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Cherokee Suburban Stock #K1034B Stock #K1064B Rhinelander, WI Rhinelander, 17 3620 N.Hwy. 715-420-1555 Take a new one-year subscription & receive a (5) (2) LS *Advertisedpay- and monthly price selling A WILDLIFE COLLECTION fer expires1/31/19. proved credittowell-qualifiedbuyers.Of- 3.9% for72monthswith$0down,onap- on based (6) $143 down; with $0 months for 48 7.9% based on $56 down; (5) $0 $198 basedon7.9%for48monthswith 5.9% for60monthswith$0down;(4) based on $65 down; (3) $0 months with 48 7.9% for on $95 based (2) of ment monthly pay- and Rate, term fee. service does notincludetax,title,licenseor$299 and applicable discounts includes ment $ FOR BUY OR $ FOR BUY OR WHILE SUPPLIES LAST Reduced 2012 Volkswagen JettaSE 2012 Volkswagen Price! 2,496 7,999 By Kurt L. Krueger $ $ 143 65 /MO.* 2006 DodgeGrand /MO.* This full-color, hard-cover book contains more than 150 wildlife and scenic photos. FOR 60MOS. FOR 72MOS. Caravan SE Section A Judged as VILAS COUNTY Wisconsin’s Stock #J1282A Stock #J1279B $ Wisconsin Newspaper Association 2011, ’13, ’15 and ’17 NEWS-REVIEW Large Weekly Division EAGLE RIVER, WI 54521 • (715) 479-4421 • vcnewsreview.com $1.50 (3) VOL. 133, NO. 44 All print subscriptions include free online edition WEDNESDAY, JAN. 9, 2019 (6) 40 Value – Business boost expected this weekend VILAS & REST OF as snow finally arrives in North Woods ___________ Year’s weekend, but the trails onship Snowmobile Derby BY GARY RIDDERBUSCH were in poor shape and some will be held in Eagle River $ $ $ NEWS-REVIEW EDITOR ___________ lake crossings were not Jan. 17-20. marked. While snowmobile trails in The North Woods was hit In Eagle River, the Sno-Ea- Vilas and Oneida counties ONEIDA COUNTIES WISCONSIN OUT-OF-STATE with 4 to 6 inches of snow gles Snowmobile Club has have been open for over a Monday, which should give marked the crossings on both week, Forest County trails Free! area snowmobile trails the Eagle and Catfish lakes. Lake are scheduled to open this Free! much-needed base for groom- crossings also have been Thursday, Jan. 10, at noon. 55 63 75 ing this week. marked on the Three Lakes Forest County has 405 While the snow turned to Chain of Lakes. miles of state-funded trails rain later on Monday, colder Snowmobilers are being maintained by five snowmo- DON’T GETLEFTBEHIND… temperatures predicted for advised to stay next to the bile clubs including the Three News-Review orTheThreeLakesNews. County area bysubscribingtotheVilas CountyandThreeLakes in ourbeautifulVilas Keep abreastofthenewsandeventshappening Tuesday and Wednesday markers when crossing the Lakes-Brule River Trails, the N should help the trails set up lakes. Officials report that 100 Mile Snow Safari, Lum- SERVING THENORTH FORMORE THAN133YEARS for the coming weekend. several snowmobiles and berjack Memorial Trails, Trails are expected to be in ATVs broke through the ice Black Bear Sportsmen’s Club fair to good condition by the near channels where there is Trails and the Tombstone- weekend, as more snow is in moving water and thin ice al- P.O. Box 1929, Eagle River, WI54521 Box1929,EagleRiver, P.O. Pickerel Trails. the forecast for Wednesday ready this season. Snowmobile clubs in For- and Friday. Many businesses, which (715) 479-4421•Fax:479-6242 est County have been pan- Due to the snow and slip- depend heavily on snowmo- EWS ning the trails and have all pery road conditions Monday, bile traffic for winter tourism, trails cleared and signed. school and school-related ac- are looking for activity to pick The Sno-Eagles in Eagle VILAS COUNTY The book can be picked up at the News-Review office, tivities were called off at up this weekend with the im- River are reporting their Northland Pines and Three proved trail conditions. trails to be in good riding con- Lakes. Classes resumed in Area businesses should see dition following grooming both school districts on Tues- a boost in activity the next www.vcnewsreview.com many of the trails on Monday. day. two weekends, as the Vintage Email: [email protected] According to Howard Snowmobile trails have World Championship Snow- “Rusty” Wolf, president of the been in early-season riding mobile Derby is set for this Sno-Eagles, the club’s three condition since the trails weekend and the 56th run- Area grooming organizations were out in force to 6 inches of snow. Trails should be in good con- 425 W. Mill St., Eagle River, or mailed for an additional opened just in time for New ning of the World Champi- To TRAILS, Pg. 7A Monday after the North Woods received about 4 dition this weekend. —STAFF PHOTO Solis homicide trial -R remains on Feb. 4 pending motions ___________ fee of $5 for postage. BY KEN ANDERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT ___________ EVIEW A five-day jury trial re- ing there was evidence in the lated to the 2017 shooting case he wanted to resolve death of Connor Stevens of through the opinion of an ex- OFFER GOOD WHILE SUPPLIES LAST. VILAS COUNTY Three Lakes remains on the pert. Vilas County Circuit Court “We would like to take calendar for Feb. 4, at least photos and examine the firing for now, after motions were pin and that requires disas- filed last week to compel dis- sembly of the gun,” Moustakis covery and to possibly change told the court. “We could do the trial date. this at the state crime lab Jeremiah Solis, 19, now of with my expert present and Hancock, is charged with we’ve received a letter from homicide by firearm while the district attorney (Martha having a controlled substance Milanowski) saying they are in his system and homicide by trying to comply.” negligent handling of a dan- Other items that need to gerous weapon, in this case a be examined are a glass frag- .40-caliber pistol he pur- ment and bullet casings, ac- chased at the Eagle River gun cording to Moustakis. show Sept. 1, 2017. “Once our expert does give Solis and others were in an an opinion, it will have to be EWS EVIEW apartment at 421 E. Wall St. turned over to the state for in Eagle River on Sept. 3 their examination so we may N -R when the pistol discharged need more time,” Moustakis and hit Stevens, 20, in the added. chest, causing his death. Solis Vilas County Circuit Judge SERVING THE NORTH FOR MORE THAN 133 YEARS was allegedly the handler of Neal A. Nielsen III agreed the gun. further examination of the ev- Defense attorney Albert TAKING THE PLUNGE — The 19th annual Polar Bear Plunge was der, a cancer support organization based in St. Germain. See more idence is needed. He said de- held at Bonnie’s Lakeside on Spirit Lake in Three Lakes last Sat- photos and fundraiser results on pages 2A and 1B.
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