INSTRUMENTS o GIMBELS CHESTNUT- MARKET- NINTH- EIGHTH ;la z m o n ;;; JULES FALK o ;la > c ..."' z ...."' a o Presents "'o "'C) ;la,. THE z Q c a.: o o u "'o "'a.: o o ;la r&w~/ I a,. ::t"' z A. <a.: "' C) Gaiomar Novaes -a o . ~ú:~n~ z { ,. o z ::t o A. "' • -a FOR :z: o"' o z z < o -A. G') o ,.;la EVERYTHING -a "'z :z: <C) a.: * "' o ;la Jn Recital m • n MUSICAL o "'o ;llll c Q z <a.: G') • * "' C) -4 "' m z ,.. Q m a.: ACADEMY OF MUSIC < o !!! SEVENTH FLOOR-MARKET STREET BUILDING u o z "'a.: January 28, 1947 RADIO-PHONOGRAPH C OMBINATIONS o ORGANS • PIANOS Çuimnar novaeó lhrilling .. exciting . .. dynamic GüiOMAR NOV AES . Brazil's umphecL In New York shc stuclied priceless 0o· ift to the musical \\orle! . is further \\'ith Sigismunel Stojowski, Po­ many of lhe slirring songs on lonighl's generally conceel ecl, by aueliences anel Lsh composer-piani st . program by lhe critics ali ke, to be the greatest \\·oman Succeeel ing seasons adeleel a greater p:an ist before the public toclay. cl epth anel maturity to what then T he spark of genius, for genius it is. seem ed to be a nearly perfect art. Soon don cossack chorus apparent w hen l\/[me. Novaes was a she began to be compareci with the young laely of four, was by careful g- reat Teresa Carreno anel recently under lhe brillianl leadership of training anel intell igent applicat:on has. in the opinion of many, inheriteel fannecl into a brilliant white fl ame of the m antle of that g reat artist. A su­ efful gent beauty that has shecl its perb tribute, beyoncl a cloubt. as to t he lig ht eve rywher ~ in the musical world. quality of her playing, but the art of serge jaroff At tbe age of fi ve her formal musical Mme. Novaes bears a stamp cli stinctly her own. have been realist ically reproduced on e clucation began w ith Luig; Chiafar-· ell i. The little procl igy eager:y ab­ There's a sóuncl reason for the sorbeel ali her. teacher hael to offer anel unique quality of M me. Novaes' adis­ t ry. She is that rare thing in this çiay at the age of seven she mael e her first 1 coluinbia masterworks public appeararice w hich was foll oweel anel age - a fin ely integratecl person­ by a tour of her native country. Sao ality . 'N hi'e her art is most cleftnitely J oao ela Boa Vista, a city in the state an integral part of her existence there of Sao Paulo, Mme. Novaes' birth- . are two other clepartments of her life pl ace, was soon bursting w ith pride wh ;ch share equal interest ·_ her fam­ fo r its talented elaughter. She attractecl ily and her country, fo r she is a shin­ the :nterest of the government itself ing example of what a perfect w ife whi ch took a hand in her career anel anel mother shoulel be anel is an arelent: sen t the · promising young pianist to patriot \\'hose lave of country is n ot Paris for further study. conftned to mere flag-waving. After a truly romantic prelucle prac­ 'M me. N ovaes arriveel in the French ticall y vVagnerian in scope since it be­ capital just a few cl ays before the ex­ gan at the age of nine anel was re­ an1inati ons for admission t o the Paris sumed after l\1 me. Novaes' return from Conservatoire anel found herself 388th E urope) she ma rr~e el Octavio Pint o. to enroll on the list of compet:tors for an eminent engineer, anel toelay one of the twelve availab' e places at the fam~ Brazil's leaeling architects as we.l as a ous institution . of in usical learning; composer of markecl ability . Two tal­ The elay before the examinations she enteel chilelren, A nna Maria anel Luiz met a renowned pianist who hacl heard Octavio, are the result of this happy her play while on her Brazilian tour. union. Mme. N ovaes g uicles the eles­ So enthusiastic was he that he saiel , tiny of her offspring w:th care anel in­ Don Cossacks on the Attack set M-542 • $4.50 upon learn:ng the reason for her pres­ te:Jigence, supervises her househ old in ence in Paris, "No matter how many Hospodi Polmi lui 4278-M · .75 Saci Paulo which is now her home, candidates there are, I am certain you anel also a summer home in the moun­ will take first place !" Bis prediction tains with a sing ular efficiency. Testi­ Three Songs 7250-M • $1.00 was accurate - the verdict of the jury . ' mony of this is her husbancl's com­ Two Russian Folksongs 4163-M • .75 was unanimous anel she was for two ment, "I am most prouel of her. For years placeel uncler the tutelage of Prices shown are exclusive of ta xes. me anel the children she is the perfect I sidor Philipp, at the encl of which w ife anel m other, anel we are grateful time she won the Premier Prix elu that she is also a fine artist." O nly Conservatoire anel was offerecl engage­ part of her family is left at home ments in France, Englancl, Switzer­ when she takes her annual tour for lanel, Germany anel I taly, receiving she is always accompanieel by her hus­ extravagant praise everywhere. After bancl. She aelmits, however, that Ieav­ a visit to her h ome she came to the ing her chilclren in Brazil becomes Uniteel . States where slw again tri-. more cliffi cult each season. L POUNDED 1870 OIARTEIU!D presents PHILADELPHIA MUSICAL ACADEMY Çuiomar rJovaeJ 1617 SPRUCE STREET PIANIST PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. ACADEMY OF MUSIC FOR EVERY ~ Tuesday Evening -- January 28, 1947 OCCASION JANI SZANTO PROGRAM Pruident-Direetor Toccata in D Major Bach (Fantasie anel Fugue) ~ A llegro-Aelagio-Anelante Tranquillo OIARLTON LEWIS MURPHY Recita tive-Allegro Managing Director Two Little Sonatas Scarlatti PHONE PE 5-5053 E Major ~ D lVIajor FURS OF THE BETTER GRADE BRANCH Sonata in D Minor, Op. 31, No. 2 Beethoven WEST PHILADELPHIA Largo-Allegro •• -;.,. ';tu~~e ~ •• '129 Spruce Streel A c! agi o PHONE GR 2·3253 Al!egretto à ~ I N T ER"Mf:rSS ION !lJblintjuúkeJ f!acully 1707 WALNUT STREET Two Posthumous Etueles Chopin (F Minor anel D Flat Major) Impromptu in F Sharp; Op. 36 Chopin ·- Sonato in B Flat Minor, Op. 35 Chopin Grave-Doppio movimento-Scherzo {'....___.._~~.....__.._................ Funeral March Presto-(Winel o ver the Graves) < III Stetn~ Evocation Albeniz GRAND & UPRIGHT "abandon Toccata C. Guarn:eri (Deelicated to Guiomar Novaes) a/1 lumger Will-o-the-Wisp (Feux Follets) Isidor Philipp PIANOS WANTED y~ (Dedica te c! to Guiomar N ovaes) Y our STEINWA Y Piano is a valu­ w.fzo ente1' Steinway Piano Columbia Records able and much sought after instru­ ment. We have a present need for here" Exclusive Management STEINWAY Grands and upright JA ~K ADAMS & CO. pianos. You'll be surprised how 11 W. 42ncl Street New York, N. Y. much your STEINWAY will b.l'iag,­ regardless of age or condition. • •• LEEDS . RESTAURANT Rebuilt STEINWA Y Pianos !I for sa/e af greaf savings. I Dedicated to those who prefer • tastefully prepa red mea ls ... Wea lso buy ali types of PiaTZos Served in our spacious Dining Room HIG HEST PRiCES PAIO 1623 \. H ESTNUT STREET WRITE • PHONE • CALL * PHILA. PIANO EXCHANGE Luncheons • Cocktaíls-: D:inners Philadelphia's largestdealer in used and rebuilr pianos. * 5110 Germantown Ave. GE 8-3200 •• BROAD ANO SANSOM STREETS Her own career she moelest]y at­ men. Together \Ye must clevelop an in­ CALENDAR OF EVENTS tributes to "luck," but that is a -moot terest in , anel knowleelge of, public af­ po:nt. She bas elefinite ielea s about t he fairs. V\'e must share with enthusiasm Under Sponsorship of qualifications essential to success. "To our national anel international ideais." JULES FALK achieye success in m usic," she says, This brilliant artist feels that t oelay "a chilcl should have a goocl ear. ability the Uniteel States anel not E urope is to stucly bar c! anel assimila te gu ickl y, the hub of the musical worlel from 1947 an ana l y t ~ca l minei anel a goocl mem­ every stanelpoint. From the ecl uca­ ory. If he has all of these - plus the tional angle. while her own tra ~ ning February 13 JACQUES THIBAUD proper teacher - nothing can keep was European, she believes that the France's Greatest Violinist in Recital. him from his rightful place in the finest teachers are in America, teach­ Only appearance in Philadelphia. concert " ·orlei. " I t is her further con­ ing ineli vielu ally or ón the staffs of the tention, anel a sound on e, that geniuses big conven ·atories anel it is her be­ March 25 GENERAL PLATOFF DON COSSACK CHORUS are born - they cannot be createcl. If lief that A merica's great institutions Augmented by their Russian Dancers in a Program of the quality of genius is establishecl the - orchestras, opera companies, anel Russian Easter Music. teacher who can cl evelop the inclivicl­ conservatories such as the J ulliarcl, Only appearance in Philadelphia. ual temperament oi the chJd should Curtis. Cincinnati anel others - are April LAURITZ MELCHIOR be sought with care anel not se:ected unequall ecl by any similar organiza­ 7 Metropolitan Opera Tenor in Recital with full Symphony at ranclom.
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