INDONESIAINDONESIA EMERGENCYEMERGENCY QUICKQUICK RESPONSERESPONSE TOTO THETHE WESTWEST SUMATRASUMATRA EARTHQUAKEEARTHQUAKE National Coordinating Agency for Surveys and Mapping (BAKOSURTANAL) Rudolf W. Matindas Head of BAKOSURTANAL Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor, INDONESIA © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 11 Epicentrum Wednesday September 30, 2009. Padang city, and the surrounding, located in West Sumatera province was devastated by earthquake at magnitude 7.6 Richter Scale. The undersea epicenter location was Lat.: 0.84°S ; Long.: 99.65°E ; epicenter depth was 80 km, and ± 57 Km north-west of Padang city which have ± 900.000 inhabitants © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 22 EARTHQUAKEEARTHQUAKE ATAT WESTWEST OFOF SUMATERASUMATERA The death toll from the earthquake was more than 800 people. Around 200 people were reported missing and more than 2000 people got injured. This is excluded more than 600 people who were buried by the earthquake-triggered landslides happened in four villages located in the mountaineous areas surrounding the city of Padang. More than 133,000 houses, shops, offices were destroyed while over 110,000 others suffered damages. Some large commercial buildings, hospitals, hotels, mosques and churches were even completely destroyed. Many infrastructures such as roads and bridges were fractured and brought down. This isolated people in remote areas, and broke supply lines of food, drinking water and medical to this people. © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 33 POSTPOST EARTHQUAKEEARTHQUAKE PROBLEMSPROBLEMS SomeSome basicbasic needsneeds suchsuch asas electricity,electricity, teletelephonephone lineslines havehave beenbeen recovered.recovered. HoweverHowever distributiondistribution ofof food,food, water,water, andand medicinemedicine toto thethe peoplepeople isis stillstill havehave aa bigbig problem.problem. TheThe governmentgovernment nownow receivedreceived aa lotlot ofof foodfood butbut foundfound itit difficultdifficult toto distributedistribute becausebecause thethe governmentgovernment hadhad littlelittle informationinformation ofof thethe earthquakeearthquake victimsvictims whereabouts.whereabouts. TheThe reconstructionsreconstructions ofof infrastructuresinfrastructures toto openopen accessaccess toto peoplepeople inin isolatedisolated areasareas areare alsoalso anotheranother workwork toto do.do. © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 44 EMERGENCYEMERGENCY QUICKQUICK RESPONSERESPONSE MAPPINGMAPPING TheThe NationalNational CoordinatingCoordinating AgencyAgency forfor SurveysSurveys andand MappingMapping (BAKOSURTANAL)(BAKOSURTANAL) ofof IndonesiaIndonesia tooktook aa quickquick responseresponse toto thisthis disaster.disaster. BAKOSURTANALBAKOSURTANAL alongalong withwith otherother governmentgovernment agenciesagencies andand privateprivate sectorssectors agreedagreed toto supplysupply geogeo-spatial-spatial datadata andand informationinformation toto bebe utilizedutilized inin PadangPadang forfor disasterdisaster management.management. ThreeThree mapsmaps neededneeded forfor thisthis purposepurpose :: DisasterDisaster ProneProne AreasAreas Map,Map, EmergencyEmergency QuickQuick ResponseResponse Map,Map, RehabilitationRehabilitation andand ReconstructionReconstruction Map.Map. © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 55 EMERGENCYEMERGENCY QUICKQUICK RESPONSERESPONSE MAPPINGMAPPING TheThe DisasterDisaster ProneProne AreasAreas MapMap willwill bebe usedused beforebefore thethe disasterdisaster happened,happened, becausebecause inin thethe mapmap therethere isis regulationregulation forfor makingmaking oror notnot makingmaking humanhuman activitiesactivities inin thethe designateddesignated areas.areas. TheThe EmergencyEmergency QuickQuick ResponseResponse MapMap isis producedproduced andand usedused justjust afterafter thethe disasterdisaster toto helphelp savesave thethe peoplepeople trappedtrapped inin thethe destroyeddestroyed buildingsbuildings andand toto distributedistribute food,food, water,water, medicalmedical supplies.supplies. ThisThis mapmap isis producedproduced onon-site-site byby mappingmapping allall damageddamaged objectsobjects inin thethe field,field, locationlocation ofof foodfood supply,supply, drinkingdrinking waterwater andand medicalmedical supply.supply. TheThe thirdthird mapmap isis aa mapmap thatthat isis usedused forfor rehabilitationrehabilitation andand reconstructionreconstruction ofof thethe disasterdisaster area.area. © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 66 EMERGENCYEMERGENCY QUICKQUICK RESPONSERESPONSE MAPPINGMAPPING BAKOSURTANALBAKOSURTANAL fewfew daysdays afterafter thethe disasterdisaster establishedestablished aa mappingmapping teamteam andand immediatelyimmediately sentsent thethe teamteam toto Padang.Padang. TheThe teamteam waswas designeddesigned toto performperform coordinationcoordination withwith otherother locallocal andand internationalinternational institutionsinstitutions andand organization,organization, toto produceproduce thethe emergencyemergency quickquick responseresponse mapmap byby collectingcollecting casualties,casualties, damageddamaged buildingsbuildings andand infrastructureinfrastructure data,data, processingprocessing thethe datadata andand producingproducing intointo mapsmaps andand distributingdistributing thethe maps.maps. © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 77 National Coordinating Agency for National Coordinating Agency for ORGANIZATIONORGANIZATION TOTO HANDLEHANDLE THETHE Surveys and Mapping POSTPOST-EARTHQUAKE-EARTHQUAKE (BAKOSURTANAL), National Agency for Mitigating of Disaster (BNPB), Regional development and Planning Board (BAPPEDA), Regional Public Works Office, WANADRI (Mountain and Jungle Explorer Association), WAINDO-RSGIS Forum, Department of Energy and Mineral Resources, National Space and Aeronautics Agency (LAPAN), Bureau of Central Statistics, World Bank, Non-Government Organizations such as MapAction and ArchNova. © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 88 Field Surveys of geographic location POSTPOST-EARTHQUAKE-EARTHQUAKE FIELDFIELD SURVEYSSURVEYS of damages buildings and infrastructures, buried villages, food supply, and medical supply were carried out by WANADRI and BAKOSURTANAL. The survey and mapping activities that was carried out in Padang area consisted of : Inventory of number of casualties and damaged areas in cities and villages, GPS surveys of damaged buildings and infrastructures, Coordination meeting, Data processing and map production, Data dissemination, © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 99 TabularTabular datadata ofof DataData SourcesSources ToTo ProduceProduce TheThe EmergencyEmergency damageddamaged infrastructureinfrastructure QuickQuick ResponseResponse MapMap (roads,(roads, bridges)bridges) fromfrom KOTA SAWAHLUNTO PADANGPARIAMAN KOTA SAWAHLUNTO RegionalRegional PublicPublic WorksWorks PADANGPARIAMAN KUANTAN SINGINGI KOTA SOLOK SAWAHLUNTO / SINJUNJUNG KUANTAN SINGINGI INDRAGIRI HULU RIAU KOTA SOLOK SAWAHLUNTO / SINJUNJUNG INDRAGIRI HULU Office.Office. KOTA PADANG RIAU KOTA PADANG SOLOK SOLOK TopographicTopographic mapsmaps ofof DHARMASRAYA DHARMASRAYA 1:250,000,1:250,000, 1:50,0001:50,000 SUMATERA BARAT TEBO SUMATERA BARAT KEPULAUAN MENTAWAI TEBO 1:10,0001:10,000 scales,scales,KEPULAUAN fromfrom MENTAWAI SOLOK SELATAN SOLOK SELATAN BAKOSURTANAL BUNGO BAKOSURTANAL BUNGO PESISIR SELATAN AtlasAtlas mapsmaps fromfrom Topographic Maps PESISIR SELATAN Coverage scale 1:10,000 JAMBI BAKOSURTANALBAKOSURTANAL JAMBI Produced in year of 2008 KERINCI KERINCI VillageVillage adminadmin boundaryboundary MERANGIN MERANGIN mapmap andand populationpopulation distributiondistribution fromfrom BAPPEDA and BPS, BAPPEDA and BPS, MUKO-MUKO MUKO-MUKO BENGKULU SatelliteSatellite imageriesimageries BENGKULU LEBONG LEBONG IKONOSIKONOS ofof PadangPadang Sumatera Barat & Bengkulu BENGKULU UTARA West Sumatera & Bengkulu BENGKULU UTARA fromfrom LAPANLAPAN © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 1010 DataData ProductsProducts : The The EmergencyEmergency QuickQuick ResponseResponse MapMap 1. Village boundary maps of Padang Pariaman and Agam districts. 2. Casualty and physical damaged map Padang Pariaman district. 3. Casualty and physical damaged map of Pariaman city. 4. Aggregate Casualty Map consisting themes: number of casualty, number of damaged houses, number of destroyed health facilities, number of broken schools, number of damaged roads, bridges, and irrigation infrastructures. © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 1111 DataData Users : The Emergency Quick Response Map Foreign and Local Non-Governmental Organization, International and Local Media, National Agency for Mitigating of Disaster, Police, and Regional and local Government. Most of the foreign and local non-governmental organizations are humanitarian aid organization to distribute the aids they received from the community. © 2009 BAKOSURTANAL 1212 LESSONLESSON LEARNEDLEARNED DuringDuring thethe firstfirst weekweek afterafter thethe earthquake,earthquake, thethe citycity ofof PadangPadang hadhad nono electricityelectricity thatthat mademade communicationcommunication inin thethe areaarea cutcut off.off. ItIt waswas thenthen notnot possiblepossible toto seesee mapsmaps storedstored inin computerscomputers oror browsebrowse fromfrom internetinternet.. PrintedPrinted mapmap provedproved toto bebe aa muchmuch betterbetter solutionsolution toto useuse thethe geospatialgeospatial information.information. TheThe numbernumber ofof peoplepeople understandingunderstanding ofof geogeo-- spatialspatial inin thethe disasterdisaster areaarea shouldshould bebe considerablyconsiderably sufficient,sufficient, becausebecause mapmap readingreading abilityability ofof thethe domesticdomestic humanitarianhumanitarian aidaid organizationsorganizations
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