Facilitated Oscillatory Release Zachary J. Comeaux, DO, FAAO Abstract again with his students, including Dr. paper presents the manner of applica- Finding a practical approach to the Robert Fulford. Each has been an in- tion, as well as an exploration of pos- osteopathic mandate to diagnose and spiration to me. sible physiologic mechanisms for effi- treat the patient as body, mind, and Robert Fulford, DO, a student of cacy of facilitated oscillatory release as spirit has always been a challenge. Sutherland, explored progressively a form of osteopathic treatment. Robert Fulford, DO spent a lifetime more integrative definitions of dys- As in Dr. Still’s time, the populace developing a protocol for an inte- function and approaches to treatment. is challenging the medical commu- grated approach to somatic dysfunc- In his quest for synthesis he chose to nity to integrate concepts from the tion, the residuum of trauma, includ- explore the interrelationship of peri- basic sciences which have not yet ing the percussion vibrator and odic motion and its relationship to found their way into the conventional manual bioelectric assessment. The matter. He began with attention to medical model. The current pressure author builds on this legacy introduc- cranial rhythmic motion and respira- to develop “energy medicine”, and ing a treatment strategy, facilitated tory rhythms, but discovered and used explorations of the physiology of con- oscillatory release, using manually other aspects of the patient’s energy sciousness, the physics models rep- applied oscillations or vibrations to state to work toward improvement of resenting the progeny of relativity and treat dysfunction. A review of scien- symptoms. In applying principles of quantum mechanics, and probability tific and traditional osteopathic litera- motion to his clinical practice, he be- models of mathematics, including ture provides a justification for con- gan to explore, use and teach the use chaos models, all cry to make a con- sidering the biomechanical, neuro- of vibratory motion to release restric- tribution. The concepts of matter/en- muscular and bioelectric characteris- tion of motion using a percussion vi- ergy are the legacy of a quest to un- 15 tics of the body as complementary brator as well as other means. derstand creation which is revisited aspects of one coordinative system in In the early 1990s, after he en- in every generation. The ancient which rhythmic function is key. trusted me with the care of his wife, I Greeks used the language of Matter This paper represents the author’s watched him continually search for and Form; in Still’s day it was phrased scholarly requirement for a com- ways to refine his effectiveness as Vitalism vs. Materialism. Still’s pleted application process for AAO through understanding the implica- insight was that understanding of the Fellowship. Further detail on prin- tions of his way of treatment on his patient occurred by recognizing the ciples of application of FOR will fol- patients. In the process of his explo- integration of these aspects, not in- low in a later issue of The AAOJ. ration, he developed the percussion troducing a new reductionism. Any vibration approach to resolving so- “energy” approach to medicine needs matic dysfunction. He insisted how- to recognize the osteopathic concept Introduction ever, that the machine was not essen- of the interrelationship of structure The challenge of osteopathic clini- tial and that he could accomplish cor- and function. Fulford, as Still and oth- cal practice is to use our hands, on rection with other means. ers before him, was trying to work demand, without complete under- In the course of working with him, toward this reconciliation of empha- standing, to restore ease and comfort. I began to apply manual oscillation sis to more fully recognize the nature We detect patterns of dysfunction by to dysfunctional tissues. As I explored of the patient. I hope in some small palpation and observation, aided by the implications, applications and rel- way to encourage those working in intuition, and perhaps inspiration. evant literature, I identified the this tradition. This was the way with Dr. Still, his method for charting purposes as FOR, students including Dr. Sutherland and for facilitated oscillatory release. This 24/The AAO Journal Summer 2002 Vibrational Medicine an electromagnetic significance to habitus and subtle motion were re- in the Osteopathic somatic dysfunction and osteopathic flective of Intelligent Action ex- treatment. He referred to the works pressed as motion in a wave form. So, Context of Harold Saxton Burr, PhD,5,6 Rob- Dr. Fulford spoke of his work as in Dr. Still, the founder of Osteopa- ert Becker MD,2 and Valerie Hunt, the field of energy or vibratory mo- thy, based his methods of treatment PhD25 who use electromagnetic field tion. Tissue response to vibrational on the philosophy of Creationism and theory as an explanation of the inte- motion, oscillation, was part of analy- Natural Law. The truth had to be dis- grative nature of the human being and sis of indigenous and pathologic mo- covered. Early analogies were based the hitherto non-empiric explanation tion as were articular range of mo- on mechanical principles as this was of Life. Fulford accessed and used the tion or respiration. We discussed his the advancing front of technology in work with refined quartz crystals, by reading, reflections and preliminary his day. Though biased to think of all Marcel Vogel, PhD, a senior IBM re- research in measurement of electro- human process as mechanical, he search scientist, in trying to scientifi- magnetic fields in himself and his conceded that medical study included cally justify an electromagnetic patients and attempts to use esoteric physiology, histology, chemistry and conceptualization of his work. The or intercultural explanations to con- surgery as branches of anatomy. common thread of the work of these ceptualize these effects, due to the Function, as well as structure, was five has been to demonstrate a clini- lack of a clear neurophysiological open to investigation and correction.51 cal connection between the physics paradigm to explain his clinical ob- Although mechanical diagnosis and of electromagnetic field theory and servations and effects. correction was the pattern of practice human physiology in health and dis- As I worked under his influence, most often mimicked by students, ease although correlations with gen- it became clearer to me that rhythmic Still insisted on the importance of the erally accepted neurophysiology, the motion, CRI or otherwise, was part central nervous system as an organiz- dominant paradigm, have yet to be of a natural state of relaxation and ing principle of motion and the im- clarified. This paper is part of that well being. It had been used socially, portance of “nerve force”. Addition- effort. as in dance in many cultures to in- ally, both Arthur Hildreth and Charles duce altered consciousness or spiri- Hazzard, early graduates of the Facilitated Oscillatory tual awareness, as well as to quiet American School of Osteopathy, Release babies naturally and comfort the sick. noted Dr. Still’s touch often directed In the healing arts, oscillation has to soften spastic muscle through in- been used minimally. The percussion hibition, reflecting neuromuscular Origins vibrator used such a force. How did involvement.37 They reference From 1992 until his death in 1997, it work? Charles Edouard Brown Sequard, a Dr. Fulford would visit my medical As I would palpate and find focal nineteenth century neurologist/endo- practice while visiting his wife in a sites of muscle spasm associated with crinologist, on the concept of neural nursing home nearby. We would talk somatic dysfunction, I would use a inhibition versus sensitization in and work together. Dr. Fulford would focused myofascial or ligamentous muscle spasm.43,24 The challenge for often have a new hold, a new way of articular release technique to the in- osteopaths of each subsequent era is working with a child in relation to his/ volved segment. However, since to be inclusive in our habits of inves- her mother, or speculate about a new much of our work was in the vibra- tigation regarding the nature of the philosophical consideration. He was tory arena, it seemed sensible occa- patient while remaining critical of an avid and broadly discursive reader sionally to use focused vibratory convention and wishful thinking. with a thirst for synthesis and a pen- force applied manually instead of Robert Fulford, DO, graduated chant for experimentation for the reaching for the vibrator which would from the University of Health Sci- good of the patient. disrupt the orderly progression of ences College of Osteopathic Medi- As indicated above, his theater of treatment. Over time there were more cine in Kansas City, MO in 1941. As operation went far beyond use of the occasions on which to supply such an a general practitioner during the WW- “percussion hammer”. All his meth- intervention. II years, he worked for greater effi- ods depended on the concomitant use When I reflected on the probable ciency against exhaustion. He was of diagnostic touch to discover re- methods of effectiveness, I realized impressed by the impact of cranial striction of subtle motion, intention that I could also utilize longer wave- osteopathy and studied it in detail. He including desire to heal, and subtle length and affect regional as well as 52 looked for further underlying mecha- force. He felt as Sutherland, the local articular fascial relationships nisms and relationships. He intuited forces involved as reflected in bodily ➻ Summer 2002 The AAO Journal/25 and facilitate ease of motion. Thus I at approximately 150-200 cycles per internal/external rotation of a lower moved to call this facilitated oscilla- minute and the barrier is reassessed. extremity with associated pelvic tory release, realizing some of the Force is directed in two ways depend- imbalance (direct regional) commonalities with facilitated posi- ing on applications intended.
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