.!,:.;: q : ,,: ' ' -- cliravan -- .;":' ' v '. ; f;:V r travel BUY. YOUR TdYOTA j r, '. :, , Now office with or without duty J Rent a car i . from our stock. mi ii ii OPPOSITE 2 Call 31131 (or a further Indian Embassy Information bow.1 I 5 TFLm 31113w .w 9W 9W IMMMUHMMMIHIUfi I IMMIIMHHWWMIMIM VOL. XI 210 KABUL, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1972 (QAUS15, 1351 S.H.) NO: , PRICE AF. 6 Mis Majesty accepts Their Royal Highnesses tour Islamic sites in Delhi Prim Minister KABUL, Dec. 6 (Bakhtar). Their Royal Hhjrhness.es Prince Ahmad Shah and Princess Khatol yesterday afternoon inspected Islamic monuments In Delhi Zahirs resignation Yesterday morning Their Royal duled to meet Indian laid wreaths on ..the ime Minister' Mrs. Indira KABUL, Deo. 6, (Bakhta;r.)-T- he Royal Proto- mausoleum of the late Mahatma Gandhi, and Indian Foreign Nehru, col Department announced yesterday, that the follo-.win- g Gandhi. Jawahar Lai and Minister Swaran Singh He was Shastri.-an- d visited the Asian also -- to visit the Red Fort and been issued to Prime Min-- '. decree has related Fair, organised-b- India, to mark Delhi's Jama Masjid,' a historic ister Dr. Abdul Zahir's letter of resignation the 25th anniversary of its inde- - grand mosque in the Indian ed to His Majesty the King on Mizan 2, 1351, (Sep-- ,, , piU. , T Monday evening Their Royal tember 24, 1972, and the decree which was issued by Highnesses were given a banquet Iran oil income His Majesty, on Mizan 3, 1351 (September 25, 1972). by the Vice President of India Mrs' ' " "Excellency Prime Minister Dr, cy as an experienced statesman' and Pathak.' . may double in Abdul Zahir: '. shall be always needed by" the In a short speech at the rece--. In reference to "your letter of country, ption. Vice President Pathak no- resignation presented to us on The Cabinet held an extraor-2- , ted the friendly ties existing be- five years' time 7. 51, (Sept. 24. 1972), 'and the dinary meeting at 4 p.m. tween Afghanistan and India, TEHERAN, Dec. 6, Royal decree no. 566 issued on terday, during which Prime Mi-37- and exorpsspri his enuntrv's wi (Reuter). (Sept. 25, 1972).. During nister Dr. Abdul Zahir read the shes for the further consolidation Iran aD0 representatives of the ; Western Oil yester- - this time we have 'studied reas-- Royal Decree ttf the members of of these ties. ' Consortium -- day began talks to ork ons put forward for your inten- - his government. w i In his reply speech, His Royal out new agreement un- tion to resign. - Dr. Abdul Zahir expressed deep Highness Prince Ahmad Shah details of a which Iran hope's In the light of reasons ' brou- - appreciation for His Majesty's expressed his appreciations for der to almost ght by you, the resignation of kindness, and thanked members the warm welcome accorded.him double her oil income in five ye- -; ars- - your excellency and your gov- - of his government who at a dif by the Presidency and Governm- - V agreement, already settl-- emment is accepted in accordan- ficult time did everything in their ont of India, and in his turn rei- - The ce provisions of 11 power to exercise their duties. lerated the need for expansion p-- in principle, provides for with clause manage of 9 of Constitution, The Prime Minister expressed of cordial relaUons between Af.; Iran to take over the article the refinery and this acceptance 'brought to the wish for progress of the co. Prime Minister Dr. Abdul Zahir. i Rhanistan and India. ment of 'the Abadan in 'while the consor- the attention of Your Excellency urttry and prosperity of the Af- - Today. His t Royal Highness the south, - tium will invest in the construc- by this decree ghan people under the leadership . Prince Ahmad Shah is sche- refinery and in- - .Whereas the new government of His Majesty the King. tion of a new ' is formed, Your Excel- The Prime Minister also ed not yet Peace talks: surprise one day adjournment Gulf. lency's government is instructed hope for the success of ing facilities in the , PARIS- - Dec. ft, f Reuter Zieeler said Nixon was in cons- - i ina anyway. sources here term in accordance with provision of the coming government In ful- Informed American and North Vietname-- tant touch with : Dr. Kissinger The negotiators have been try-- 1 thu present talks the "final ro- . the of article 91 of filling its grave national duties. y last; clause, Se negotiators yesterday took a and provided him with, "neces-da- ing to dodge the press to no avail which me- - und" of the negotiations, to In return,, several m the Constitution, continue witn cabinet olf from their Viet- - sary wi-na- me- - - secret instructions to proceed in recent weeks. After their started in Julv. between Iran your duties until the formation mbers expressed their apprecia- peace talks th the negotiations." eting Monday morning Choi- :. but neither " at and the consortium of the new government. : tions for the guidance offered by , sid would give any reason for But the White House gave no sy-L!-- near tne worm viei-- Excellency took office at Zahir Oil production would increase Your Prime Minister Dr. Abdul their surprise failure to 'meet as clue as to the progress of the ta namespelegation headquarters.' very u-- during of his govern- - a sensitive and dimcuit the term ifiI,a,i lks, Ziegler say in ; 11 , i ,L . ,.i and declined to tbexjwitched the afternoon to Iran's oil income in live years me. xou anaj your colleagues ma- - ment ana expressed wieir wisnes . Observers watching the tte-- whether yesterday's postponem- - a hithrto unused villa at Sainte to 4.000 million dollars--almo- st mc. tv-j- . uc cvciy eiiuiv iu suivn ior ms luiure sutvess, mpts to negotiate a Vietnam 'ent was a positive development. Gemme. west of Paris, for fur--' present figure;- ,- acc- - especially, tnose double the biems, emanai peace specu-yesterda- report- - by Christmas did not see . There had been some ther discussions. But the ording to the sources. ing from the repeated natural ' - His Majesty sends break as signifying lation that yesterday's cancellat-tha- t eis ana leievision uameraraen The long-ter- agreement wo- calamities. Now, after presenting ' the talks had hit new sn- - ion might be a ruse to shake off ill found them. .';; nM Rtahiliz the orice of lraiuau a documented and comprehensive - Prospects for a ceasefire - the hordes of newsmen and tele- . Diplomatic sources said that Le would get up , explanation of the situation in crude and Iran C0nqruruiunun.fi.. Ullthough not necessarily a dura vision crews hounding the secret Due Tho seemed to have almost, t0' 25 million tons annually for governm- ' the country, and your ' peace agree-- ad-- i' r . ble within the next "few meetings. as much trouble winning imlpnpndont marketing, they ent's position in regard to it, and " " DaVdays remained reasonably good. On November 24, Dr Kissinger ment from the Viet Cong as Dr. , ' expressing your views, and Finnish National Hod after : they said tnrougn - JMssinger was naving wun nresi-i- r offering cooperation on the for- and, ino announced tne- The negotiators. Dr. ... delegations their, Nguyen Saigon Bagatai KABUL, Dec. 6. (Bakhtar). chief US. that talks dent Van Thieu's. frarri mation 'of the new government ' Henry Kissinger, and Hanoi'fe were off but then held a meet- - Government. ,, , and how the future government His Majesty the King has sent a Pr- emissary, Le Due Tho, held twot can succeed, you resign your congratulatory message to the tribesmen vacate en sessions Monday in the renewed posts. I herewith express my sa- esident of Finland, Dr. Urhro Fin-- ; round of talks on a ceasefire ag- to you and to youc col- on the occasion of Senate Committees discuss tisfaction reement, An American official sa- occupied village leagues for the efforts which you nish National Day, the Informa-;- ! Department of the Ministry id their next meeting would be made in fulfilling ydur duties, tion U.S. credit for ci QUETTA,; Dec. 6. ( Reuter). announced, v this'tnorning. , Your Excellen- - of Foreign Affairs - The services of. Some observer thought yester- KABUL, Dec. 6, (BaktymWttoiihim Sakhi Ahmadzai in reg- The Marri ana uagaiai 7?ur.. wtnara- - ) day's surprise break might be Senate FinancialLegal, antrIo- - 'ard to widening the road run- - en in Baluchistan; have villages wn-- used to draft new clarifying cl me Allalrs Committees met yes- - ning from Darwaze Lahorie to wn from one of live delegates complete and occupiea a 34 national auses to be added to the basic ni-- terdav and discussed the issue Uini Hessar It was decided that ich they attacked ' ago, a govemmeni spok- - : ne-poi- agreement reached bet ori their agendas. the Kabul Municipal Corporation week lWr1 - J hiAmniinfinn Kissinger Tho du- - In the Financial Committee PI- - should consider the implementat- - esman said here yesay- SeCUnU 21.Wtrm Ji)J ilCUailU lUlUween Dr. and from the ring their talks in Paris HELSINKI, Dec 6, (Renter-).- After rears in the tirst week of Goth Mohammatt hu- - . tober, Sarahi. Dpoutv Finance Min- - , Th Committee also considered village from 34 nations ye- - that the talks would get bogged ' been made touow'ne Ambassadors . ",. Mohammad Khan from former Home ssain,.had down in procedural problems, the .'- ister Jalalau two octition - sterday ended their second, week a wasningion. jj was qiscio- decided negotiations, tne spokesman auu- oted Afahanistan Electricity Institute T.linisti v oflicials. It was preparatory talks here to plan second weeks-dev- to policy sed that President Nixon had is ' of smoothly.- f AMhI iTorim A;' tViot tho Dpoutv Homp Minister ed.
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