Public Document Pack CORPORATE SERVICES Service Director Linda Fisher LEGAL & DEMOCRATIC SERVICE David Joy Head of Legal & Democratic Service GOVERNANCE AND COMMITTEE SERVICES TEAM PO Box 15, Town Hall, Rochdale, OL16 1AB DX22831 ROCHDALE Tel: (01706) 647474 Fax: (01706) 924705 Web site: www.rochdale.gov.uk To: All Members of Middleton Enquiries to: Alison Leonard Township Committee Extension: 4711 Date: 16 May 2012 Dear Councillor, MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE You are requested to attend the meeting of Middleton Township Committee to be held in Demesne Community Centre - Asby Close, Middleton on Thursday, 24 May 2012 commencing at 6.15 pm. The Agenda meeting will be held on Tuesday 22 nd May 2012 at 6.15pm at the Council Offices, Sadler Street, Middleton. The agenda and supporting papers are attached. If you require advice on any agenda item involving a possible Declaration of Interest which could affect your right to speak and/or vote, please contact staff in the Governance and Committee Services Team at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting. Yours Faithfully Linda Fisher Service Director Middleton Township Committee Membership 2012/2013 Councillor Malcolm Boriss Councillor Philip Burke Councillor Jonathan Burns Councillor Neil Emmott Councillor Susan Emmott Councillor Alan Godson Councillor Pat Greenall Councillor Michael Holly Councillor Peter Joinson Councillor Donna Martin Councillor Lil Murphy Councillor Linda Robinson Councillor Carol Wardle Councillor June West Councillor Peter Williams 1 2 ROCHDALE METROPOLITAN BOROUGH COUNCIL MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE Thursday, 24 May 2012 at 6.15 pm Demesne Community Centre - Asby Close, Middleton A G E N D A Apologies for Absence 1. Appointment of Chair for 2012/2013 2. Appointment of Vice-Chair for 2012/2013 3. Declaration of Interests Members are requested to indicate at this stage, any items on the agenda in which they intend to declare an interest. Members are reminded that, in accordance with the Local Government Act 2000 and the Council’s Code of Conduct, they must declare the nature of any personal or prejudicial interest and, if the interest is prejudicial, withdraw from the meeting during consideration of the item. 4. OPEN FORUM (6.15pm - 6.45pm) Half an hour has been set aside for members of the public to raise any issues relevant to the business of the Committee and the Township. PRESENTATION 5. Edgar Wood Middleton Heritage Trust - Sam Bamford Event MINUTES 6. Middleton Township Committee 7. Middleton Township Planning Sub Committee ITEMS FOR DECISION – NON EXECUTIVE 8. Middleton Township Delegation Arrangements 9. Middleton Township Appointments 2012/2013 10. School Governing Body Vacancies ITEMS FOR DECISION - EXECUTIVE 11. Middleton Traffic Initiative - 26T Limitation Scheme 3 12. Middleton Parish C of E Primary - Objections to the Proposed 20mph School Zone & Associated Traffic Calming 13. Highways Capital Programme 2012/13 14. 2012 / 13 Highway Revenue Report 15. Street Services Matched Funding 16. Review of Middleton Township Funds 2011 - 2012 17. Middleton Holiday at Home (Head of Townships to report) ITEM FOR CONSULTATION 18. Oldham and Rochdale Joint Housing Strategy ITEMS FOR INFORMATION 19. Section 106 Planning Agreements (Development Contributions) 20. National Planning Policy Framework and Neighbourhood Planning 4 Public Document Pack Agenda Item 6 MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING Thursday, 8 March 2012 PRESENT: Councillor Neil Emmott (in the Chair); Councillors Boriss, Phil Burke, Susan Emmott, Fitzsimons, Holly, Murphy, Robinson, Wardle and West OFFICERS: J. Hodkinson (Head of Townships), S. Bloomer, M. Roberts and E Holliday (Customers and Communities Service), C. Swift and J. Taylor (Support for Learning Service), P. Simpson (Planning and Regulation Service), K. Moore and D. Choularton (Township Management), and A. Leonard (Legal and Democratic Service). Also in Attendance: S. Reay (Impact Partnership) and J. Taylor (Link4Life) Apologies for Absence: Councillor Jonathan Paul Burns, Councillor Alan James Godson, Councillor Donna Elizabeth Martin, Councillor Maureen Rowbotham and Councillor Peter James Williams DECLARATION OF INTERESTS 88 In accordance with the code of conduct for Councillors and Co-opted Members, Councillors Boriss, Phil Burke, Susan Emmott, Holly, Wardle and West declared personal and prejudicial interests in regard to the Open Forum question (Minute 89d) insofar as they were Members of the Middleton Township Planning Sub-Committee and left the room during consideration of the question. OPEN FORUM 89 The following matters were raised under the Open Forum:- a) Rhodes Business Park Mr P Joinson sought clarification on proposals for a waste management facility at Rhodes Business Park and whether residents would be consulted on any proposals. The Service Director for Planning and Regulation Services informed the Committee that within the Greater Manchester Waste Development Plan the proposed usage for Rhodes was for ‘clean uses’ only and that residents would be consulted in the normal way as any other planning applications. b) Street Lighting and Middleton Gardens Mr T Ettenfield asked why projects like street lighting and Middleton Gardens were being funded when the Council was having to make efficiency savings. In regard to street lighting, it was commented this project would generate efficiencies in the long term as the current lighting stock was being replaced by more energy efficient stock. In regard to Middleton Gardens, it was commented that this project was part of the regeneration of Middleton Town Centre and was intended to help to bring shoppers into the Town and the associated economic benefits. c) Mill Fold Road Ms A Hardwick requested that the Committee continue to support the residents of Mill Fold Road in the provision of a residents parking scheme which they had been pursuing for several years. The Chair indicated that this matter was on the Agenda for consideration and would be moved to after the Open Forum. Page 1 d) Doctors Surgery Mr P Stott requested that the Committee support the building of a doctors surgery on the site of the former ‘Nowster’ Public House. The Service Director for Planning and Regulation Services indicated that all relvant issues regarding the scheme would be set out in the report to the Planning Sub-Committee. (Note: Councillors Boriss, Phil Burke, Susan Emmott, Holly, Wardle and West left the room during consideration of the above item) TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE UPDATES 90 a) Middleton Tapestry The Chair invited comments in relation to an appropriate place to site the Middleton Tapestry. The Committee were informed that the Middleton Arena had been looked at in the past but an appropriate area which could accommodate both the size and weight of the tapestry could not been found. Officers from the Township were looking into other appropriate venues for the tapestry and would report back to Members in due course. b) Tourism in Middleton It was agreed that this item be deferred until a future meeting of the Committee. MINUTES 91 DECIDED – that the Minutes of the Meeting of the Township Committee held on 12 th January 2012 be approved as a correct record. MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP PLANNING SUB-COMMITTEE 92 DECIDED – that the Minutes of the Meetings of the Middleton Township Planning Sub-Committee held on 16 th November 2011 and 14 th December 2011 be approved as a correct record. SCHOOL GOVERNING BODY VACANCIES - AUTHORITY GOVERNORS 93 The Service Director – Support for Learning outlined current Local Authority Governor vacancies and sought appointments. DECIDED- That the following appointments to School Governing Body vacancies be made as follows: • Bowlee Park Primary School – defer until the next meeting • Little Heaton CE Primary School – Councillor M Holly MILL FOLD ROAD RESIDENT’S PRIVILEGED PARKING SCHEME INVESTIGATIVE REPORT 94 The Committee considered the report of the Report of the Head of Highways and Engineering Services which outlined the results of the recent consultation exercises on the proposed residents privileged parking scheme on Mill Fold Road. The recommendation was put forward as representations have been made to the Middleton Township Committee, by local residents, relating to parking on Mill Fold Road. Chiefly these complaints revolved around shoppers and local workers parking within the residential areas. Residents have requested that a resident’s only parking scheme be introduced. This is in line with the proposals reported to Committee in the ‘Middleton Town Centre Parking Policy’ produced by the Impact Partnership Councillors and Officers met to discuss these issues and agreed to investigate the possibility of introducing a ‘Resident Permit Holders Only’ zone to control parking. Page 2 Public consultation has returned a level of support less than 75%. The current council policy states ‘proposed schemes should normally be supported by at least 75% of the affected residents prior to it being introduced.’ DECIDED – that the Cabinet be requested to review the policy on Residents Privileged Parking Schemes, specifically relating to the percentage levels of support required to progress a scheme. JOSHUA LANE, MILLS HILL ROAD & ADJACENT STREETS, MIDDLETON, PROPOSED NEW WAITING RESTRICTIONS 95 The Committee considered the report of the Report of the Head of Highways and Engineering Services which advised Members of objections received to the proposed introduction of new waiting restrictions on Joshua Lane, Mills Hill Road and Adjacent Streets and to present the response
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