serfs! Both in the front of battle and had they depended upon their catches i" ight have known what Anna wouM in the more prosaic task of succoring The Guests Had Just Suggested a Consolationi for George's Benefit. for dinner. y. And what Anna *aid usual1> the wounded sent home the Russian Edward A. Straclian and Mrs. Strac- oved to be what every our said. Fh« Jews themselves are working out their WEBSTER. han made the td a keen eye for values. Sometime! Russians By banner catch of the day. JEWSAREFIGHTING own political salvation as They landed five bass, seven pike, two rs. Grady thought it was among Russians. rockfish a THE Grady hadn't been by and EVENING STORY. tempteduncannyMrs. number of perch. wm wm wm f nan Ill a acynBpdnefliw ,f iv bargains for long time nor by New Era for the Jew. Policeman Gharles Birkipht of tlic trly extravagance that wasn't a \ do hope You'll reme MBER «=T seventh precinct spent two days on the until she saw this hot the weekbarlin >&e, ifore. Tt had been hard to wait till LOYALMCZAR "The new era for the Jew in Russia, river between Great Falls and "Watts' RAGGED ROBINS. &IVE THESE <5£ttTUBMEN I branch last week. Tic made a catch of gm's pay day to buy it. How very the era of of I AMD the unselfish spirit _ WHAT SAID ij 11 she was. And with four two dozen bass, several of them weigh- y spirit that finds an echopatriotism.ain " inp more than two pounds each. too (Attic Jim needed shoe*chllen. 4 VEE i br » ^ .. ) COULD HE j Copyright. r.»l-!. W. Werner Battle the Side of Members every land.will surely have a wide Bacic*1rHEtR. MOHEY ic sighed as she put the plates around by abroad. Nothing could be An piers who tried their luck on Little Little Mrs. Grady bought the hat and i1,1 e table. Some one of the four repercussion was needing shoes. One could more effective than it in clearing away > I THOUGHT you HAD "TJVKEH river and about Analostan island thisjt ook it home, and all the tiine she knew alays of Russian Church for SLEEf ,F I week, it is reported, caupht a few bass jaj ways wear an old hat. A new one hitherto hat she wouldn't afford and the unfortunate impression and many yellow per£h. A fev. catfish it. that. Wlas not absolutely necessary. given foreigners by Russia's treatment V FROM e-UESTS and mullets were caught. An- ' noreover. it was too young for her. if Jim came in as she took up the meat of a class of /.x MOHE yoUK- many Nationality. her Jewish population, * srlers baited with oysters for the mul- s lm could. Vet it cost only $3.50, and id put it in the oven to keep warm citizens peculiarly rich in cousins un- W T>u.o n I11CVII. lie DilClU 2 r> f^-AMF jWs- ' t was a circled with IIIIII, PVUUJ'CU der every one of the powerful flags of I A CAJ merely gray chip, jv washed his face and hands and sat the world. Especially will this be true Ir Richard A. Johnson, democratic candi- agged robins. But when one's bus- >wn at the foot of the table. His in the United States, a country, by the / a number of *>and gets $lt» a w eek and one has four w ife put the meat on the table and PATRIOTISM IS WELDING whose national date for ("onpress, preeted way, legitimate aspira- \s ho wrc at Rock point for a c hildren for whom to hats, P<>urcd the eoffee. She, too. was silent tions no conflict with those of !'-mglers provide at point '* Robert 1. of he hat lay like a dead upon on *»ek-c;:d outing. l>ipgs ^dioes and stockings. $3.50 looms big weight THE MUSCOVITE FACTIONS Russia, neither the sea nor in the and In*. of sr spirit. of «ourse, she could ex i.h Plata Iligdon Wayside, * » the two fields V tul i« lion mio'c f-> *» wi rl 1 v . w c wrv western hemisphere, ?.Wu vore with the candidate. tange it. Modern stores arc obliging which peculiarly concern us. The Mon- i ear of its twenty-nine and even in that respect. But under the dead roe our doctrine and the expansion o£ Mason r laims some to which it lias no w eight her spirit no menace the Fleishman and Harry right. wriggled rebelllously merchant marine find in OB-G-E n -at the necessity for at New Era for Hebrews. He Thinks, GE of Alexandria and H Heller. Heorgei,* md for a time one has worn her exchanging; folds of the Russian flag. long ic of a ^ S. droves and S. IT. droves of this city iair ^ meagorness life which held in an Will Have a Beneficial Effect were the anglers at Rock point unpretentious, unbecoming n<either new hats nor the youth that A Benefit to the U. S. among: I to for a week-end fishing trip. <not. it is the height of foolishness in the United States. "If our people avail themselves of j 1mv gay, blue flowers. Usually Mrs. to Mrs. Ben Johnson and Miss Nancy < Irady not ribbon for It this chance reach Russian markets Mr. and Mrs. trimming. of Johnson of Kentucky and ^a ears and doesn't fade and can American capital will, course, seek Robert R. Tuttle of this city were longer H. former United >e used at a ribbon for Charles SherrlU. the opportunities of investment there ' to Rod; They last for hair among visitors point. j'>ne of the is States minister to Argentina, has which our entrance into those markets an roast. children. Sixteen dollars enjoyed oyster j* powerful teacher in small, economical an of the stand /^/^IA-HEr1,| investigation completedwill disclose to our merchants, and ' deas. Russian Jews are taking in J. F. Buckingham has arranged a trip young thus will Russia grain as much from us creek to try his new! Hut. like Kvc, Mrs. f»rady was tempt- to the war. which goes as we from her. If these successive to Aquia tonight 'id. present regard rod tomorrow. His new casting rod is Once, long ago. she had had just to show, he says, that as a race the steps he taken, as seems probable and is consider- J*uoh a hat. Her eyes grew a bit wist- to a one-piece hamboo. I as as well as their of the ad\-antage all because nine feet and he 'ul she remembered. So many strait- young Russian Jews, the ably more than long, ' then will both Russia concerned.and be able to land a string >ned years lay between that hat and older co-religlonists and eompatriota. United States owe a great debt to the expects be will i:his! of bass and rock fish tomorrow. arc loyally and valiantly supporting: splendid patriotism of the Russian She hurried homo, carrying the hat! Jews this crisis of their Two weeks ago the veteran angler ' the cause of Russia. in great hasp at Seneca. The ;>ox. On the way her sense of guilt; patriotism which will nation.a caught five fol-j ?rew. and she * Mr. Sherrill has prepared a statement he tried his luck at hoped, very fearfully, have effected a bettor indirectly loving Sunday hat Anna, her sister-in-law. who lived on a great and -aught nine big- \ the subject, outlining- change between two great nations having Chickamuxen 1 n the fiat above lier. wouldn't run czar's understanding mouth bass and a pike. in public opinion in the realms, so many reasons for a warm measured thirty inches 'low 11 that evening. Anna had the -which he believes indicates a new era "And the pike 1 snack of saying and friendship." in length," he said. unpleasant things, for the czar's Jewish subjects, and latest ef- :she found plenty of opportunity for Buckingham's piscatorial 4 that knack. which, at the same time, he thinks, will at the black buoy, off the employing Little Mrs. fort was with ( Irady could see the have a beneficial effect on America. of Potomac Park. He fished disapproving, point and the pair caught scornful look that would flash to An- Mr. Siterrill's statement is, in part, as Mack Sparrougli, ua's face when that youthful hat was 1 Iffle ftorip* a string of rockflsh. j Drought forth. And Anna was the kind follows. fc* MV A.M.'SJJJ "When the war broke out a young that insisted upon knowing what was in each She a habit of Russian Jew. the youngest of three package. had INDIAN TROOPS BLOW UP jfitting at her front window, so that it brothers, found himself in London, cut was seldom little Mrs. <irady could get off from all chance of returning home parcel home without being seen by Bedtime GERMANS' AMMUNITION her. Anna's a by ilie shortest route, which was, of husband got $22 week. The only (Only those who have lived upon course, through (iermany. .i< know the monstrous purchasingsixteen way to join the Russian hussar Gurkhas' Daring Causes some 01 power of those extra six dollars. Anna of which lie was a junior officer And OH. DO VOL* KKMKMBKItr CRIED regiment to Move iould afford $3.50 easily. she often was the long, roundabout route via Coast Batteries lid. Besides. Anna had only two chil- HIS WIFE.
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