CLIFF STREET HOSPITALITY PTY LTD applicant for the conditional grant of a tavern licence and extended trading permit (ongoing) hours GAGE ROADS BREW CO A Shed, Victoria Quay, Fremantle Harbour, Fremantle PUBLIC INTEREST ASSESSMENT Prepared by Lavan on behalf of the applicant Ref: Jessica Patterson [email protected] T: (08) 9288 6946 www.lavan.com.au © Lavan 2021 Public Interest Assessment (PIA) Gage Roads Brew Co Table of Contents 1 Introduction and background 2 Brief overview of proposal 2 Description and background of applicant 3 2 Locality 6 3 Manner of trade 10 The premises – physical aspects 11 Food & drink services 17 Other services 18 Proposed special conditions 19 Harm minimisation policies 19 4 Harm or ill-health – section 38(4)(a) 21 At risk groups and sub-communities 21 Social health indicators 28 Strategies to be implemented to minimise harm or ill-health 30 5 Impact on amenity – section 38(4)(b) 31 Nature and character of the local community 31 How the proposed premises will fit into the amenity 33 Outlet density 34 Consultation 41 6 Offence, annoyance, disturbance or inconvenience – section 38(4)(c) 43 7 Tourism, community or cultural matters – section 38(4)(ca) 43 8 Other aspects to the business 45 Patronage 45 Security and safety 46 9 Section 36B 46 10 Sections 5, 33 and 38 48 11 Conclusion 48 3464-5350-1970_1166724, v.1 © Lavan 2021 Public Interest Assessment (PIA) Gage Roads Brew Co 1 Introduction and background 1.1 This Public Interest Assessment (PIA) supports the application by Cliff Street Hospitality Pty Ltd (ACN 643 075 763) for the conditional grant of a tavern licence in respect of premises situated at A Shed, Victoria Quay, Fremantle Harbour, Fremantle to be known as Gage Roads Brew Co. 1.2 The applicant also seeks the grant of an extended trading permit to authorise trading between 6am and 10am on Sundays to accommodate breakfast functions and events. 1.3 This PIA addresses all relevant aspects of the public interest in accordance with both the Liquor Control Act 1988 (WA) (Act) and the licensing authority’s Public Interest Assessment policy1 (PIA Policy). 1.4 This PIA is part of the Applicant’s Case and should be read in conjunction with the other parts including supporting material2, all of which is itemised in the accompanying document titled Index of Material Before the Director and Applicant’s Case (Index). 1.5 Where this document refers to particular material to support certain information and propositions, some of that material is cited by way of its document listing in the tables contained within the Index (for example (DOC 1)). Brief overview of proposal 1.6 The State Government has announced a major redevelopment of the historic A Shed building in Fremantle Harbour and awarded the applicant the privilege and duty of converting it into a parochial microbrewery focusing on all things local and catering to all manner of patron. 1.7 The new brewery will be owned and operated by the people behind Good Drinks Australia Ltd (formerly known as Gage Roads Brewing Co Ltd), which is a very well-known Western Australian producer of beer and cider. The new licensed premises will comprise approximately 3,422m2 and will be designed to cater for both local people and tourists, including family groups. 1.8 Gage Roads Brew Co will become an iconic landmark. 1 https://www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/department/publications/publication/public-interest-assessment-policy effective 11 March 2010; last amended 16 April 2020 2 Supporting material referred to in this document not produced by or for the applicant has been obtained from public sources under licence. Where relevant, personal information within the supporting material may be limited or redacted for privacy reasons. Full copies of some of the source material accompany this PIA and are listed in the Index. Other material not so listed in the Index can be made available in full if required and has only been left out of the Index to lessen the burden of paper on the licensing authority. 3464-5350-1970_1166724, v.1 © Lavan 2021 2 Public Interest Assessment (PIA) Gage Roads Brew Co 1.9 The applicant has consulted with and surveyed the community and various others, including State Government levels, in respect of the proposal and obtained evidence of very strong support from all sectors. Further details are provided later on in this document. 1.10 The brewery will showcase craft beer production on site whilst also offering a range of other services and facilities including tastings, education, brewery tours, food, drinks, functions, events, merchandise, entertainment and take-away. Food, including substantial meals, will be available with an emphasis on Western Australian produce. 1.11 The Western Australian beer and cider production industry will be on display through Gage Roads Brew Co. 1.12 A large range of beer and cider produced on site will be available for consumption both on and off the premises. A selection of other liquor items will also be offered for consumption on the premises including wine, champagne and other craft beers and ciders produced elsewhere in Western Australia. Only beer and cider produced by, or under the direction of the applicant or a related entity will be available in packaged form to take-away. 1.13 Further and better particulars of the proposal are set out in subsequent sections of this document. Description and background of applicant 1.14 The applicant is a Western Australian company that was incorporated for the purposes of making this application and operating Gage Roads Brew Co. It is a wholly owned subsidary of Good Drinks Australia Ltd. The directors are John Hoedemaker, Aaron Heary and Marcel Brandenburg. The company is owned by Good Drinks Australia Ltd, within which the three directors of the applicant also all hold positions of authority. 1.15 Mr Hoedemaker established the original Gage Roads operation in 2004 and has been instrumental in building it up to a highly reputable and popular Australian beer production business. He possess considerable brewing and business expertise. 1.16 Similarly Mr Heary is also a highly skilled and experienced brewer and businessman. He is the Chief Operating and Strategy Officer for Good Drinks Australia Ltd and will be involved in all aspects of the new company including production. 1.17 Mr Brandenburg is primarily the Chief Financial Officer and has many years of experience in corporate governance and finance. 1.18 Individually and even more so collectively, the three directors have extensive qualifications, skills and experience in beer production, hospitality and business management. They will play active roles in Gage Roads Brew Co and together they will be ideally placed to operate the new business to a very high standard of compliance and success. 1.19 Included with the application are further details for each director in a document listed at DOC 10 in the Index. 3464-5350-1970_1166724, v.1 © Lavan 2021 3 Public Interest Assessment (PIA) Gage Roads Brew Co 3 1.20 The information above clearly shows how the history of Gage Roads and the impressive, sizeable operation that has evolved is synonomous with Fremantle and many characteristics of Western Australia. The present application represents further evolution of the Gage Roads group which is testament to the dedication and diligence of the people behind the application and growth generally in the State. The new Gage Roads Brew Co in Fremantle will be open to local people and tourists to enjoy and to experience first-hand a magnificant example of various Western Australian industries. 1.21 Gage Roads is now a significant Western Australian business in terms of growth, size and profile. The directors have been motivated to pursue the new microbrewery and tavern licence through strong desires to enhance the role that Gage Roads plays in local industries and the community and to establish a new spiritual home for the Gage Roads group. The A Shed opportunity will see many benefits realised. 1.22 The WA State Government has published a priority to develop Victoria Quay at Fremantle Harbour as referred to further on in this PIA. As part of that objective, expressions of interest were called for a development at A Shed and the Victoria Quay Waterfront Steering Group was formed in November 2018 which produced a report including the following: 3 https://gageroads.com.au/about-gage-roads/ 3464-5350-1970_1166724, v.1 © Lavan 2021 4 Public Interest Assessment (PIA) Gage Roads Brew Co Fremantle Ports and the WA Maritime Museum issued an Expression of Interest for the redevelopment of the historic A Shed, closest to the WA Maritime Museum on the harbour’s edge. An announcement on the outcome of this process will be made in August 2020. A Shed’s emergence as a unique harbour-side asset is a huge opportunity for Victoria Quay. This iconic heritage-listed building requires refurbishment but has the potential to be developed by a third-party into a major commercial and hospitality enterprise, which would act as a significant catalyst for further development on Victoria Quay by others. Currently Victoria Quay lacks such a major commercial operation that would spark the change sought. A revitalised A Shed will provide a new visitor experience for locals, Rottnest Island and cruise ship visitors, as well as generate jobs and vibrancy. Its immediate proximity to the WA Maritime Museum will significantly increase visitation numbers to that internationally- recognised tourist attraction.4 1.23 The applicant was the successful expresser of interest and in being awarded the opportunity, the State Government published the following in a Media Statement regarding the applicant and its proposed development5: Fremantle's Victoria Quay is set to be transformed into a tourism landmark, with a new micro-brewery, eatery and café set to open in the historic A Shed building next year.
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