The Caldwell Watchmain VOL. 30. COLUMBIA, LOUISIANA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 25, 1916. NO. 38 the one-tiime capital of Louis:laiw. fiha CATERPILLAR TRACTOR USED BY US. TROOPS bee-) removed in the wrclairin of wha: JIN IN as ITALIA SAMPLES OF WATER has rcolnl to be known the Allen ti I11:iio11n, one of the f .w oncte pa:!ial hoenu : of ('ivil war and i-rlcostr:tcttion WARATSALONIKI SUBJECT TOTEST das. On its site the nto.w own er of tiil pro,-prty will eret:i a nIi •d!'n,re i- STATE BOARD OF HEALTH Iew present-day Shrev''porit')s up- JOIN BALKAN FIGHT -- ALTER- coni(-ernid with the story of lhietown TAKES IMPORTANT STEP IN NATE GAINS AND LOSSES ON areiaware that once upon a ti:i,' THE ENTIRE FRONT. INTEREST OF PEOPLE. Slhrrveport was the c:ipital of thi, state'. Yet such it was. and this ctl hoiits , which later cnme ,toh.' knIlown RESULTS WILL BE PUBLISHED as the' Allen mansion. was the gov- SAYS OFFErNSIVE IS GENERAL ernor's mansion and the capitol. Late in the war an(d llurin: the early reconstruction period loul!iana hal ~~i~c.,, ~ P J -,~ Before Present Investigation Is Com- Allies Are Believed to Have a Force two capitals, New Orlban;, where the of Some 700,000 British, French and pleted Examinations Will Have Republican governor had his head- Been Made From 10 to 30 Sam- Servian Troops on the Sa- quarters, and Shreveport, where Hen- loniki Front. ples From Every Parish. ry Watkins Allen, war governor of DeImocratic Louisiana, for whom Al- lendale, once fashionable residence Paris. -- talian trIops began to dis- New Orleans.- and the location of many proud homes. embark at Saloniki, says a liavas dis- IDuring the last trip of the labora- was named. patch from that point. tory car of the Louisiana State Board The old house had been :standing many On leaving their ships, the dispatch of Iiealth, beginning in April, 1045 for years when Governor Allen ` N,.; 1+ says, the Italians passed through Sa- samples of water from every quarter and his official family lied from New loniki to camp, preceded by military of the state were collected and sub- Orleans after the Northern invasion. bands of the allies and cheered by jected to a bacteriological test. No one seems to know who the origi- the populace. The process of discovering the qual- nal owner of it and the broad acres-- Active participation by Italian ity oI tle water supply throughout the now covered with comfortable homes troops in the Saloniki campaign would state, inaugurated by Dr. Dowling, is -was, but it at once became the mean the existence of a state of war the first, of the kind to be started in scene of many a distinguished gather- between Germany and Italy. this country, through Kentucky some ing and brilliant revue. Germany is directing the opera- time ago made an investigation of When order was restored to Louis- tions against the allies on this front the same nature, but by no means as iana, Governor Allen vacated the and, as the official German reports far-reaching. The laboratory . car place to go to Mexico rather than show, has forces there. Some Aus- runs to every quarter of the state and take the oath of allegiance required of trian troops also probably are em- when stops are made an automobile those of the South, and the property ployed, and possibly Turks, but the is unloaded and proceeds through the passed into other hands and was suc- major portion of the army is made country, collecting- samples of water cessively the home of many families Caterpillar tractor used by the United States troops In Mexico to flatten down the bumps that make roads near up of Bulgarians. Recent reports from streams, wells and sources of prominent in North Louisiana, the the American base camp at Colonla Dublian truly Mexican. Bumps and mounds are the rule, smooth stretches being have indicated withdrawal of Aus- communal supply. The sampling of Conways and the Coles and the Hbur- thw exception. This machine weighs about 27,300 pounis or almost 14 tons. The photograph shows It crossing the* trian troops at the Balkans for use the water from a well, at first glance, rays among them. railroad tracks near the camp. on the Russian and Italian fronts. affects only the residents of the far'm- With the growth of the city Allen- As the allies are believed to have stead, but the scource of the supply dale was deserted for newer and more a force of some 700,000 British, French in the neighboring farms is probably fashionable districts, and the old and Servian troops on the Saloniki the same, and if the water be good house gradually fell into bad repair. REMAINING TROOPS SAYS DEUTSCHLAND tront, the sending of re-enforcements there is a probability that the wa- But, sixty years old, Its white oak sills and cypress beams still stood un- 2BRITISH VESSELS at this time, just after the opening of ter from the other wells In the TO STAY INCAMP ARRIVED UNHARMED hostilities on a large scale, would in- neighborhood is also good, unless touched by driving storm and blister- ing sun until the wrecker with his dicate that the allies have embarked there is immediate contamination. If on a campaign of extensive propor- hammers and barn reduced them to GIANT SUBMARINE the supply should prove to be bad, the ORDERS SENDING THEM TO THE SUNK,SAYS BERLIN EVADES BRIT- tions. a pile of weather-stained lumber. neighboring farmers are at once put BORDER HAS BEEN SUSPEND- 1SH BLOCKADE AND LANDS Italy, which has a considerable nr.- ton their guard and can send In a sam- .-Its passing is another ehaptear.4.n s-tofltrofops,-'has e4tn Enged to tLke -- ':p1 heir .7,0 for analyste: o'th to conform to the huskier, more vig- a more active part In the Balkan ope- The analysis made is bacteriologl- ER SENT DOWN BY GERMAN rations, but was believed to have re- orous new Shreveport. re- cal only, every form of organic life C Washington.-Orders for the SUBMARINE. Geneva.-A private telegram receiv- frained partly on account of the fact being examined by careful test. The maining mobilized units of the nation- ed from Berlin by the Neue Zuricher that she was not at war with Ger- Recommendations to continue cat- to the border result has not yet been announced, al guard to proceed Zeitung -says that the German sub- have been several re. tle-dipping were made to the Iberla many. There but the compilation is in progress and f have been suspended by the War De- marine Deutschland arrived safely at police jury after the hearing of ar- cent indications, however, that a de- will soon be published by the state 1 partment. No official explanation has TWO OTHER WARSHIPS HIT Bremen from the United States. guments pro and con on the dipping claration of hostilities was forthcom- board. Some of the communal sources been made, but it is known that the The Deutschland sailed from Balti- ing. A commercial treaty between situation. The audience of over 500 of supply have been found to be Im- delicacy of the railroad strike situa- more for Germany on August abrogated, a Ger- was a representative one composed 1, and these nations was pure, and the board has notified the tion has been the moving considera- German Squadron of 15 Warships Re- passed out to sea on the that Germany is act- of farmers, stock men, representative following day, man court ruled local authorities and directed the tion. .parted at Large in the North Sea- dropping out citizens, planters, merchants and of sight of the allied ually, though not formally, at war with proper method of purification. The suspension of the orders to the Avoided. Engagement After warships which were awaiting Italy, and last week it was reported bankers, the threatened abandonment her There have been cases decided In troops, which would have moved some Finding Out Strength. outside the three mile of dipping having aroused within them limit. On July that the defense of Triest would be the North in which the municipal gov- 25,000 men to the border should not 9 the Deutschland arrived at Balti- taken over by Germany. Italian par the niecessity' of concerted action. that the ernment has been held responsible for be taken as an indication more from Germany, and the success- ticipation in the Balkan operations the effects of impure water, and in The protestants with their attorney, president's negotiations with the rail- London.-Two British light cruis- ful completion of the first trans-At- hitherto has been limited to occupa- some cases criminal prosecutions Emile Vuillemot, were also present in and the railroad road brotherhood ers, the Nottingham ana Falmouth, lantic voyage by a submarine in ser- tion of the Albanian port of Avlona, large numbers. managers have taken an unfavorable have been successfully launched were sunk in the North sea by Ger- vice as a merchantman attracted which was effected before Italy de- against the municipal officials. Before turn, but is a measure of caution. It man submarines while the vessels world-wide attention. She brought a clared war on Austria. the present investigation is conclud- Morse, Etherwood, Midland, Gasp- was considered highly undesirable were searching for the German high cargo of dyestuffs and other merchan- ed examinations will have been made ler, Redlick and Branch districts in thqt all the remaining guardsmen seas fleet, according to an official an- dise, as well as mails.
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