saqarTvelos mecnierebaTa erovnuli akademiis moambe, t. 4, #1, 2010 BULLETIN OF THE GEORGIAN NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, vol. 4, no. 1, 2010 Physical Geography Natural Resource Potential of Western Georgia and Territorial Management of Agrolandscapes Tengiz Urushadze*, Zurab Seperteladze**, Eter Davitaya**, Besik Kalandadze**, Tamar Alexidze** * Academy Member, I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University ** I. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University. ABSTRACT. Agrolandscape study has quite a long history in Georgia, as the natural resource potential of the country and agroresource potential greatly depend on it. Scientific research was carried out aiming at implement- ing the program of drainage of the high humidity and swamp soils of Kolkheti and their agricultural utilization. Complex analysis of the natural resources of Western Georgia has been carried out by modern methods of research. In view of the average indices of hydrothermal coefficient the study has revealed the space distribution peculiarities of agrolandscapes. All the modifications of the Western Georgian agrolandscapes have been researched and a new model of their territorial organization has been elaborated. This model enables us to reveal the natural resource potential of the region, structural stability of agrosystems and to find optimal ways for improving the ecological situation. © 2010 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. Key words: agrolandscape, natural-resource potential, hydrothermal coefficient, soils, Kolkheti. Western Georgia is one of the most utilized regions factors. As for the agrolandscape efficiency, it depends from the agricultural point of view. It determined the on natural potential together with socio-economic and basic transformation of its unique and exotic damp sub- technical conditions. tropical landscapes rich in endemic and relic bioelements. It must be noted that agro system has the capacity Here we can trace several modifications of agro com- of functioning for a long term (in condition of system- plexes classified according to the character of anthropo- atic monitoring on its station), but as soon as the an- genic impact and degree of natural component transfor- thropogenic impact on it is over, immediately it is re- mation. These modifications are phytogenic, pedogenic, placed by a secondary, non-cultural landscape. Besides lithogenic and absolutely new neo-landscapes can be that the capacity of stability and homeostasis is also also created, the typical example of which can be con- characteristic of agrolandscape, as to one of the mobile sidered, the so-called polders – rather fertile modifications of anthropogenic landscapes. But here we agrolandscapes molded after the utilization of sea shelf should note that the landscapes having suffered from (so successfully applied in Holland). industrial impact are less stable (at least in the short It must be noted that agrolandscape is generally an term period). The structure of agrocomplexes is rather open system. It means that constant transformation of simplified compared to its preceding natural (background) substance and energy can be traced not only in its struc- landscape, the main representatives of which are mo- tures, but between the neighboring natural systems as nocultures created on the place of diverse natural phyto well. Its spatial structure is primarily defined by natural association. This latter basically changes the situation, © 2010 Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci. Natural Resource Potential of Western Georgia and Territorial Management of Agrolandscapes 75 soil features in particular; it devours organic and chemi- winter vegetation period, in their turn are main determin- cal linkages, thus hindering the restoring processes in ing factors of agrolandscape potential. soil. For instance, in the damp subtropical landscapes Various types of soils developed in humid subtropi- of Western Georgia, namely in tea plantations, it is easy cal conditions play an important role in forming the agro- to observe three times more absorption of nickel and 1.7 landscapes in Western Georgia. The most significant times more absorption of manganese from the soil by among them are Subtropical Podzols (Stagnic Acrisols), tea leaves, than by the leaves of lime and chestnut trees Yellow (Chromic and Ferralic Cambisols), Red (Acrisols) in the same zone. Besides that, they have double alumi- and Alluvial acid (Dystric Fluvisols) Soils [3]. num consistency. The total area of subtropical podzols is 4.3 % of On the basis of the research work conducted under the whole country (2 983 833 ha). These soils are dis- the aegis of the UN convention on climate changeabil- tributed on the old marine terraces at the altitude be- ity [1, 2], it was decided that some corrections must be tween 30-200 m above sea level. They are characterized made in the tendency of climate change during the last by extremely different profile : A-A2(f)-A2Bgf-Bg-BCf(g) or decade (1995-2005). According to this scheme during A-A1A2-B-BC(f). The main diagnostic data of soils is the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century well distinguished eluvial horizon, acid reaction, moder- the average annual thermal change velocity of air was ate content of humus, desaturation, impoverished by 0.3o in damp subtropical landscapes of humid forest low- silt and clay fraction in eluvial horizon and increasing lands in Kolkheti (type A), while 0.07o - in subtropical of atmosphere and crystalline iron with depth. sub-arid (type B) and humid forest highland landscapes Yellow soils occupy 4.1 % of the whole country (type H). Moreover, the warming process has replaced (2 898 034 ha). These soils occur on the clay slate in the the process of cold spell in humid landscapes. This hy- altitude between 100-500 m above sea level. They are characterized by the following profile: A-AB-B -B -BC pothesis will certainly have its impact on the 1 2 agroresource potential of Kolkheti, as according to the and acid reaction, yellow color, moderate content of current forecast, the transformation of Caucasus climate humus, desaturation, heavy texture and more or less is expected in several decades. high content of iron. Red soils occupy 2.2 % of the whole country Materials and Methods (1 533 303 ha). Red soils are formed on the basic effu- sive rocks at the altitude between 100-300 m above sea The issues discussed in the article and their out- level. Red soils are characterized by the following pro- comes are largely based on the scientific works dedi- file: A-B-BC-C or A-B -B -BC-C and acid reaction, red cated to this problem and mostly on the results of expe- 1 2 color, moderate or low content of humus, heavy texture ditions and experimental researches conducted by the and high content of iron. authors. Apart from the approved methods of Alluvial acid soils occupy 4.1 % of the whole coun- agrolandscape research, the methods of time-space try ( 2 866 949 ha). Alluvial soils are formed on the river analysis and synthesis were also used while carrying terraces. These soils are characterized by the following out the research. profile: A-BC-C-CD and acid reaction and layer texture. Qualitative evaluation of soil in the region to be As mentioned above, one of the main determining studied was implemented in accordance with the World factors of agroresource potential (together with soil con- Database Classification, adopted in Georgia since 2002. ditions) is agroclimatic indices, the most important among This classification implies the introduction of soil code them is duration of day-night temperature period above system necessary for enrolling and elaboration of soils 0 average 10 C (Table 2). in the region to be studied in the international informa- The research has shown that during the vegetation tional base. period the average indices of hydrothermal coefficient Results and Discussion in different parts of Georgia ranges from 1.5 to 3.5. while its maximum is observed in Ajara-Guria regions (Chakvi). Agriculture, together with tourist-recreational poten- One of the main determining characteristics of agro- tial, can be considered as the basis for the sustainable resource potential is sunshine duration. The maximum socio-economic development of Georgia. Western Geor- sunshine duration is characteristic of Samegrelo region, gia, especially the Kolkheti region is to play one of the a lower coefficient can be observed in Ajara-Guria re- major roles in it. Soil-climatic conditions (citrus, maize, gion (unlike the previous data). In Anaklia this coeffi- tea, tobacco industries) with intensive application of h h cient equals 2223 /year, in Poti – 2183 /year. The research Bull. Georg. Natl. Acad. Sci., vol. 4, no. 1, 2010 76 Tengiz Urushadze, Zurab Seperteladze, ... Table 1 The main properties of the subtropical soils Horizon, Humus, Exchangeable cations, mgq/ 100 g. s. Fe 0 № 2 3 depth, cm pH % % of Sum <0.001 <0.01 Ca Mg H Sum Amorph. Noncryst. Ca Mg H Subtropical podzols 1 A – 0 - 14 6.1 3.84 19.25 7.73 0.99 27.47 69 28 3 33 69 1.55 3.88 A2(f)-14-26 5.6 1.90 5.14 4.02 1.98 11.14 46 36 18 31 69 1/55 3.45 A2Bfg-25-38 6.0 0.53 2.60 0.74 3.96 7.30 36 10 54 32 74 0.98 2.16 Bg 35 - 65 5.4 0.37 16.22 2.96 4.96 24.14 67 12 21 38 75 0.93 2.88 BCf(g) -65-90 5.4 0.19 13.73 4.85 0.99 19.70 70 28 2 42 59 1.16 2.16 5 A – 0 - 15 4.6 2.64 2.20 1.48 1.98 5.66 39 26 35 19 60 0.98 2.63 A1A2 –15-28 5.2 1.49 4.04 0.33 1.98 6.35 64 5 31 39 61 0.85 2.54 B – 28-50 5.3 1.22 2.89 0.33 0.99 4.21 69 8 23 29 66 0.84 1.83 BC(f)-50-90 5.3 0.86 3.99 1.33 1.98 6.30 63 5 32 21 60 1.07 2.13 Yellow
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