
IIImmunohistochemistry (IHC) Outreach Services Note type of fixative used if not neutral buffered formalin. Note type of tissue/specimen Unless specified otherwise, positive and negative controls react satisfactorily. Available Chromogen – All markers have been validated with 3,3’-Diaminobenzidine Tetrahydrochloride (DAB) which results in a brown/black precipitate. DAB is the routine chromogen. In addition, some markers have also been validated using the Fast Red (RED), which results in a red precipitate. If available with both chromogens and one is not selected, the def ault will be the DAB chromogen. Antibody Common Applications St aining Charac teristi cs Actin (muscl e sp eci fic ) Smoo th, ske letal & ca rdiac musc le Cytoplasm ic Actin (smoo th muscle ) Smoo th muscl e an d myoep itheli al cel ls Cytoplasm ic and memb rane ALK Pr otein ALK1 posi tive lymp homa s Cytoplasm ic and/or nuclea r Alph a-1-Antitr ypsi n Demo nstr ates A-1-AT in liver Cytoplasm ic (A-1-AT) Bcl-2 Oncop rotein Foll icula r lymph oma an d so ft tiss ue Cytoplasm ic tumors Bcl-6 Foll icula r lymph oma Nucl ear Ber-EP 4, Epithelia l Antige n Aden oca rcin oma vs. meso the liom a Memb rane and cytoplasm ic. The and epithelial tumors membrane staining is preferentially basolateral. Beta-Amyloid Pos t mo rt em dia gnos is of demen tia E xtr acel lular de pos ition (am yloid plaques), vascular deposition (amyloid angiopathy) BRS T-3, (B72.3) Aden oca rcin oma vs. meso the liom a Cel l su rfac e an d cytop la sm ic Beta -Catenin Desmoid type-fibromatosis, solid and Nuclear pseudopapillary tumors of pancreas . CD 1a Langerhan cells, thymic T-cells, Memb rane and weak ly cytoplasm ic thymoma CD3 T-cells , lymp hom a/leuk emi a typin g Memb rane CD4 Helper/Inducer T-cells mycosis Memb rane fungoides vs. cutaneous inflammatory processes, lymphoma/ leukemia typing CD5 T-cell , lymphoma /le ukemi a typin g Memb rane CD8 T-cel l supp resso r/ cytoto xic , Memb rane lymphoma/leukemia typing, mycosis fungoides vs. cutaneous inflammatory processes CD 10 Lymph oma typing , me tas tatic Cytoplasm ic and Memb rane carcinoma unknown primary CD 15 Hodgkin Lymphoma Typing, Reed -St ernbe rg cell s in Hodgkin’ s mesothelioma vs. adenocarcinoma lymphoma show cell membrane and granular paranuclear staining. CD 20 , B C el l Lymph oma /le ukem ia typing Cytoplasmic side of the cell surface membrane CD21 Follicular Dendritic cell marker, found Cytoplasmic & Membrane also on some B cells CD 23 Lymph oma /le ukem ia typing Cytoplasm ic/memb ran e Antibody Common Applications St aining Charac teristi cs Revised 12/4/19 Page 1 of 6 L. Bliven CD 30 Anapl astic la rge cel l lymph oma, Memb rane and/or a dot like cytopl asmi c Hodgkin lymphoma staining CD 31 Endo thel ial Cells Pr edomina tel y cell memb rane , with weaker cytoplasmic staining. CD 34 Soft tissu e tumo r cla ssi fica tio n, Memb rane/cytoplasm ic leukemia typing CD 43 T-cell , lymphoma /le ukemi a typin g Pr edomin antly confine d to the cel l surface CD 45 (LCA) Lympho hema topoe tic tumo rs Memb rane, but cytoplasm ic may als o occur CD 56 NK cel ls, tum ors de rived from Memb rane neuroectodermal tumors such as CD 57 Lneuymphroeondmoac tryinpeing an, dneu neruorenobdlaosc tromin ea s, Cytoplasm ic and memb ran e differentiation CD 68 , PG- M1, Mac rop hag e His tiocytic /monoc ytic ma rke r Cell s of mon ocyte/mac roph ag e li nea ge stain diffuse or granular cytoplasmic. Mast CD 79 a B-cel l, lymphoma /le ukem ia typin g Ccelellls Maembre neragnaeti vaen. d/or cytopl asm CD 99 , SEE MIC2 CD 11 7 (c-ki t) Gas tr ointes tinal Str omal Tum ors Memb rane and/or cytopl asmi c (GIST), Mast Cells, Stains approximately 75% of mesenteric fibromatosis tumors. CD 13 8 Synd eca n-1 Plasm a Cell s (also stains en dothe lia l Cel l Memb rane, pre-B cell an d pl asm a cells, fibroblasts, keratinocytes, and cell marker, but is absent from mature B CD 16 3 Hno is rtmioacly htiecpa Letocsi oyntess ) Mcelembls. Irta ins ea se lec tive ma rke r for B ce ll CDX2 Colo n an d othe r GI ca nce rs are str on g Nucl eus in no rmal and neop lastic & diffusely positive. Also, mucinous intestinal epithelial cells. Calci ton in Moveadrulia lna rcay Tnhceyros ida reC aprocisintomivea. Neg for Cytoplasm ic Cal retini n Meso theli oma vs. ad enoca rci n oma , Cytoplasm ic and nucl ear sex cord stromal, adrenal tum ors, & Carci noemb ryon ic Antigen , CEA/M MHesoirsc hthperuli onmg’ as vcsa.s Aesde. Pnocleaasrec isnpecomaific, y Cytoplasm ic. Norma l co lon-CEA is metastatic carcinoma of unknown mainly localized at the apical border of the Carci noemb ryon ic Antigen , CEA/P Hprepaima tryom a vs. ad enoca rcinoma Cepyittoplasmheli al celic.l sIn. C li ovelo r,n pcarerdcoinomminana- tly bilary canaliculi are labeled. In colonic Chrom ogran in A Neu roe ndoc rin e di fferen tiation Cadenytoplasmoca rciinc om a the stain ing reac tio n is Cycli n D1 Man tle cel l lymphom a Nucl ear Cytoke ratin 5/6 Meso theli oma vs. Ade noc arcinom a Cytoplasm ic Cytoke ratin 7 Metastatic carcinoma of unknown Cytoplasmic. E xceptions to reactivity may primary occur e.g. CK-7 positive hepatocytes have been observed in patients with acute and chronic cholestasis. Cytok eratin 20 Metastatic carcinoma of unknown Cytoplasm ic. May occasio nall y be primary e xpressed in breast and lung adenocarcinomas, and in squamous cell carcinomas. Less than 5% CK20 positive cells may be present in a number of tissues not generally considered CK 20 positive. CK 11 6 – MNF 11 6 Epi theli al ma rke r Cytoplasm ic Cytoke ratin 34 BE12 Prostate basal cells, squamous cells Cytoplasm ic vs. adenocarcinoma Cytoke ratin , AE1/AE3 Epi theli al tumo rs, hepa tom a vs. Cytoplasm ic adenocarcinoma Cytoke ratin , CA M5.2 Epi theli al tumo rs Cytoplasm ic Revised 12/4/19 Page 2 of 6 L. Bliven Antibody Common Applications St aining Charac teristi cs Cytoke ratin Cock tail (K erCK) Epi theli al tumo rs Cytoplasm ic Cytomega lovi rus /IHC Cytomega lovi rus Nucl ear stai nin g pa ttern in ea rly HC MV infection, later stage, cytoplasmic staining might be observed. Does not x- react with adenovirus, herpes simplex virus, & varicella zoster virus. D2-40 Lympha tic end otheli um, Cytoplasm ic and some tim es memb rane mesothelioma vs. adenocarcinoma Desm in Smoo th and ske letal musc le Cytoplasm ic, may sh ow a fibrilla ry differentiation aspect. Eps tein -Barr Virus (EBV) RNA CISH La ten t EBV in fec tio n Nucl ear. Surgical /H ema topa th olog y consultation and review of the entire case is highly recommended. E-Cadhe rin Lobu lar vs. duc tal breast ca rcinom a Cellu lar mem bran e, some cytoplasm ic Epi theli al Memb ran e Antigen (E MA) Metas tatic ca rci nom a of unk nown In ne opl asms , cytop la sm ic and ap ica l primary, lymphoma luminal membrane staining are the most common patterns of immunoreactivity with peripheral membrane staining or other patterns also occurring. Plasma cells stain positive. In normal breast and other secretory epithelia, labeling is predominantly localized to apical luminal membranes. Estr ogen Recep tor (ERA) Br eas t ca rci nom a prognostic ma rke r, Nucl ear, cytopl asmi c is co nsi dered no n- metastatic carcinoma of unknown specific Occasional lymphoid tumors and primary non-lymphoid neoplasms such as melanomas are labeled. Follow CAP & ASCO guidelines. Fac tor VIII Rela ted Ag (Von Megaka ryoc ytic an d endo the lial Cytoplas m as diffu se or some tim es W illebrand Factor) marker slightly granular staining GATA-3 Ur ot heli al ca rci noma , breast ducta l Mus t be nuc le ar, stron g or mode rate epithelium, and transitional cells intensity, and non-focal in urothelial carcinoma. Glia l Fib rilla ry Acid ic Pr otei n GFAP Glia l tumo rs Cytoplasm ic Aceton e fixed fro zen or Bouins fixed tissues label certain neuronal structures, including a xons, indicting a X-r xn w/ neurofilam ent Glypican -3 Hepatocellular carcinoma vs. benign Granula r cytop lasm ic, and memb ranous hepatocellular lesions Patterns Yolk Sac Tumor, Choriocarcinoma Helicob acter P ylo ri Helicob acter pylo ri in fection Indi vid ual H. pylo ri bac terium when present on the surface of the epithelium or in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells. ASR Hemo glob in A Er ythoi d ma rker Cytoplasm ic Revised 12/4/19 Page 3 of 6 L. Bliven Antibody Common Applications St aining Charac teristi cs Hep Par1 (H ep Ab) Hepa toma , gas tric ca rci nom a Disp lays a dis tinct, gran ula r cytopl asmi c staining pattern, which is occasionally ring- like and is present diffusely throughout the hepatocyte cytoplasm HER 2/NEU c -erbB -2 Oncoprotein HER-2/neu overexpression for invasive Follo w CAP an d ASCO guid elines for breast and gastric cancers.
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