••V-v ■ . ft-. > r /.: 8ATURDAT, JANUARY 29, 1955- Averaire Daily N tt P rtu Ran PAGE TWELVE For the WMk Ended iOanfI;»;Bt(r lEvrning Jan . n r 1»5B, ■ ■ rr; a . R. Weathar Ruraaa more to say aa well. People in thia Fair, nanMnaed m M tMilght. _ # Parish Convenes 11,573 Law near IS. Moatiy elaady. eoNT A b ou t Tow n area must have islmost fmgotten ''.Member «f ^ Aodlt tha art- of building a snow housa,. Maceyka-Mozzer Wedding Bureau af CIrculaUoa Tneaday. High neair ’ Heard Along ^ain Street If . the scientists keep , fpoUAg To^Study Report Manchetter^A City of Village Charm ^ Manchester Auxiliary 1*011 c * around with the hydrogen, bomb " ■ ' ' -V • will meet Monday night at 7 :30 for And on Some MancheMter*» Side Street** Too and manage'' to change the weather Instruction in use of revolvers at o/ pattern', we may"regret this lack Members \and friends of the North Meth(Wst Church will con­ VOL. LXXIV , NO. 102 '(FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1955 Advartiataig aa Paga U ) PRICE FI VB CENTS the local police indoor target if a new',lce''age arrives. .x " range. The period of instruction PMMlea Here and There body merely entering and vene In a spMial parish meetmg will be In charge of Jack Alves of A friend of ourn believes it Just leaving our car. It has. reached a Mow Red Tape on Monday iiim t'a t 7:30 p. m. in the Manchester «evoh>er CTub. doesn’t p4y to try to accoLimodate point where each day we venture gentleman who is familiar the church. ■■Follo'wing 18 montht’ the Gas Co. Either that, he says, forth to woik with a half real and ith the operations of govern­ of intensive survey and study by {^resident Don Bon of the Lions or the utility should make their half fancied trepidation that ou^ ments from long personal ac- the Church Property Committee, Ei Small/Wars Club has recently appointed the billv"a little more explicit. next trip will be pur last. quaintsmee tvith them made an Jam es. R. Norris\ chairman, the following to committee chairman­ yor nrany months, he said, he We have consulted experts/in apology the other day for the congregation will vnake final de­ ships: Ben Shankman. Chairman v fis wondering why tlm company the field (anybody we happen .to legal murnbo-jumbo .which clut­ cision iu to the nmt step in its of blood drive; Russ Stecker, mailed its bills so far in advance. meet after experiencing a ters up charters, pacts and the expansion program. \ Peril Jtired Chairman of attendance commit­ The gross bill, he, always noticed, and we have been o ffe r ^ several like, making them all but unlntet- , The meeting, whicp ia also a Expansid o f a S, tee: Charles Mather and Bm was due Weeks after the, bill w aj different but equally misinformed ligi^e to the layman. Quarterly Conference, \wlll be con­ Shankman, chairmen of Lima received. ^ ■ explanations for t.he ^ ts. He began by telling that one ducted by the paston the Rev. By SteYfns Bulletin, and Roc Salerno, chair­ But. being an accommodeting One. person swore a combina­ time he was on a committee to John E. Post. Mrs. Jopn Peretto man of publicity. fellow', he saysi he' always waited tion including a t n y c o v t n , the hu draw up an agrreement among will serve as secretary. \ \ Norria will present the result! Health In until the date denoted after the man seat, and a/Certain amount of several states over resources. ranee W ashiii^n, Jan. 31; f/P)—* of a building program questionA The— Manchester GirV Scout legend "Oroes Bill Due After" friction creat^an electrical field The discussions .went on oger a SecreWry of the Army before paying. He sajrs he assumed which in t i ^ produces the jo lt period of several years as'su ch nalre, distributed throughout the\ S s t A v k s A , Cbuncil will meet Tuesday eve­ parish and returned in conalder- Steyenfl atressed today what ning a t 7:4S a t the hoate of Mrs. the company preferred that he Othefs d e^ that the seat .covers negotiations often do. At one Washington, Jan. 31 {fP) — President ^serih^er today .N. BM Peiping to Talks able numbers for tabulation.v That Interpret The h ^ erm ed the need to guard John Pickles. BS Holl St. watt until a certain date to facili­ are nece^ry. point during the talks, he got the asked Congress to help bolster and expand^ prwate health ____ / tate accounting procedures. We Mve even heaid from one unhappy job of drawing up a'piece Mrs. Richard H. McLag.'in, a Wishes Of The Famlbr Mainst “the problem of member of the commj^tee, will ad­ insurance plans aa^part of a broad program for a healthier Henry McKone.of^ the Hartford Well, after a number of months ing i n t , not an uncommon phe- of legislation which was supposed dress the gathering upon the needs America. Id a special niie.Hsage, Eisenhower proimsEMl a federal small wars.” National Trust Dfpt. will be the of being accommodating, carrying ing yefet, not ah\wicommon phe. to embody all the Ideas the group JOHN B. BURKE Stevens named no specific the utility’s bill > around In his n ^ en o n , in the ^winter months of representatives from several and challenges ,of the building m retnsuranca' aendee throui^ which *------- -— ^ '—-j- — ■ " ■ - -- /Z! guest speaker atr the meeting of gram. “small war" danger area in testi­ Formosa Meeting the Kiwanls C^b Monday noon pocket for weolts,, waiting for the ^ e n the metatarsals are often en­ states had agreed upon. niNESAL HOME private companies could ^ a re the : Ik e , A id es cased in additional footwear, Js the One of tha actions of the meet­ risk of experimental and expand-. mony prepared for the House a t 12:15 at th/ Country Club. gross bill due date, he fUtaliy wsi" He completed the draft and sent TEU Ml-s-dsn Armed Services Committee, and R e d s factor responsible for the ionic in­ ing will be to name ah' officia' Ing plans to; Sties S lin Son/ set aright. it out to the members of the group be aaid the Army is doing the beat vasions. for comment. They held a meet­ Building Committee, not hdretofo^ 87 EAST CENTER ST. '1. Extend health s insurance Q»l. Rudolph E. Capello,' 20. son A/fcindly clerk in the gas appointed,-Which will be author­ job it can with reduced manpow­ C o n fer on ' But this solution didn’t satisfy \AMBULA!4CE s e r v i c e farm families. of Mr. anji Mrs. Michael Capello. p ^ y'a office informed h!m/that ing and commented. He incorpo­ er and funds. he’d been paying a penaiw over us so we called in an expert from rated the new ideas and correc­ ized to can y out'the directives of 2. Provide more protection 183 HilliaM St., recently qualified the coOgreation. "Large scale hot wars . may. if as expert in firing the M-1 rifle the net bill every month/for not the field. tions. ' against coats of prolonged Illness. The solution he offered was as . The draft was getting kind of X Insure low income famllias proper precautions are taken, be- in'Japm . CpI- Capello, ah armorer settling hia accovnts before the come suicidal for the aggressor, U.N. F la k s In Gtonp^y K of the 1st Cavalry gross bill due date. follows: “Get some radium ore confusing now but it could still be against the costs of medical care {even a low grade will do). The understood. tn the home dPphysician’s office as he added in apparent reference to DivMon’s 8th Regiment, entered well as hospitals: the destructive might of atomic Wanhington, Jan, 3i\<fP)— the^^rmy in November. 1852 and A Shocking AltnaHon radium will neutralise the mag­ As the months passed. Admin­ P.A.C. Eisenhower called it “a program weapons. Today's maneuvering ik ihe ■' overseas tn June, 1853, Lately it has c ^ e to our atten­ netic, field that la created hy fric­ istrations . in the various states United Nations, N. Jan. 31 (A*)—The president of the tion. rather /Shockingly we’re tion. The friction, our expert in­ which involves no government, “But the problem of small Wars, United Nations over a Fot- (U'.N. Security Council, Sir Leslie Munro of New Zealand, pro­ changed and political fortunes subsidy and no government com­ of subversion, and of creeping ex­ afraid, that ^ re is a surplus of forms us is actually nothing more waxed and waned, The member­ mosa area cease-fire was the posed today that Red China be invited to take part in the .electrical Imrmlses floating around than Static electricity. petition with private Insurance pansion must also be guarded ship of the multi-state committee -farriers." against," he said. “If not, they subject of a White Hous^ current U.N. debate on a Forpiosa cease-fire. l^.se, seeking some entirely inno­ We must caution thb reader, how­ changed, new ideas had to b« in' cent party to jolt. ever, that the radium is dangerous For Fll^tlag Deliaquenry may- become the‘latter day after- conference last night attend­ Soviet delegate Arkady A. ^bolev submitted a similar pro­ corporated, new changes in the nativea to stalemates caused by.
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