Archaeologia Cantiana Vol. 50 1938 ( 186 ) GENERAL INDEX. Anglo-Saxon cemetery at Horton Abbott, George, Archbishop of Can- Kirby, 148 ; Chronicle, 71 ; finds terbury, 84. in Kent, 148. a Becket, Thos., glass in Nackington Anlisforde, Nicholas, 95. Church, 162. Annual Report and Accounts 1937, Acca, 60. xxxvii-li. Acce (Ecca), 66. Archaeology in Kent, 1938, Reports, Aeon, see Aix. 147-150. Accounts 1937, xxxvii-li. Argate, John, 111. Adams, Edward, 90. Arnard, Nicholas, 120. Addington Park, mesolithic flints Asceles, John de, 124 ; Matilda de, found, 147. abduction of, 124. Adowne, Richard, 91. atte Welle, William, parson of Pette, Adrian, Abbot of St. Augustine's, 60, 126. 67, 69. Atwood, Richardine, 109. Adrian Street, Dover, 149. Avenesbury, Maud de, 136. Adventures of a Kentish Spy, by Aylesford, 144. F. C. Elliston Erwood, F.S.A., 1-10. Aylworth, armorial shield in St. Ady, John, of Doddington, 81. Stephen's, Hackington, 84, etc.; Aebba, Abbess, daughter of Eormen- Walter, hatchment in St. Stephen's, red, 62, 63, 70; gift of land in 86. Sturry, 60, 61. Aelgar, Adam Ktz, of Sturry, 48. B Aethelred, King of Mercia, 64, 67, 68, Badill, William, 116. 69. Badlesmere, Bartholomew de, 124, Affiliated Societies, notes on, xlviii, 125; Elizabeth de, 128, 137; etc. family pedigree, 127. Aix la Chapelle, the Yorkist Baker, John, 97 ; William, of Folke- headquarters, 4, 6; cleared of stone, 91. Yorkists, 9. Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs., and restora- Aldington Manor, a correction regard- tion of glass in Naokington Church, ing the Buildings of, 168-160. 161-162. Aldon arms in Boughton Aluph Banns, bidding the, in connection Church, 136. with taking the Veil, 42. Aldon, Sir Thomas de, and the Manor Bardolf arms in Boughton Aluph of Boughton Aluph, by Dorothy Church, 136 ; Sir John, 139. Gardiner, 122-130. Bargrove, Roger, 90. Aldon, Sir Thomas de, 137, 138 ; as Barrett, Robert, 89. sheep farmer, 128 ; enfeoffment of Bassett arms in Boughton Aluph William atte Welle, 126 ; grant of Church, 136 ; Ralph, 139. property to heirs of Matilda, Bavent, arms of, in Hackington daughter of John Paynel, 126; Church, 84. marriage of, 125 ; receives Royal Baxe, John, yeoman of Deal, 52. Pardon, 126 ; The Younger, 128. Beche, Joan, 109. Aley, Robert, 115. Benjamin, Alice, 100. Alfriston, 145. Bergrove, Roger, 102. a Ligh, William, 110. Bernardo, Robert, 121. Aluphs of Boughton Manor, 122, etc. Berton Mill, Saltwood, 110. Alway, John, 115. Bery, Thos. de, 47. Alwey, John, curate, 120. Biggs field, Borough Green, 166. Ambrose, Katherine, 93. Bilcheberoughe, 97. GENERAL INDEX. 187 Bilsington, 110. Bromyarde, Stephen, 90. Birdds, John, 116. Brook, Folkestone, 112. Bitchet, Ightham, 156. Brooke, Thomas, 6, 7, 109. Bix, James, hatchment in St. Browne, Joan, 105 ; John, rector of Mildred's, Canterbury, 81. Hope All Saints, Romney Marsh, Bix, John, hatchment in St. Mil- 155 ; Sir George, 2. dred's, Canterbury, 80. Browning, James, 92 ; Joan, 92 ; Bix, Thomas, hatchment in St. Richard, tailor, of Hythe, 87, 102 ; Mildred's, Canterbury, 77, 78. Robert, 92. Blakmede, Hythe, 104. Brumden, Boughton, 124. Bliche, Elizabeth, 94. Brun, Hugh le, 47. Blund, John, 47. Buckwell Field, Ightham, 156. Bocton, Isolda de, marries Paynel, Bukland, Alexander, 87 ; Edward, 125. 87 ; Joan, 87 ; John, 87 ; Michael, Bodsham in Elmstead, 67, 71. 87 ; Thomas, 87. Bohan arms in Boughton Aluph Burghersh, arms in Boughton Aluph Church, 134, etc. ; Edward de, 125, Church, 136 etc. ; Cicely de, 125 ; 126, 128 ; William de, 137. family pedigree, 127 ; Henry de, Bokton, Idowa, 123, 124; Isola de, Bp. of Lincoln, 124 ; Maud, 125 ; 123; Joan de, 123, 124; Matilda Matilda, 124, 125 ; Robert de, 137; de, 123, 124 ; Stephen de, 123. Sir Robert de, Constable of Dover, Bolney, Alice, 112. 124, 125 ; Stephen de, 124, 137. Boniface of Savoy, Archb., will, 152. Burial Group, Romano-British, found Boroughmarsh (Burmarsh), see Bur- at Rochester Meadow, 147. marsh. Burmarsh (Boroughmarsh), 98, 99; Boughton Aluph, Manor of, and Sir lands hi, 108. Thomas de Aldon, by Dorothy Burroughs, John, tenant of Sea Gardiner, 122-130. Valley, Deal, 57. Boughton Aluph, the Medieval Painted Burstow, John, 116. Glass of, by C. R. Couneer, 131-139. Burton, coat of arms in Boughton Boughton, 144 ; Church, 122 etc.; Aluph Church, 137 ; John de, the Court, and relics of de Bocton King's Clerk, 139 ; Thos. de, home, 123; Domesday entry, King's Sumpterman, 139 ; William, 122 ; in-the-Bush, origins, 122 ; 121. Monchelsea, 145; next Wye, Burwash, Sir Bartholomew, arms in known as Boughton-in-the-Bush, Boughton Aluph Church, 135. 122 ; Wood, rents in, 123. Busecombe, Thomas, 119. Boulogne, Eustace, Earl of, owner of Busshe, John, 113. Boughton Manor, 122 ; Leper Butler, Richard, 104. Hospital, grant from Manor of Boughton, 122. Bourne, Edward, 116. C Bowes, John, 101, 108, 113 ; Valen- Calowe, Thomas, 92. tine, 57. Calwell, Mr., restorer of ancient glass Boxley, 143. in Nackington Church, 161. Brandon family, 79. Camise, Nicholas, 92. Bray, Hyde, King's Clerk, 123. Campania, John de, 124. Breecher, William, 116, 117. Campe, John, 88. Bregge (Bridge), see Bridge. Canterbury, 69, 121, 144 ; Archaeo- Brende, Warin, 48. logical Society, xlix; Cathedral Bridge, 45, 48. and Nackington Church glass, 161; Bridger, John, 57. Cathedral, carving in crypt, 24 j Bright, William, 94, 98, 113, [116,121. Cathedral cloisters, carvings in, 12, Bristow, Elizabeth, 93 ; John, 91. 16, 23; Cathedral cloisters, carving Brookhull, Thomas de, sheriff of of kneeling man in, 12 ; Cathedral Kent, 48. crypt, 123 ; finds in, during 1937, Broke, Thomas, 6, 117. xlix ; Friars houses, 110. Brokhole, Boger, 98. Canterbury, Hatchments in the Brokman, Thomas, 96. Churches of, by N. E. Toke, 72-86. 188 GENERAL INDEX. Canterbury Mede, West Hythe, 90 ; Coll, Thomas of Westhythe, 119. The Observant Friars of, 116. Colin, Richard, 101. Canvel, Richard, 48. Cohnan, John, 92. Garden, Edward, 89, 105, 107, 109 • Colow, Richard, 103. John, 105, 109 ; Thomas, vicar of ColverhaU, Hythe, 112. Elham, 109 ; William, 93. Coly, Alice, 99 ; Walter, 99. Carder, William, 97 ; of Folkestone, Combe, John, 106. Comin, Thomas, 113. Carlow, John, 107. Cook, A. R., "A Manor through four Carlton, Thomas, vicar of St. Paul's, centuries," review, 175-177. Canterbury, 45. Cook family at Roydon Manor, 175 ; Carter, Elizabeth, 181 ; hatchment Mr. Norman, resignation as cura- in St. Mildred's, Canterbury, 82, tor, xxxviii. 83 ; William, of Canterbury, 82, Cooper, Robert, mayor of Erith in 83. 1625, 10. Catelin, Edith, 110 ; Thomas, 110. Coper, Simon, 119 ; Simond, 107. Chamberlain's Fee, Deal, Manor of, Copins Hall, Hythe, 109. 50, etc. Coppin family arms, 78 ; hatchment Chapel Place, Dover, skeleton found, in St. Alphege's, Canterbury, 78 ; 149. John, 78, 79; Rev. John, of Chapman, Harry, 117 . Henry, 108 Bekesbourne, 79. Charing, 143 ; Church, bequest for Corkisland, Westhythe, 114. repair of, 110. Councer, C. R., The Medieval Painted Chart, 143. Glass of Boughton Aluph, 131-139. Chaundeler, Thomas, 96. Court Ash, alias Deale, Manor of, Cheese, tithe of, to St. Laurence, 50, etc. Canterbury, 37. Cowper, Richard, 95; Simon, 92, Cheker, Raymund, 114. 102. Cheney of Shurland, arms in Bough- Cranbrook, 1, 3, 6, 8; Church, ton Aluph Church, 136. unusual monument in, 1. Cheriton Church, bequest for repair Craueburn, John, Master of the Poor of, 109 ; lands in, 109. Priests' Hospital, 46. Cheston Wood, leper house, 110. Crayford, Edward, 79 ; Jane, 79 ; Chetham, John, 93. William, 79. Cheyne, Edmund de, 139 ; William Cressie, William, 112. de, 139. Criol arms, 136, 138 ; Joan de, 138 ; Chiche, John, of Danejohn Manor, John de, 138. 46 ; Thomas, bailiff of Canterbury, Crisp, Mary, of Maidstone, 81. Cristover, Robert, 99. Chislet, 45 ; Manor of, 37. Cromp, William, 116. Christchurch, Canterburyv> 138 • Crompe, William, 89, 106. Priory, 50. Crowde, John, 88. Christian, Mr. Euan, restoration of Crowmer Chapel, Tunstall Church, Faversham Church, 11-12. 171 ; Sir William, owner of Tun- Church, Joan, 110 ; Richard, 110 • stall Manor, 172. Thomas, 110 ; William, 110. Crundale Church, 110. Clarke, Robert, 88. Culmer, G. G., 32. Clerk, Ralph, 48 ; Robert, 111, 120, Culter, John, 114. 121* Curtis, A. L., ed. " Sands, clays and Clopham, Boughton, 124. minerals," review, 182-183. Cnopehelle, 48. Cobbe, Joan, 93. Cobham, John de, 126. D Coins found in Romney Marsh, 164 ; Dally, Peter, 93. Mattingly, H. and Stebbing, Dalminton, Alice, 100. W. P. D., "The Riohborough Dalton, Sir Thomas, and Manor of Hoard of Radiates, 1931," review, Boughton Aluph, 122, etc. 177-8. Danejohn (Dungeon) Manor, Canter- Cokyn, Andrew, 47 ; Will, 47. bury, 46. GENERAL INDEX. 189 Daniell, Thomas, 115 de la Pole, Edmund, Earl of Suffolk, Dannington, William, 109. leader of the Yorkist Party, 3, etc. Dansone, George, 94. de Larketon, George, owner of lands Dartford Borough Museum, 148; in Boughton Aluph, 126. District Antiquarian Society, 148 ; de Laverton (de Laverinton), George, notes on, 1; Roman coffin found, 124; Gregory, 124. 165 ; Saxon burial found, xlvii. de Luci, Richard, 46. Daunton, William, 119. de Marci, Richard, 37 ; petition from, Davinton, Andrew, 91. to Archdeacon of Canterbury, 46. Davy, Thomas, 113. de Otringden, Ralph, 123 ; death of, de Aldon, Sir Thomas, and the Manor 124. of Boughton Aluph, by Dorothy de Pavely family and Boughton, Gardiner, 122-130. 125 ; Sir Walter, 125. de Aldon, Sir Thomas, as sheep de Pembrugge, Richard, 139. farmer, 128; enfeoffment of de Poynings, Agnes, 138 ; Thomas, William atte WeUe, 126 ; grant of 138. property to heir of Matilda, de Rail, Godley, 48. daughter of John Paynel, 126; de Rokesley, Sir Richard, 138. marriage of, 125 ; receives Royal de Segrave, John, 126. Pardon, 125 ; the Younger, rebuke de Valoins, Waresius, 48. by Archb. Simon, 128. de Vere, Edward, 140. de Asceles, John, 124; Matilda, de Wylmington, Stephen, incumbent abduction of, 124. of Boughton Church, 129. de Avenesbury, Maud, 136.
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