E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 114 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 162 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 2016 No. 65 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was Prince was the personification of with friends at the Chanhassen Dinner called to order by the Speaker pro tem- limitless ability and creativity, and, Theater, a very popular venue and Min- pore (Mr. JENKINS of West Virginia). even better for Minnesotans, he was nesota favorite, where I worked as a f one of us. high school busboy. For me, the music of Prince was Day after day we are hearing stories DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO intertwined with growing up in now of donations to schools, to dif- TEMPORE Chanhassen. I remember spending time ferent causes and, of course, to people. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- with high school friends after a foot- Those are the folks that Prince made fore the House the following commu- ball game or a soccer game. We would happy in terms of their time of need. nication from the Speaker: take the time to actually drive up his Prince had a giving heart. WASHINGTON, DC, driveway, which we thought was kind Ultimately, it is for these reasons April 27, 2016. of fascinating. We would head over to that we have seen the outpouring of I hereby appoint the Honorable EVAN H. his house. We were a little entranced grief from around Minnesota, from JENKINS to act as Speaker pro tempore on with his simple, purple, split-level around the country, and also from this day. house. around the world. PAUL D. RYAN, The fact that the man responsible for As we continue to remember Prince, Speaker of the House of Representatives. some of our favorite songs and music the man, and his music, it is his words f was living right in our backyard from one of his earliest top hits, MORNING-HOUR DEBATE seemed actually too good to be true. ‘‘1999,’’ that helps put things in per- I remember my very first concert I spective. He says: ‘‘But life is just a The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- went to was also Prince on his Purple party, and parties weren’t meant to ant to the order of the House of Janu- Rain Tour back in 1984 at the St. Paul last.’’ ary 5, 2016, the Chair will now recog- Civic Center. While his party has certainly sadly nize Members from lists submitted by To hear his contemporaries tell the come to an end, these lyrics remind us the majority and minority leaders for story, Prince’s guitar playing simply each and every day to live those days morning-hour debate. was indescribable. If the best musicians to the fullest and to set out to achieve The Chair will alternate recognition of our day can’t find the words to ex- great things. between the parties, with each party press how talented he really was, I cer- We will miss Prince Rogers Nelson. limited to 1 hour and each Member tainly can’t find a way to express the May he rest in peace. other than the majority and minority skill that he possessed. leaders and the minority whip limited Of course, he was much more than f to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- his guitar playing. He could also sing bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. and play numerous other instruments UNGASS REFLECTIONS f and write hit after hit. But what in- spires so many is that it shows that The SPEAKER pro tempore. The REMEMBERING PRINCE greatness lives within us. Chair recognizes the gentleman from The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Prince grew up in Minneapolis. He Oregon (Mr. BLUMENAUER) for 5 min- Chair recognizes the gentleman from didn’t have any formal classical musi- utes. Minnesota (Mr. PAULSEN) for 5 min- cal training at an elite school, but he Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, utes. did rise to the top of the music world last week I had the opportunity to be Mr. PAULSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise and never looked back. an official observer at the United Na- today to remember somebody of un- Even with all the stories that we tions as they had a special meeting questionable talent, somebody who ap- have heard over the past several days dealing with the international war on pealed to and spoke to people of all and week about the greatness of drugs. types, ages, and cliques, and somebody Prince, more inspiring are the stories Much has happened since President who also never stopped finding dif- of him extending a helping hand to Clinton addressed the Global Drug ferent ways of expressing coolness. help lift others up in times of need, sto- Summit at the United Nations in 1998, Of course, I am speaking of Min- ries of how he was very active in our carrying the American war on drugs to nesota’s native son, Prince, who trag- community. the international stage. But this, in ically passed away this last week in Just a few weeks before he passed my mind, solidified the need for us to Chanhassen, my hometown. away, he played a very surprise show reset these failed drug policies. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1999 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 05:50 Apr 28, 2016 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27AP7.000 H27APPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with HOUSE H2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 27, 2016 People across the political spectrum First of all, there are moves in both on campus and for the work that they now agree that this approach to drug Canada and Mexico to expand the use do to spread the positive message policy is flawed and ineffective. We of medical marijuana and to legalize about Israel, an oasis of freedom, de- have spent over $1 trillion on this ef- adult use. mocracy, and tolerance in one of the fort over the years. In 2019, virtually every American will world’s most volatile regions. We have undermined countries in have a legal access to medical mari- GREAT LAKES RESTORATION INITIATIVE ACT OF juana, and we will continue the action Latin America and helped unleash an 2016 unprecedented wave of violence in Mex- at the State level, making those crit- ico, killing tens of thousands of people ical changes. Public opinion, once and Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, yesterday in the drug wars. for all, will be settled in favor of regu- we in the House of Representatives Yet, despite all the effort, all the lation, taxation, and responsible adult passed the Great Lakes Restoration money, drugs are still widely available use. Initiative Act of 2016. in the United States, actually less ex- We will break the shackles of re- I am proud to be a cosponsor of this pensive than before we started. We search on marijuana, where the Fed- important bipartisan effort to protect seem unable to even keep drugs out of eral Government actually gets in the our Great Lakes. I believe that, when our own prisons. way of being able to have the informa- it comes to our environment, we must America’s failure to deal with harm tion that the scientists and doctors can all work together to strengthen con- reduction, treatment, and prevention produce to settle the question so we servation programs and other policies has helped lead to the epidemic of don’t have to guess. that protect our natural resources. I am hopeful that the United States opioid addiction and death. In 2013 Mr. Speaker, I am fortunate to rep- alone, we lost 20,000 people to prescrip- will be on the right side of reform, that we will stop expensive and regressive resent Illinois’ 10th Congressional Dis- tion drug overdose. trict, which borders one of our Nation’s As people get hooked on amazingly policies that don’t work, and that we will be able to respond to the emerging greatest treasures, Lake Michigan. over-prescribed prescription drugs, it Lake Michigan offers miles of leads to heroin addiction when they American consensus of the people at the State and local levels to do it bet- beachfronts, natural habitats, rec- substitute it when they can no longer reational space for all of those that get access to opioids. ter. This is one effort we can’t afford to fail. visit her, as well as drinking water for Now, it is interesting that some of millions. the countries that have been most dev- f astated by this war on drugs, in dealing As a scoutmaster, I teach my Scouts RECOGNIZING THE OUTSTANDING that we should always leave or strive with the international cartels—Mexico, WORK OF ILLINIPAC Colombia, Guatemala—were there at to leave areas better than when we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The found them. Reauthorizing the Great the United Nations leading the charge Chair recognizes the gentleman from for a different approach. Lakes Restoration Initiative for the Illinois (Mr. DOLD) for 5 minutes. Many of the presentations that I wit- next 5 years will help us fulfill this Mr. DOLD. Mr. Speaker, I rise today goal with Lake Michigan. nessed were suggestions to the Out- to recognize the outstanding work of I now urge the United States Senate come Document, with the common IlliniPAC, a group of students on the to immediately take up and pass this theme that it did not go far enough in University of Illinois Urbana-Cham- legislation.
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