DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT & ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR OBTAINING Environmental Clearance under EIA Notification – 2006 Schedule Sl. No. 1 (a) (i): Mining Project “B1” CATEGORY – MINOR MINERAL – CLUSTER – NON-FOREST LAND CLUSTER EXTENT = 17.52.75ha POTTAIYANDIPURAMBU & 10 MUTHUR ROUGH STONE AND GRAVEL QUARRY At Pottaiyandipurambu & 10 Muthur Villages, Kinathukadavu Taluk, Coimbatore District NAME OF PROPOSED PROJECT PROPONENTS APPLYING IN CLUSTER Sl. No. Name Extent of Mining Applied 1 Thiru. R.Sureshkumar, 0.81.75 ha 2 Thiru. K.Sivaprakash 1.20.50 ha 3 Thiru. V.Gunasekaran 1.75.50 ha 4 Thiru. S.Rangasamy, 1.34.50 ha 5 Thiru. K.Panchalingam 1.12.00 ha 6 Thiru. V.Gunasekaran 1.36.50 ha 7 Thiru. R. Rathinasamy 1.26.50 ha 8 Thiru.N.Gopal 0.67.00 ha Complied as per TOR Awarded ToR - Lr.No.SEIAA-TN/F.No.7734/SEAC/ToR-806/2020 Dated: 09.11.2020 – P1 ToR - Lr.No.SEIAA-TN/F.No.8055/SEAC/ToR-888/2020 Dated: 16.03.2021 – P2 ToR - Lr.No.SEIAA-TN/F.No.8050/SEAC/ToR-896/2020 Dated: 16.03.2021 – P3 ToR - Lr.No.SEIAA-TN/F.No.8053/SEAC/ToR-901/2020 Dated: 16.03.2021 – P4 ToR - Lr.No.SEIAA-TN/F.No.8057/SEAC/ToR-903/2020 Dated: 16.03.2021 – P5 ToR - Lr.No.SEIAA-TN/F.No.8051/SEAC/ToR-910/2020 Dated: 16.03.2021 – P6 ToR - Lr.No.SEIAA-TN/F.No.8094/SEAC/ToR-913/2020 Dated: 16.03.2021 – P7 Environmental Consultant GEO EXPLORATION AND MINING SOLUTIONS Old No. 260-B, New No. 17, Advaitha Ashram Road, Alagapuram, Salem – 636 004, Tamil Nadu, India Accredited for sector 1, 28 & 38 Category ‘A’ Certificate No : NABET/EIA/1821/RA0123 Phone: 0427-2431989, Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web: www.gemssalem.com APRIL 2021 For easy represantation of Proposed and Existing Quarries in the Cluster are given unique codes and identifies and studied in this EIA EMP Report. PROPOSED QUARRIES CODE Name of the Owner S.F. Nos Extent Status Thiru. R.Sureshkumar, Received for ToR Vide S/o. Ramalingam, 114/5B & Lr No. SEIAA- P1 No. 2/476, Anna Nagar, 0.81.75 ha 114/6B TN/F.No.7734/SEAC/ToR- Vadapudur, Kinathukadavu Taluk, 806/2020 Dated :09.11.2020 Coimbatore District – 641 032 Thiru. K.Sivapraksh, Received for ToR Vide S/o. Kumarasamy Gounder, 98A(Part) Lr No. SEIAA- P2 No.2/15, 10 Muthur, 1.20.0 ha Pit - 5 TN/F.No.8055/SEAC/ToR- Kinathukadavu Taluk, 888/2020 Dated :16.03.2021 Coimbatore District – 642 109 Thiru. V.Gunasekaran, Received for ToR Vide No.288, Vellakinar Pirivu, 98A(Part) Lr No. SEIAA- P3 1.75.5 ha G.N.Mills (PO), Pit-1 TN/F.No.8050/SEAC/ToR- Coimbatore District – 641 209. 896/2020 Dated :16.03.2021 Thiru.S.Rangasamy, Received for ToR Vide S/o.Senniappa Gounder, 95(Part) Lr No. SEIAA- P4 No.2/57, 10 Muthur, 1.34.5 ha Eastern Part TN/F.No.8053/SEAC/ToR- Kinathukadavu Taluk, 901/2020 Dated :16.03.2021 Coimbatore District – 641 109 Thiru. K.Pachalingam, S/o. Kandasamy Gounder, Received for ToR Vide No.2/271, Near MR Hall, 98A (Part) Lr No. SEIAA- P5 Bank of Baroda back side, 1.12.0 ha Pit - 4 TN/F.No.8057/SEAC/ToR- Vadaputhur, Elur, 903/2020 Dated :16.03.2021 Kinathukadavu Taluk, Coimbatore District – 641 032 Thiru.V.Gunasekaran, Received for ToR Vide No.288,Vellakinar Pirivu. 98A (Part) Lr No. SEIAA- P6 1.36.5 ha G.N.Mills (PO), Pit - 2 TN/F.No.8051/SEAC/ToR- Coimbatore District – 641 209 910/2020 Dated :16.03.2021 Thiru. R.Rathinasamy, Received for ToR Vide S/o. Ramasamy Gounder, 98A (Part) Lr No. SEIAA- P7 No.2/38, 10 Muthur, 1.26.5 ha Pit - 3 TN/F.No.8094/SEAC/ToR- Kinathukadauv, 913/2020 Dated :16.03.2021 Coimbatore – 641 109 Thiru. N.Gopal, W/o. K.Narayanasamy Gounder, Online Submission: No. 2/249, Singaiyampudur, P8 89B 0.67.0ha SIA/TN/MIN/190626/2020 Sokkanur Main Road, Date: 30.12.2020 Kinathukadavu Taluk, Coimbatore District – 642 109 TOTAL 9.53.75ha EXISTING QUARRIES CODE Name of the Owner S.F. No Extent Status Thiru.V.Ramalingam, S/o, Velingiri gounder, 2/52, 10- E1 94/B1 2.07.0 ha 28.07.2016 to 27.07.2021 Muthur, Kinathukadavu, Coimbatore District. Thiru.S.N.Sivasamy, S/o. Natraya Gounder, 247/1, 2A, E2 Singaiyanpudur, Sokkanur (Post), 2B1, 2B2, 3A, 2.09.0 ha 02.06.2016 to 01.06.2021 Kinathukadavu (via), 3B & 247/4 Coimbatore District Thiru.Rangasamy, S/o. Senniyappa Gounder, E3 10-Muthur, kinathukadavu Taluk, 97/B1B 1.32.5 ha 11.04.2017 to 10.04.2022 Coimbatore District Thiru.Santhalingam, No.2/140, 10-Mutur Post, 97/B2A & E4 1.08.5 ha 25.01.2019 to 24.01.2024 Kinathukadavu Taluk, 97/B2C Coimbatore District Thiru.R.Rangadurai, S/o. Ramasamy, 138/A2(Part) E5 1/97, 10 Muthur, 1.42.0ha 09.12.2016 to 08.12.2021 & 138/C(Part) Kinathukadavu Taluk, Coimbatore District. TOTAL 7.99.0 ha TOTAL CLUSTER EXTENT 17.52.75 ha Note: - • Cluster area is calculated as per MoEF & CC Notification – S.O. 2269 (E) Dated: 01.07.2016 Pottaiyandipurambu & 10 Muthur Rough Stone & Gravel Cluster Quarry (Extent: 17.52.75 ha) Draft EIA/ EMP Report TERMS OF REFERENCE (ToR) COMPLIANCE P1 – Thiru. R. Sureshkumar “ToR issued vide Letter No. SEIAA-TN/F.No.7734/SEAC/ToR-806/2020 Dated: 09.11.2020” SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1 The proponent shall furnish the contour map of Hydrogeological study was carried out detailing the the water table detailing the number of wells number of wells located around the site and is located around the site and impacts on the well discussed in Chapter 3, Page No.117. due to mining activity. 2 The proponent shall conduct the hydro-geological The hydro-geological study was conducted to study to evaluate the impact of proposed mining evaluate the possible impact on the ground water activity on the ground water table, agriculture table. No significant impacts are anticipated on the activity and water bodies such as rivers, tanks, water bodies around the project area. Details are canals, ponds etc. Located nearby by the proposed discussed under Chapter No. 3, Page No. 112 – mining area. 122. 3 The proponent shall furnish the details on number The number of wells located around the site is of groundwater pumping wells, open wells within discussed in Chapter 3, Page No. 118 - 120. the radius of 1Km along with the water levels in both monsoon and non-monsoon seasons. The proponent would also collect the data of water table level in this area during both monsoon and non-monsoon seasons. 4 The proponent shall conduct the cumulative The cumulative impact study on the agriculture area impact study on the agriculture area due to mining due to mining crushers and other activities around crushers and other activities around the site area. the project site is discussed in Chapter 7, Page No. 205 – 221. 5 The details of surrounding well and the The hydro-geological study was conducted to cumulative impact on groundwater shall be part of evaluate the possible impact on the ground water EIA study. table. No significant impacts are anticipated on the water bodies around the project area. Details are discussed under Chapter No. 4, Page No.170. 6 The Socio-Economic studies should be carried out The Socio-Economic Studies were carried out for within 10km buffer zone from the mine 10 km buffer zone from proposed project and discussed under Chapter 3, Page No. 158 – 167. 7 A detailed report on the proposal for greenbelt There is no greenbelt development during earlier development already undertaken is to be period and now it is proposed to plant about 250 furnished. They also need to submit the proposal Nos of trees during the Mining plan period. for greenbelt activities for the proposed mine(s). The detailed Greenbelt Development Plan is discussed in Chapter No. 4, Page No. 184. 8 CER activities should be carried out taking in to Allocation for Corporate Environment consideration the requirement of the local Responsibility (CER) shall be made as per habitants available within buffer zone as per Government of India, MoEF & CC Office Office Memorandum of MoEF & CC dated Memorandum F.No.22-65/2017-IA.III, Dated: 01.05.2018 01.05.2018. As per para 6 (II) of the office memorandum, the quarry project being a green field project & Capital Investment is ≤ 100 crores, shall contribute 2% of Capital Investment towards CER as per directions of EAC/SEAC and the total CER amount is Rs I Pottaiyandipurambu & 10 Muthur Rough Stone & Gravel Cluster Quarry (Extent: 17.52.75 ha) Draft EIA/ EMP Report Rs.59,000/- The detailed CER Activities is discussed under Chapter No. 8, Page No. 206 9 A detailed mine closure plan for the proposed Discussed under Chapter 2, Page No. 83 – 88. project shall be submitted. Mine Closure Plan is a part of Approved Mining Plan enclosed as Annexure Volume – 1. 10 A detailed report on the safety and health aspects Standard Operating Procedures as per DGMS for of the workers and for the surrounding habitants Safety and Health aspects of the workers and for during operation of mining for drilling and surrounding habitants during mining operations is blasting shall be submitted to be followed. The details are discussed under Chapter No.
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