
1836 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. :1\IARcn 13, Mr. HARRIS. By no means is the Senate ready for that question, The SPEAKER. The objection ismadetoolate. Someothergen­ I am sure, at this time. tlemen have like resolutions to present. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Tennessee moves Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. Let them all come in under the that the Senate proceed to the consideration of executive business. regular call of States. Mr. SHERMAN. Before the question is put, if there is no special The concurrent resolution presented by Mr. LORD is as follows : occasion to go into executive session, I suggest that we take up the Concurrent resolution. Ca:lendar under the Anthony rule. Whereas the system of polgam.y existin~ in certain sections of our country Mr. MORRILL. Why not allow the Senator from Florida to go on is degrading to the individuals and demoralizing to the communities adopting it, with his speech 'f and is both repugnant to the Christian sentimenta of the age and is a national disgrace: Therefore, Mr. BAYARD. He does not desire to speak now. Resolved, (the senate concurring,) That our Senators and Representatives in Mr. SHERMAN. Why not go on with the Calendar under the Congress be respectfully requested to use nJ1. reasonable and honorable means to Anthony rnle f ~!~b.U:es~~~~:i~~!£fation which shall promptly and effectually extirpa.~ Mr. HARRIS. When we have got through with the executive busi­ Resolved, That the governor be requested to forward copies of these resolutions ness, if it is desirable that the Senate shall sit longer, we can take to each of our Senators and Representatives in Congress. up the Calendar of General Orders or the Calendar under the Anthony MOREAU S. CROSBY, rnle. President of the Senate. Mr. SHERMAN. As a matter of course the business in executive SETH. C. MOFFATT, Speaker of the Hou.~e of Representatives. session will not occupy much time. .Approved March 9, 1882. Mr. BAYARD. I apprehend there is no displacement of the regu­ D.AVID H. JEROME, lar order before the Senate except the informal displacement for the Goverrwr. purpose of allowing the Senator from Florida to submit his remarks. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The tariff-commission bill was in­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. SYMPSON, one of its clerks, in­ formally laid aside. formed the House that the Senate had adopt-ed a resolution in which Mr. HARRIS. The tariff-commission bill was informally laid aside the concurrence of the House was desired, requesting the President for the purpose of allowing the Senator from Florida to submit some to bring to the attention of the Government of Nicaragua the neces­ remarks upon his resolution, and whether they be submitted to-day sity of arranging for a convention for the :final settlement of all un­ or to-morrow, the nnanimous consent of the Senate is that that bill adjusted claims existing between the Government of the United is laid aside only for that purpose, and it continues the unfinished ·States and the Government of Nicaragua and claims of citizens of business. the United States against the Government of Nicaragua. Mr. ROLLINS. Does not the Senator from Florida desire to pro­ The message further announced that the Senate had passed bills ceed to-day f of the following titles; in which the concurrence of the House was Mr. HARRIS. He prefers to speak to-morrow. requested: The PRESIDING OFFICER. It is moved that the Senate proceed A bill (S. No. 861) to provide for a commission on thf\ s'ubject of to the consideration of executive business. the alcoholic liquor traffic ; The motion was agreed to A bill (S. No. 1361) to provide for additional accommodations for MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. the Department of the Interior; and A bill (S. No. 1415) to provide for the closing of an alley in square A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. McPHERSON, 195 in the city of Washington, District of Columbia. its Clerk, announced that the House had passed the bill (S. No. 74~) granting a pension to Elizabeth Wirt Goldsborough. ADDITIONAL LAND DISTRICTS IN DAKOTA. The message also announced that the House had passed a bill (H. l\Ir. PETTIGREW. I ask that by unanimous consent the Com­ R. No. 4440) to es·"ablish a railway bridge across the Mississippi mittee of the Whole House on the state of the Union be discharged River extending from a point between, Wabasha and Read's Land­ from the further consideration of the bill (H. R. No. 4698) to create ing, in Minnesota, to a point below the month of the Chippewa River, two additional land districts, and to change the boundaries of the in Wisconsin; in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. Watertown land district, in the Territory of Dakota, and that the same be now brought before the House for consideration and passage. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mr. SPRINGER. I object. · The Senate proceeded to the consideration of executive business. ENVOY TO SOUTH AMERICAN GOVERNMENTS. After three hours and nine minutes spent in executive session, the doors were reopened; and (at :five o'clock and :fifty-five minutes Mr. BELMONT. I ask unanimous consent for the consideration p. m:) the Senate adjourned. at this time of the resolution which I send to the desk. Mr. TOWNSHEND, of Illinois. Let it come in under the call of States. • The SPEAKER. This is a resolution of inquiry, which it is desired to have considered at this time. The Clerk will read the resolution, HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. after which objections, if any, will be in order. The Clerk read as follows : MONDAY, March 13, 1882. Resolved, That the Secretary of State be requested to inform the Honse what com­ pensation has been paid or is to be paid by the Department of State to :Mr. Tres­ The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. cot as envoy to the South .Ame1.ican governm.enta ; also out of what appropriatioD D. POWER. any money has been paid or is to be paid to him as such envoy; also by what law F. lli. Trescot has been appointed or employed in the Department of State since or The J onrnal of Friday was read and approved. at any time after March 4, 1877, and what com~ensation since that date has been SELECT COMMITTEE ON WOMAN SUFFRAGE. paid to Mr. Trescot and out of what appropriation. The SPEAKER. The Chair announces the appointment of the fol­ The SPEAKER Is there objection to the present consideration of lowing geil.trlemen as the Select Committee on Woman Suffrage the resolution Y authorized by the House: Mr. CAMP, of New Yorkf· Mr. WmTE, of l\Ir. WILLIAMS, of Wisconsin. [object. Kentucky; Mr. SHERWIN, of Illinois; Mr. STONE. u Massachusetts; Mr. BELMONT. Then I a.sk that the resolution be referred to the Mr. HEPBURN, of Iowa; Mr. SPRINGER, of Illin-:>is; Mr. VANCE, of Committee on Foreign Affairs. North Carolina i Mr. MULDROW, of Mississippi, and Mr. STOCKSLA­ The resolution was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. GER, of Indiana. ELIZABETH WIRT GOLDSBOROUGH. POLYGAMY. l\Ir. JOYCE. I ask unanimous consent to take a bill from the The SPEAKER, by unanimous consent, laid before the House a Speaker's table for present consideration. memorial of the Legislative Assemblyofthe Territory of Utah, ask­ l\Ir. RANDALL. I call for the regnlar order. ing Congress to suspend action upon Utah affairs until by a commit­ l\Ir. JOYCE. I ask the gentleman from Pennsylvania to wait a. tee of investigation the facts are learned, and a tangible foundation moment before insisting on the regnlar order. The Senate ha-s passed is laid for rational proceedings in which no violence will be done to this bill, and the House the other evening passed a similar bill. I the institutions of that Territory; which was referred to the Com­ desire to take the Senate bill from the Speaker's table and substitute mittee on the Judiciary. it for the House bill and pass it. It is for the widow of Admiral The SPEAKER. The Chair is informed that there are several Goldsborough. gentlemen who desire to present resolutions on the subject of polyg­ l\Ir. RANDALL. Is it a pension bill amy. Mr. JOYCE. It is. Mr. LORD. I present a concurrent resolution of the Michigan Mr. RANDALL. Then I do not object. Legislature, relating to polygamy, and ask that it be referred to the There being no objection, the bill (S. No. 743) granting a pension Committee on the Judiciary, and that it be printed in the RECORD. to Elizabeth Wirt Goldsborough was taken from the Speaker's table The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentle­ and rea-d a first and second time. man from Michigan Y [After a pause.] The Chair hears no objec­ The bill was read, as follows : tion1 and the res6lution will be referred to the Committee on the Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Interior be, and ho is hereby, au­ Judiciary, and will be printed in the RECORD. thorized and directed to place on the pension-roll, suhject to the provisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of Eliza,beth Wirt Goldsborough, widow . Mr. TOWNSHEND, of lliinois. I object for this reason, that all of the late Rear-Admiral Goldsborough, and pay her a pension of $50 per month tb.~ mep}otials can be introduced under the regnlar call. from and after the passage of this act.
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