University of New Hampshire University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository Doctoral Dissertations Student Scholarship Spring 1968 I PREPARATION OF N-SULFONYLSULFILIMINES VIA CYCLOADDITION REACTIONS OF N-SULFONYL ISOTHIOCYANATES AND N-SULFONYL PHOSPHINIMINES WITH SUFOXIDES II ATTEMPT AT PREPARING (METHYLSULFINYL)ALKYL ISOTHIOCYANATES VIA OPTICALLY ACTIVE METHANESULFINATE ESTERS JOHN BUTLER O'BRIEN University of New Hampshire, Durham Follow this and additional works at: https://scholars.unh.edu/dissertation Recommended Citation O'BRIEN, JOHN BUTLER, "I PREPARATION OF N-SULFONYLSULFILIMINES VIA CYCLOADDITION REACTIONS OF N-SULFONYL ISOTHIOCYANATES AND N-SULFONYL PHOSPHINIMINES WITH SUFOXIDES II ATTEMPT AT PREPARING (METHYLSULFINYL)ALKYL ISOTHIOCYANATES VIA OPTICALLY ACTIVE METHANESULFINATE ESTERS" (1968). Doctoral Dissertations. 2363. https://scholars.unh.edu/dissertation/2363 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Scholarship at University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Doctoral Dissertations by an authorized administrator of University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 68-9768 O 'B R IEN , John B utler, 1941- I. PREPARATION OF N-SULFONYLSULFILIMINES VIA CYCLOADDITION REACTIONS OF N-SULFONYL- ISOTHIOCYANATES AND N-SULFONYLPHOSPHINI- MINES WITH SULFOXIDES. II. ATTEMPT AT PREPARE ING (METHYLSULFINYL)ALKYL ISOTHIOCYANAT ES VIA OPTICALLY ACTIVE METHANESULFINATE ESTERS. University of New Hampshire, Ph.D.91968 Chemistry, organic University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. I. PREPARATION OF N-SULFONYLSULFILIMINES VIA CYCLOADDITION REACTIONS OF N-SULFONYLISOTHIOCYANATES AND N-SULFONYLPHOSPHINIMINES WITH SULFOXIDES. II. ATTEMPT AT PREPARING (METHYLSULFINYL)ALKYL ISOTHIOCYANATES VIA OPTICALLY ACTIVE METHANESULFINATE ESTERS By JOHN B^fc'BRIEN B. A., LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, 1963 A THESIS Submitted to the University of New Hampshire In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Graduate School Department of Chemistry January, 1968 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. This thesis has been examined and approved. Qj u i a j j ]// A Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to extend his sincere gratitude to Dr. Kenneth K, Andersen, whose guidance and encouragement aided greatly in the completion of this work. The author would like to thank Dr. Paul R. Jones for reading the entire thesis and making many helpful suggestions. Thanks are also due the entire Organic Staff for their co­ operation and assistance. Financial support from the National Institutes of Health is gratefully acknowledged. The author wishes to dedicate this thesis to his wife, whose patience and understanding has made the completion of this work possible# H i Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page L i S t Of T &b l©S®o®®o®®«®eQaa9®«eee®®®o»®®«e»®®»B®®B®o.8a®®9a®«.3CH L i s t Of F ig\X2?@ Sase.a.aa.QOaB®®.®®®®®®.®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®® 3£lV PART I INTRODUCTION e®®.®®®®®®©®®.®.®®®®.®®®.®®®®®®®®®®®®®.®®®®®®®®®®©®®^ Early history of sulf ilimines« i •> m><i i d >i • ® > • • •®2 St rueture of sulf i1 imineSo®o®®®«8«®a®ofl®®®«a®«®«o®®®®®©®®®®®®®®®3 Mechanism of general sulf ilimine reaction.......... *......... ® ®^ Preparation of N-sulfonylsulfilimines... .................. ® ® ® • ®5 Preparation of N—acylsulfilimines. >•®•«■® ®•«•«®••■®««••® «■® < ® ®•i5 Cycloaddltlon Route to N-sulf onylsulf ilimines............ ©6 Cycloadditlon Route to N-acylsulfilimines. Preparation of an optically active N-sulf onylsulf ilimine. ...... 7 Mechanism of the N-sulf inylsulfonamide reaction. • ...... ® ..«••• 8 Purpose of this investigation.o®®®«ee®®e®®®®®o»«®®®®®a««ae®o®®®.8 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION o....oaQo.oflo.fi.8oe«88oa«Ba880o..®eao®o.oo9 Phosphinimine and phosphoramidate route • • • •. •. • ..... 9 Structure and Wittig reaction of phosphlnimines...... 10 Mechanism of phosphinimine reaction. ...... 11 Reaction of N-jo-toluenesulfonyltriphenylphosphlnlmine with d ime thy1 sulfoxid6 ^ « i « • s ■* * m m « a > < * >> i • 1 1 * »*•«i *•««»s12 iv Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Page Reaction of N-^-toluenesulfonyltriethoxyphosphinimine with dime thyX sulf ox id@« m i « « • • > i « ■ i * > « « * i • m * « i • • * •• < « ■ * *• *12 Reaction of dimethyl N-]D-toluenesulfonylphosphoramidate with d imethy1 sulfoxlde®*©©8ao®®e«®®aa®®oaaa®*o®®®©«©®®«®a®®®®13 Reaction of N-^-toluenesulfonyltrichlorophosphlnimine with dIme thy1 SUlfOX ide eo»>a««oao«o 9 e«flo9 i o o a » 0 o « o t o » « o » 4 >fte«i 1^4* Mechanism of the reaction® ® ®«©see«t®>«® 9 ®g®«®i®s<®®«s®®®®®«®<« ®13 Discussion of effect of substituents on reactivity of phosphinimines•••••••••••••••■•••••••••••••••••••••••••••13 Possibilities for future work®•••••••t®®®«®®®®®®®«®<®a®®*®®®®®#16 1,2-Cycloaddition route with N-sulfonyl- and N-acylisothiocyanatesee®®®®®®®®®^^®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®16 Reactivity of N-acyl- and sulfonyllsocyanates. •. ........ 17 Reaction of N-sulfonylisocyanates with sulfoxides®®18 Reactivity of isothiocyanate in terms of structure® ©. • ....... .18 Reaction of N-£-toluenesulfonylisothiocyanate with dimethyl sulf oxide ©.o®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®©.®®®©©® 19 New preparation for N-jd- toluene sulf onyl isothiocyanate...........19 Reaction of N-benzoylisothiocyanate with dibenzyl sulfoxide...♦20 Reaction of N-benzoylisothiocyanate with dimethyl sulfoxide.••.20 Possibilities for future work® ®«®®®®®o®®o®®®e®o®e®®®oo®®®®®®®® ®20 DESCRIPTION OF EXPERIMENTS e.®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®*®®®® 21 N-£-Toluenesulf onyltriphenylphosphinimlne •. *. ......... .22 Attempted reaction of N-jo-toluenesulf onyltriphenylphosphinimlne Wl th dIme thy1 sulf oxide ee««eaeea«««s«asea®®«®aaso«o®®®ae ® 2 2 V Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Page TristhyX phosphite©®©®#©©©©©©®©®©®©©©®®©©©®©®©®®©©©®®®©©®®®®®®®^^ N-jo-Toluenesulfonyltriethoxyphosphlnimine ....................... 22 Attempted Reaction of N-jo-toluenesulf onyltrlethoxyphosphinlmine with dimethyl sulf oxide ©©•©©©©©••©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©•©s©©©©®© 23 Diethyl N-jd-toluene sulf onylphosphoramldate® ...... 23 Dimethyl N-jo-toluene sulf onylphosphoramldate©.. © •.............. .23 Attempted reaction of dimethyl N-]D-toluenesulfonylphosphoramldate with d ime thy1 sulf oxide ©•©©©©•©•©©©■©•©••©©•••©©•oo©*«s©©23 N-g-Toluenesulf onyltrichlorophosphinimine © ©... ©.......... ...... 2^ Reaction of N-j>-toluenesulfonyltrichlorophosphinimine with d ime thy1 sulfoxlde9®®®©®®©©eo9©©©©o©oo©©t©©e®©®©©«®®®©©®©23 Reaction of N-jo-toluenesulfonyltrichlorophosphinimine with dipheny1 sulf OXlde»©9«e©o»©9o®»«©®o«9®9e»©90©©©®®»©8©®®8o23 N-Benzoy1 is o th1ocyanate ©a©©©©©®©©©©©©©©®©©©®©©©®®®©©©®©®®©®©®©© 26 Potassium N-^-toluene sulf onyl iminodithlocarbonate® ©•..•....©••• 26 N-j>-Toluenesulf onyllsothiocyanate .............. 26 Chlorination of Potassium N-j>-toluenesulfonylimino- d1th1ocarbonate ©«©©©«©»©©©•©©oo©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©©®® 27 Reaction of N-£-toluenesulfonyllsothiocyanate with dimethyl SUlfOXldeoo©e«©©©©«&oe©9«©©e©©«©o©©©®o«o®o©©Q©©®®o®©®®©®©2d Reaction of N-£-toluenesulfonylisothiocyanate with alkyl aryl SUlfOXldeS99©aoofie9©fle©a©o©«e©©©©©©®©«oe©9©©©©©o©©©®©®©©®23 Reaction of N-benzoylisothiocyanate with dlbenzyl sulfoxide.©«.29 Reaction of N-benzoylisothiocyanate with dimethyl sulfoxide..•.29 BIBLIOGRAPH Y ©o©9©«Q©©©©o0©«e©©©8O8Q©oo9®®®©©ae®©©oe©o9e©©®©®®©o3"^* Vi Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. TABLE OF CONTENTS PART II Page INTRODUCTION 36 Early hIs tory9©©©#®a®©®®®0®®®®®©®«®®®®09®©®®®®9®©©©©©®®®®®®©®®36 Structure of the isothiocyanate glucoside. ..........*37 Early Isolation. worlc© g®®®®®®®®®®®*©®®®©®®®®®®#©®®®*©®®®©®®®®© «3® Optical rotatory dispersion studies.............. ®>.®>®«39 Reaction of (-)-menthyl arenesulfinate ester with Grignard reagents 90®©®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®© 40 Optical analog for isothiocyanate sulf oxides«. ............... 41 X-Ray study on isothiocyanate sulfoxides® •. ..... • ••*.. ®.......42 Purpose of this investigation® ©©o©®®©®©®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®©© ©43 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION a®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®©®®©®*®®®©®®®©® ®44 (4") — Ethy 1 £-toly 1 sulf oxide 9®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®©®®®®®®®©®®®® 44 N-Methyl-N-^3-(methylsulfinyl)-propyl]-aniline.*..... .45 Assignment of absolute configuration. ©...... 46 Asymmetric Synthesis of jo-toluenesulfinate esters............. ®47 (-)-(JL)-Methyl phenyl sulfoxide via menthyl methanesulfinate..48 Purification1of (— )—isoborneol® e®®®®®®®®®®©®.®®®©©©®©©©©©©®©® ®48 ( + )-(R_)-Methyl £-tolyl sulfoxide via (-)-hornyl (db)—me thane sulf1nate9©©o99««ee©©e©o«oo«9e©««9oo©«o©e®®«©49 (+)-(Jj“Methyl phenyl sulfoxide via (-)-isobornyl (dc)—me thane sulf inate 0®©®®©©©..©®®®©®©.©®®®®®®®®©®©©©©©©® ^0 vii Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Page ( + )-ii-Butyl methyl sulfoxide via (-)-cholesteryl (i )-methanesulf inate oaoooeoaaooeeeaao.eeaooooeeaaaaaoeooo
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