CARES ACT GRANT AMOUNTS to AIRPORTS (Pursuant to Paragraphs 2-4) Detailed Listing by State, City and Airport

CARES ACT GRANT AMOUNTS to AIRPORTS (Pursuant to Paragraphs 2-4) Detailed Listing by State, City and Airport

CARES ACT GRANT AMOUNTS TO AIRPORTS (pursuant to Paragraphs 2-4) Detailed Listing By State, City And Airport State City Airport Name LOC_ID Grand Totals AK Alaskan Consolidated Airports Multiple [individual airports listed separately] AKAP $16,855,355 AK Adak (Naval) Station/Mitchell Field Adak ADK $30,000 AK Akhiok Akhiok AKK $20,000 AK Akiachak Akiachak Z13 $30,000 AK Akiak Akiak AKI $30,000 AK Akutan Akutan 7AK $20,000 AK Akutan Akutan KQA $20,000 AK Alakanuk Alakanuk AUK $30,000 AK Allakaket Allakaket 6A8 $20,000 AK Ambler Ambler AFM $30,000 AK Anaktuvuk Pass Anaktuvuk Pass AKP $30,000 AK Anchorage Lake Hood LHD $1,053,070 AK Anchorage Merrill Field MRI $17,898,468 AK Anchorage Ted Stevens Anchorage International ANC $26,376,060 AK Anchorage (Borough) Goose Bay Z40 $1,000 AK Angoon Angoon AGN $20,000 AK Aniak Aniak ANI $1,052,884 AK Aniak (Census Subarea) Togiak TOG $20,000 AK Aniak (Census Subarea) Twin Hills A63 $20,000 AK Anvik Anvik ANV $20,000 AK Arctic Village Arctic Village ARC $20,000 AK Atka Atka AKA $20,000 AK Atmautluak Atmautluak 4A2 $30,000 AK Atqasuk Atqasuk Edward Burnell Sr Memorial ATK $20,000 AK Barrow Wiley Post-Will Rogers Memorial BRW $1,191,121 AK Barrow (County) Wainwright AWI $30,000 AK Beaver Beaver WBQ $20,000 AK Bethel Bethel BET $2,271,355 AK Bettles Bettles BTT $20,000 AK Big Lake Big Lake BGQ $30,000 AK Birch Creek Birch Creek Z91 $20,000 AK Birchwood Birchwood BCV $30,000 AK Boundary Boundary BYA $20,000 AK Brevig Mission Brevig Mission KTS $30,000 AK Bristol Bay (Borough) Aleknagik /New 5A8 $20,000 AK Bristol Bay (Borough) Igiugig IGG $20,000 AK Bristol Bay (Borough) Koliganek JZZ $20,000 AK Bristol Bay (Borough) Manokotak MBA $20,000 AK Bristol Bay (Borough) New Stuyahok KNW $20,000 AK Bristol Bay (Borough) Pedro Bay 4K0 $20,000 AK Bristol Bay (Borough) Portage Creek A14 $20,000 AK Buckland Buckland BVK $30,000 AK Central Central CEM $20,000 AK Chalkyitsik Chalkyitsik CIK $20,000 AK Chandalar Chandalar Lake WCR $20,000 AK Chefornak Chefornak CFK $30,000 AK Chevak Chevak VAK $30,000 AK Chicken Chicken CKX $20,000 4/14/2020 Page 1 of 66 State City Airport Name LOC_ID Grand Totals AK Chignik Chignik AJC $20,000 AK Chignik Flats Chignik Lagoon KCL $20,000 AK Chignik Lake Chignik Lake A79 $20,000 AK Chisana Chisana CZN $20,000 AK Chuathbaluk Chuathbaluk 9A3 $20,000 AK Circle Circle City CRC $20,000 AK Circle Hot Springs Circle Hot Springs CHP $1,000 AK Clarks Point Clarks Point CLP $20,000 AK Clear Clear Z84 $1,000 AK Coffman Cove Coffman Cove KCC $20,000 AK Cold Bay Cold Bay CDB $30,000 AK Coldfoot Coldfoot CXF $30,000 AK Cordova Cordova Municipal CKU $20,000 AK Cordova Merle K (Mudhole) Smith CDV $1,072,638 AK Council Council K29 $20,000 AK Craig Craig CGA $20,000 AK Crooked Creek Crooked Creek CJX $20,000 AK Dahl Creek Dahl Creek DCK $1,000 AK Deadhorse Deadhorse SCC $1,179,621 AK Deering Deering DEE $20,000 AK Dillingham Dillingham DLG $1,141,936 AK Diomede Diomede DM2 $20,000 AK Eagle Eagle EAA $20,000 AK Eek Eek EEK $30,000 AK Egegik Egegik EII $20,000 AK Ekwok Ekwok KEK $20,000 AK Elfin Cove Elfin Cove ELV $20,000 AK Elim Elim ELI $30,000 AK Emmonak Emmonak ENM $637,512 AK English Bay Nanwalek KEB $20,000 AK Eureka Gulkana GKN $20,000 AK Fairbanks Fairbanks International FAI $5,704,159 AK Fairbanks North Star (Borough) Northway ORT $20,000 AK False Pass False Pass KFP $20,000 AK Flat Flat FLT $20,000 AK Fort Yukon Fort Yukon FYU $30,000 AK Funter Bay Funter Bay FNR $20,000 AK Galena Edward G Pitka Sr GAL $38,841 AK Gambell Gambell GAM $30,000 AK Girdwood Girdwood AQY $20,000 AK Golovin Golovin GLV $20,000 AK Goodnews Bay Goodnews GNU $20,000 AK Grayling Grayling KGX $20,000 AK Gustavus Gustavus GST $1,045,355 AK Haines Haines 3Z9 $1,000 AK Haines Haines HNS $33,023 AK Hollis Clark Bay HYL $20,000 AK Holy Cross Holy Cross HCA $20,000 AK Homer Homer HOM $1,192,837 AK Hoonah Hoonah HNH $30,000 4/14/2020 Page 2 of 66 State City Airport Name LOC_ID Grand Totals AK Hoonah Hoonah OOH $1,000 AK Hooper Bay Hooper Bay HPB $30,000 AK Hughes Hughes HUS $20,000 AK Huslia Huslia HLA $30,000 AK Hydaburg Hydaburg HYG $20,000 AK Hyder Hyder 4Z7 $20,000 AK Iliamna Iliamna ILI $30,000 AK Juneau Juneau Harbor 5Z1 $20,000 AK Juneau Juneau International JNU $21,736,343 AK Kake Baranof Warm Springs Float and Seaplane Fl BNF $1,000 AK Kake Kake AFE $20,000 AK Kake Kake KAE $30,000 AK Kaktovik Barter Island BTI $30,000 AK Kalskag Kalskag KLG $30,000 AK Kaltag Kaltag KAL $20,000 AK Kantishna Kantishna 5Z5 $20,000 AK Karluk Karluk KYK $20,000 AK Kasaan Kasaan KXA $20,000 AK Kasigluk Kasigluk Z09 $30,000 AK Kenai Kenai Municipal ENA $1,622,758 AK Ketchikan Ketchikan International KTN $2,041,089 AK Ketchikan Murphys Pullout 8K9 $1,000 AK Kiana Bob Baker Memorial IAN $30,000 AK King Cove King Cove KVC $20,000 AK King Salmon King Salmon AKN $1,181,580 AK Kipnuk Kipnuk IIK $30,000 AK Kitoi Bay Kitoi Bay KKB $20,000 AK Kivalina Kivalina KVL $30,000 AK Klawock Klawock AKW $1,055,559 AK Klawock Klawock AQC $1,000 AK Kobuk Kobuk OBU $20,000 AK Kodiak Kodiak ADQ $1,443,837 AK Kodiak Kodiak Municipal KDK $20,000 AK Kodiak Trident Basin T44 $20,000 AK Kodiak Island (Borough) Ugashik 9A8 $20,000 AK Kokhanok Kokhanok 9K2 $20,000 AK Kongiganak Kongiganak DUY $30,000 AK Kotlik Kotlik 2A9 $30,000 AK Kotzebue Ralph Wien Memorial OTZ $1,284,193 AK Koyuk Koyuk Alfred Adams KKA $20,000 AK Koyukuk Koyukuk KYU $20,000 AK Kwethluk Kwethluk KWT $30,000 AK Kwigillingok Kwigillingok GGV $30,000 AK Lake Louise Lake Louise Z55 $20,000 AK Lake Minchumina Minchumina MHM $20,000 AK Larsen Bay Larsen Bay 2A3 $20,000 AK Levelock Levelock 9Z8 $20,000 AK Lime Village Lime Village 2AK $20,000 AK Manley Hot Springs Manley Hot Springs MLY $20,000 AK Marshall Marshall Don Hunter Sr MDM $30,000 4/14/2020 Page 3 of 66 State City Airport Name LOC_ID Grand Totals AK Matanuska-Susitna (Borough) Chitina CXC $20,000 AK Matanuska-Susitna (Borough) Tatitlek 7KA $20,000 AK Matanuska-Susitna (Borough) Whittier IEM $1,000 AK May Creek May Creek MYK $20,000 AK McCarthy McCarthy 15Z $20,000 AK McGrath McGrath MCG $20,000 AK Mekoryuk Mekoryuk MYU $20,000 AK Metlakatla Metlakatla MTM $20,000 AK Meyers Chuck Meyers Chuck 84K $1,000 AK Minto Minto Al Wright 51Z $20,000 AK Mountain Village Mountain Village MOU $30,000 AK Naknek Naknek 5NK $20,000 AK Napakiak Napakiak WNA $20,000 AK Napaskiak Napaskiak PKA $20,000 AK Nelson Lagoon Nelson Lagoon OUL $20,000 AK Nenana Nenana Municipal ENN $30,000 AK Newtok Newtok EWU $20,000 AK Nightmute Nightmute IGT $20,000 AK Nikolai Nikolai FSP $20,000 AK Noatak Noatak WTK $30,000 AK Nome Nome OME $1,263,834 AK Nome (Census Area) Galbraith Lake GBH $20,000 AK Nondalton Nondalton 5NN $20,000 AK Noorvik Robert /Bob/ Curtis Memorial D76 $30,000 AK North Whale Pass Whale Pass Seaplane Float Harbor Facility 96Z $20,000 AK Nuiqsut Nuiqsut AQT $20,000 AK Nulato Nulato NUL $30,000 AK Nunapitchuk Nunapitchuk 16A $30,000 AK Old Harbor Old Harbor 6R7 $20,000 AK Ophir Ophir Z17 $1,000 AK Ouzinkie Ouzinkie 4K5 $20,000 AK Palmer Warren "Bud" Woods Palmer Municipal PAQ $30,000 AK Pelican Pelican PEC $20,000 AK Perryville Perryville PEV $20,000 AK Petersburg Lloyd R Roundtree Seaplane Facility 63A $1,000 AK Petersburg Petersburg James A Johnson PSG $1,100,889 AK Pilot Point Pilot Point PNP $20,000 AK Pilot Station Pilot Station 0AK $30,000 AK Platinum Platinum PTU $20,000 AK Point Baker Point Baker KPB $1,000 AK Point Hope Point Hope PHO $30,000 AK Point Lay Point Lay LRRS PIZ $20,000 AK Port Graham Port Graham PGM $20,000 AK Port Heiden Port Heiden PTH $20,000 AK Port Lions Port Lions ORI $20,000 AK Port Protection Port Protection 19P $20,000 AK Quinhagak Quinhagak AQH $30,000 AK Rampart Rampart RMP $20,000 AK Red Devil Red Devil RDV $20,000 AK Ruby Ruby RBY $20,000 4/14/2020 Page 4 of 66 State City Airport Name LOC_ID Grand Totals AK Russian Mission Russian Mission RSH $30,000 AK Saint Paul Island St Paul Island SNP $30,000 AK Sand Point Sand Point SDP $30,000 AK Savoonga Savoonga SVA $30,000 AK Scammon Bay Scammon Bay SCM $30,000 AK Selawik Selawik WLK $30,000 AK Seldovia Seldovia SOV $30,000 AK Seward Hope 5HO $1,000 AK Seward Seward SWD $30,000 AK Seward (County) Chenega Bay C05 $20,000 AK Shageluk Shageluk SHX $20,000 AK Shaktoolik Shaktoolik 2C7 $30,000 AK Sheldon Point Nunam Iqua SXP $20,000 AK Shishmaref Shishmaref SHH $30,000 AK Shungnak Shungnak SHG $20,000 AK Sitka Sitka A29 $1,000 AK Sitka Sitka Rocky Gutierrez SIT $1,524,494 AK Skagway Skagway SGY $30,135 AK Skagway-Yakutat-Angoon (Census Excursion Inlet EXI $20,000 AK Skwentna Skwentna SKW $20,000 AK Sleetmute Sleetmute SLQ $20,000 AK Soldotna Soldotna SXQ $30,000 AK South Naknek South Naknek Nr 2 WSN $20,000 AK St.

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