NEWS Mathematics People thermodynamics for ordinary matter with Coulomb inter- Moreira Awarded Brin Prize actions,’ the force between two electrically charged parti- cles.” Lebowitz received his PhD from Syracuse University Joel Moreira of the University of in 1956, after which he was a National Science Foundation Warwick has been selected the re- Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University (1956–1957). He cipient of the second Michael Brin has held positions at the Stevens Institute of Technology Prize for Young Mathematicians in (1957–1959) and Yeshiva University (1959–1977) before recognition of his “outstanding work joining the faculty at Rutgers in 1977. His awards and hon- on ergodic Ramsey theory and his ors include a Guggenheim Fellowship (1976–1977); the joint proof of the Erdo˝s sumset con- Boltzmann Medal (1992); the Max Planck Research Award jecture.” The prize was awarded for (1993); the Henri Poincaré Prize (2000); the Vito Volterra the papers “Monochromatic sums Medal of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (2001); the Joel Moreira and products,” Annals of Mathematics Max Planck Medal of the German Physical Society (2007); (2) 185 (2017), no. 3, and “A proof and the Grande Médaille from the French Academy of Sci- of a sumset conjecture of Erdo˝s” (with F. K. Richter and D. ences (2014). He is also involved in human rights work and Robertson), Annals of Mathematics (2) 189 (2019), no. 2. has been the recipient of the Heinz R. Pagels Human Rights Moreira received his PhD degree from Ohio State Univer- of Scientists Award of the New York Academy of Sciences sity in 2016 under the supervision of Vitaly Bergelson. He (1996) and the AAAS Scientific Freedom and Responsibility was Boas Assistant Professor at Northwestern University Award (1999). He is a member of the National Academy (2016–2019) before joining the faculty of the University of Sciences and a Fellow of the American Physical Society, of Warwick. the New York Academy of Sciences, and the American As- The Brin Prize for Young Mathematicians recognizes sociation for the Advancement of Science. outstanding contributions to dynamical systems made by researchers within four years of the PhD. It carries a cash —From an American Physical Society announcement award of US$4,000. —Giovanni Forni Haslhofer and Shelukhin Chair, Prize Selection Committee Receive Aisenstadt Prize Lebowitz Awarded Robert Haslhofer of the University of Toronto and Egor Shelukhin of Heineman Prize the University of Montreal have been awarded the 2020 André Aisenstadt Joel Lebowitz of Rutgers University Prize in Mathematics of the Centre de has been awarded the Dannie Heine- Recherches Mathématiques (CRM). man Prize for Mathematical Physics Haslhofer was recognized for his for his “seminal contributions to work in geometric analysis, differ- nonequilibrium and equilibrium ential geometry, partial differential statistical mechanics, in particular, Robert Haslhofer equations, calculus of variations, studies of large deviations in non- stochastic analysis, and general rela- equilibrium steady states and rigor- tivity. He received his PhD from ETH Zurich in 2012. He ous analysis of Gibbs equilibrium served as Courant Instructor at the Courant Institute of Joel Lebowitz ensembles.” Working with Elliott Mathematical Sciences from 2012 to 2015 before joining Lieb, he proved “‘the existence of the University of Toronto. He has been the recipient of an FEBRUARY 2021 NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 281 Mathematics People NEWS NSF Grant (2014–2017), the Connaught New Researcher of the Institut Universitaire de France. He enjoys traveling, Award (2016–2018), a Sloan Research Fellowship (2018– scuba diving, skiing, and “tentatively playing a couple of 2020), and an NSERC Discovery Grant (2016–2021). He musical instruments.” tells the Notices: “I’m a cycling enthusiast, and my snow- board and I love powder snow.” —Elaine Kehoe Shelukhin was honored for work in symplectic topology, contact to- pology, and geometric analysis. He Bhatnagar Prizes Awarded received his PhD in 2012 from Tel The 2020 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prizes for Science and Aviv University under the direction Technology in Mathematical Sciences have been awarded of Leonid Polterovich. He has held to Rajat Subhra Hazra of the Indian Statistical Institute positions at the Hebrew University of and U. K. Anandavardhanan of the Indian Institute of Jerusalem, Université Lyon 1 Claude Technology Bombay. Hazra was honored for “outstanding Bernard, and Institut Mittag Leffler. contributions to multiple frontier areas of probability the- He was a CRM-ISM Postdoctoral Egor Shelukhin ory such as random matrices (in particular, with dependent Research Fellow in Mathematics at entries), his use therein of free probability to which he also the University of Montreal and a Member at the School of contributed, random fields, random graphs, etc., touching Mathematics of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton upon themes of interest to physics such as sandpile mod- University. els and membranes.” Anandavardhanan was recognized The Aisenstadt Prize recognizes outstanding research by for “significant contributions in the field of distinguished young Canadian mathematicians. representations in the Langlands program, especially for —From CRM announcements his contributions relating base change, distinction, root numbers, and the Asai L-function for the linear group.” The award recognizes outstanding Indian work in science Cohen Awarded and technology. Pascal Medal —Bhatnagar Prize announcement Albert Cohen of Sorbonne Univer- sité has been named the recipient Krieg Receives Traub Award of the 2020 Blaise Pascal Medal in Mathematics of the European Acad- David Krieg of Johannes Kepler University has been se- emy of Sciences for his work on lected the recipient of the 2020 Joseph F. Traub Informa- problems that involve a very large tion-Based Complexity Young Researcher Award. The award number of variables and whose ef- is given for significant contributions to information-based ficient numerical treatment is there- complexity by a young researcher who has not reached his fore challenged by the so-called curse or her thirty-fifth birthday by September 30 of the year of the award. The award consists of US$1,000 and a plaque. Albert Cohen of dimensionality. His research inter- ests include approximation theory, —Erich Novak, Editor numerical analysis, computational harmonic analysis, Journal of Complexity signal-image-data processing, and statistics. Cohen received his PhD in 1990 from the Université Paris IX-Dauphine under the supervision of Yves Meyer. International Mathematical He has held positions at Bell–ATT Labs (1990–1991) and at ENSTA, Paris (1993–1995). Since 1995 he has held the Olympiad position of professor at Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne Université, Paris. His honors include the V. A. The 61st International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) was Popov Prize in Approximation Theory (1995), the J. Her- held remotely from St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, in brant Prize of the Academie des Sciences (2000), and the September 2020. The team from the People’s Republic of Blaise Pascal Prize of the French Applied and Industrial China finished first with a total of 215 points. The Russian Mathematical Society (SMAI) and the Academie des Sci- Federation took second place with 185 points. The United ences (2004). He has been an invited speaker at ICM 2002 States team finished in third place with 183 total points. and plenary speaker at ICIAM 2006 and is a senior member The US team consisted of Luke Robitaille (gold medal), 282 NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY VOLUME 68, NUMBER 2 Mathematics People NEWS Quanlin Chen (gold medal), William Wang (gold medal), Following are the names and institutions of the 2021 Tianze Jiang (silver medal), Gopal Goel (silver medal), AWM Fellows. and Jeffrey Kwan (silver medal). Po-Shen Loh was the • Alina Bucur, University of California, San Diego team leader; Oleksandr Rudenko was deputy team leader. • Sigal Gottlieb, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth • Eugenie Hunsicker, Loughborough University —IMO announcement • Patricia Clark Kenschaft, Montclair State University • Gail Letzter, National Security Agency • Dawn Alisha Lott, Delaware State University 2021 AWM Fellows • Gretchen L. Matthews, Virginia Institute of Technology • , Texas State University The Executive Committee of the Association for Women Susan Morey • , University of Kansas in Mathematics (AWM) established the AWM Fellows Pro- Bozenna Pasik-Duncan • , Pomona College gram to recognize individuals who have demonstrated a Ami Radunskaya • , American Mathematical Society sustained commitment to the support and advancement Catherine A. Roberts • , University of Colorado, Boulder of women in the mathematical sciences, consistent with Katherine E. Stange • , Clark Atlanta University and the AWM mission: “to encourage women and girls to study Talitha M. Washington Atlanta University Center and to have active careers in the mathematical sciences, and • , Lawrence Livermore National to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of Carol S. Woodward Laboratory women and girls in the mathematical sciences.” The 2021 class of AWM Fellows are researchers, mentors, —AWM announcement and educators who are recognized by their peers and stu- dents for their commitment to supporting women in the Credits mathematical sciences. Photo of Joel Lebowitz is courtesy of Joel Lebowitz. Photo of Egor Shelukhin is courtesy of Egor Shelukhin.
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