![HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES—Friday, May 21, 2010](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
May 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 6 8893 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES—Friday, May 21, 2010 The House met at 9 a.m. and was OATH FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED Heinrich, Dean Heller, Jeb Hensarling, Wally called to order by the Speaker. INFORMATION Herger, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin, Brian Higgins, Baron P. Hill, James A. Himes, f Under clause 13 of rule XXIII, the fol- Maurice D. Hinchey, Rube´n Hinojosa, Mazie lowing Members executed the oath for K. Hirono, Paul W. Hodes, Peter Hoekstra, PRAYER access to classified information. Tim Holden, Rush D. Holt, Michael M. Honda, Steny H. Hoyer, Duncan Hunter, Bob The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. Neil Abercrombie*, Gary L. Ackerman, Robert B. Aderholt, John H. Adler, W. Todd Inglis, Jay Inslee, Steve Israel, Darrell E. Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Issa, Jesse L. Jackson Jr., Sheila Jackson In You, Lord, we find the fullness of Akin, Rodney Alexander, Jason Altmire, Robert E. Andrews, Michael A. Arcuri, Steve Lee, Lynn Jenkins, Eddie Bernice Johnson, life. You guide us daily on the path Austria, Joe Baca, Michele Bachmann, Spen- Henry C. ‘‘Hank’’ Johnson Jr., Sam Johnson, that leads to salvation. cer Bachus, Brian Baird, Tammy Baldwin, J. Timothy V. Johnson, Walter B. Jones, Jim Send the power of Your Holy Spirit Gresham Barrett, John Barrow, Roscoe G. Jordan, Steve Kagen, Paul E. Kanjorski, upon us, that this Congress will prove Bartlett, Joe Barton, Melissa L. Bean, Xa- Marcy Kaptur, Patrick J. Kennedy, Dale E. faithful to its constitutional commit- vier Becerra, Shelley Berkley, Howard L. Kildee, Carolyn C. Kilpatrick, Mary Jo Kil- Berman, Marion Berry, Judy Biggert, Brian roy, Ron Kind, Peter T. King, Steve King, ments, and bring peace and security to Jack Kingston, Mark Steven Kirk, Ann Kirk- P. Bilbray, Gus M. Bilirakis, Rob Bishop, the people of this Nation. patrick, Larry Kissell, Ron Klein, John Sanford D. Bishop Jr., Timothy H. Bishop, Empower Your people to do Your will Kline, Suzanne M. Kosmas, Frank Kratovil Marsha Blackburn, Earl Blumenauer, Roy Jr., Doug Lamborn, Leonard Lance, James so that we will place all the more our Blunt, John A. Boccieri, John A. Boehner, Jo R. Langevin, Rick Larsen, John B. Larson, trust in You, now and forever. Bonner, Mary Bono Mack, John Boozman, Tom Latham, Steven C. LaTourette, Robert Amen. Madeleine Z. Bordallo, Dan Boren, Leonard E. Latta, Barbara Lee, Christopher John L. Boswell, Rick Boucher, Charles W. Bou- Lee, Sander M. Levin, Jerry Lewis, John f stany Jr., Allen Boyd, Bruce L. Braley, Lewis, John Linder, Daniel Lipinski, Frank Kevin Brady, Robert A. Brady, Bobby Bright, THE JOURNAL A. LoBiondo, David Loebsack, Zoe Lofgren, Paul C. Broun, Corrine Brown, Ginny Brown- Nita M. Lowey, Frank D. Lucas, Blaine The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Waite, Henry E. Brown Jr., Vern Buchanan, Luetkemeyer, Ben Ray Luja´ n, Cynthia M. DRIEHAUS). The Chair has examined the Michael C. Burgess, Dan Burton, G.K. Lummis, Daniel E. Lungren, Stephen F. Journal of the last day’s proceedings Butterfield, Steve Buyer, Ken Calvert, Dave Lynch, Carolyn McCarthy, Kevin McCarthy, and announces to the House his ap- Camp, John Campbell, Eric Cantor, Anh ‘‘Jo- Michael T. McCaul, Tom McClintock, Betty seph’’ Cao, Shelley Moore Capito, Lois proval thereof. McCollum, Thaddeus G. McCotter, Jim Capps, Michael E. Capuano, Dennis A. Car- McDermott, James P. McGovern, Patrick T. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- doza, Russ Carnahan, Christopher P. Carney, nal stands approved. McHenry, John M. McHugh*, Mike McIntyre, Andre´ Carson, John R. Carter, Bill Cassidy, Howard P. ‘‘Buck’’ McKeon, Michael E. Michael N. Castle, Kathy Castor, Jason f McMahon, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Jerry Chaffetz, Ben Chandler, Travis W. Childers, McNerney, Connie Mack, Daniel B. Maffei, Judy Chu, Donna M. Christensen, Yvette D. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Carolyn B. Maloney, Donald A. Manzullo, Clarke, Wm. Lacy Clay, Emanuel Cleaver, Kenny Marchant, Betsy Markey, Edward J. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The James E. Clyburn, Howard Coble, Mike Coff- Markey, Jim Marshall, Eric J.J. Massa*, Jim Chair will lead the House in the Pledge man, Steve Cohen, Tom Cole, K. Michael Matheson, Doris O. Matsui, Kendrick B. of Allegiance. Conaway, Gerald E. Connolly, John Conyers Meek, Gregory W. Meeks, Charlie Melancon, The SPEAKER pro tempore led the Jr., Jim Cooper, Jim Costa, Jerry F. Cos- John L. Mica, Michael H. Michaud, Brad Mil- tello, Joe Courtney, Ander Crenshaw, Mark Pledge of Allegiance as follows: ler, Candice S. Miller, Gary G. Miller, George S. Critz, Joseph Crowley, Henry Cuellar, Miller, Jeff Miller, Walt Minnick, Harry E. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the John Abney Culberson, Elijah E. Cummings, Mitchell, Alan B. Mollohan, Dennis Moore, United States of America, and to the Repub- Kathleen A. Dahlkemper, Artur Davis, Gwen Moore, James P. Moran, Jerry Moran, lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Danny K. Davis, Geoff Davis, Lincoln Davis, Christopher S. Murphy, Patrick J. Murphy, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Susan A. Davis, Nathan Deal*, Peter A. Scott Murphy, Tim Murphy, John P. DeFazio, Diana DeGette, Bill Delahunt, Rosa f Murtha*, Sue Wilkins Myrick, Jerrold Nad- L. DeLauro, Charles W. Dent, Theodore E. ler, Grace F. Napolitano, Richard E. Neal, ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Deutch, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, Mario Diaz- Randy Neugebauer, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Balart, Norman D. Dicks, John D. Dingell, Devin Nunes, Glenn C. Nye, James L. Ober- PRO TEMPORE Lloyd Doggett, Joe Donnelly, Michael F. star, David R. Obey, John W. Olver, Pete The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under Doyle, David Dreier, Steve Driehaus, John J. Olson, Solomon P. Ortiz, William L. Owens, clause 5(d) of rule XX, the Chair an- Duncan Jr., Chet Edwards, Donna F. Frank Pallone Jr., Bill Pascrell Jr., Ed Pas- nounces to the House that, in light of Edwards, Vernon J. Ehlers, Keith Ellison, tor, Ron Paul, Erik Paulsen, Donald M. the resignation of the gentleman from Brad Ellsworth, Jo Ann Emerson, Eliot L. Payne, Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence, Ed Perl- Engel, Anna G. Eshoo, Bob Etheridge, Eni mutter, Thomas S.P. Perriello, Gary C. Indiana (Mr. SOUDER), the whole num- F.H. Faleomavaega, Mary Fallin, Sam Farr, Peters, Collin C. Peterson, Thomas E. Petri, ber of the House is 431. Chaka Fattah, Bob Filner, Jeff Flake, John Pedro R. Pierluisi, Chellie Pingree, Joseph Fleming, J. Randy Forbes, Jeff Fortenberry, R. Pitts, Todd Russell Platts, Ted Poe, Jared f Bill Foster, Virginia Foxx, Barney Frank, Polis, Earl Pomeroy, Bill Posey, David E. ADJOURNMENT Trent Franks, Rodney P. Frelinghuysen, Price, Tom Price, Adam H. Putnam, Mike Marcia L. Fudge, Elton Gallegly, John Quigley, George Radanovich, Nick J. Rahall The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Garamendi, Scott Garrett, Jim Gerlach, II, Charles B. Rangel, Denny Rehberg, David objection, the House stands adjourned Gabrielle Giffords, Kirsten E. Gillibrand*, G. Reichert, Silvestre Reyes, Laura Richard- until 12:30 p.m. Monday next for morn- Phil Gingrey, Louie Gohmert, Bob Good- son, Ciro D. Rodriguez, David P. Roe, Harold ing-hour debate. latte, Charles A. Gonzalez, Bart Gordon, Kay Rogers, Mike Rogers (AL–03), Mike Rogers There was no objection. Granger, Sam Graves, Alan Grayson, Al (MI–08), Dana Rohrabacher, Thomas J. Roo- Green, Gene Green, Parker Griffith, Rau´ l M. ney, Peter J. Roskam, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Accordingly (at 9 o’clock and 4 min- Grijalva, Brett Guthrie, Luis V. Gutierrez, Mike Ross, Steven R. Rothman, Lucille Roy- utes a.m.), under its previous order, the John J. Hall, Ralph M. Hall, Deborah L. Hal- bal-Allard, Edward R. Royce, C.A. Dutch House adjourned until Monday, May 24, vorson, Phil Hare, Jane Harman, Gregg Har- Ruppersberger, Bobby L. Rush, Paul Ryan, 2010, at 12:30 p.m. per, Alcee L. Hastings, Doc Hastings, Martin Tim Ryan, Gregorio Sablan, John T. Salazar, b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 14:42 Jun 18, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H21MY0.000 H21MY0 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 8894 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 6 May 21, 2010 Linda T. Sa´ nchez, Loretta Sanchez, John P. the Corporation’s final rule — Amendment of 7627. A letter from the Secretary, Depart- Sarbanes, Steve Scalise, Janice D. Scha- the Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Pro- ment of Transportation, transmitting report kowsky, Adam B. Schiff, Jean Schmidt, gram To Extend the Transaction Account entitled ‘‘Transportation’s Role in Reducing Aaron Schock, Kurt Schrader, Allyson Y. Guarantee Program With Opportunity To U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions’’; jointly to Schwartz, David Scott, Robert C. ‘‘Bobby’’ Opt Out (RIN: 3064-AD37) received May 11, the Committees on Transportation and In- Scott, F. James Sensenbrenner Jr., Jose´ E. 2010, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the frastructure and Energy and Commerce. Serrano, Pete Sessions, Joe Sestak, John B. Committee on Financial Services. Shadegg, Mark Shauer, Carol Shea-Porter, 7618. A letter from the Assistant Deputy f Brad Sherman, John Shimkus, Heath Shuler, Secretary for Safe and Drug-Free Schools, Bill Shuster, Michael K. Simpson, Albio Department of Education, transmitting the REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON Sires, Ike Skelton, Louise McIntosh Slaugh- Department’s final rule — Emergency Man- PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS ter, Adam Smith, Adrian Smith, Christopher agement for Higher Education Grant Pro- gram received April 26, 2010, pursuant to 5 Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of H. Smith, Lamar Smith, Vic Snyder, Hilda committees were delivered to the Clerk L.
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