![The INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Gvclyn Iyinrlc·-L of L'n\V Pnw](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
• • fiO'I'II ANNIVJ:JUiAHY OJ CIIUHCII SUNDAY ljjmir!llt 1 :i ' I Presbyterians Will Mark Day THE INGHAM COUNTY''~1~l:WS ' Ninety-second Y oar No. 13 MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1951 ? 3 Sections - 24 Pages ~-- Students Stage Variety Show Draft Demand Mistakes Teach Vote Counters Voters Show No Interest For April Call Mlslnlces mnrle In lnst fall's gr-nnt nl ele< lion should give cler lion hmu d members a new 'flllf rpl of lhelt tesponRihllltlcs In Candidates or Issues Is Cut 1n Half noel Monrlay Tn holtllng sclwols of lnsltuc­ .' ' Physical Exams fot Apt il t ion fur clcr lion hoa1 rl officials lhts weelc County C'let lc C Rosu At Election Next Monday· And May At c Called Off by Hllllurrl hurl sltct 1 on the mls­ Selective Service Ot det s lalccs 1 e1 eulml by last fall's re­ Six Pm ties Offm Candidates for State Offices on count He tepotlccl lhnt the Partisan Ballot; Votet B Will Also Get Ballots for DtaCt busu1c~s ll"s hlowcd St hools wet e hetlct nltcndcd up The otir,mal Inr,h.lm Ill· I hlln h1 1e< cnl yea! s Schools of Non-Pru ttsnn Elect ton and fot· Stntc Pt opostlions ductwn quot.J of t)O fot Apul lnsltllr,lltln !lie hclrl hefotc IIi h~, hrcn cut to 20 every election Unless somcthmg h.tppens bcf01c Mond<ty to ctcatc 111· tcrcst, the lncnntal ~prmg electiOn wtll attract few votct s l'hy~Jcnl exaniln rt Ions '•' hcrlutr cl T 1111"illg C!Ct lloll WUJ ltCJ B hnrJ for Ing-lwm men in Ap11l anrl May lhclt sclwol ul the city halllnst Six political parties, Rcpubhcan, Dcmoctat1c, Ptohtbttton, have hocn culled off enltr r ly How­ 1'1tllt sdu y Pt cclnr I offlcluls I flllllt nthcJ sec tlons of the coun I Progt csstvc, Soctahst La bot and Soc1ahst Wot kct s, offer can· eve! lhm c ate mr ~ug-h men Ill lite dtdates for state office In addt- " • dt aft pool to mcot any Jndttc twn I y Ill! I Ill MtiHon Munday night quolaH If they ate cnlled ltle m t10n there arc to he two s u- A 1JJII or Ill Mny .tccortling to lhc prcmc court JLtSttccs chosen announccnwnl mrHic by the Inp;­ and tht ce state proposthons de­ Contests Loom hnm rhslrlr l nfl Ice 111 L msrng Mason Firemen ctded NrJ ten son h ts IJeen ArV<'I1 Inc rl Mason high school boys and gh ls SUE PEARSAlL 111 J ttllg!e The1 c 111 e HJX sL,tlt• off r r s ttl dt aft IJo,uds lot llw sltslrlng- rrl lhc rtJC liansfotmlng Main street rnto Fantasy 15 one of the stars of slfrlcc on the Jltlllto 111 lmllot 1 hey For Offices in Apt II quold or the uh cnrlnnment Make Six Runs Bt•ottdway 'fhu1 sdAy ,LntJ Frtday h HI c two 1egenls nf the Umver stLY of lhe Apt II Elnrl May extcntmrltons 111 nights of this wcclc '!'hey are t e Folhes of '52 Clad the of Mlclu.,.m, slate sr1,1crlnlcndel11 /lnnounccmcnt~ made It om W rsh slttglng the Follies of '52 rn lite 1 slon of a young leopard, she ol rmbllc tnslt uclrnn mcmhm ol 111glon mrhctlc lhtl till' rh,tfl plus For Grass Fires school ·llHJtlottllm does actobattc danc1ng 1 the slate boatrl of ednr.tlwn and 8 Townships an unexpeclt rl 1111 1r nsc 111 cnilsl­ Gt.rss fires some set .ttlrl ulileJs The l'olltcs Is p,u ked Wtlh tune Lwo membet s of the sl.tlc ho 11 r1 ol mcnls hAs sent at mY totals <lose ful songs and IMIIel u< rob tla anrl Mor sc And Sue Mtlls m ta,J md .rgt tcullutc lo lhc tulhot lxr rl Hll ength TltcJ r. sp1 catlrnp; from hllme IJJ1 lncrutoJ o Repuhltc.m~ Ate Alone m h.Jvc kept Mason fltctnen on Lhc tap tlancrng uc<mdtng to Getty Tr11y Jewell Ill 11 ;;pecwl number The tegcnts operate lire Unrvcr-~ huvc Riso b()cn 1cporls lim t li1c Rtclcly who tH rltt ecltnp; the show Ruth Smtth .llld Connre Cooper of slly of Mtch g LIJ lire st tc ho r1 Lcshe, Almedon, Onondaga, 1un lhts week 1 1 11 at m I' needs n J,Jg- In the rlr tfL to In nrldllron lo M.rson cllllmpg Lmstng wrll stngo A clt.ttt dance of agJJC1tllutc 1s lite g-ovt , Vevay, Wheatfield, Locke enable It to g-rve 11101 e lt Hllltng to At 215 Wcrlncsrlay motnlng 111111 Boys and Girls of 4.. H Clubs men altcddy m umfotm they also answetcrl an aJ,um al talent the Foil res rmpo1 terl fill Is Jean Cat pcnler, Anita Smtley hocly nf Mtc l!lg-.rn Stale 1 ollcgc Contests fot local off tee:; I he Ross Thot bu111 1csldencc at ftom lllC Norrn.m Eng-ll~h Sluclto Ruth Cat penteJ Beverly Smiley The stHlc boat d of crluc,Jlwn rrt II b I d .1 I I Locnl rlt lfl ufflcJAJH porn I r.rl nttl of I~ansrng- Ia lcngtllcn out the Giotl!t Gotham MttJOil Potlct mmrolets the four sl.Jlc lc.tclwt Wl c CCCI eu 111 c1g1t ng· tl1n t lhcJC Js no 1cason to belt eve I he cot net of Ash and Batncs A chorus lrnc B,JJh,ua Fell Hncl Helen L,mg colleges rt Ypstlnnt1 Krl.rm.rzoo ham townships Monday In the llml rpm las beyond Apt 11 wrll be bld?.e started up Jn an ovctsluffed Will Show Exhibits at Mason The Mason I .oclcelLes tnclurlc have a squat c rllmce numhet Lyle Mt Plr.asnnl ftncl Ma lfJIIcltc other SIX lownshtps thct c at c Hlflsherl 01 thn t 11101 e men won t ciMit The home was damaged hy smnlcc a tug was scorched and lhe Anita Stmley Mf!l 1011 Pot let Snldet lalces the solo dunce part He• publican~ In Ofllcc no contests The Rcpubltcans f ill I flr.tnrrrm Jll Og"l <In} \\ JJ! Open be 01 dct ml up fat physJcal cx,tm­ Kathet me Dell Get 1 y Hlclcly, Judy 111 a hnlh111g beauty skit Rcpubltcans nnw hold live nl have the ftcld to themselves rl l fill lwrll1 n style revue Gills lnallons m June !loot beneath the chult was charted Lamphere B,ubara Gulh11e Wan ------ stx stale offrces They Jwlcl , 11 srx wlro ,,J r cn1 ollcrl In arlvancml Thous,uuls of yottng men de da Berhc .111d P1L Klont tl 1 Fttcmcn mflrle a run loa gtass Alr11 Inn Ononrltp; r Lesl1c, lnllttll,i 1tfllmfs hep;rnnmg with fell cd to complete school rnrl col Jill I tile clenth of R tlph A !l.t~- tlr e on Dut t 1 r;ad lttst Thur sri a y Thc school !I OtUS clltccled hy \\'alrl a few weelts ngo 'lo I til lhe Lo<itr. VtV ry !tllrl Whealflrlrl .tiC lit 11 d Yt 11 1JHI I lie ones selected lege let m, Will he subject to < ,,IJ Mtss M,ur,tnne Ralhhut n wrll smg Chest c eckup V.Lc rncv Governor G Mennen Wtl ,tftcr noon rhen on Monday aflct. h lhc s x townshtl'' v.tlhuul Juua.J I ""' I he 11trrJ nrtt,; show Will model 111 June tJHI July undct the pi escnl sevctalnumhcto The sthonl fJIHll ltlm, rppflJntcrl Dcmoct Mut- con lest~ I ht II :-. lllllCillf-5 pi 0~1 am noon .tn cp!rlemtr. IJJ oke out '!'he 1 11 111 sl call cam~ 11 L 12 15 when tct made lljl o[ Elrxnbelh !"ox Starts Monday I ty D VanvV.rg-oncl Dt nu11 r •l" h 11 r ltt ltc ts 111 ~evc11 I rrp wrnncr s 111 clolhtn.; and 111 Tunis Et 1111 John Luxton .tnd Whtle sup cme e t Just cu; spat Jcs ft om a lwmc mc111crator 1 0111 1111 ol lltr olJJcJ m,.:ltl lownsl11ps In tttntlr.ltll,., well be cnlr.tcd m stale l!tnrllcd ,, fire In rhy g1ass at the Loren Shattuclc ,mcJlhe gals tlto rlmtcd on non-rrtltstn ilrllol~ At t cltiiH Llll 1\1 p11illtc rns .uc op­ Hill :-d-'3 l gJwrn Wrlcy home 213 South t>f Catoltne BJ0\1'11 Mulam Etvln they ,uc llfl111tnltrrl ,)[(lilly filii· posed !Jy the Peoples p uly ttclcct < ttl• rntl IH•l s who ha' e done In w·. 11 ··amston Dental Treatrnent Rog-c1s The fire petrled li gat,tgc and Vetn,J Lou Cnilms ate on the vcnlwns Tlw two Jllslllc, whose Lilllr <Xt l tnenl 11'" been g-en­ rttlsl r11dttrg 1 II wr11 lc durmg the llf)AIRill 1'ilnsc Wilo Will VO· lctms expiiC die i)()tiJ RcplllliteJ!IlS Al 2 O'i lilC same aflmnoon a ~lllg et rltrl 111 lnwnolllp contests HS ycl 11 111 Lt r p1 n,;t .1111 Will hn ve then cal solos ·11< Glorta Gotham Wun- ftt tdy In he lttnehctl 1l W1l 'Ihey Ju~ttcc l~mctson It hie htoltc out on .Matthews sltcct 1110 Wh rlltlLio 11 rs tlcvelo,Je<l Js tn tho 11 lllllH " trl ft om <ill honot 101l Plan Organized off East Columbia Monday aflct­ cia Beebe mrl Dclm es Donaldson lramslon Moncl,ry ts the 'ottnly Boyles of Ch II lotte ,mrJ Net I C I let Ill 111 W lit of the Consume! s .Jams Er\tn tn1l IDltz,tbeth l?ox Wide chest X 1 ry c rmpargn 'l'he R L rnStng- sub 11 h 111 scctron nt 1de up noon at 4 30 li1CJ e came an alai rn PVO A c!Ltel .ti"o I I l mr 1 of Ml Clemens filet e stx 11 L tnStng- Mr ttdr m 1nd !Jcllu I 1 1 '' Co wtll pay lt lbulc to the 11 " o c.rmp n,;n rs Jcmg 11111 et .rlccn lo 1 1 'c lrom the Hf!told Platt Jestrlence at L(llll"fl l~otJl uttcl Sri" tn I 1 t 1 I c.tnt Jr' 1cs fot tile two pnsls Inc lownsltrps ll1y on IIH hnnot toll and MISS For Youngsters "" v,,,, ~, ., trscovct evcJyc,tseo UJctcuosts Democrats nomm tNI J,unes lhe r 01 net of US-127 and Tomlin­ 1 11 [ WO VI II S I ,o lJH ltcptJIJJICHIIS Af 11 y Ww•rlwud of the slate ex son 1oar! Burmng 1ubhtsh had Fotche pity Slat Dust' .rs ll pt· m Lhc counly Lee rntl Tlicorlntc p Rv l'tn lyn t m ldl f will 1cad off the Cer t,unty lhnt Lansrng s cam uno duel Tune D<itl allCI Dtana TubPtculosts \\hJch 1 ~ dt~cove 1 uJ 111 'Jll 1111, 111 llpHrt 111 IJcmocJ altc patgn fot rlcnLal he rllh wrll be ex sp1 eacl to gra~s At 'i 01 lhe tile· Conlclrn h tvc pt,Lno solos unci Don gr essrves nomrn llcrl Morton II Jltt\ crpttJJr'<i every office n lllll ~ of the ~Ills A Vel y Will g'lVe catly can be cLued qurclcly docto1s Eden lllri C LcBton Stmmnn '' tn; nrtwn to club !cadets pandcd lh1 oughout the county rc Bloomquist an .tctmdwn solo chum They hope lo fmd and ctJJc 'fhete ric lhtce amcnrlmenls to CXl Cjl[ lh If Ill SIIJICI VISOJ '!'he lrmcs H V.tndet Ven supc1 In­ suited ft om a meellnp; Ll Mason Solo !I Jlllets Include Sue Pc.tJ· evety case 111 the county and lhus lhe slule constrlutwn offetcrl Dcrnoct tls 111 wmlong hdt d theta It nrlr nl r>l lhP Mason school Will Wednesday mght Hept cscnldttves Permits Needed snll Ill acJObaltr Shn ley Chapman mop up the cliseasc 1n Ingl1am p o,Jos 1 No 1 wottlrl , ide lhts Vt 11 to i rt
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