17, 1961 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR To the Editor: biases. As a reader of both the NIGHTSHADE It is clear as the Daily Campus seems and the Daily Campus, I am gratified by to recognize, that the independent Connecticut by the appearance of the editorial "Clari- NIGHTSHADE resembles what is some- fication." For at this crucial time, when times called a "journal of opinion", and- the questions of student rights and stu- that there is in fact a difference between dent responsibilties are in the forefront a "newspaper" and a "journal of opin- of public attention, it would have been re- ion". If this is granted, does it follow that Daily Campus grettable to have the Daily Campus itself one is, considered as journalism, inher- supply the greatest evidence to date of ently superior to the other? Hardly. Both student irresponsibility and puerility of are necessary — and NIGHTSHADE we judgment by allowing the editorial must grant, is Storrs' only articulate, con- "NIGHTSHADE Pressures Senate" to sistent vehicle for the public expression FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1961 stand Unqualified. The Daily Campus edi- of opinion "and judgment. I belive that tors deserve to be commended for their NIGHTSHADE is doing an excellent job, great courage and fairness in apologizing a much-needed job here, and one that to the NIGHTSHADE and to Mr. Klein- the Daily Campos either cannot or has man. not attempted. I wonder, however, how it is that the I suggest that the editors of the Daily Attempt To Use editors' resurgence of taste and judg- Campus re-examine their views of the ment has not altered their judgment of journalistic merits of NIGHTSHADE—and the merits of NIGHTSHADE. Surely the they might bear in mind the fact that CAMPUS Discovered Daily Campus' editors recognize that, in NIGHTSHADE, even though it consistent- their-own newspaper, the featured column ly treats subjects of greater importance by Drew Pearson is a vehicle for that more deeply than the Daily Campos ever Wednesday night a grave injustice was done- We feel* writer's opinions and judgments; that the has, has as yet evidenced no such jour- personally insulted by the actions of a few persons who AP releases the Dally Campus prints re- nalistic misjudgment as that acknowl- flect that news service's policies in se- edged by the Daily Campos' own editorial tried to use the columns of the Daily Campus for political lection and treatment of news; and that "Clarification." smear- .
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