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Volume CVII Issue 7 September 17, 2020 xaviernewswire.com Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat caelum Quarantining could be worse Students speak on experiences with TriHealth, contact tracing and faculty BY WILL RIPPEY 6WDৼ:ULWHU Five weeks into the se- mester, the university’s Test- ing, Treatment and Tracing Protocols have gone into full effect to combat COVID-19 cases within the Xavier com- munity. As of Tuesday, there were reportedly seven students isolated on campus, 24 stu- dents isolated off campus and 2 university employees, all of whom tested positive for COVID-19, according to Xavier’s COVID-19 Dash- board. Students who come into close contact with individ- uals who test positive for COVID-19 or are experienc- ing symptoms of COVID-19 are encouraged to seek testing at the Health United Building (the HUB), quarantine for 14 days and self-monitor symp- toms. Those members of the community who cannot return to their permanent residence are required to quarantine on or near campus. Students who live off campus remain at their residence, while on-cam- Photo courtesy of xavier.edu pus students, such as first- XU’s COVID-19 Dashboard reports a total of 94 students who are quarantined while 31 are isolated. Pictured above, Manor House is one of the year Emily Croft are moved to on-campus spaces designated for residential students awaiting test results. Experiences with Trihealth and contact tracing are largely favorable. either Manor House, Univer- tine and knowing people who is quarantined off-campus happy to accommodate how- “They let us know that we sity Apartments or the nearby I was in contact with,” Croft shared. ever I needed,” said the anon- were going to be put in quar- Hilton Garden Inn. said. “It’s just been really “I was tested later in the day, ymous senior. antine and they’ve been very The COVID-19 Dashboard great. In all honesty, I don’t so by this time they’d already Overall, the interviewed up to date with that and the also reports that a total of think I’ve had any issues with gotten a bunch of people call- students remained optimistic COVID-19 dashboard, so I 68 students are quarantined them.” ing them. I felt as though they about the remainder of the think if they continue to do off-campus as they await test An anonymous student thought that there was some semester, which they attribute what they do... we’ll be able to results or wait out their 14 quarantined off-campus also big party or something like to the university’s contact make it to Thanksgiving.” days. commented on the efficiency that... it was truly just because tracing. COVID-19 resources can Croft is one of 26 students of the HUB’s testing pro- one of our roommates got it.” “I really do (think classes be found on Xavier’s website quarantined on-campus and cess, “I literally walked in the In addition to work by Tri- will remain in-person) be- under the COVID-19 Re- has had an overwhelmingly side door, got tested and then Health, the efforts of faculty cause they’re very diligent source Center. positive experience with Tri- they’re like ‘You don’t have it, to keep quarantined students and quick with the contact Additionally, testing is health and Xavier’s contact go home and don’t get it.’ engaged was also praised tracing,” Croft said in regard available by appointment from tracers. On the flip side, some stu- by students who have been to remaining in person until 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. on week- “TriHealth has been really dents have had less pleasant through quarantine. the end of November. days at the HUB, call 513- helpful and so has COVID-19 experiences. “Most of my professors “It wasn’t an entire week 745-3022. support (such as contact trac- “I did feel a little judged, were very on top of it, they (before they contacted me and A TriHealth nurse line is ers). I’ve talked to them so because I feel as though we recorded all the videos in case my roommates to let us know available for those who expe- many times and they’ve been were the first bigger group you were too sick to Zoom. we were close contacts) and rience an onset of symptoms so helpful to answer any of that started getting tested,” Which didn’t actually happen I wasn’t out doing a ton of outside of the HUB’s hours at my questions about quaran- an anonymous senior who (for me), but they were very stuff before that,” she said. 513-246-7023. In this issue... World News, Page 4 Opinions, Page 6 A&E, Page 10 The Back Page :LOG¿UHVHQJXOIWKH )LUVW\HDU*ULႈQ 'LVQH\¶VQHZHVW (QGOHVVFRQVWUXFWLRQ :HVW&RDVWFDXVLQJ %UDPPHUSRQGHUV OLYHDFWLRQUHPDNH SRVVLELOLWLHVH[LVWLQ HYDFXDWLRQ 7LQGHUDQGKRZLWLV Mulan,ZDVUDWKHU WKHZRQGURXVZRUOGRI GHVWUXFWLRQGHDWK QRW\RXUIULHQG XQGHUZKHOPLQJ /(*2 2 September 17, 2020 Campus News xaviernewswire.com Future nurse navigates COVID-19 Student identies the old and new amidst a shifting medical landscape BY JOSEPHINE PYLES COVID patients,” Stackhouse Guest Writer said. “But we have to wear a mask, goggles and face shield According to the nursing at all times with every pa- majors here at Xavier, their tient.” studies are teaching them all Despite these protocols, the about new ways to help peo- way students care for their ple, especially in the midst of patients hasn’t necessarily the pandemic. changed. With their blue scrubs and Nursing students have still crunch for time, it’s hard to been able to provide excep- miss nursing majors passing tional care to their patients from class to class or making with new safety measures to the infamous hike to the Co- protect the community, hen Center. “Nothing really changed Despite her busy schedule, in the clinical setting as far as senior nursing major Jalyn care, just how we protect our- Stackhouse shared her per- selves,” Stackhouse said. spective. Although things have “The greatest challenge changed, nurses students have school-wise would definite- been getting through this dif- ly be the classes. They really ficult time is supporting one push you mentally and you another. have to be on top of every- “We really just try to find thing,” Stackhouse said. stuff to do on the floor to help Nursing majors stay busy. any of the nurses,” Stack- They begin working with pa- house said. “Some patients tients in the clinic as early as may have testing or proce- their second year, which can dures, so we go with them to be lot of pressure. help each other out.” “The most challenging as- Today’s nurses are adapt- pect of clinicals is definitely ing to many changes as the being open to learning new Photo courtesy of Xavier.edu pandemic evolves, but keeping things, even if they seem Jaylen Stackhouse explains how nursing program has changed and stayed the same during a global pandemic a positive attitude has been scary,” she said. “But being “I love doing clinicals at gent about enforcing the new front desk.” the biggest inspiration for able to meet different patients UC Health West Chester COVID-19 protocols. Stackhouse then discussed Stackhouse. and help them feel better is hospital,” she said, “I’ve met “Even to get into the hos- how COVID-19 protocols “You have to stay optimis- worth it.” As a fourth-year, so many amazing nurses and pital, everyone has to wear a have changed the way she tic,” she said. “It reminds us of Stackhouse says that she people there.” mask,” Stackhouse said. “And cares for patients. our purpose. And it reminds works in the clinic once per Stackhouse said that her usually temperatures are tak- “Nursing students are patients that we’ll always be week from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. hospital has been very dili- en before you walk past the prohibited from caring for there to help.” SGA analyzes ongoing re-accreditation process ly reviewing the re-accredita- that the visit may take place sures that Xavier is in accor- tion argument document. in a virtual format due to dance with federal regulations The ad-hoc committee cur- COVID-19 safety restrictions. surrounding higher learning rently consists of Joyce and She also went on to say institutions. These regula- Sen. Fernando Arguello. that it is very likely that the tions include Title IX compli- The senators mentioned visiting committee will hold ance and credit hour transfer that they want to ensure that a forum to field student com- policies, among others. student voices are being con- ments. The federal student aid the sidered in the review process. The final part of the re-ac- university receives is contin- “Our goal is to see if, as creditation process is a federal gent upon compliance with students, we feel as if there is compliance review which en- these regulations.
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