June 27, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H5175 cannot afford the price of fuel. Fami- CONCERN FOR LACK OF ENERGY PLACEMENT OF STATUE OF CHIEF lies are curbing their long-anticipated POLICY WASHAKIE IN NATIONAL STAT- summer vacation plans. This is simply (Mr. BLUNT asked and was given UARY HALL wrong. permission to address the House for 1 Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, I move to The gas prices that plague our Na- minute and to revise and extend his re- suspend the rules and agree to the con- tion represent a complete failure of the marks.) current resolution (H. Con. Res. 333) energy policy or lack of energy policy, Mr. BLUNT. Mr. Speaker, I want to providing for the acceptance of a stat- I should say, of the Clinton-Gore ad- join my colleagues in expressing my ue of Chief Washakie, presented by the ministration. It is time for Mr. Clinton concern for a lack of an energy policy people of Wyoming, for placement in and Mr. GORE to wake up. America in the country over the last 7 years. National Statuary Hall, and for other needs an energy policy that will pro- Really, there are three areas that we purposes, as amended. tect America's interests, help our fami- should have been watching and three The Clerk read as follows: lies and our national security. areas where we failed to take the nec- H. CON. RES. 333 f essary steps. We have not done what we Whereas Chief Washakie was a recognized should have done to maintain our rela- leader of the Eastern Shoshone Tribe; GIVE OUR SENIORS SIMPLICITY Whereas Chief Washakie contributed to the tionships with the countries we buy oil settlement of the west by allowing the Or- AND CHEAPER PRICES FOR PRE- from. SCRIPTION DRUGS egon and Mormon Trails to pass through At the same time, we have allowed Shoshone lands; (Mr. WEYGAND asked and was given our country to become more and more Whereas Chief Washakie, with his foresight permission to address the House for 1 dependent on those countries. Some- and wisdom, chose the path of peace for his minute.) where between 56 and 58 percent of all people; Mr. WEYGAND. Mr. Speaker, 4 years our oil is now imported. We have done Whereas Chief Washakie was a great leader ago Paul and Judy from Warwick, everything we could during that same who chose his alliances with other tribes and Rhode Island, retired hoping that they the United States Government thoughtfully; period of time to discourage domestic and would have a great retirement with a supply, and we have not done anything Whereas in recognition of this alliance and great pension. They are now spending to encourage alternative use. long service to the United States Govern- about $8,350 a year for prescription Now suddenly, at the end of 7 years of ment, Chief Washakie was the only chief to drugs. They want a plan that will cover no policy, the Secretary of Energy says be awarded a full military funeral: Now, them under Medicare that will be sim- we were caught napping. Well, it seems therefore, be it ple, effective, and reduce the cost for to me the Secretary of Energy has been Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), them, but all seniors. napping a lot. Whether it was involving SECTION 1. ACCEPTANCE OF STATUE OF CHIEF Over the next few days, we are going our nuclear codes at Los Alamos or our WASHAKIE FROM THE PEOPLE OF to address a plan that the Republican dependence on foreign oil, we cannot WYOMING FOR PLACEMENT IN NA- leadership will offer that will simply afford to have an Energy Department TIONAL STATUARY HALL. put more money back into the insur- napping. We need to look and see what (a) IN GENERAL.ÐThe statue of Chief ance companies, provide a prescription Washakie, furnished by the people of Wyo- happened at the same time we need to ming for placement in National Statuary drug plan that will be nothing more do everything we can to provide relief Hall in accordance with section 1814 of the than another boondoggle. to the families that are being caught in Revised Statutes of the United States (40 We ask for simplicity. We ask for this crisis right now. U.S.C. 187), is accepted in the name of the universal coverage. We ask for our sen- United States, and the thanks of the Con- iors to be given cheaper prices for pre- f gress are tendered to the people of Wyoming scription drugs. for providing this commemoration of one of RECESS Wyoming's most eminent personages. f (b) PRESENTATION CEREMONY.ÐThe State of The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Wyoming is authorized to use the rotunda of ADMINISTRATION BLAMING GAS LAHOOD). Pursuant to clause 12 of rule the Capitol on September 7, 2000, at 11 COMPANIES FOR FUEL CRISIS I, the Chair declares the House in re- o'clock ante meridian, for a presentation cess until 10:25 a.m. ceremony for the statue. The Architect of (Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland asked the Capitol and the Capitol Police Board and was given permission to address Accordingly (at 10 o'clock and 15 shall take such action as may be necessary the House for 1 minute and to revise minutes a.m.), the House stood in re- with respect to physical preparations and se- and extend his remarks.) cess until 10:25 a.m. curity for the ceremony. Mr. BARTLETT of Maryland. Mr. (c) DISPLAY IN ROTUNDA.ÐThe statue shall f Speaker, rising gas prices are a serious be displayed in the rotunda of the Capitol for a period of not more than 6 months, after concern to Americans everywhere. b 1025 which period the statue shall be moved to its The hike in fuel prices has hurt the permanent location in National Statuary truckers who deliver our food and Hall. AFTER RECESS clothing. It has hurt our farmers who SEC. 2. TRANSMITTAL TO GOVERNOR OF WYO- need gas to run their farm equipment. The recess having expired, the House MING. It has hurt the average American who was called to order by the Speaker pro The Clerk of the House of Representatives shall transmit a copy of this concurrent res- just wants to get to and from work. tempore (Mr. LAHOOD) at 10 o'clock and olution to the Governor of Wyoming. The Clinton-Gore administration has 25 minutes a.m. often claimed it feels the pain of the The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- f ant to the rule, the gentleman from American people. But instead of work- California (Mr. THOMAS) and the gen- ing with OPEC to increase oil produc- tleman from Maryland (Mr. HOYER) tion or moving to temporarily suspend ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE each will control 20 minutes. expensive regulations, the administra- The Chair recognizes the gentleman tion is choosing to play the blame The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- from California (Mr. THOMAS). game. ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair Mr. THOMAS. Mr. Speaker, I yield The administration's new claim is announces that he will postpone fur- myself such time as I may consume. that gas companies are engaging in ther proceedings today on each motion As visitors move around the Capitol, price gouging. Gas companies are not to suspend the rules on which a re- one of the most striking examples of to blame for our fuel prices, the Clin- corded vote or the yeas and nays are State representation is, in fact, the ton-Gore administration is. While they ordered, or on which the vote is ob- ability of each State to send two stat- are focusing their efforts on shifting jected to under clause 6 of rule XX. ues to the Capitol. It is fascinating to the blame, the American people are the Any record vote on postponed ques- look at the regional and especially the ones paying the price. tions will be taken after debate has historical differences of who States rec- This is not price gouging, it is ``price- concluded on all motions to suspend ognize as appropriate figures to memo- Gore-ging.'' the rules. rialize by statue in the Capitol. VerDate 11-MAY-2000 03:40 Jun 28, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27JN7.009 pfrm02 PsN: H27PT1 H5176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 27, 2000 We have before us today a resolution and his people for safe passage through Capitol, as directed by the Joint Com- which completes the State of Wyo- their territory. mittee on the Library, since there is ming's decision to send two statues. I In the 1870s, Chief Washakie served as not sufficient enough space in Statuary think it is emblematic, the particular a military leader of over 150 Shoshone Hall to accommodate all of the exist- statue that Wyoming has chosen. men who were serving with United ing collection. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as she States Cavalry General Crook in the The concurrent resolution would also may consume to the gentlewoman from campaign to return the Sioux and the authorize use of the Capitol rotunda on Wyoming (Mrs. CUBIN) to really give Cheyenne bands to their assigned res- Thursday, September 7, at 11 o'clock the details of the reason for the selec- ervations. a.m., for a ceremony where Wyoming tion of this particular statue. This campaign ended with Custer's will formally present the bronze statue Mrs. CUBIN. Mr. Speaker, I thank ill-fated attack at the Little Big Horn of Chief Washakie by the noted sculp- the gentleman from California (Mr.
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