ORPHEUM Star Theatre PALACE THEATRE THEATRE . TTRAH TEE GREAT ORGAN TODAY and The Lewis-Oliver Players "THE LURE OF THE THE HOUSE THAT PRESENT THE CADENZA YUKON" Change of Program Today RAISED THE STANDARD ORCHESTRA A dramatization re¬ plete with thrills in 3 HesryE. Jftg Matl £2 acts, pictured and'play¬ Maids Musical TODAY ed in the North Empress T'1® Comedy You TTtro see the great DtXcyS Time Everyone Itciul the U«kiIc The Feature* llroudway West. Comedy Ha* Horn Now . Company . MeatCSt 011v" .FrmBl. Present TODAY w«'u»«10 s«> the i»i»y. FLORENCE TURNER "THOSE KIDS AND Greatest .AXI). CUPID" Starting |iri>iii|i(I.i m is o'clock fomejy ever ALBERT CHEVA LIKIt A (VOOIl) to -v .IN. Nestor Comedy 'WHENTHECOMET STRUCK' The Box written Tho Immortal Coster Sung. Classic. AT YOUIt ItKQUKST Also other Pictures will New Songs, Wardrobe and Comedy The Oneie Big Dramatic Treat ho shown. of the Season "My Old Dutch" TODAY A drama THURSDAY PICTURE'S you'll alwny* remem¬ "The Christian" ber SPECIAL "REAPERS OP THE WHIRLWIND" 'THE MISLEADING CLUE" 2-part Vitngraph Comedy (A<l«|iltil from Hall Citlnp'N Powerful TOMORROW Btor) of (hp Snnio Title.) The Gift Center "DIVORCED" A 2-Part Special ALSO TWO GOOD COMEDY PICTURES FenturlnK HILDA SPONtJ Feature. is H thbltOCGHIA" IXTKItKSTIXU * Wihon the art of to a ACTS you employ giving oontey ,'| Equitable program, will be shown to¬ atizeil by Charles Tyler. This was u kindly expression of regard, of to commemorate some morrow. It la a Ave-purl society phenomenal success for several sea-' with sweet oocasiou in the life of dear ones or drama, with Hilda Spong. the celebrat¬ sons. There Is plenty of coiuody and yriur friends, ed emotional actress as the action anil all new scen¬ select a and that Netf English throughout KDITII worthy appropriate gift.one gives Triangle Program star, and Is full of tense, hcart-grlp- ery Is being made to make a complete STOKY lUMl KAIU.IC WIL¬ and service, not for a few w6ekB, ping action. The scenA range from u production in every respect. LIAMS pleasures merely Is at the brilliant wedding taken In a church, . o . but for many months and years. Bijou Today through a gay supper parly, to a num¬ Army life at a frontier pom before In the Stellar llolr*. Bulk cost is not the standard of judging. Drama is "The ber of complications leading up to a the shining rails that mark man's con-: With-1 Iron Strain" eity of Kitty Malloy. the queen of the murder, a tremendous court scene, quest of the arid waste were laid Is out the noble impulse that prompts tho sending,' i and Comedy . Offering "A Arctic cabaret. Octavla's jealousy l» and a final reconciliation, which gives vividly recalled In "The Buzzard's iB robbed of much of its sweetness, its joy tandit excited, for the flriit time realties a the drama. a gift joy Game OW and happy ending to Shadow," Mutual Masterpiece in live Let us, a that must! Knight." she loves her husband. then re- . then, . the American Film give * They o gift ~ acts, significance. ~ produced by _. _ . turn to . Callfnrnla. where they are will a sec¬ Company. Inc. lived to.a that cftir loved ones and The Trlang « offering at he Bijou unlted with tllc Ethel Barrymore organize up gift friends Eth0' family.tile ond company In "Our Mrs. JVcCbes- with as a ?U",'n ^rnUnl; Mar," old mining king'!, prescription of make and rehearse the The woes of life In a forty-dollar may point to pride and 'lceep per key and Louise Glaum in a five-act Alaska aR a ney," produc¬ cure for social vapldnew tion herself and send it out on the flat when one's Income Is Ufteen-per,1 mdndfcr of the generous and ndble hdart that . and folly has worked a charm, j and! VkCharles Murray.The,I,r°SMack |tn,ln-.Sennett road. The success of her own produc¬ are humorously set forth In "Tho; The "world's master worknieu have car and Mabel Norman Is a two-act Key- 0 . tion In New York will keep her In the Bluffers," a single reel Plying A drama stone comedy, "A'Game Old Knight."'i "Tho Christian." adapted from metropolis. featuring Vivian Rich and Alfred Vos- given us this season the most exquisite, artistic The story of "Tho Iron Strain" is Hall Calne'e work of the same title, -o- burgh. "The Bluffers" will be released on for gifts.offerings thatwill readily wttmu as follows: with Edyth Story and Earle Williams Those who have Been "The .Man on the Mutual program. signs Octavla Van Ness, a San Francisco In the stellar roles, will be the fea- the the Lewls-OH- . o . you because of their worthiness aiid the Box," presented by A cable was received by the Messrs. giftL'atto Shiibert from George McCIellan, In¬ phere they convey. To got the rig!ht thing forming them that he was unable to right time adds much to the appreciation of a gift/ carry out his contract for the produc-i tlon of Fran?. Lchnr's operetta. "Alono Any Gift Bought Here Carries a Guarantee at. Last." in London. He was unable, to'secure a license, owing to the fact of "Worth and tExcellenoe. that "Alone at Lost" was a piece of Austrian origin. J. B. ROSS XOTICK 01'' IXKtVriOX OF W- Silversmith *11 BILLS itECTOIlS OF WKST VIRGINIA FAIIt ASKOCIATIOX. 320 West Pike Street OLARR9BI Pursuant to a resolution panted bv Bell Pbone 160. the Ronril of Directors ot the Wast Virginia KlUr Association on the Oth dny of August, IftlS, there -will bo an election or directors of the West elation, Room 706, Ooff building, On rectors will, lie tofibtilic eight December I'll r Hook as Virginia Fair Association for a term Tuosday, H, JS1G. begln- Annual pu of two sears beginning 1, nlng at the botir of one o'clock, p. m. the Fair Association. January and closing at live p. m. JAMES In the House of Representatives 1916. at the office of tbo Fair Asso- Future notice of election of di¬ for Those Who Want Pensions and the Like. WASHINGTON, Dec. 2..The fol¬ lowing bills were Introduced by Itep- resentative Neely on the opening day of the Sixty-fourth Congress: Bill to incorporate the Seventh Day aBptlst general conference. Bill to Increase the pension 4)f Jos¬ eph T. nitchey, of New Ctrtnberland. Bill to grant a pension to John Seller, of Wheeling. BUI increasing the pension of Jos¬ eph T. McCombs, of Moundsvllle. Bill granting a pension to Hannah GrlBIn, of Trladelphla. Bill granting pension of Lydla Ann Hagan, of Wheeling. # Bill Increasing the pension of TTa- eob Brock, of New Martinsville. Bill granting pension to James W. DU3TIN FARNUM, ENIC MARKEY, AND LOUISE GLAUM IN "THE IRON Gatrell, of Clarksburg. BEE RELEASE. STRAIN," TRIANGLE-KAY Bill Increasing pension of Adlade Some pretty Clarksburg girl will'take the part in a photo¬ Holland, of Clarksburg. Bill granting pension to- Nancy J. play, and ten other Clarksburg will be social butterfly, breaks down after ture picture offering at the Robinson ver Players at the Palace theater, pro¬ Clark, of Lost Creek. girls inthepicture trying to burn the candle at both ends Grand today and tomorrow. The nounce It to be one of the most Bill to Zelia Bar¬ On a her enjoy* granting pension her. physican's advice, grand¬ Sim of this magniflcent production' able entertainments ever given behind ker and six minor children, oi father. Ezra Whitney, a mining king, arrived last night, and will be pre¬ the takes her to Palace footlights. Moundsvllle. Alaska, hoping that she sented as Advertised. The company Is cast to the boat BUI Increasing pension of George will . regain health and And a mate o possible advantage and the production W. Crawford, of Clarksburg. If you would like to test your as a ac¬ .more suitable than the glided Oliver Mofosco has the dbility moving pictilre .youths of the California In the obtained Is complete in ever); detail. Several Bill granting pension to Euphema city. American rights to an of the Gatts, of Woodland. far North they meet "Chuck" Hem- English play, players w^re/greeted with ap¬ tress, Miss Clarksburg, here is your chance.*and'it won't whom the to "Ann," by Lecbmere Warrall. ure¬ plause as they made their entrance on Bill increasing pension of Mrs. Ju¬ mlngway, girl supposes duced in some seasons dith be a "sour dough," but whom the London ago. the stage which proves the popularity Gordon, of Moundsvllle. o . of these excellent Bill granting to M. you a cent. (grandfather recognizes as a young payers.. pension Daisy .collegian from the East. Hemming- Beautiful Florence Turner, and the This play was made famous by Watson and five minor children. famous actor. Albert Chov- Henry are Bill Increasing jfension of Victor . way's advances are repulsed, and the j English E..DIxcy. .Tfcere plenty pf of cave man instinct wakens within I allcr, arc starred today at the Orpheum hapily moments In "The Man on tho Fousse, Wheeling. him. Before her Impending return In one of the moBt* wonderful Unlver- Box." The comedy fairly sparkles at Bill Increasing .pension of Silas times. There "have been Morgan, of Broomfleld. to civilization. Hemmingway steals sal Broadway features ever screened. many weak Bill the girl, forces a marriage and in¬ "My Old Dutch." It Is Just a homely comedy dramatizations of good stories granting pension to Mlchiel her in a cabin, where, howevor little tale of a that It Is a pleasure to welcomfc one Mulvey, of Fairmont.
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